MMM — Use Twitter “Backflow” Channels To Market Your Web Business - Online and Info Product Marketing

MMM — Use Twitter “Backflow” Channels To Market Your Web Business

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Marlon here.

Continue the conversation about today's issue on Twitter at: #mmmbackchannel

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Today I have good scoop for you if you run any kind of web business or plan on starting one, such as:

*  Software products
* Web-based services
*  Physical products
*  Membership sites
*  Coaching programss
*  Amazon products
*  Affiliate products

This will work for all of 'em and more.  I can't think of any web business it won't work for.

What your web business marketing is like WITHOUT social backchannels:

*  Don't have word of mouth spreading virally for free to friends of your customers

*  Don't get free market research by visually seeing the conversations going on in the minds of your prospects, customers, affiliates, influencers and promoters

*  Don't engage people through social channels


*  Visually see the conversations going on in the hearts and minds of buyers and prospective buyers, so you can know what creates value for them and be able to deliver it.

*  Discover any negativity or noise in your market and be able to stem it, fix it or solve it.

*  Provide a no-brainer way for your customers and prospects to spread word about the valuable content you have

*  You MAGNIFY and increase the results you get from ANY piece of content you put out by engaging people in conversations.  When you think about it, these conversations are actually ADDITIONAL content that is created without your personal and direct involvement or time investment.  As long as you control any negative noise or feedback in an appropriate way, this can work to your favor.

All that and more is in store for you today…

[sociallocker id=”4833″] [/sociallocker]

Before I get to that, I have a tip for you.

If you juice, peel the oranges…I don't usually juice oranges in the morning…it's normally apples and a lemon. But today I juiced 5 oranges with skin.  I feel like I'm lost in space!  And there's a big photography expo in San Antonio I'm planning on visiting today!  Whew.

Elsewhere, I spoke at Internet Marketing Party in Austin on Thursday and had a great time.  Got to meet and greet many friends and web-based marketers.  My friend Henry was there. He's a partner in 6-pack shortcuts.  They're moving OUT OF their 7,000 sq. foot office space into bigger digs.  He owns several other businesses and is young…so young that hanging out with him made me miss my 10 p.m. bedtime…lol.

David Gonzalez runs Internet Marketing Party and is a class act.  At the event, I presented a concept called “the lock” no one had heard before.  It's a vastly superior concept to the “USP.”

This is the last day that this page will be up.  Grab this before it goes down.

How to Market Your Web Business Using
Twitter Backflow Channels

The concept is that the backchannel is the stream of conversations behind the scenes on social media.  It could be Facebook, Linked In groups, Twitter or others.

To TEST THIS OUT, today we're going to use the Twitter Hash Tag #mmmbackchannel or tweet @marlonsanders

This is an EXPERIMENT with  this issue.  Normally, my things during the week get more likes / shares, etc.  So whether or not you as my reader participate in the experiment today, I want you to know that overall in my business I will see an impact from backchannels and I believe you will also.  Having said that, I see Pete, Shlomo, Will, Steven, Roy and John have already tweeted for us….thanks guys!

First a few of the basics about what Twitter hashtags are.  This is directly from Twitter:

Definition: The # symbol, called a hashtag, is used to mark keywords or topics in a Tweet. It was created organically by Twitter users as a way to categorize messages.

Using hashtags to categorize Tweets by keyword:

  • People use the hashtag symbol # before a relevant keyword or phrase (no spaces) in their Tweet to categorize those Tweets and help them show more easily in Twitter Search.
  • Clicking on a hashtagged word in any message shows you all other Tweets marked with that keyword.
  • Hashtags can occur anywhere in the Tweet – at the beginning, middle, or end.
  • Hashtagged words that become very popular are often Trending Topics.

Example: In the Tweet below, @eddie included the hashtag #FF. Users created this as shorthand for “Follow Friday,” a weekly tradition where users recommend people that others should follow on Twitter. You'll see this on Fridays.

Using hashtags correctly:

  • If you Tweet with a hashtag on a public account, anyone who does a search for that hashtag may find your Tweet
  • Don't #spam #with #hashtags. Don't over-tag a single Tweet. (Best practices recommend using no more than 2 hashtags per Tweet.)
  • Use hashtags only on Tweets relevant to the topic

A few facts courtesy of Adweek:

  1. Brief copy is popular. The average caption is 138 characters long, but Simply Measured found no significant correlation between text length and engagement rate.
  2. Using @mentions helps big time. On average, posts that entail another user's handle or @mention in the caption get 56 percent more engagement. But only 36 percent of brand posts involve at least one @mention.
  3. #brandposts don't go overboard. Eighty-eight percent of posts studied included at least a single hashtag. Yet hashtags are usually few: 91 percent of posts have seven or less.
  4. Though, hashtags provide a boost. Posts with at least a single hashtag average 12.6 percent more engagement.

The cool thing about hash tags is you can just CLICK on one in Twitter and access the other tweets surrounding that topic.  Therefore, if you can:

1.  Go to Twitter and search:  #mmmbackchannel you can see if anyone has posted to Twitter using this hash tag.

If anyone has tweeted using that hash tag, you'll see the tweets.  Now, I don't expect a lot of tweets.  For whatever reason while I have a pretty substantial readership every week for Marlon's Marketing Minute, most people don't participate. They are passive readers.

That's OK.  We all have our lives to live on Saturday, things to do, places to go, people to see.  But I DO see real value in creating and enabling CONVERSATIONS concerning content that is put out.

2.  Instead of using the hash tag, you can also just tweet @marlonsanders

But then the comment won't appear under the hash tag search unless you reference it.

Can You Marketing Your Web Business This Way?

The web has become a highly social environment.  Actually, it always was.  In the early days, it was via web rings and newsgroups.  Now, it's social platforms owned and controlled by companies.  I personally find that less appealing in some ways.

But you know what?  The only constant is change.   You change and adapt or you die.

Simple as that.

My dad is too many years old. And the one thing he hates more than anything is just change.  But change goes on whether he wants it to or not.

Assuming then you adopt this new social environment, you might as well jump on board the social backchannels available to you.


1.  Watch any joint venture product launch leaderboards in your industry and follow the affiliates who are on those leaderboards.  You can follow them on twitter and Facebook.

In this case, you're following their conversations and backchannels.  You want to know who they promote and why.  Any problems they complain about.  Any way you can add value to them.

2.  Create hashtags and social backchannels for your CONTENT.

What this does is allows people to converse and engage concerning your content.  In essence, they are creating additional content surrounding your content.

In some niches this will work better than others, although I see applicability in all niches.

3.  Gain a leg up on competitors who don't understand or use backchannels

While they're a simple concept, most people don't understand how to use them to market their web business.

But now that you've read this, you're at lease AWARE.  I haven't given you an a to z training, although I would if there were demand for it and people clamored for it.


I've found that awareness alone is extremely powerful.

Do you realize that just by investing 5 minutes today to read this Marlon's Marketing Minute, you now understand something others don't.

You can fire up TweetDeck or your favorite Twitter tool.  You can click hashtags and start following social conversations.

You can create and engage your own audience in social conversations.

If you don't have an audience yet, you can participate in social conversations of others and start creating an audience via the clever and efficient creation and promotion of content, which is essentially free marketing.

Then you can leverage off your newly found backchannel success to launch a product on JVZoo, Warriors, Clickbank or via your own affiliate software.

Best wishes,
Marlon Sanders


1.  Get my big picture formula for building any web business via online marketing

90% of Amazing Formula is evergreen.  10% of it needs to be updated because there are a few bad urls and so forth.  But the list of accolades for Amazing Formula is a mile long.  It's still one of the best ways to cut your teeth on starting and growing a web business.

*  Without the big picture, you take random actions and aren't sure where you are headed or why
*  Without the big picture, you'll always feel like a piece of the puzzle is missing
*  Without the big picture, you'll buy things you don't need that have no place in your puzzle

*  With the big picture, you have a clear plan for where you are going
*  You know what all the essential ingredients are
*  You have a better understanding of where you are going and why

Many people have publicly and privately said that Amazing Formula had a significant impact on their understanding of Internet marketing and their career.

The Amazing Formula works and applies to ANY web business.

2.  Get my action plan for Amazing Formula for those interested in the creating and selling info products specifically

I created an action plan to implement the Amazing Formula for info product marketers and  sellers.  It is called Gimme My Money Now and covers targeting your market, doing a 12-product survey, writing your sales letter before you create the product, creating a fast audio product to see if it will sell, testing and rolling out with an affiliate program. The only thing that has really changed substantially is that now it's easier to roll out the affiliate program on JV Zoo IF you are in the Internet marketing space.  In other niches, look at using Clickbank or your own affiliate software.

3.   Steal the best marketing secrets I've collected over the years

I have assembled my primo collection of marketing ideas and secrets into a book called Book of Secrets.  If you want to jump start your brain with fascinating ideas and concepts from the best of the best I've collected over the years, this would be it.  Most of these apply to any web business, and even brick-and-mortar offline businesses.

4.  In depth training of the info product business

I recently created the Fail Safe System that is specifically for those wanting more step-by-step reasonably in-depth training on the info product business.  It's my best product to date specifically on that topic and contains proprietary info you won't find elsewhere.  It's not cheap but not expensive compared to the value of just selling a few info products.

5.  How to become successful as an affiliate marketer

This is an expensive but detailed ebook I created for those interested in becoming successful as affiliate marketers. — The idea is you can win SWAG (gifts and prizes) as a succesful affiliate.

6.  Live the dream life of a writer making a living on the web

I created Writer's Secret to help you write and sell products successfully online.  This is near and dear to my heart since I started out as a copywriter.

7.  Get a giant bundle of my products at a discount





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