How I Went From a Beaten Up, Broken Down, Smoke Bomb Car and 1:30 Second Microwave Corn Dogs To World Travel & The Internet Lifestyle - Online and Info Product Marketing

How I Went From a Beaten Up, Broken Down, Smoke Bomb Car and 1:30 Second Microwave Corn Dogs To World Travel & The Internet Lifestyle


Marlon here.

This week's Marlon's Marketing Minute article:

How I Went From a Beaten Up, Broken Down, Smoke Bomb Car and 1:30 Second Microwave Corn Dogs To World Travel & The Internet Lifestyle

Subtitle:  My Story


— The moment of my big breakthrough
— How I stumbled across the secrets that work
— My date with a model in a smoking bomb car
— The price I paid for success
— $5,000 check shows up while I'm on vacation
— Why success happens 20X faster today
— Why some succeed while others don't
— If you're chasing dead ends, read this
— All about my early failures
— Success comes rapidly after this
— The year I made $7500

This is my personal story.

If you want to create Internet marketing systems that make sales, put money in your bank account, pay your bills and give you the Internet marketing lifestyle — whether you believe in it or not, think you can do it or not.

Feel free to take this PDF and stick it on your web site, blog, Facebook blog, Myspace blog, Hub Page, Squidoo lens, or Google Pages.

Put it up and announce it on Facebook, Twitter, your blog, email, or whatever else you have.

This IS an article people will want to read.  You WILL make sales from the link in the resource box.

If you don't have a reseller ID, just go to: and sign up.  It only takes 2 minutes.

There are 4 ADS at the end of this ezine.  You can replace all THOSE with reseller links if you want.

Marlon Sanders

P.S. After you read today's article, please pass it along on your blog, email or just to a few close friends.

Then hit me back on my blog.

I personally comment back. Let me hear from YOU!

PPS:  Other marketers ONLY send you good content during their product launch.  I'm with you every week, motivating, inspiring, educating.  Where are THEY when a product launch isn't going down?

I'm here every week delivering rock solid content based on years of experience.  If you like what you get here, and want more of it, please pass the word along on forums, blogs and so forth… that THIS is the ezine to come to for real world marketing help.

Marlon's Marketing Minute Electronic Newsletter
Vol. 4, #27, August 1, 2009

This issue contains:

A. Sponsor Advertisement:  Save $1733.33 on my products

B. Announcements from Marlon (Important)

C. Main Article: My Personal Story

D. Services You Can Use

Brought to you by: Marlon Sanders – Publisher


A. Sponsor Advertisement

SAVE $1733.33 on a bundle of my products.  This is my famed Cash Like Clockwork System….

Everything you need is in it and even things you didn't know you needed.

These savings may not last long.


B. Announcements from Marlon

==> The DASHBOARD winners:

J. Anne and Ricky.  It's a tie so they both snag a Dashboard of their choice.  I may even award one or two more.

==> Do NOT email us for customer support

Do NOT email us for customer support. We are anxious to serve you at:

We have LIVE CHAT to serve you better.  Most people in this business skimp on this.  I don't. Tim is an award winning customer service person.

==> New forum for AFFILIATES —

We're just beginning so there aren't any posts yet.  But feel free to break the ice.

==> Give Away “The Best Of Marlon Sanders” to your friends or list and snag spending cash and prizes!

I've just released “The Best Of Marlon Sanders”

Give it away to your friends or list and snag affiliate commissions as well as prizes.

==>  Download your FREEBIE ebook now.

“The Best of Marlon Sanders”

There is a squeeze page.  The idea is for you to enter the email address you actually READ! I'll send out a version later where you can bypass the squeeze if it bugs you.

C. Main Article

How I Went From a Beaten Up, Broken Down, Smoke Bomb Car and 1:30 Second Microwave Corn Dogs To World Travel & The Internet Lifestyle

Subtitle:  My Story

If you're struggling to make ends meet, or you're new to the game of Internet marketing, or things are going good but you want them to go better, then my story might be of value to you.

In fact, I'm almost sure it will.

Things are good now. My affiliate list has 30,000 folks on it. But when I started it had none.

I've spoken all over the world in Kaui, Gold Coast Australia, Wembely arena in London where rock stars perform, Bermuda, and all over the U.S. from Seattle, San Francisco, San Diego, LA, to Houston, Dallas, St. Louis, Chicago, Nashville, Philadelphia, Miami, New York, Boston, Raleigh, and other cities.

I've been selling $20,000, $30,000, $40,000 and $50,000 a month for longer than I can remember, which would 1998 — and before.

Unlike Johnny-Come-Lately's, my formula has stood the test of time.

But when I first started, my hands shook so much, I could barely put the transparencies on the projector I used at the time.

Fact is, I remember when I first read that ad in a magazine. It was about some dude in Ohio who had a method of escaping the rat race by assembling “systems.” So I sent in my dough and waited.

That ugly blue book turned me onto a whole new world called “direct response marketing.” And what the old-timers called “mail order.”

I started buying everything I could afford. I just had to know more about this thing where you'd sell products for a living instead of selling your own time. That sounded like a good thing to me.

I bought all kinds of junk. And I do mean junk. Some of it was really useless. But I knew I was digging through the coal to find the diamonds. And if you don't go through the coal, you never find the diamonds.

Schemes, plans, ideas, systems, reports, books. I had 'em all. One thing I learned from all that was the difference between a good information product and a bad one.

I didn't tell anyone what I was doing. But I kept doing it and being persistent. I didn't quit like a lot of people do because I had this desire and visions.

You didn't have the Internet when I first started learning to do this stuff. The game was you'd run these little ads in ad sheets or magazines offering a report. People would write in and then you'd send them your sales letter.

Nowadays, you can do that in 30 minutes using Google Adwords. Back then, I'd run my little ad and wait 2 or 3 months for it to come out. I'd spend all the change I had trying to print up and mail stuff.

A few orders would come back but never enough to even pay for the printing! The learning curve back then creeped along like a turtle. Nowadays, you can learn what I did in years of effort in 6 months if you make the decision to do it.

I chased a lot of dead ends and had a lot of things that didn't work out. If you've ever ran ads or tried “methods” or “formulas” that didn't work for you, then maybe you can related to the disappointment and frustration I felt. The only difference between me and those who never got anywhere is I didn't give up.

I just KNEW I could do it.

Those times tested my patience. And pocketbook. I remember when I worked as a freelance writer in the daytime and did telemarketing, timeshare sales and other stuff at night trying to make ends meet while I learned the business.

Back then, you didn't have all the great information products to cut your learning curve like you have today. You know, I had maybe 4 or 5 good books to learn from. That was about it.

So it was all trial-and-error learning. And I think going through all that pain is what motivated me later on to lend a helping hand to others who felt some of the same things I did.

My Buick car had engine problems. I'd look back behind as I drove to see if smoke came out the tailpipe or not. I never knew for sure.

Not until one day somehow I got a date with a model. A real one. How, I don't know because I was really tall and thinner than an ironing board. I had to put skis on so I didn't get washed down the shower drain.

Anyway, we went to this nice place where they had valet parking. When I got out the valet guys were literally laughing at the smoke bellowing out my tail pipe.

But then….

The rider's side door opened. And this 6 foot tall model with beautiful hair got out. They didn't laugh anymore.

I doubt I tipped valet because I couldn't afford to spit in those days. I remember making $7,500 one year and eating minute thirty second microwave corn dogs and living off the $1.97 burger, fries, coke drive through on Greenville Avenue in Dallas, Texas.

Later, I'd make $7500 in a day — and more. But not back then…

It wasn't all bad. I had a female friend named Kelli. We'd swing by late night at the Taco Cabana and get nachos.
That was all either of us could afford.

Out of desperation, I took this job working deep nights. I'd go to work at 11 p.m. and get off at 7:30 in the morning. I did that for 3 years. I think I lost half my hair then due to the stress of the job.

I got really sick at that job and developed asthma. I paid a price to get where I am today….

I made enough money I could fork over $5,000 for advanced marketing training.

And when I mixed that in with all the other stuff I'd been reading, studying and learning about — a BREAKTHROUGH happened.

I call it stumbling across “The Amazing Formula That Sells Products Like Crazy.”

Something just clicked in my head. I can't explain it. All of a sudden I got it. That was after YEARS of NOT getting it. YEARS of running ads that didn't work or mucking around with things.

I mean, I once put 30,000 miles on my car in 6 months trying to sell insurance and only sold 1 homeowners policy on a wood frame house my company didn't want to insure.

So if you're not great at sales or something, I understand. Boy, do I understand.

What I found at, though, is that if you keep at it, sooner or later something clicks. Or it did for me.

I started getting paid to write letters for clients. I won't go through the whole story here. But things started turning around. At first, slowly….

Then….like a GUSHER.

When you “get it” and success happens, it can happen really, really quickly. Success is when preparedness meets opportunity.

Like one time I took a vacation to Hong Kong and Thailand, came home and I had a $5,000 consulting check waiting for me. And I hadn't even asked for it. The guy just sent it.

I got paid $7500 to $10,000+ to write sales letters for clients.

I got invited to teach my sales formula at seminars.

When success happens, it happens quickly. If you've done all your groundwork and preparation. But a lot of people get impatient. They want it all today without paying the price of preparation and learning the basics.

I understand that.

The good news is can happen 10X or 20X faster today than it happened for me.

I felt like an evangelist on the mission. I'd been at the bottom of the barrel and below in marketing. And I knew what it was like to be there. And what it was like to be at the top.

I had a MISSION to teach people the secrets that work. The things that REALLY make the difference. And to cut through the noise, eliminate 50% to 80% of the learning curve — and get people on the path to success as quickly as possible.

I boiled the sales process online down into a 12-step formula. I taught it at over 120 seminars where people paid $3,000 to be there. Later, my “Push Button Letters” software codified that formula into a fill-in-the-blanks” process.

All of that culminated when I penned my smash hit “The Amazing Formula That Sells Products Like Crazy.”

It has hundreds of testimonials from around the world. I followed it up with the action plan to implement it called “Gimme My Money Now.”

And then there's a whole string of step-by-step Dashboards, which is what inspired my title as the King of Step-By-Step Online Marketing training.

But I'm going to confess something here.

I'd bank a lot more dough if I wanted to work crazy hours, weeks or months like some other famous Internet marketers do.

My goal always was lifestyle. I'd rather live a comfortable life on a 1 hour workday than be live ultra high on the hog on a 12-hour workday.

I don't drive the fanciest car, live in the biggest home, or sport the most exotic watch. But I could if I wanted.

Then again, my workday consists of hanging out at Starbucks, mucking around a little on my laptop and calling it good.

I don't speak at as many seminars as I used to. After you've done 120 around the world, it isn't exactly new. And the seminar Game has evolved into how much of your products you can sell in your 90-minute speech. It's really just not my cup of tea.

Some of my customers have asked how come I don't do the massive product launches like some do. As though doing that somehow makes you more credible.

The answer is you have to work longer, harder and more intensely than I care to in order to pull off one of those launches. It's not my thing. Maybe I'll do it someday. But I doubt it. My thing is now and always has been creating consistent, steady systems that underwrite my lifestyle, my dreams and my future for myself and those I care about.

So this is my story.

If you'd enjoy making your living on your laptop at Starbucks or wherever it is you like to go, and you realize that the work is upfront learning things but once you “get it” you have the greatest lifestyle in the world, then I recommend this business.

Truth be told, 80% or 90% of the people who buy products in this industry probably don't make that much.

Why? Most try a thing or two, it doesn't pan out and they go onto other things.

Nothing wrong with that. I'm here and I exist for those who are truth seekers. Those like me who won't take no for an answer. Those who realize you gotta dig through coal to find the diamonds.

My mission is to help the 10 percenters who really have the desire to get behind the curtains and see how the magic really happens.

My mission is to share the true gospel of Internet marketing without the hype or fluff.

My mission is to help the guy or gal who has some of the same pain that I felt and help them get beyond that to a new world of understanding and a new lifestyle.

I'm NOT here for the guy or gal who wants to buy one or two products and all of a sudden be hauling down 6 figures.

That isn't reality. And it isn't how the game is played.

I'm here to help the person who understands this is a business. And all business involves risk of gain or loss. You may or may not make it.

There are no guarantees in business or life.

I can't guarantee you'll wake up in the morning.

But I can guarantee to share the secrets that led me to go from a beaten up, broken down smoke bomb car and a diet of minute thirty second corn dogs to a wonderful lifestyle, world travel and a business I can run on my laptop in 30 minutes or an hour a day at Starbucks (most days).

Marlon Sanders is the author of “The Amazing Formula That Sells Products Like Crazy and the KING of Step-By-Step Internet Marketing.”

To get on his killer ezine list, to get cheat sheets and all kinds of other goodies every Saturday and during the week, to get simple, to-the-point Internet marketing know that works real world without all the hype, go to: and subscribe.

Check out all my products here:

(SIGN UP AS A RESELLER, put YOUR reseller URL and ID where the above link is, post this on your web site and make some dough for spreading a killer guide everyone will want to read.)


REPRINT RIGHTS: You have permission to use the above article without omission and including the resource box. You have the right to insert your reseller URL for any products I mention


D. Services You Can Use

(If you want to post this ENTIRE ezine, you can replace the following links with your RESELLER links)

1. It's the only step-by-step, A to Z system not JUST for  creating info products …. but that shows you HOW to select product ideas using my “flanking move” I've built my business on, HOW to do 12-product surveys with an actual example, that gives you a tested, proven email & source witha  30% success rate in getting interviews with experts — PLUS, templates that would cost your more than the Dashboard to have custom created!

2. The Marketing Dashboard: Amazing Formula and Gimme boiled down to icons and step-by-step. Doesn't replace AF and Gimme but useful. Basically, it spoon feeds all the things in AF and Gimme.

3. The Marketing Diary: Me teaching Matt daily all the details of the Amazing Formula and Gimme system. This contains additional insights into The Amazing Formula and Gimme that you won't find in those products. It's literally what I taught to Matt in his first 90 days with me.

4. After 8 years, thousands of customer emails, thousands of buyers in virtually every major city in the world (and many you haven't heard of), 13 web site designs, 4 product designs, after ebook and CD versions, after endorsements from major marketers the world over, after hundreds of marketers and products have come and gone, after attacks by the world's most notorious criminals, after attempts to put it under, there is ONE product that remains and stands tall. There is one product that is stable.

5. Are You Paying Over $10.00 For Hosting?  If you are, you may be getting ripped off.  Design Dashboard shows you not only the basics of doing your own design but really walks you step by step through setting up your hosting, autoresponders and shopping cart.


Grab the brilliant video by Adeel Chowdhry on how to mash together stock video, stock sounds and stock music to create an attention-grabbing, compelling video you can put on your sales page, Facebook, Squidoo lenses, Hub Pages, or even Twitter out to your list.

E. Get the Evergreen Traffic System

Most All Her Domains Got Shut Down, She Can't Get Out Of Bed Some  Days,  Her Hands Swell Up Like Balloons, Her Podcast and Video Hosting Got Shut Down — And She STILL Snagged 3,579 Average Visits Per Day In April 2008!

Evergreen Traffic System is now sold and serviced directly by Tinu


Copyright 2015 Higher Response Marketing Inc.
All rights reserved.
