Marlon Sanders Customer Support — How To Get Support From Us - Online and Info Product Marketing

Marlon Sanders Customer Support — How To Get Support From Us


Marlon here.

If you need customer support from us whether it's a lost password, refund, question on your affiliate commissions or a sales question on a product, go to:

The main thing is use the support desk!  Emails get lost, so please use the support desk.

Best wishes,

Marlon Sanders

  • Diane Anderson says:

    Hi Tim: I'm so sorry to keep sending you emails. I seem to be repeatedly confused and unable to login to getyourproducts to get the products of Marlon's I've purchased … cpanel; marketing dashboard; and push button target marketing.

    This morning I tried to login using what appeared to be an old password which I requested a change for. Then, I got two more emails with my password in them.

    I also use another email address (business) [email protected]. However my paypal account is connected to the [email protected]. Perhaps this is stupid of me. Can you help me get straight?

    Diane Anderson

    [email protected]

    [email protected]

    Old password: sg0655anderson

    New password: sg0655marlon

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