12 New Innovations for 2008. Good Stuff! - Online and Info Product Marketing

12 New Innovations for 2008. Good Stuff!




Today's issue is super packed with new info:

“The State of Internet Marketing 2008 — 12 New Innovations
You Should Know About and How They Fit Into The Basic Formula
For Selling Products Online”

If you're a newbie, some of this might go over your head.
But still, you'll find some powerful nuggets.

If you're a more advanced marketer, I'm certain you'll get turned
onto some new resources.

PLEASE post this on your blog or send it to your list or pass it
on to a few friends.  Help spread the word.

If you're at Yanik's next weekend, it should be a blast.
I'll also be at the upcoming Warriors event in Austin in

I have a cold and this is a LONG article.  So if I didn't proof
read it well, I apologize.  I'm about zapped just writing it.

Listen, if YOU have any unresolved customer service issue
of ANY type, post it to our support desk:



Marlon's Marketing Minute
Vol. 3, #10, March 22, 2008

This issue contains:

A. Sponsor Advertisement:  How to find target markets based
on buyers, not searchers

B. Announcements from Marlon (Important)

C. Main Article: C. The State of Internet Marketing 2008 —
New Innovations You Should Know About and How They Fit Into
The Basic Formula For Selling Products Online

D. Services You Can Use

Brought to you by: Marlon Sanders – Publisher



Discover How To Find Your Target Market Based On
Actual BUYERS, Not On Searchers

Until now, the way everyone chooses target markets is based
on searchers, what people search for in the search engines.

But searchers are NOT necessarily buyers.  Find out how
to push a button and get the BUYERS:



One: Do You Have Unresolved Customer Support Issues?

If you have a customer support issue of ANY type, whether it
may be a question on affiliate commissions, product not
received, problem logging in or just something you're confused
about, here is how to get help:

a. If you haven't posted to the support desk, go to:

If your issue is STILL unresolved, call 210-561-1829

Two: If you like the following article PLEASE post it on your BLOG
or link to it on my BLOG at https://www.marlonsnews.com

Three:  I'll be at Yanik's seminar next week. Good times to be
had by all. I'll also be speaking in April at the Warriors
conference.  I'll be sending out an email on it.

C. The State of Internet Marketing 2008 — 12 New Innovations
You Should Know About and How They Fit Into The Basic Formula
For Selling Products Online
By Marlon Sanders

When you're just starting your online business, here is the
one key to your success:

You must develop a way to get visitors to your web site
on a continual basis and get those visitors to join your

Giant product launches are certainly a great way to build
a list fast.  But the business model I personally like is
one that is more systems base.

I like things that run like clockwork.

Every day traffic comes to your site.  Every day some people
buy and get on your list while others just opt in and get
on your list.

Internet marketing isn't some big, incomprehensible plan.
It's simple at core —

1.  You get eyeballs to your web site.
2.  You get 'em to join your list.
3.  Then send 'em content they'll wanna read or watch.
4.  And mix in product offers that make you money.

Originally, I was an advocate of just emailing offers to your
list without sending an ezine or communications of value.

To me, the tide has shifted.  And you need to send emails
to your list that contain value.

The innovations you're seeing center around new, different,
better, easier or cheaper ways to do the above:

1.  I just bought a little ebook written by someone who is
getting visitors to their site from Adbrite.com for a nickel
each vs. much more expensive clicks on Google.

Adbrite is an advertising service you might wanna test vs.
Google pay-per-click.  Google ad costs keep going up and the
rules keep getting stricter.  So I think you're going to see
advertisers looking for easier and cheaper ways to get clicks.

That said, if you have the back end to support it, there's
nothing stopping you from buying massive clicks on Google and
getting 30,000 opt ins in the next 12 months.

Of course, Jeff Walker would likely argue you could do the same
thing in a few weeks with a good product launch and it wouldn't
cost you anything.  And, assuming you could pull it off, he
would have a point.

Still, there's something appealing about getting your ads running
so you know that each week you'll get X visitors, Y opt-ins and
Z sales like clockwork.

I see a LOT of opportunity in advertising alternatives to Google.
Google keeps making the rules tighter, MSN still isn't as user
friendly as you'd like.  With all of MSN's money, you'd think they
could create an interface that isn't clunky.

So I think smaller marketers are just BEGGING for someone who
understands them and their needs to come out with a way for them
to advertise.

2.  Another ebook I bought in the last few weeks is written
by someone who gets clicks from Zango.com, Whenu.com and other
popup services.

I'm not big on some of the methods these sites use for reasons
that are more complex than I have space to debate here.  But I think
as clicks on Google get more and more expensive, and the rules for
use get harder to comply with, small info product sellers will
take a second look at alternatives like these.

One thing I CAN tell you is that roi reports I hear on these
services is off the charts. People are getting 12X returns on their
ad spends.  Compare THAT to Google!

3.  Another ebook I bought was by someone who uses social
bookmarking to get free traffic.  So they get 9 or 10 Diggs,
Delicious bookmarks and so forth.

They've found that there is a certain mass of social bookmarks
you need to get traffic.  The clicks are free, so it's something
to look at.

The single best report I've seen on the topic  by far is by

That's NOT an affiliate anything.  I just thought it was a good

4.  Many people continue to innovate with different methods of
article marketing.

My concern on this is that the low quality of articles and the
mass flooding of Google with questionable content will go the
way of Traffic Equalizer sites.

Still, people are getting very creative with ways to outsource
article writing and submission techniques.  My friend Kirt
Christensen is a master at this. So is John Jonas.

5.  A lot of marketers are hiring people in countries like the
Philippines to do repetitious activities that generate traffic.
Whether it's social bookmarking or article marketing, I'm seeing
a big trend in this direction.

6.  In terms of squeeze pages for list building, the breakthroughs
I'm seeing are in how variables are passed through to the
autoresponder service, so that emails can be more personalized.

Your ability to segment lists and communicate on a customized
basis with your customers is STILL very limited.

Autoresponders still have almost no ability to perform decision
tree actions.  So that if the customer opens X email, you then
follow up with Y sequence and then in Y sequence if they open
email #3, you drop them into sequence Q.

7.  Innovations in terms of content delivered to customers via
email to obtain readership are mostly centered around video.

With the new improvements to Camtasia, including the ability to
more easily zoom in and out during the presentation, you're
seeing more video.

8.  Lead generation on You Tube and Slideshare.com

I've seen information by marketers who claim to be getting great
traffic and opt ins by uploading videos to You Tube.  I wonder
what percent of the You Tube generation are buyers? But as
You Tube becomes mainstream, I'd think the percent would increase.

It certainly doesn't take long to create a 10-slide Power Point,
drop in some audio and music, convert and upload to You Tube.

I've even heard of some people outsourcing the whole process.
There's another site called Slideshare some are using because it's
a PR7 and gets good backlinks to Google.

9.  Web 2.0 is about having a 2-way communication with customers
via interactive web sites. This isn't the giant breakthrough
it's heralded as in that it isn't easily scalable.

It's not going to drive massive Internet growth. Creating interactive
sites is expensive and not easy.  I see it more as a way that
big players are using to create a barrier to entry vs. smaller

In other words, web 2.0 is NOT about scalability.  It's the reverse.
It's a squeeze play by larger businesses to try to get a barrier
to entry vs. smaller businesses.

10.  People are using Web 2.0 properties like Squidoo, Hub Pages,
Propeller and others to create small sites that provide backlinks
to their main sites in order to grab those organic seo rankings.

If this is new to you, check out:

The term “backlinks” just means links to a site you're trying to
get ranked in the left side (the non-paid organic side) of Google.

11.  USFREEADS.com continues to be a source of backlinks that
gets a little juice with Google.  The game is to take your web
site. Then create a little ad on usfreeads and link to your site.

Then build a Squidoo page, Propeller, Hub Page and other Web 2.0
sites and link to the samme.  Or link them all to each other.

Then write articles and submit them to article directories.

Whew!  It's a LOT of work to grab rankings that'll probably get
zapped by Google in the next SLAP anyway.

Still, the best, brightest, and most nimble marketers figure out
ways to make all the above work.  And if Google changes the rules,
they just adapt quickly.

Those who are the most ambitious outsource the whole entire process
to India, the Philippines or wherever.

12.  Since Web 2.0 is about people having 2 way communication with
businesses, Web 3.0 will be about machines having communication
with machines on a 2-way basis.

That's just crazy.  I have no idea what it means. But I'm equally
as certain it'll happen.

As you can see, your eyes can quickly glaze over with all the options.
That's why I'm an advocate of FIRST doing the basics really, really

The basics are still the same.

a.  You get visitors.
b.  You build your list.
c.  You send content to keep readership high
d.  You send periodic offers to make money

For the small business or info product publisher, my recommendations
are the same:

Get visitors using an affiliate program, pay-per-click, banner ads,
viral and article marketing.

Give 'em good reasons to join your list.

Send out content.

Mix in offers.

As you have time, money and energy, experiment with the new methods
that come down the pike monthly.

Marlon Sanders

Marlon Sanders is the author of “The Info Product Dashboard.”
If you want to create your own info products, go to:


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D. “Services You Can Use”


PUT UP YOUR WEB SITE? Discover how easy and simple it can
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