5 Things You Can Do To Get 7x More Leads By Blogging Starting Today - Online and Info Product Marketing

5 Things You Can Do To Get 7x More Leads By Blogging Starting Today

According to a study by Hubspot:

Businesses with 31 to 40 landing pages get 7X more leads than those with only 1 to 5

If you want to get more leads for your business, here are 5 things you can do to sell more starting today.

THING 1. If you want people to opt into your list daily via your lead magnet, then PROMOTE your lead magnet daily.

If you want them to opt in weekly then promote it weekly.

How? Instagram and FB stories and reels are no brainers.

THING 2: Have MORE than one lead magnet and email capture page

This sounds easy. But I'll be darned if setting up a lead magnet isn't a bit of a pain. The good news is once you do it 10 times it gets easier.

It's no secret that that reason Tanya Aliza has gotten 200,000 subs from her lead magnet she has 200 lead magnets with 1,000 opt ins each more or less.

There are creative ways to generate leads. Promote your lead magnet in Insta stories and reels. Make posts on your FB newsfeed. Getting leads from Facebook is a real thing. I've already gotten 19 in the past 24 hours.

Do something every day to promote your lead magnets.

How to get sales leads for free

Hubspot did research and found out the the number of opt ins you get is highly correlated to the number and quality of email capture pages you have.

Here's the quote:

“According to HubSpot, companies that excel at lead nurturing achieve 50% more sales-ready leads at a 33% lower cost.

Businesses with 31 to 40 landing pages get 7X more leads than those with only 1 to 5.

BoFu (Bottom of Funnel) is the sweet desert. Companies that focus on developing effective BoFu strategies, such as effective lead scoring systems combined with revenue performance management, found on average:

Close rates increased by 30%

Company revenue increased by 18%

Revenue per deal increased 17%

In addition, Hubspot says that 3 things will increase the response to your calls to action:

a. Prices

b. Numbered lists

c. Statistics

I'm not sure about prices. But b and c are GOLD and under-used.

THING 3: Grade your CTA's with Action.grader.com by Hubspot

Thiis is very cool. It'll grade your calls to action for you.

The secret of how to generate leads in marketing is to have EFFECTIVE calls to action that actually get people to opt in to your email list.

And the Action Grader will help you do just that.

THING 4: Learn to AB test.

It's easy in Thrive Architect and other programs. Google apparently zapped it's optimizer split tester. So you need another resource. Clickfunnels can do it as can other programs.

But as easy as it is, I haven't done this well. It's a point I want to get stronger on. If I'm not doing it, I know most others aren't.

Time to learn.

THING 5: Push the button in your brain to go from amateur mode, just doing research mode, not that serious mode, to all in mode.

Until you do that, you won't reach your potential or even know what it is.

THING 6: Typically the most aggressive marketers win

I don't mean aggressive in a bad way. I just mean that they promote aggressively. They are determined to get the word out, build their list and make money.

THING 7: Have killer stats for each opt in offer

I'm actually VERY displeased with my tracking on my freebies. I'm thinking about doing them in clickfunnels as the tracking is just better.

You should have a list of every freebie and know the opt in rate and number of leads on EACH. And preferably the conversion percent also.

Did you find this useful? Where do you need to improve? What are you doing well?

Thing 8 (advanced) — Lead generation strategies most people don't think of

Hubspot's research shows this:

Businesses who blogged 16 to 20 times per month got over 2 times more traffic than those who blogged less than 4 times per month.

Those who blogged at least 20 times per month had 5 times more traffic than those who blogged less than 4 times per month.

That quote is from a report on lead generation lessons from 4,000 businesses. But it is dated some. I imagine it still applies though.

And how about this stat:

Businesses with over 200 total blog articles got 4.6 times more traffic than those with under 20 blog posts.

