How I create digital products in one day and sell 100 to 1,000 copies - Online and Info Product Marketing

How I create digital products in one day and sell 100 to 1,000 copies

Here's why I wrote this blog post

I love, love, love creating and selling info products.

I used to have a garage filled with audio tape albums and manuals. The second happiest day of my life was when I dumped all those and went all digital.

But HOW do you find the needs and create and sell products? Let's dive in.

This article was written by A.I. based on my Youtube video. The audio sync on the video is a bit off because I was testing out a method that would allow me to blur the background. Ultimately, I decided not to use the blur anymore.

Finding Underserved Topics and Unmet Needs

When you're looking to create a standout digital product, the first step is to scan the horizon for underserved topics or areas with unmet needs. Ask yourself, what frustrates me? What can't I find good information on? These pain points are golden opportunities for product creation.

Focus on Unique Angles

To truly make an impact, it's not enough to just identify gaps; you need to approach them from unique angles. This could involve tackling common issues with new solutions or providing insights that aren't available elsewhere.

I Use 12-Product Surveys To Find Needs

Understanding customer needs is pivotal. One innovative method I use is conducting “12 product surveys.” This involves presenting an audience with 12 potential product ideas and observing their reactions and feedback.

Not Just Predictive, But Indicative

These surveys are not about predicting the next big hit; rather, they're about spotting patterns in consumer interests and needs, providing valuable insights that guide the product development process.

Turn Up Your Creativity with Many Inputs

Inspiration is the fuel for innovation. One of my favorite reads, “The Creative Habit” by Twyla Tharp, emphasizes the importance of gathering a wide array of inputs before starting on any creative project.

A Box of Ideas

Tharp suggests keeping a “project box” where you stash everything related to your project—notes, articles, videos, and more. This method ensures you have a rich reservoir of ideas to draw from, preventing creative blocks that can stall your product development.

My Personal Twist

I enhance this method by immersing myself in relevant Kindle books, blogs, and videos. Each piece of content adds to my understanding and inspires new angles for my products. Of course, when borrowing ideas, I give credit where it's due—something I find crucial in maintaining integrity and transparency in product creation.

Structuring Your Product

Once the research phase is filled with valuable insights, it's time to organize these ideas into a coherent structure.

Listing and Prioritizing Talking Points

Begin by listing key points under various topic headings related to your product. This outline will serve as the blueprint for your product's content.

The Magic of Reordering

Take your initial list and start shaping it. Keep what’s essential and cut out the fluff. This refinement process is where your product begins to take shape. If visual aids like slides enhance understanding, consider integrating them, but remember, simplicity often works best.

The Recording Session

With your skeleton of ideas ready, hit record. Whether you're filming a video or recording an audio session, this step is about bringing your structured ideas to life.

Application of Knowledge

Utilize the “Explanation, Application, Illustration” formula. Explain your concept, apply it with examples, and illustrate with real-world applications. This method ensures your content is not only informative but also engaging.

Speeding Up with Toggles

In the digital realm, efficiency is key. One of the fastest ways to create packed, professional-looking products is to use toggles in your content management system. These allow you to expand or compress information, making it easier for users to navigate through your product.

The Power of Bonuses

Never underestimate the allure of bonuses. They can be the deciding factor for customers teetering on the edge of a purchase. Ensure your bonuses are relevant and provide substantial value—sometimes, they should even surpass the main product in value.

Revolutionary Pre-Selling: Try Before You Buy

One of my game-changing strategies is to offer products through a “Try Before You Buy” model. This involves a webinar where participants initially pay nothing and are only charged if they find the session valuable. This method not only builds trust but also establishes the value of your product firsthand.

Wrapping Up: A Quick Recap

To navigate through the competitive landscape of digital products, start by identifying underserved topics or unique angles. Dive deep into research, organize your findings, and present them effectively. Always aim to add value—with innovative content and irresistible bonuses. And consider pre-selling as a strategy to engage and convert your audience effectively.

Engage with Me

I'm eager to hear about your experiences and thoughts. Drop a comment below, and let's discuss more ways to innovate in the digital product space. If you're looking for more detailed strategies, don't forget to check out the free resources available on my blog that can help you skyrocket your digital product sales.

Creating and selling digital products doesn't have to be a daunting task. With the right strategies, it can be an exhilarating and rewarding journey. Let's keep pushing the boundaries together!

The content in this article is all contained in my Youtube video. But the writing style is a tad stuffy. Let me know if you found it valuable or not in comments.
