Product Creation Warning: Do NOT Get Sucked Into Long Product Creation Titles - Online and Info Product Marketing

Product Creation Warning: Do NOT Get Sucked Into Long Product Creation Titles

Long product creation cycles suck unless you REALLY know what you're doing.

And even then, you should probably think twice.

This goes for the product AND the sales page. It's so easy to spend weeks or even months creating a product or a fancy sales pitch. And more often than not, it'll cause you grief.

The reason is, you never know how customers will react to a product idea.

They might like it.

And they might just hate it. Or they might be don't wanters. They just don't WANT the product.

So what I teach what I call “quick-and-dirty” products. Now, the fancy language today is “minimum viable product.” But I prefer quick and dirty.

So you create a relatively quick version. Then if it sells well, you go back and improve it. You do this through multiple iterations.
