Every Day Build Your Audience and List. Every Day Make Offers. This Is How You Success In Marketing Online. - Online and Info Product Marketing

Every Day Build Your Audience and List. Every Day Make Offers. This Is How You Success In Marketing Online.


Marlon here.

At heart, you need to focus on 2 things every day and every week: Build your audience or list and make offers.

Build your audience and make offers.

Build your list and make offers.

How are YOU going to build YOUR list? This comes down to finding your own Traffic Personality.

How would your life change if you hunkered down on doing podcasts and were on 100 podcasts over the next 200 or 300 days?

How would your life change if you had 2 or 3 articles published every week on sites like Medium.com or Quora? So that over the period of 100 days, you have 100 or 200 articles out there all funneling customers back to you?

How would your life change if you did guest posts on 100 blogs in the next 100 to 300 days?

See, THIS is the power of knowing and finding your own Traffic Personality.

Build your audience and your list EVERY DAY. Every day build your audience. Every day build your list.

Then BE PROLIFIC in making offers to your list and audience.

That means make a lot of them across the spectrum of price ranges.

Myron Golden says MAKE MORE OFFERS to make more money.

And you know what?

He's right.

But what is the sound of one hand clapping?

If you make offers without an audience, you're just talking to yourself. So you've got to build an audience. Every day build your audience.

Every day build your audience.

  1. Find your Traffic Personality
  2. Double and triple down ON your audience building daily
  3. Make more offers. Offers are easy. I create them as easy as I eat candy and you can too

This is the path to online marketing success with digital products and info products.

What are you doing TODAY to build your audience and list?

Listen, just putting out a lame post on FB and Instagram is NOT enough. If you offer a freebie, yes, you'll get some opt ins. But FB and Instagram limit your exposure.

Reels are better.

They don't have a traffic cap like the timeline or newsfeeds and stories do.

But I believe you have to PUSH OUT MORE.

Guest posts.


Online publications.


Online publications like Medium and Quora.

Paid ads.

This ALL comes down to knowing your own individual Traffic Personality. Then you can hunker down on that method. You can double and triple down.

You'll be energized and focused.

You'll know what YOU specifically need to do every morning to build your audience, list and get traffic.

That's a game changer.

If you don't know how to be prolific in making offers, I recommed Freedom Launches.

What are you doing TODAY and this WEEK to build your audience?

Do you have one or more podcasts lined up?

How many affiliates are you talking to?

How many guest blog posts are you doing?

How many articles are you writing or working on?

Are you creating one or more videos for Youtube?

Live streams are great. They WILL build your list. But they aren't enough.

You've got to PUSH OUT. You've got to get REACH so people SEE your offers.

You do NOT do ALL of the above unless that fits your Traffic Personality. You find YOUR own individual Traffic Personality then double down on IT.

Then you build your audience, get them on a list and make lots of fantastic, valuable offers.

Best wishes,

