141,030 Clicks From 1500 Article Marketing Submissions - Online and Info Product Marketing

141,030 Clicks From 1500 Article Marketing Submissions



Here are some shocking stats:

Page Views: 2,231,423

Published: 36,178

URL Clicks: 141,030 

In a post on Marketing Warriors, Tim gives these stats for his article marketing efforts.  He actually has more clicks than that since ezinearticles.com hasn't been tracking clicks that whole time.

What's more, these stats are ONLY for his article submissions to ezinearticles.com and don't include other services.

Here is the post link:


What this shows is you CAN get a lot of clicks from article marketing submissions.  Having said that, Tim has developed a whole little system for his article marketing. 

From what I saw from his sites, Tim doesn't sell products.  He drives the clicks to a page with an article on it and Adsense in the middle.  My friend Joel Comm will freak when he hears this because he has the big Adsense Code book.

I taught and endorsed article marketing in the very first edition of Amazing Formula.  It's a time-tested method that doesn't cost money.

My friend Matt Bacak is taking it to a whole new level with his A9 strategy.  That means he has an article written by a writer based on audio content Matt produces. Then the article is turned into a Power Point video, press release, Squidoo site and blog post.

This is how you leverage your article writing efforts.

I'm not big on PLR which stands for private label rights.  But you could use the A9 concept on PLR articles and really do a lot with it.  Just a thought.


  • Desmond says:

    That link didnt last long…Mods deleted it before I could even take a peek at the post….grrrrr.


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