Cheat Sheet: 18 Ways To Crush Your Internet Marketing - Online and Info Product Marketing

Cheat Sheet: 18 Ways To Crush Your Internet Marketing

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Marlon here.

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Today  is your cheat sheet for making it an awesome year.

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1.  Set the results you want but then translate those results into activities.  Results without matching activities are meaningless.

2.  Assign activities to specific days, times and places.  Research has proven just assigning a goal to a specific place, date and time greatly increases the odds you'll actually do it. This is probably the biggest thing you can do to increase your productivity.   Simply get the activity in your Planner.  This is why you must use  a planner.  Without it, you won't assign times, dates and places.

3.  Do a fresh survey of your market to find out what's on their mind today, what their wants are, what their complaints are.

4.  Commit to improving the roots of your prosperity tree which are your positive mental and spiritual attitudes.   Action flows from a base of positivity.  People with negative attitudes tend not to take action. What's the use anyway?  Without deep roots of positive energy,  you won't likely have the high activity level required for successful actions.

5.  Commit to 10x activities ala Grant Cardone (the branches on your prosperity tree).  Your prosperity tree needs branches that produce fruit (sales).  By upping your activities focused on clear goals (sales), you increase the liklihood of bearing fruit.

6.  Base your goals on increasing your 3-month averages.  Here's a book that explains how to do that. This is one of the methods I baked into my Profit Planner System.  If you've averaged 10 opt-ins a day for the past 3 months,  make the goal this month to increase that average to 15 or 20.  You can work off of 3 week averages also if you're a go-getter.

7.  Where will your new customers or new blood come from this year?  Are you going to run Facebook ads?  How about a product launch?  Run tests as soon as you can to see if it's viable for you to get new customers from that source.  For example, run some Facebook ads then look up each opt-in you got and count up sales or lack thereof after those opt-ins go through your 10 or 20-day email sequence.  One of my friends found he just couldn't get Facebook leads to convert for him.  But he did great from Bing ads and solo emails.  People who are searching actively are more likely to buy than those who click on a random ad.

8.  Have a plan B.  If you don't successfully get new customers from your plan A, what's your plan B source?

9.  Plan your income based on your big ticket.  The easiest way to plan your income for the year is to NOT take into account your low dollar sales as those will largely go towards the cost of customer acquisition.  So plan your income based only on your big ticket sales, or what we call “the back end.” Let's say you have a $1,000 widget (what it IS doesn't matter…only the dollars matter for this example).  If your income goal is $10,000 a month, you need 10 sales a month or 2 a week. If you close a very  modest 6% on a webinar, you need 35 people in attendance to make the two sales.  Roughly  30% of registrations will show up live.  That means you need roughly 100 webinar registrations per week.  Probably you'll get those for $5 to $10 each, although I have friends who get 'em for as low as $2 (but I wouldn't plan my business assuming those low costs would last forever).  That means 100 registrations will cost you $500.  With 2 sales, you'll get back $2000 and net $500.  But you'll also be able to send out the replay and often double your sales from that.  In other words, you may only need 50 to 75 actual registrations a week, lowering your marketing costs of $250 to $375.

Of course, you don't have to use paid traffic.  You could just as easily do a product launch on JV Zoo and then a week or so after the launch, send people into your webinar funnel.  There are no commissions on sales from the webinar.  If you sold even 100 products on the launch (very doable even for newbies), then you could hit your numbers without investing any upfront cash.  The disadvantage of this model is what happens NEXT week?  You need 100 more people for your webby!  That's why you see people shooting for 500 to 1,000 buyers which feed their back end sales for 1 or 2 months then they launch again.  If they have a subpar launch, then they have to hustle and launch again.

It's not perfect but nothing is.  The chances are high that if you buy registrations via paid traffic, the results will decline.  You'll need to change ads, change the webinar title, etc.

A lot of people never think through this.  Their big plan is to make $10,000 a month from Amazon books without ever selling anything on the “back end.”  Not that a few people haven't done it. But you really  have to look at the probabilities and put those odds in your favor.  For the most part, you need a back end.

10.  Get your system down for delivering your back end product.  Most of us don't have the luxury of selling a software program for $1,000 or more.  But if you do, that's great because you don't have to worry about product delivery.  For the most part, at $1000 or more, you'll be delivering something that requires interaction.  If you're going to sell 2 of these (or more) per week, you need to get your delivery machine in gear.

11.  Are you planning a recurring billing offer?  In some niches, a “widget” people pay for monthly does wonders for evening out your cash flow.  In other niches (like Internet marketing) the average person only stays on recurring 2 or 3 months for most things, so it's not worth it unless you can defy odds and find something that will keep people on recurring for 10 or so months.  One way to do this is to find or create a software program people pay month to access.  You can become an affiliate for a service if you're convinced it'll be around long term.

12.  Plan multiple projects.  It's interesting.  Multi-tasking is proven to be ineffective.  But what I see high achievers do is manage multiple projects. If one hits a bit of a dead end, they move to another while working in the background on the one that hit the dead end.   The only conclusion I draw from this is work in whatever way that allows you to get products done, out, finished, promoted, sold and delivered with your bank account expanding.

13.  Learn to easily and simply transport money.  No one wants to sell.  It's pretty much one of those potty mouth words that turns people off.  However, everyone likes the idea of helping people buy.  The difference is all in your attitude.  Either way,  you have a product or service.  Your potential customers have money. What you gotta get really good at is creating and presenting reasons for that money to be willingly transported from their bank account to yours in exchange for what you got for them.  This is a learned skill.  It isn't something most of us had the luxury of being born with.  You learn to do it.  Some are better at it than others.  But everyone can get better via practice.  Of course, at a certain point, you can simply hire sales people to execute money transports (that is, make sales) for you.  Some people even do that on a commission-only basis.  It's not a perfect model.  You'll usually have high turnover and so forth.  But in this world, nothing is perfect short of change.  Change is the only process guaranteed to happen.  And really, in marketing that's all we want is change.  Change the numbers of the Paypal account the money is in and change the address of your product from yours to your customers.  Hopefully, you leave your customers very happy in the end.

14.  Focus on what really creates money.  The things that create money are all marketing skills.  Things like learning how you really do surveys to find out what's on the mind of consumers.  Then learning how to create offers based on what you learned from the surveys.  And learning how to communicate those offers.  These things aren't hot, new, sexy or even particularly interesting to most. They aren't a plugin. They aren't seo. They aren't software.  They aren't video anything.  They just happen to be the things that really make money.  Everything else is a distraction and a smoke screen.  Do you know how to do surveys to find out what people want to buy?  Do you know how to use the survey results to create offers?  Do you know how to communicate your offer in a way that people willingly and gladly transfer money from their Paypal account to yours?

If you REALLY understand how to do surveys correctly, position an offer correctly, communicate it correctly, you can literally go into ANY viable market and make money.  You can do it with a flower shop, accounting practice, office supplies or cleaning company.  You do the survey, find the problems and complaints, turn them into an low-scrutiny, entry-level offer, get the customer to know, like and trust you. Then move onto the real sale.

15.   What you focus on expands.  If you have your goals and activities in your planner and just stare at them daily, you'll sooner or later increase them, if for no other reason than you're tired of staring at zeroes.

16.  Stabilize your marketing and sales machine.  Your marketing machine brings you qualified prospects (that is, leads or potential buyers).  Your sales machine makes the sales.  Keep plugging away with your daily activities and top 10 injections for the month (to use Profit Planner terminology) until you find SOME marketing activities you can do that bring you potential buyers.  I like affiliate traffic because you don't pay until after the sale.  In niches, there is still modest or little competition for affiliate programs. Inside of Internet marketing, the competition is big but there are also a ton of people promoting launches and many places you can announce your launch.  Everyone knows what the Game is.  Facebook ads are easy to do and great if you can suck sales out of the leads.  Be SURE to track that.  Facebook leads are a bit notorious for opting in but not buying.  The people I personally know doing best just send them straight to a live webby once a week and do a standard webinar pitch for a bigger ticket.

17.  Find a way to erase your lead cost.  I talked about this in my 10 greatest marketing secrets of all time.  If you have that, remember the story I told about the guy in Conroe, Texas who would get a long closing on a large land acreage, re-survey it, then sell off half, so the land would be paid for?  You  can STILL do the same with opt-ins.  For example, my friend Daegan Smith custom programmed his own co-reg software so he can sell leads 3 times.  He makes a profit from every single opt in due to this.  In that training, I also told the story of how my friend would buy banner ads, double the price, sell off half and the other half were his free advertising.  Others I've heard about sold ads on their opt-in page to erase the cost of the clicks.

18.  Work once and get paid for 10+ years.  Look at the projects you're working on.  Are you working once and getting paid (potentially  at least) for th next 10 years.  My info products keep selling year after year after year.

Best wishes,

Marlon Sanders

PS:  If you got valuable info out of this, help spread the word by liking, commenting and sharing.  This helps me because the search engines like to see the comments AND it exposes my core message of real Internet marketing that works live, interested prospects who can benefit from it.

  • I’m taking notes so fast, my pen’s on fire! lol.

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