Announcing “The Evergreen Traffic System” - Online and Info Product Marketing

Announcing “The Evergreen Traffic System”




Marlon here.

About  2-3 weeks ago I was surfing the Net on my usual and customary ebook buying spree.  Last year I spent $37,500 just buying ebooks and books.  I pride myself on being one of the most informed marketers in my industry.

Anyway, I ran across this lady they dubbed “The Queen of Free Traffic.”   For example, in March 2008, she had 86,435 visitors that cost her zero.  Which to some people wouldn't be that many except for this — she has done hardly ANY marketing since Dec. 2006 when she came down with a spinal disease.

But her traffic keeps growing.

I'm getting ahead of myself. Lemme tell the story…

When I ran across this one they call The Queen of Free Traffic, at first, I was highly skeptical.  But she had this thing on her site called the “keyword grid” where you could check out her rankings on something like 50 highly competitive terms. In the past she ranked first page for all of them and #1 or 2 for many or most of 'em.

The TWIST is she has a spinal disease and ramped down her marketing in Dec 2006 but her traffic KEEPS growing and she has the stats to back it up.

She did things to get traffic I had NEVER seen anyone talk about before. Like this multi-feed strategy she initially created using PHP Nuke, a content management system.  Later, she duplicated the system using Ultimate Tag Warrior plugin for WordPress.

She can literally ramp up to 100 visitors a day in under 30 days on ANY topic withough breaking a sweat, working hard or spending money.  She started her business with $100.  Her methods are FREE traffic methods. That is why they call her The Queen of Free Traffic.

Well, the plot gets THICKER because I went to buy her ebooks and the stupid ORDER links did NOT work and most all of her web sites where down.  Her podcasts and videos were down.

When I contacted her she explained how she had this disease and now only consults with a few big clients because that is all she has the energy to do.  Well, come to find out, she knew me from the past and had even mentioned me in one of her ebooks.

She zipped me over downloads and I was amazed at what I read.  No bull.  I read stuff I had NEVER heard anyone talk about or teach.  And it obviously worked.  For the skeptical folks, I published screen caps and stats on her traffic from AW Stats and Feedburner at:

Anyway, I spent 3 days checking her out very thoroughly in Google and on very high profile web sites that had published her articles likle Site Pro News, Promotion World, SEO Journal and many others.

I took a back door into her server to poke around and see if she was for real.  Let's just say I kinda dug around into those domains that she LOST and found the files that USED to be there.  I mean, I did my due diligence on this one.

Every step of the way, she panned out.  There were NO disconnects. 

The lady was real.

Her methods were real.

Her traffic was real.

But what about the spinal disease story?  Eventually we talked on the phone and discussed doing a product together.  I could tell she was in pain. Several times she had to call me back. Yeah, it was unfortunately and sadly all true. 

If you know me at all, lyou know I've been in this business since day one. I'm NOT easily tricked, fooled nor impressed. I can see through b.s. a mile away. There was no b.s. here.

I read all her products.  Listened to video and audio. Then I took a few  of her methods and put them to the acid test.  Like I applied a method in her Facebook manual to my Facebook site.  I'm already over 20 visitors today.  And before I wasn't getting jack on Facebook.  I've probably spent 2-3 hours total.  Barely even started applying the methods.

I tried out one of her “feed” methods.  That one, I still have work to do.  But just by doing a little Google has already been to this blog 3 times today.  I'm starting to get feed subscribers. And I've barely done anything.

Oh, I got ranked on keywords within 24 hours.  Got ranked. Got spidered.  The whole ball of wax. And again, if you know me at all, you KNOW I hate most organic seo stuff because it isn't EVERGREEN.

But that was the STRONG point about The Queen of FREE Traffic. Even without her doing much the past 6 months, year, year-and-a-half, her traffic keeps growing!  It's just nuts.  The proof of that is on the Feedburner chart at the URL I gave out earlier.  I feel like changing her moniker to “The Queen of Green.”

My point is, her methods work.  She checks out.  Her stuff checks out.  I've done my due diligence.

So we agreed to create a product together where she could give the most current,  up-to-date info on her system.  Most of her products cannot even be bought online anymore because her domains like RescueYourBlog and MarketingWithRss expired.  And even if they hadn't, the products need updating.

I plan to take on that task if my customers tell me they want me to by buying the first product we did together. 

You can check our first product out at:

Normally, I try to publish good solid tips, info, podcasts and videos on this blog. But this is something I HAD to tell you about.

Very shortly I'll be hitting this blog with some more great content.




  • Indu says:

    I am interested to buy this product. But want to know if this is available in digital format. As I live in India, shipping may not be possible.

    Kindly let me know if it is available in digital format and will be delivered as soon as I purchase.

    [Hi, Tinu now sells this product, not me. But yes, it is digital.]

  • Marlon,

    It's my time to win.

    I have been endeavoring to break into the internet market for nearly a year. So far I have spent many hours of study and many more attempting to apply this knowledge. For some unrecognized reason I have not been able to brake the Gordian Knot. I feel I have done my part to support the millionaire internet gurus, and I am determined to at least share in their fortune.

    I have studied the information about the Evergreen System and think it may be the magic key to make my thus far learning and effort reach fruition. If not I'm confident that my determination will prevail in the end.

    Let me know what information is needed in order to receive my copy of the Evergreen System.

    See You At The Top,

    Robert Miller

  • Hi Marlon,

    I've known Tinu for several years and just a few of the SEO gems she shared with me helped me get a number 1 ranking for the search terms "prevent bird flu" and how to "prevent bird flu" in October 2005.

    If you know anything about the bird flu then you know that at that time and in the 6-12 months after that date this was a highly competitive term.

    Last time I checked I'm still number 1 for those terms (and others) despite making no real effort to change or update the site (2 1/2 years at number 1!!!!).

    Since then I've helped many clients multiply their traffic, doubling, tripling and quadrupling traffic often in 60 days or less using just a few of the methods and foundational principles Tinu taught me.

    If you're looking for an SEO expert who lives and breathes this stuff and has the traffic to prove it then Tinu is the woman you want to talk to.

    I highly recommend ALL her products and I'm so happy you've teamed up with her for your evergreen product.

    If you're wondering "do Tinu's SEO results endure?"

    That long list of search terms on the Evergreen sales letter where she appears on the first page.

    I created most of that list as proof on a sales letter I wrote for Tinu late 2005.

    Again that's over 2 1/2 years…through multiple Google "slaps" and with a whole pile of competitors adding new pages.

    There are a whole pile of SEO gurus in the internet world but Tinu has ranked higher than every one of them for the search terms she chooses to rank for.

    No one on earth knows more about how a small one person operation can dominate the search engines than Tinu does.

    Kindest regards,

    Andrew Cavanagh

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