Comment on today’s issue - Online and Info Product Marketing

Comment on today’s issue


My ezine went out today on the 6 parts of a sales machine that won't quit.  Post your comments here.  I'll try to comment back for you.


  • Rod Cook says:


    Your latest product is such a master stroke of genius to get anyone to be able to move and shake on the web.


    Rod Cook

  • Dave says:


    I hope you can help me into action, Ive been studying an reading but no action. I started an e-book that I think there is a market for, although I couldn't find competitive products but I do know who my target audience is but I do not have a list or list service.

    Getting products seems to be the hardest for me. Im a fairly intelligent 46 yr old and I suppose I know something that could be used for a product but I really struggle with this.

    Any advice would be appreciated


    I have a solution for you.

    You have 1 week to create a product. Do audio. Do it yourself or

    interview some people.

    Now, pick ONE idea you think has a SHOT. Spend 1 week on the product

    an absolute MAX of two.

    Now write a sales letter and drive ppc traffic to squeeze page. Follow up

    with the system in promo dash.

    Now, walks you through all the product creation in 6

    weeks but includes ALL the other stuff like the shopping cart and all.

    You really don't need 6 weeks. Do something imperfect. Try to sell it.

    FAIL and learn. Or maybe get lucky and get a response then improve.

    But Dave, DO something. Seriously. Stop thinking about and just go what the

    hay and DO it and do it quickly. Understand it won't work the first time. So get the

    first out of the way.


  • ethan says:


    I've been paying attention to your emails quite diligently for the past 2 months or so. I bought your amazing formula back in the "old days" of internet marketing along with the course of the late Corey Rudl.

    I'd forgotten how much I like your products and writing until I recently bought the Promo Dashboard. Great Stuff.

    Anyway, I guess I can get a little stuck on the step of converting people on my list to paying customers.

    I am a little torn as to the conflicting theories of "giving away free content – and people will eventually buy from you" with "Charge people for content".

    The argument against giving away free content is that doing so only conditions people to expect more free stuff from you." When you offer them paid content they leave you to find other free content on the same topic.

    Something is missing in the 6 parts as far as qualifying people into "buyers" and "browsers".

    Also, I wonder if you know of any studies on the advantages/disadvantages of having a squeeze page on a page all by itself as opposed to having the squeeze page on a page with a salesletter. Either as a fly-in, side form, inline form etc.

    Hi Ethan,

    You can split test it. But a stand alone opt in will greatly out perform a sidebar. When you use a sidebar is when affiliates are driving traffic and you don't wanna do an opt in.

    The 5th row is the conversion row. Go through THAT and it'll tell you why you aren't converting.


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