What are YOUR comments on today’s ezine? - Online and Info Product Marketing

What are YOUR comments on today’s ezine?


Marlon here.

What are YOUR comments on today's ezine?  You can read it here if you haven't yet.

Just scroll down and type in comments.  I will pick at RANDOM one of the comments to win my upcoming product for FREE.  Deadline to post is Monday at midnight CST.






  • marlon says:


    I used a random number generator and
    Mitch Wright came up.

    I’ve sent him his complimentary Book of Secrets.

    If you didn’t snag it, the GOOD NEWS is it’s ready here;


    Best wishes,


  • Linda says:

    That is really funny about the Gary Halbert mailings…for years I would get these tear-sheets of newsprint, articles about supplements or something, and a sticky note, “Thought you might be interested in this – Sincerely, Janet” – like that….I always wondered what the deal was with that, now I know it was a marketing gimmick but it did make me open the lumpy envelope and read the article. Then throw it in the trash. hahaha. oh well.

  • Donna says:

    Marlon, you ALWAYS give so much value in your ezine, probably why I still stay subscribed when for the most part I’m unsubbing from just about all of them. Instead of gimme, gimme, gimme (your money) your ezine focuses on what you can give, give and give some more. It doesn’t go unnoticed. I loved your examples of using or borrowing from someone bigger and obviously already successful – it’s not new, but it’s also not obvious to do in today’s marketing world.

    THANK YOU…. sincerely Thank You!

  • Ankur says:

    I get this idea from “Buddha” . I got my hands on some pretty old manuscript. Now, this was written in book and my grandfather use to tell me. In the times of buddha, there were lot of different ways to get “Niravana” .because he himself attained nirvana, he knew most of these are junk ways. What he did was marvelous.

    He started himself as beginner, someone who want to attain nirvana. Than, he started using method 1, method 2, method 3 etc. He use to use one method and than in the end say “This doesnt work, let me try method 2”.

    In the end, he said “All the old processes are outdated, thats why i am creating new process “Vipassana”.

    I am going to implement in this weight loss model.

    1) Start a blog as someone who want to reduce weight

    2) Start using all the top methods/products and tell the world, what results you are getting

    3) After 1 year, show all products as not working and pitch your product. Now, if something is really great, i assume tell the world its really great.

    Why this works

    1) You start as someone who is seeking “truth”. You are in their tribe

    2) You went through entire path alone. Its not easy to test, buy so many products. You will get lot of attention for it

    3) Time, you need a bit of time to get massive audience.

    This is age old principle used by Buddha, going to use it for my next product.


  • Pat says:

    Now, let’s see…what if I used a dashboard concept and applied it to laying out landscaping or…
    Borrowing the germ of a concept and applying it in a different way is brilliant.
    Like it

  • Kai Braekke says:

    There is nothing new under the sun. The method of borrowing from others and transforming the material into something of your own has been in use for centuries – not only in marketing but in art, music, poetry, playwriting. Seems that it’s a phenomenon of our time that everybody thinks they have to be original.

    Great advice as always, Marlon, and if more people would take it, things would be a lot easier for them.

  • Michele Peterson says:

    Hello Marlon, I am very new to the internet, and still in the process of building my website. God smiled over me when I started to read your emails. Wish I had done it sooner. You have opened my eyes and I will be a motivated student. Love to see your new product. Stay well, Michele

  • Ernest says:

    I marlon thanks for your ezine every week, you always give good advice and inspiration

  • Marlon,

    “Nothing new under the sun.”

    No sense reinventing the wheel if it already exists! Just find a new, creative use for it!

    I constantly borrow great ideas. It only makes sense, and pays tribute to the original creator… or rather, the most recent borrower??

  • John says:

    The highest compliment is to copy someone, success breeds success. You’re a great one to copy!

    Thanks so much.

  • Candas Barnes says:

    Hi Marlon,

    As always, this ezine is great. It reminded me to pay attention to what grabs my interest and think about ways I can use it in my own business. As someone said earlier, there truly is very little new under the sun just creative ways of repurposing.

    I also loved reading your email about Cindy. Her idea to put her notes about what she’s learned while watching Oprah and her guests is brilliant. Like Cindy, I take pages of notes while watching shows where I learn something. It never occurred to me (until now that is) to put something like this together.

    Looking forward to your new product!

    All the best,

  • Mark Laurie says:

    Insightful as always, cuts right across industries.

  • Brian says:

    Thanks Marlon. Selling prayers … gotta love it! I might be better at selling “confessions” 😉

  • Andrea Schmitz says:

    There is nothing new under the sun and your newsletter is testimony to that.

    We tend to get hung up on the chase for the newest, brightest, never-before-seen BSOs out there, yet it is those who silently observe and diligently apply what they see, hear, absorb who are moving forward with leaps and bounds.

    Just went through: Inspirations from Oprah and Her Guests by Cindy Cashman — a prime example and want to say, thank you for pointing out a powerful lesson for marketing, business and life in general.

    Open your eyes, open your ears: See and hear the wisdom and follow the time tested path to success!

  • Geoff says:

    Hi Marlon,

    Thanks for the ezine, the topic is a very tried and true approach that the Japanese Industrialists used to good effect throughout the 20th Century.


  • I’m inspired! I’m going to get out my copy of The Amazing Formula and re-read it!
    Thanks Marlon!

  • Margaret Hammond says:

    Hi Marlon!

    As always, AWESOME E-ZINE!!

    I also liked the tip: “Gary Halbert taught and used a method called “tear sheet” mailings….”!!

    Kind regards,
    Margaret Hammond 🙂

  • Sue says:

    Hello Marlon,

    Glad you were able to crank out this e-zine even though your arm was bothering you. I think that borrowing from various industries when marketing must be an acceptable practice and kind of expected right or I don’t think you would be putting such emphasis on it in this post in letting us
    know that it’s done regularly with a great success rate. And I trust your knowledge and expertise
    whole-heartedly. Feel better! Thanks.

  • robert says:

    that’swhat i like about contrasting. taking bits and pieces from other industries and applying it else where…that is real genius and that means you don’t have to reinvent the wheel.

  • JMoon says:

    Love the info. Spot on! Useful too. Always giving good information and advice. Keep it coming.

  • Bill Gluth says:

    I have always liked the wise-words that are often attributed to W. Edwards Deming that say (paraphrasing), when you want to do something in business, don’t reinvent, instead find a business model that’s proven to work and simply adapt that to your situation.

    I think that’s truly the spirit of borrowing ideas. Good one Marlon, as always

  • I agree that studying broadly to be both educated and inspired is wise and to then filter and add to it via your own uniqueness as an individual and re-express it authentically is key.

  • Justus Lewis says:

    Your latest post really resonated. Take a valuable idea and make it even more valuable, not by plagiarising or stealing but by adding to it in a way that contextualises it differently to make it available to a different group of people or a wider audience, or for an apparently different purpose, or …
    Thanks. And thanks for sharing your 3 Secret Sources of Knowledge.

  • Frank Daley says:

    Excellent work, Marlon. The idea of cross-utilizing basic structural approaches to business has wide application. Reading through your products, some of which I have, reinforced your ideas and approach.

  • Penny says:

    Hi Marlon –

    The way I feel about any material or meeting is that if I can learn just one thing…it was worth the time. Your report was worth the time, and brought a smile to my face.

  • John Mulry says:

    Great stuff Marlon. You’re right about borrowing from different industries. If we keep looking(and copying) at what everyone else is doing in our own markets its easy to see marketing incest startingto creep in.

    And I love how you such a wealth of books to draw upon as well as mentors.

    Looking forward to your new product. You always deliver that’s for sure.

  • Jack says:

    Great stuff Marlon – as always.
    Finding inspiration for marketing from others – whether in different industries or areas has always been something I have tried – and it has always worked well.
    It can be as simple as using an email list – so common in the IM field, but not as common in areas like farm equipment sales or building sales.
    Thanks again Marlon

  • Steven Chabotte says:

    For me, this was a great and timely reminder.

    We all find ourselves spending so much time trying to create something brand new and forget that what is tried and true knowledge in one business is totally unknown yet incredibly valuable to another business.

    I’ll definitely be pursuing several products for my niche based on this reminder of something that I already knew but had collecting dust in the back of my mind.

  • Mitch Wright says:

    Wicked stuff, Marlon!

    I know this seems way off topic but, promise it ties together very nicely, I just picked up the new Bill Bryson book, One Summer, and there’s a passage in it that describes Charles Lindbergh’s whole idea on what his plane should be like to cross the Atlantic. Lindbergh wasn’t looking for the Spirit of St. Louis to be an innovative plane. He wanted it built on tried and tested technology. Sounds pretty much like what you’re describing in this MMM.

    By simply repurposing techniques used in other arenas looks like an easy way to knock the socks off of someone. You’d be approaching them from a different angle, unlike the same tactics everyone else is using. (Brings you immediately to the forefront.)

    Then, dialing down into personalizing their emails…thats just digging for gold there!

    Lots of nuggets for my noodle to put into practice.


  • Dave says:

    Great points, Marlon. I would say Tony Robbins is a great example. The foundation of his work is not necessarily original stuff, but he has created a business empire and his own persona to become one of the most recognized and successful people in the world.

    Your info is always thought-provoking as well as insightful. Thanks.


  • Amazing to think of using what has been done successfully before as a road map. As a author of Children’s eBooks I self publish, I look to see how the big publishers market their books. They do have lots of ideas that can be used again and again that work even for the self publisher. Great info from you as always. I have several of your products and they always over deliver so keep them coming.

  • Chris Bloor says:

    Loved it! I am a firm believer in the fact that we don’t need to keep ‘reinventing the wheel’ Taking what is ‘already’ working in an existing niche and adapting it to a different market is super smart marketing. It saves money, time and stress.

  • Marlon,

    “What’s old is new”.

    You are living proof of that statement, because since I’ve followed you (from the 90’s!) you have always found a relevant ‘new’ way to express and apply the age-old principles upon which direct marketing are founded.

    I’m grateful to you because it was these principles that enabled me to start a blog from nothing, sell it for $87.5K plus a perpetual commish… plus start a number of other interests both on- and off-line.

    Glad to see you still putting the new to the old! I’ll probably pick up whatever you are putting together… Lord knows I’ve got a lot of your products… but of COURSE would like to get this baby free.

    So, oooh, pick me! Pick ME!


    Thanks Marlon.

    Keep Stepping,


  • John says:

    Good article, Marlon. An excellent explanation of “Out of the Box” thinking that anyone can understand.


  • Chad says:

    Marlon, your enthusiasm for teaching rubs off on the stellar products you deliver! You consistantly deliver more than you promise. Good luck on your new product launch.

  • Then there is the 100th monkey syndrome, where an idea goes into the mainstream effortlessly, when in reality, its time had come. We can beg, borrow and steal ideas but these ideas are free and no one could possibly own them. We can sell them and create a dynasty from these ideas but in the end, they have a life of their own.

    Originality is just putting an old idea into a fresh container. Creative geniuses know how to do this well.

    The art and science of marketing is all about the psychology of knowing what people need to solve a problem. The answer to their prayer just might be what you have created just for them.

  • Hi Marlon,

    I’ve received the tear piece newspaper ads via direct mail in times past…

    Many successful marketer’s say they get their ideas for product’s, blogs, and sales pages from other successful marketer’s or marketing campaigns…

    Might as well use what is already working…


    Willie Robertson

  • juli says:

    Hi Marlon,

    Glad to hear you are feeling better. Great e-zine as always. I always learn something new from the MMM. I remember the tear piece and sticky note example very well. Looking forward to seeing your new product.

    Stay well,

  • Mat Gallaugher says:

    Hi Marlon,
    As usual you come up with really helpful stuff.

    I think sometimes you can also learn by observing what people don’t like about the way your competition operates.

    As a young man I sold encyclopaedias. It was tough! Often you would be the third or fourth salesman to knock on someone’s door that day. And all those hard-sell foot-in-the-door guys gave us a bad reputation.

    I found that, if I took a step back as people opened the door, they would feel less pressured and be more willing to listen. The door would actually open wider. (I tested my theory and, sure enough, if I stepped forward the gap would narrow!)

    Today, if someone shows an interest in what I am selling, I will approach them with some helpful information … but then step back and get on with my work, without having told them everything they are likely to want to know. Sure enough: usually they will approach me with further questions. I can then answer them and, conversationally, toss in a few more benefits. This way, people don’t feel they are being pressured into buying.

    As we all know, people like to buy, but they don’t like to be sold!

    Glad to hear you are feeling better! … but take it easy and don’t strain yourself.

  • Hey Marlon! I’ve been following you since the late 90’s when I first started doing business online. I took a break from internet marketing for several years, but when I came back I was glad to find you’re still going as strong as ever.

    I love the idea in this week’s MMM of riding the contrails of a successful product by creating an add-on product to sell. I’ll have to look into that, since every time I try to create my own products it seems to take FOR EVER and then I have to find my target market and figure out how to reach them and convince them they want to buy. Sounds like it would be do much easier to let the “big guys” do this and then mooch off of them. 🙂

    So thanks for that!


  • Paula Pallo says:


    I’ve looked at all sorts of other “gurus” and such but I’m back to you. I think you are the most practical AND most realistic in what your offering in any of your products. Your stuff is all about making folks THINK right. As soon as I can afford it, I intend to purchase your Push Button letters to help me write my sales page for my website. Hopefully, within a couple weeks, I’ll be able to get the hosting for my site. And I will be an affiliate as well since I intend to encourage people to use your products. Your newsletters are useful with what I call a cheery tone. Always uplifting.

    I am sorry to hear that your health was a problem but I am very glad that you are getting relief following a more cleansing diet.

    Thanks for all that you do for the rest of us.

  • Cindy Siow says:

    Hi Marlon,

    Great reminder that all great ideas had their beginnings elsewhere.

    Will try to match one of the ideas used in the DM industry to mine today.

    Starting with a tear-sheet.


  • Marge says:

    Hey Marlon…

    I JUST figured out what my successful online business should be…

    Change my name to Marlonna or something like that… remarket all your products
    with a feminine touch (I don’t do hats), and Voila’! SUCCESS!


    PS Let us know before you make your next trip to Goodwill with your books…unless they are the useless ones, of course 🙂

  • Michael Lofton says:

    (sorry for re-post, but… Sorry about your name, spelled: Marlin (I knew better, hopefully you’ll catch this in Admin review, before posting and use the following instead) (hehe – michael)


    “What’s interesting is that every industry has certain marketing methods
    that everyone uses, and a whole lot of methods that could work but no one

    Marlon… you’ve provided many branches of insightful considerations off
    your trunk of IM acumen within you latest ezine/blog release, indeed !

    Be Well and Thx!

  • Michael Lofton says:

    “What’s interesting is that every industry has certain marketing methods
    that everyone uses, and a whole lot of methods that could work but no one

    Marlin… you’ve provided many branches of insightful considerations off
    your trunk of IM acumen within you latest ezine/blog release, indeed !

    Be Well !

  • Angela says:

    Hello Marlon,

    Wonderful to hear that you’re doing better. Just wanted to wish you a happy Thanksgiving (here in Canada anyway). For more heart related scientifically based research into effective natural complementary regimens – take a look at the Life Extension Foundation . org. A top high paying lawyer we have known for years is one of their subscribers (as well as having his own personal health library that I believe would surpass most physicians personal libraries) and from the science based literature he back-tracks source material and uses it quite effectively in his legal cases.

    Bearing in mind you should always make something your own and not plagiarize – Today you again hit on a topic that offered a reminder – if it ain’t broke – don’t fix it. Just use it.

    It seems every time I seem to hit a snag … along comes your MMM and – there’s the solution!

    Thank you for listening. Hope you find better solutions to solve your angina pain for good. You know you are on the right track.


  • Marie Ramos says:

    I always feel more optimistic after reading your MMM’s. You are always so positive and encouraging. Thanks, Marlon. I’m looking forward to your new product.

  • I spent years doing marketing for both non-profit and for-profit businesses, and most of what worked IRL has worked for me since I went online in 2002. I think that’s true because human beings have always been motivated by the same hopes and concerns, and the techniques of reaching out to them and inviting them to use your solution, are timeless.

  • keith says:

    I love the customised prayers example. Its amazing how the fundamentals of marketing stay the same, just the technology changes! Thanks for sharing all of your MMMs!

  • The thing I noticed the most was the idea of selling prayers. How sad. Sometimes I think we SHOULD reinvent the wheel. 🙂

  • John Racine says:


    You have a way of refocusing people on the very basics of being successful online and not giving in to the very classic “shiny object syndrome” that so easily infects so many people online and holding them back.

    I don’t remember who penned it, but there was a recommendation by one I read to “have a mentor to model and a mentor to follow” and that is what your last ezine really boils down to. Why reinvent when you can just change to a different, successful and repeatable wheel.

    I find myself waiting every Saturday for your latest thoughts and I find each one reminding me of what I should be doing. I can’t wait to see what you have up your sleeve next.


  • Conley Milam says:

    Hi Marlon,
    A person could spend a lifetime trying to come up with a totally new marketing idea that no one has used before. But it is like you said, there are so many that work, all one has to do is find someone successful that has similar interest to yours and see what they are doing That’s what I like about following you and owning your products, you have been there and done that and know what works. It’s a matter of me following your lead. Thanks for this useful ezine.

  • Marlon:
    Your ezine for this week is a good reminder that it’s best not to be too specialized. The person who reads widely and talks to lots of different people has a good chance of spotting how ideas can be used in different contexts.

  • Andrew says:


    Your idea to borrow marketing ideas is quite effective. I used to work for a HUGE aerospace firm out on the East Coast and would hear the phrase “we don’t want to reinvent the wheel” all over the company. And I would hear this all the time in somewhat high-level meetings. Just seemed to me to be nothing more than a low-level but effective means for large companies to “cover their asses”. But it worked. And it works in real life, too. For instance, though Microsoft is no longer the success it once was, they still wait for other software companies to make successful, money-making efforts and just copy them. Or BUY them! Borrowing marketing ideas just works. Period!!

  • Luis Medrano says:

    Marlon, your ezine brings to light an ingenious idea. The examples you shared make it easy to grasp the concept of borrowing ideas from other industries. It’s what keeps things fun and interesting and creative. Here’s my question, what are good resources for seeing other examples from other industries? Thanks for your ezine. By the way, it’s so awesome that the fruits and veggies are doing wonders for you.

    Stay cool,
    Luis Medrano

  • Marlin nothing is totally original, for more time then you and I have lived some one has copied anther, Sam Walton the founder of Walmart coped like from target Kmart. If you can do better then some one do it, but ad flair, and your own touch.

  • Kim L. Studer says:

    Hello Marlon. My wife became a Saladmaster Direct Dealer this summer and finally opened up her office last week. As I was reading through the “minutes” this morning she was busy getting ready for her day. I went with her and was reminded during the drive how much direct sales and internet marketing are alike.

    There is a standard “presentation” she uses as a template. Any successful marketer needs to master the presentation, no matter the subject, and then make their own as if it came from their heart. It works with both the spoken and written word. Thank you allowing me to share my thoughts. (I cancelled the first reply as I mis-spelled yer name, again!)

  • Kim L. Studer says:

    Hello Marlin. My wife became a Saladmaster Direct Dealer this summer and finally opened up her office last week. As I was reading through the “minutes” this morning she was busy getting ready for her day. I went with her and was reminded during the drive how much direct sales and internet marketing are alike.

    There is a standard “presentation” she uses as a template. Any successful marketer needs to master the presentation, no matter the subject, and then make their own as if it came from their heart. It works with both the spoken and written word. Thank you allowing me to share my thoughts.

  • Tim Wright says:

    Hello Marlon, enjoyed the ezine as usual. Have you read Steal Like an Artist by Austin Kleon? It really defines what and how to “steal” or “borrow” properly. I know you would like it.
    One of my favorite quotes in it was “Immature poets imitate; mature poets steal; bad poets deface what they take, and good poets make it into something better, or at least something different. The good poet welds his theft into a whole of feeling which is unique, utterly different from that from which it was torn.” TS Elliot

    The quote that made me laugh was “Don’t worry about people stealing your ideas. If your ideas are any good, you’ll have to ram them down people’s throats.” Howard Aiken

    Take care Marlon, glad you are feeling better!


  • Vida Evelyn says:

    Thanks for this MMM, Marlon. Good to be reminded that concepts need not be ‘original’ and that the wheel has already been invented.

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