Here’s the URL for the 1.2 gigabytes per second news article - Online and Info Product Marketing

Here’s the URL for the 1.2 gigabytes per second news article


Saturday, February 23, 2008 1.2 gigabytes per second Internet launched.  This means Internet speed many times that of cable and DSL according to the news article and Associate Press report.

Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) said it's a breakthrough for "remote education."  This is what we do as info product sellers.  Read my article below for my take on how this relates to us as info product sellers.

But in short it translates into vastly increased usage of the Internet and laggards finally coming onto the Internet, thus increasing the audience size in multiples.

What's more, as JAXA said, it's a breakthrough in remote education on the Internet. 

"I predict this will be a huge breakthrough for remote education and info product sellers"

Marlon Sanders
