Hit me with your feedback on today’s issue - Online and Info Product Marketing
  • Hi Marlon,

    You're an absolute winner to me. I Love your attitude and approach. It's inspiring.

    I recently received one of your letters all the way over here in far South Thailand, just to tell me how much affiliate earnings I'd made… selling your products. That's a beautiful thing.

    One day I'd like to work closely with you. Right now this product of mine does OK but need to "increase sales."


    Your products are next on my list to be printed out and read cover to cover. Thanks for being you Marlon. It's the best thing that ever happened to the world. And to us all.


    An Australian in Thailand

  • Marlon, Are you sure you REALLY want to see the website I built in 1996? OK. Brace yourself… http://members.ozemail.com.au/~coeliac/ Awful, isn't it? 🙂 Your advice about getting leverage by having other people do a lot of the work is spot on. I sold my own products in 1996 and 1997, and then spent about a decade earning a living selling other people's products. Now, with SpeedPPC.com, we have our own product again. I must say it's fun having affiliates I'd never even heard of before selling our product for us. A mix of having your own product AND selling other people's products works well for me. There are advantages and disadvantages in both. After all, you don't want to persuade ALL your affiliates to switch to being vendors, or you'd have no one to promote your products for you. 🙂

    [Allan, it's just so great to see you back into full speed mode!!  And yes, by advocating people create and sell products, I lose over time my best affiliates.  The list of top affiliates I've had that have gone on to stardom is rather long.  Allan, why don't you do like a 30 day challenge with speedppc?  I think it would be hot.  Also, webinar demos would be good.  Congrats on your product.  I need to promote it.]

  • Michael says:


    You hit it on the head!

    There are few basic rules to any business

    Know what it wants

    Know how to reach it

    Know how much it wants to pay

    Know how to give it what it wants at a profit

    If you don't do these steps, you ain't got a business. Simple as that. Fancy copywriting, smart web-sites, etc are only the icing on the cake

  • Lynne Lee says:

    Thanks. I don't feel sold to and this is very sound advice.

    I'm producing my own products now and will soon launch my first ebook. I know that is the way forward.

    Everyone benefits because what I know and do well is no longer limited by being delivered one to one. The one to many model is the way forward.

    Love your honesty.


  • Julie Chrisler says:

    Marlon, I have been a subscriber for a long time but never open my email from other markters as I might be tempted to buy something. I have learned the hard way that there is no magic bullet, and when I did open your email on the off chance today was pleasantly surprised at it's style, forthrightness, and especially the message. While you encapsulate the process sweetly it takes a little thing called action to make it all gel, and that is precisely what I have been working at, taking action. And it is working, slowly but surely I am getting there. Thanks for the great message. Julie

    [Hey Julie, nice to have you back!  Now, this time around, stick to the game plan!  Good luck to you.  Hope to see you on Tuesday's call.]

  • Marlon: But the ad said I'll make $1,000 a minute, in my pajamas, without having to know or do anything at all. You're a much harder taskmaster than the dream merchants who suck up so many dollars from next week's would-be IM millionaires. If you can't or won't ask for money in exchange for the value you offer, you're not in a business. Selling is the oldest and most honorable profession. Keep on delivering great product and example – you the MAN. Love to all. Steve Markowski

    [Hey Steve, well, I came into this business in 1978 that did make things sound pretty dreamy.  But you know, my style overall is to call 'em like I see 'em.]

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