How To Make Internet Marketing Work For You! (Good stuff) - Online and Info Product Marketing

How To Make Internet Marketing Work For You! (Good stuff)




Today's article:

Here's How To Make Internet marketing Work For You!

Subtitle: Why It Ain't All So Cottin' Pickin' Complicated, Why
You Do NOT Need 1,000 Power Points And Pages Of Flow Charts
And Systems, And Why I Believe You Should Learn To Do Things
Yourself Before You Outsource

I've received 83 blog comments so far concerning the new
“Promo Dashboard” concept.

Grab your chance to win 1 of 10 copies being given away.
Five people will win for their text submission.

But guess this!  We have ZERO video submissions I'm aware
of and FIVE copies being given away to video submissions.
At the moment that makes your chances of winning 100%!

Post to the blog. Instructions are there:

Best wishes,


P.S. I sent out a transcript of the Evergreen System. If
you didn't get the email, contact Tim. This is obviously
for buyers.  Working on a cool mini-dashboard for ya also
as a freebie.

Marlon's Marketing Minute
Electronic Newsletter
Vol. 3, #25, August 2, 2008

This issue contains:

A. Sponsor Advertisement:  A few bullet points from the
Product Dashboard sales letter.

B. Announcements from Marlon (Important)

C. Main Article: Here's How To Make Internet marketing Work For You!

D. Services You Can Use

Brought to you by: Marlon Sanders – Publisher



It is NOT about traffic. It picks up where traffic leaves off

In other words, once people hit your SQUEEZE page, this is
what Promo Dashboard is about:

==> Getting people onto your email list

==> Creating a highly attractive freebie that will COMPEL
people to join your email list

==> Exactly, specifically HOW to create screen capture videos,
PDF's, courses and other “freebies” that will GET people to
join your list.

==> Getting people to CONFIRM their email (very important)

==> Sending out email promos to those folks

==> Taking them FROM emails to podcasts, videos, PDF's and
other tools to get 'em to BUY!

==> How do you REALLY get people to buy? I remove all the b.s.
and “guru speak.” It ain't that complicated! I show you how
you really do it.

==> I'm the ONE guy making things simple for you. Taking
away the smoke and mirrors instead of creating endlessly
complex charts, power points, systems. Sheez. No wonder you're
confused and overwhelmed!

==> How to pimp out your PDF's, do the right lighting for videos,
add cookie-based deadlines that vanish, add reflections to
your PDF call-out quotes, get people on your list, troubleshoot.


One: Do You Have Unresolved Customer Support Issues?

If you have a customer support issue of ANY type, whether it
may be a question on affiliate commissions, product not
received, problem logging in or just something you're confused
about, here is how to get help:

Two:  Joel Comm's book launches Tuesday

Joel Comm's revolutionary new book on the history of Internet
marketing coming soon. This book is gonna be big and it launches
on Tuesday.  It's much more than just “history.”  But that's in

You have a REAL treat coming.

Three: Did You Get Your Evergreen System Transcripts?

The link was sent by email. If you didn't get it, contact Tim,
I'm also doing a mini Dashboard for it that's be a freebie
for ya.

Three:  If you're an affiliate, I NEED you to help us promote
Promo Dashboard.  With the massive amounts of launches I need YOU
to help us break through the noise!

C. Here's How To Make Internet marketing Work For You!

Subtitle: Why It Ain't All So Cottin' Pickin' Complicated, Why
You Do NOT Need 1,000 Power Points And Pages Of Flow Charts
And Systems, And Why I Believe You Should Learn To Do Things
Yourself Before You Outsource

By Marlon Sanders



Let's cut through the bull, the smoke, the mirrors and talk
about ALL you really gotta do to make it in this business.

There are SO many programs, systems, approaches and so much
pitching, posturing, promising and claiming, people lose sight
of the simplicity this business.

Folks, you GET people on your LIST and you SELL them!  That's
it. Stop over-complicating.

How do you GET people on your list?  You give 'em something
free they just gotta have.  How do you sell 'em?  Guess what?
You send SALES pitches via email that go to audio, video and
so forth.

This is a SALES game. We SELL people for a living. It's NOT
complicated in that sense, although execution can be a

Forget all the complicated nonsense you've heard.  You GET
people on a LIST and you sell 'em.

You don't need 1,000 Power Points to know how to do that.
You don't need 10 or 20 staff and buildings and offices!

You need an autoresponder, and something FREE and a way
to ADVERTISE it. Come on. It ain't rocket science. Get
'em on the list, find out what they WANT. SELL!

Sorry that isn't sexy or “sophisticated.”  Now, later,
if you're like me and don't wanna work much, yeah, you
can hire a customer service person and a webmaster.

For 7 or 8 years I used Lisa in Canada.  You can do that too
after you have the money. The ONLY reason I have an office
now is I have aspirations of growing a bit bigger.

There are people who have a hidden agenda to take what is
at heart VERY SIMPLE and make it endlessly complex so
you'll buy program after program after program.

Which is fine IF you're at the level you need those things.
I contend you FIRST need to learn a few simple things about
how to GET people ON your list then SELL 'em.

And you do NOT need a team of 20 outsourcers to do that for
crying out loud.  Seriously, you don't.

You know the Power Point slides showing you the 1,000 things
you gotta do in this business?

That's bull. I'm sorry.  It's TRUE at a certain level if you
WANT to grow big and have 10 or 20 or more employees.  And
yes, systems are good, even for small businesses.

With all due respect to my peers, you don't need to do all
that stuff. You just flat out don't.

You need to do a FEW of 'em. Not 1,000.  You advertise or
promote something free. You have people sign up for your
list on your autoresponder.

You write emails and send.

You have conversion audio, video, blogs, etc.  Yeah, if
I can convince you that 1,000 things are necessary and you
need endless people and systems to DO those 1,000 things,
I can SELL you a LOT of products, seminars, coaching, systems.

There is NOTHING wrong with coaching programs and seminars.
I think they're GREAT.  I should do 'em but don't. However,
for you to feel confused and overwhelmed and think you
can't do this business without 'em?

Come on!  Get real.  Those things are great IF you have the
time and money.

But I know people who do $100,000 a month and have ONE employee.
I have another friend who does $100,000 a month and has I
think 1 full time and 2 part time.

You need someone doing customer service.  You maybe need
a part time webmaster and later a full-time one.  If you
want to grow bigger, you can later have a product creator
or an affiliate manager.

But at FIRST, you got few sales. You don't NEED the service
person until you're rocking and rolling.  The webmaster?
You do stuff yourself. Please.  Or, in a pinch, you
outsource to one of the inexpensive and talented graphic

I've had people tell me they've been in 2 or 3 coaching
programs or bought $40,000 of products and they're so

OK. Let's clear up that right now.  This is going to sound
a little “preachy” or hard core. I'm the original Marketing
Evangelist, so what I can I say?

Step one:  Get people on your list

Step two:  Send emails

Step three:  SELL

Which part of that equation is confusing?  See what I'm
saying?  THAT's what you do. THAT's ALL you do.  Everything
else is fluff.

Well, how do I get people on my list? Try advertising and
offering something HIGHLY attractive for NADA.  Try that.

Where do I advertise?

Where the people hang out!  Blogs, forums, web sites.
Seriously, where ELSE would you advertise?  On ships?
On the sky?  See, this is basic logic.

What kind of ads do I run?

Ummm, ads that offer something FREE, maybe?

Banners or text?  Both if they work.

What about affiliates?  Yeah, they're good too.

What do I sell?

Uhhh, products people wanna buy.  Either yours or other
people's. You got two choices — create your own or sell

Since back when I was marketing on AOL and Compuserve offering
my little FREEBIES through classified ads. The GAME was the
same!  People were doing TELESEMINARS back then!  And even doing
them on autopilot.

Yes, it's true.

What if people don't buy?  Employ the full arsenal of audio,
video, PDF's.  And raise your copywriting ability or hire
better writers.

I have a “conversion formula” that is gold. But I won't teach
it for free.

Here, let me spell it out step-by-step.

1. You gotta know WHO you're targeting and HOW you're gonna
reach them. That means knowing the blogs they read, the forums
they go to, the web sites they read, WHO they look to for
advice and who has the lists (potential affiliates).

Do NOT freak out if there are others selling in your niche
or market. This is a GOOD thing. It shows there's money.
And it gives you joint venture partners.

2.  You gotta have a HOT FREEBIE that people will crawl over
broken glass to get their grubby little hands on!

People say all the time, “I can't get anyone to join my list.”
Well, guess what?  You don't got a freebie, or your folks
don't want it!  That could be due to the freebie itself OR
to the presentation of the freebie.

There is a thing called “signaling value.”  Actual value
is NO more important than the signaled value.  You signal
value through your graphics, words, and social proof.

Presentation is everything.

Your headline and bullet points have a BIG influence on
whether or not people join your list.

I'll repeat:  It isn't enough anymore to JUST ask people
to join your email list. You have to GIVE 'em something
very enticing for doing so.

If they don't join, isn't it rather obvious the problem
is your freebie wasn't enticing enough, either due to
the freebie itself or the presentation?

Part of this process includes having a THANK YOU page
and a CONFIRMATION email that are effective and get people
to confirm.

3.  You gotta send out emails that send people to
“conversion pieces.”

Now, in “Amazing Formula” I originally told people to
just send emails.  The game has changed. Now those emails
have to send people to selling tools like podcasts,
pre-recorded videos, live streaming video, PDF's, screen
capture video.  And you need to incorporate Twitter and
even Facebook or Ning (

That WHOLE formula is explained graphically and in more

That page is in and of itself an example of what I just
described.  Here's another page that personifies the
process.  A podcast I call “the pizza cast.”

Here's another one I did for this project:

Here's the thing:  Creating screen video, podcasts,
pre-recorded videos, PDF's.  All those things have
learning curves.  And a LOT of marketing is literally
just about overcoming the learning curve of the tools.

The FIRST time you do any of those, it's new, different
and uncomfortable. I HATE learning curves. Which is why
we do the Dashboards to begin with.

A lot of people don't get this.

I can NEVER teach you every little thing. It's NOT about
that.  It's about overcoming the 70% or 80% or even 50%
of the learning curve FOR you.

I've found once you “get it.”  Once the initial FEAR is
gone.  Once you feel oriented, you can learn the rest
yourself pretty easily.  It's just getting over that
initial HUMP.

There's always going to be learning curves. You'll never
have every little detail figured out for you.

But once you know the little tricks and secrets of
turning video into flash, stickin' it on a web page and
linking to it, doin' your podcast recording with Audacity
and turnin' it into flash with Sonic Memo.

Once you can do your screen recordings in CamStudio or
Camtasia then add some music in the editor, add a title
frame then save as the “right sized” flash file, so it
streams well, you're 90% of the way there.

This is what I've found.

One thing a lot of beginners don't get is you have to learn
to OPTIMIZE your graphic images (jpg's or gif's) and your
flash audio and video so the file sizes are SMALL.

For example, this video was 8 meg:

A beginner that didn't know the tricks would've had something
30 or 40 megabytes that didn't stream.  In other words, viewers
would get that herky jerky motion.

Oh, and you see that turning CUBE at the beginning and the
rockets that fire? Normally, that would increase your file size
too much. But NOT when you do it right.

Marlon Sanders is the author of “The Info Product Dashboard.”
If you want to create your own info products, go to:


REPRINT RIGHTS: You have permission to use the above
article without omission and including the resource box.
You have the right to insert your reseller URLs for MY
products into the article in place of MY links.
D. “Services You Can Use”


PUT UP YOUR WEB SITE? Discover how easy and simple it can
be to do your own graphic design (or at least some of it).
Plus, find out the exact resources I recommend to save a
bundle.  Avoid going down the wrong path.

Many people have copied my software.  But there really and
truly is only ONE original.



Copyright 2008 Higher Response Marketing Inc.
All rights reserved.
