How To Overcome Your Sticking Points - Online and Info Product Marketing

How To Overcome Your Sticking Points



Marlon here.

This week's article:

Have You Found The Missing Pieces To Your Products For Dollars

What's Your Sticking Point and How Will You Get Over It?

If you want to make progress in trading products for dollars
instead of time for dollars, you need to read this article.

It will help you identify your “sticking points.”  I've found
that solving these sticking points is crucial to your success.

If you're floundering or feel like you're stuck, or if you just
wanna get on the “right track” to trading products for dollars
instead of sweating like a pig trading time for dollars, then
you've found just the right article for you.

Best wishes,


Marlon's Marketing Minute
Vol. 2, #22, December 15, 2007

This issue contains:

A. Who Else Wants 98 Cents A Click?

B. Announcements from Marlon (Important)

C. Main Article: Have You Found The Missing Pieces To Your
Products For Dollars Puzzle?

What's Your Sticking Point and How Will You Get Over It?

D. Services You Can Use

Brought to you by: Marlon Sanders – Publisher


Get Your Info Product Dashboard TODAY

It's the only step-by-step, A to Z system not JUST for
creating info products …. but that shows you HOW to select
product ideas using my “flanking move” I've built my business
on, HOW to do 12-product surveys with an actual example, that
gives you a tested, proven email & source with a 30% success
rate in getting interviews with experts — PLUS, templates
that would cost your more than the Dashboard to have custom

OTO using Amember and produced a video for you.

A. Who Else Wants 98 cents a click?

The Info Product Dashboard is producing 98 cents a CLICK
across ALL TRAFFIC currently coming to site. I pay 50%
on the 6-week coaching 1/2 priced OTO upsell.

If you got a list and you want a chance at 98 cents a click,
go to:



One: New Bonuses To Be Added For Info Product Dashboard Buyers

I have some new bonuses I'll be adding in December. Hot stuff!
So hang out and let me hit you with several more cool things,
including the live forum text chat this Tuesday.

Two: Get Support In The Forum

I have a 60-day forum (meaning it will be live for the next
60 days) to help support Info Product Dashboard owners.  Go
there if you get stuck on anything and post.

I encourage members to help each other.  My staff will also
do their best to help.

Three:  Milcers newsletters and cd's.

Good grief, I'm behind!  I will catch up and get you double
issues out shortly.

Four:  Products I endorse — I have endorsed several products
to you guys and gals.  Remember, I do NOT have proof of income
claims in the letters.  But I feel the products are very good
or I wouldn't endorse them.

Please, do NOT buy one product thinking that you'll solve all
your problems and issues and be on easy street. It doesn't work
that way.  Success is the result of an accumulation of know
how and effort.

C. Have You Found The Missing Pieces To Your Products For
Dollars Puzzle?

What's Your Sticking Point and How Will You Get Over It?

By Marlon Sanders

As you know, you either trade your time for dollars or you trade
products for dollars.

But let me relate a story that might be useful to you:

I'm involved in another market that I'm considering creating
products for.  What I've found out is that MOST of the people
in that market do NOT want to spend more than the price of an
ebook to solve their sticking points and problems.

They expect to get everything they need off of a free forum.
Then, they go in the forum and post how discouraged they are!

Occasionally one person finally spends some money to buy some
quality information and know how.  They post the gist of it
to the forum.

But since everyone is following different models, the result
is a mish-mash of methods that may or may not work and combine
well with each other. It's often the blind leading the blind.

Nothing is wrong with people helping people.  I have a 6-day
forum to help my Info Product Dashboard buyers hook up with
each other.

What I've found is that ANY process has sticking points and
steps that trip most people up.  But the right piece of know how
can help you get OVER that sticking point.

And I've found that there are so many POV's (points of view)
being promoted, people don't know WHAT to do.  Understand that
marketers have affiliates who promote a specific agenda, angle,
method, approach or point of view in the forum.

Why?  Because they sell a product RELATED to that POV.  But
new people come in and get all caught up in the forum psychology.
They think that the dominant opinion of the forum must be

That's not always true.

One of those sticking points in trading products for dollars is
finding your target market.  Another one is doing surveys to
find out what people want to buy. Another one is figuring out
how to create info products if YOU are not personally an expert
on the topic.

These are sticking points you MUST get over to succeed. But those
sticking points and the right solution DEPENDS on what model you're

Different models have different sticking points and different
solutions.  You can't take one model, identify sticking points for
another model. Then grab solutions for a third model.

Or, more commonly, try to combine ALL the models into one!  That
can be a REAL mess.  Like let's take all good features from ALL
cars and vans and make the “Super Car!”

Or not.

The way you make progress is to identify YOUR sticking point.
Then work to get over THAT hump.

So the question is, “At this point in time, what is YOUR sticking
point?”  What is keeping you from having your own products you
can trade for dollars?

Quick question:  If you already HAVE a product, who is the target
market for it and did you DO a 12-product survey?

All the time I see people who have decided THIS is the product to
sell. But they don't know WHO they're going to sell it to. And
they haven't done a 12-product survey.

That's called a shot-in-the-dark. Maybe it'll work. Maybe it won't.
And doing about anything is better than doing nothing.  At least
you'll learn if you do something.

Most people think you START with the product and then hunt for
someone to buy it.  And while you can succeed doing that, I advise
you to start with a group of people you want to sell to. Come
up with product ideas. Do a survey.

Let them tell you what they want to buy.

And more importantly, ask yourself what your real sticking point
is.  What's stopping you?  Then, focus on overcoming that issue,
whatever it is.

1.  If  you don't have a target market, you need to solve this
puzzle. Who are you going to sell to?

2.  If you can't come up with 12 product ideas for that market,
you need to learn HOW to do that.

3.  If you can't figure out how to get people to take the survey,
you need to solve that issue.

4.  If you can't find a way to get other experts to create your
product for you, you need to learn how to do that.

5.  If you have the paralysis of analysis, you need to get over

Marlon Sanders is the author of “The Amazing Formula That
Sells Products Like Crazy.” If you'd like to get on his
mailing list and receive tips, articles and information
about online marketing, visit:


REPRINT RIGHTS: You have permission to use the above
article without omission and including the resource box.
You have the right to insert your reseller URL for
“Amazing Formula” in place of the existing URL>

D. “Services You Can Use”


PUT UP YOUR WEB SITE? Discover how easy and simple it can
be to do your own graphic design (or at least some of it).
Plus, find out the exact resources I recommend to save a
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Many people have copied my software.  But there really and
truly is only ONE original.


Copyright 2007 Higher Response Marketing Inc.
All rights reserved.
