How to Use An Affiliate Program to Unleash a Lot of Traffic — Without the Grind of SEO, the Cost of Pay-Per-Click or the Uncertainty of Viral Traffic - Online and Info Product Marketing

How to Use An Affiliate Program to Unleash a Lot of Traffic — Without the Grind of SEO, the Cost of Pay-Per-Click or the Uncertainty of Viral Traffic


If you've been reading my articles this year, you KNOW that I'm an advocate of getting traffic via an affiliate

Let's talk about how to make your affiliate program ROCK!

1. I'm on board with the whole trend Mike Filsaime started of instantly signing up your customers as affiliates. That's a stroke of genius.

The easier you can make it for people to promote you the better. So one of the things I go to great lengths to do
is provide SIMPLE tools for affiliates. I make it EASY for them to get links.

You can see how I do this at

2. Have a USP versus the competition

If you've been through the Red Factor System, you know USP is an outdated concept. And there are a lot more valuable ways to look at it.

But since most people reading this don't have that system, let's just talk about USP — what differentiates you from the competition?

And what I have to say on that is you need to have a clear differentiation.

In my case, we have more TOOLS than nearly anyone else. We were also the first in our market as I recall to run CONTESTS.

You know who does a GREAT job at this? The Mary Kay folks. They really do a great job of motivating their ladies.

I also PAY DAILY and hardly anyone else does. I also provide LIVE CHAT support for affiliates. And I pay out commissions on many back end sales. Not very many people do that anymore. It's "one-and-done."

These are just a few of the ways I differentiate our program. You need to decide how YOU are going to differentiate your program. You Red Factor folks need to think about how to do this in terms of what I taught you in that program.

3. Have a quick start program

If you go to you'll see I provide a quick start plan for our affiliates.

I think it's very important you have a 1, 2, 3 sort of system for your affiliates to use.

4. Provide a quick start bonus

One of the things I do is provide a bonus to affiliates who are new. You can see this bonus plan at which is my signup page for new affiliates.

5. Give your affiliates plenty of articles to use

This is one area I plan to improve on. I want a constant stream of useful articles going out to my affiliates. Affiliates love articles.

6. Viral PDF's are always a hot item with affiliates

Providing the occasional viral PDF is always something affiliates love. Aim to please! If you follow the above 6 tips, it should put you on the fast track to having a successful affiliate program.

Marlon Sanders is the author of "The Affiliate Program Dashboard" that walks you through setting up your own affiliate program and promoting it. It's A to Z and makes everything as much a snap as possible.


REPRINT RIGHTS: You have permission to use the above article without omission and including the resource box. You have the right to insert your reseller URL for "Amazing Formula" in place of the existing URL.

  • Albert Lemke says:

    Hi Marlon, I enjoyed the article. It is more great advice. FYI – The URL in number 3 has an extra 'w' listed. Thanks.

    [Albert, after I have my Starbucks today, I'll see if I can fix that.  This is why I still need to bring that final person on board.  To handle the little details.]

  • Dear Marlon, Where can we find out more info on "Red Factor"? Sincerely, Brennan

    [Brennan, the Red Factor was a one-time event. I'm thinking about doing a re-launch.]

  • Marcel says:

    Hi Marlon, this is really great info aside and topping what you read elswere all over the web. I joined your affiliate program not long ago and what I love about it is the phantastic partner-approach to your affiliates you are offering. Here is real win-win.


    [Marcel, I'm going to work harder on the reseller blog and try to get more resources on it.  I really need someone to create continual content for it other than myself.  I'm glad you notice and appreciate the effort. Marlon]

  • Roy Carter says:

    Hi Marlon, Great advice as usual! Signing up your customers as affiliates is something that i've been a bit slow to implement for my products, but i'm on it now. Who better to promote your products than your own customers? Thanks for the heads-up Marlon.


    Roy Carter

    [Roy, yes, your customers make great affiliates.  My goal is turn every customer into an evangelist.  Marlon]

  • Lindsey says:

    Marlon: When you SELL (not give away) an ebook, how do you let affiliates have links for back-end products? Do you have to make a seperate book for each of them to sell?

    [Lindsey, you can create brandable pdf's and brandable ebooks.  We use viralpdf I think for pdfs.   The trend now is to pdf's, not ebooks.  Also, if the affiliate sets the cookie in our system, we pay out on most back end sales, as long as the cookie is set.  Marlon]

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