Big Ticket Sales - If You Can Solve a Problem With a Big Price Tag For a Solution, You Can Cash In With This Method - Online and Info Product Marketing

Big Ticket Sales – If You Can Solve a Problem With a Big Price Tag For a Solution, You Can Cash In With This Method


Marlon here.

Can you solve a problem that has a big price tag for its solution?

You have knowledge. You have skills. And your knowledge and skills can solve a big pain point or problem.

All you need is a marketing system to find the prospect, make the sale and get paid — as automatically as possible.

When you have knowledge, information and skills that can help someone else get a highly desired result, then you have what you need to help others and collect payment in return.

You can actually get paid many ways when you think about it.

Some people will buy an ebook from you.

Some will buy a workshop.

Some will buy a course.

Some will buy training.

Some will buy coaching.

Some will buy service.

There are a huge variety of opportunities to make sales from what you know and what you can help others do.

In the past, this was hard because you had to use html and clunky page builders. But today the technology is amazing. It's faster, easier and simpler than ever before to turn your knowledge into money.

The rule of thumb is that once you get a buyer, they'll continue to give you money in exchange for greater value.

Marketers call this a funnel or a “back end.”

The customer buys one thing.

It helps them.

So then they buy something else and something else.

Step 1: You start with an audience who has an unmet need or a desired result

Step 2: You know the service or product you want to sell that will help them get what they want

Step 3: You do a survey to figure out what a good intro product or service will be

Step 4: You create marketing materials and promotions in order to find customers for the introductory offer

Step 5: You put together routine, consistent promotion to get new customers to purchase your introductory package

Step 6: You have a sales process to ascend buyers from the entry level product or service to the big package, service, coaching or course or courses you offer.

It's a relatively simple, straightforward step-by-step process.

I have a 1-on-1 6-week program to help you position, price, package and promote your solution to a big problem or pain point.

It's called Monetize: Position, Price, Package and Promote a Solution to a Big Problem or Pain Point for Big Profits.

For the details, contact me here.

Best wishes,

