Marlon’s 13-Point Cheat Sheet For Generating Leads Online - Online and Info Product Marketing

Marlon’s 13-Point Cheat Sheet For Generating Leads Online




Marlon here.

The article this week:

“Marlon's 13-Point Cheat Sheet For Generating Leads Online”

Save this for reference and use it as a checklist

This is out late today.  I slept late because of Halloween then
had a personal training session at the gym.  You WILL boost your
personal energy if you work out at the gym.

Today I have a Cheat Sheet for you. You'll want to save it. It's
a checklist of reminders in your lead generation.

Also, we're having a “pimp your website” webinar where Danny,
Sean and I will critique 10 web sites for design, copy and
php factors.

All the details are on those 2 urls.


P.S. Hit me with your feedback on my blog:

PPS:  Other marketers ONLY send you good content during their
product launch.  I'm with you every week, motivating, inspiring,

Marlon's Marketing Minute
Electronic Newsletter
Vol. 3, #37, November 1, 2008

This issue contains:

A. Sponsor Advertisement: Do you want me to improve the sales
copy on your web site for under $100?

B. Announcements from Marlon (Important)

C. Main Article: Marlon's 13-Point Cheat Sheet For Generating Leads

D. Services You Can Use

Brought to you by: Marlon Sanders – Publisher



Do you want me to improve the sales copy on your web site for under

If you want ME to look at YOUR headline, your copy and your web site
and offer my best critique. And have Danny look over your graphics
and Sean look over any php programming you might be able to add,
then now is your chance:

This offer won't be around much longer.

Marlon Sanders


One: Follow me on Twitter

This way, if you don't get my emails, you get my Twitters.

Two: Existing Evergreen Customers
The mini Dashboard is in your

Just go to:

Click on Evergreen System.

Three:  FORUM for Promo Dashboard buyers is now lIVE!
Log in at:

Click on the forum tab.  There's some good discussion goin'

Four:  New Ateam Web Site

C.  “Marlon's Cheat Sheet For Generating Leads Online”

Save this for reference and use it as a checklist

By Marlon Sanders


Here's Marlon's cheat sheet for generating leads online:

1.  First you need to know how much you can afford to spend
to get someone to join your email list.

a.  After people opt in, you're going to present them with
an immediate offer, either on the thank you page, or the
page after they confirm their email.

I'm going to call this “sale 1.”

a.  Count the total revenue generated from sale 1,
including upsells and downsells

This is the KEY.  When they buy sale 1, it's critical you
immediately have upsells and downsells.

b.  For example sake, let's say after they opt in, you present an
offer for $27 and, on average, including a $250 upsell and $50
downsell (if they decline the $250 offer), you net out $50.

If you're converting 10% of opt ins, that is $5 per opt in.  Now,
you know you can conservatively spend $2.50 to get an opt in.  I'm
going to use this $2.50 as an example.

You have to calculate your own numbers.

2.  Critical points for your name capture (or squeeze) page

a.  You need to be capturing 10% to 15% minimum.  Some of my friends
take this up to 30% on ppc traffic. I've heard higher figures but
they are probably from traffic other than ppc.

b.  Use a tested headline

==> Scan your subject lines for something that did well and pull
from it for the squeeze page.

==> If you have pay-per-click ads running, take one that did really
well and turn THAT into a headline.

==> Model other headlines you KNOW are working well

==> Look at the posts in forums in your market with very high views.
Borrow those subject lines — creatively.  Model don't steal.

c.  If you can put together a hot screen capture video or real video,
this will likely increase opt ins.

d.  Make sure your opt in box is above the fold of the screen, so
people don't have to scroll to get to it.

3.  Adapt your squeeze page for Google

a.  There's a nasty rumor that Google doesn't allow squeeze pages.
Search stuff on Google a lot and bookmark ALL squeeze pages you find.
There are still MANY out there that are working.

b.  Look to see if the successful squeeze pages have links to
content, privacy policies, contact info.

4.  Start a swipe file

a.  Save squeeze pages to a squeeze page folder
b.  Save hot sales letters to a sales letter folder
c.  Save great google ads that you keep seeing over and over to a
ppc folder
d.  Save awesome screen capture videos to a video folder

5.  Run the numbers for pay-per-click

If you can spend $2.50 to get an opt in, and 1 out of 10 clicks
opts in, then you can spend .25 per click.

===> If you can't realistically get your traffic for .25 click, then
tweak your numbers.

— Add an upsell
— Add a downsell
— Add video to boost your conversions
— Do something else to improve your numbers.

6.  Test banners on Google

a. Banners are a goldmine if you can get ones that convert. Test on
Google site targeting.
b. If they work, test them on Adbrite.

7.  Buy banners on forums

— Forums can be a little goldmine

8.  Buy banners on highly targeted blogs

9.  Track everything

You can use hypertracker or adminder. But there is a monthly fee for
those. has an adtracker built in.

Currently, I use AdtrackZ gold.  See my interview with Daegan in
Promo Dashboard.

10. Know your tracking software in and out.

— If you can pass variables to it, learn what this means and how
to do it.
— Learn about sids, tids and the other tracking suffixes

11.  Have a GREAT freebie

a. The freebie you offer on your squeeze page is ALL important
b. The title is everything
c. You can offer something as simple as a 1-page report like Agora
does all the up to a free ebook like Ben Hart does.
d. Steal from your winning subject lines and ppc ads for the title
of your freebie.

12.  The more robust your back end, the greater your freedom for
generating leads on the front end.

a.  Start a back-end swipe file where you save product ideas for
back ends that others are using.
b.  Create a back-end swipe file where you save videos and sales
letters for back-end products.
c.  Study back-end revenue generating sales letters, videos,
webinars and teleseminars. Get the recordings and save them for

13.  If all else fails, sponsor teleseminars and webinars where
other sell their big ticket back ends and you make 1/2.

Marlon Sanders is the author of “The Amazing Formula That
Sells Products Like Crazy.”

I'm starting a new MasterMind so to speak.  You gotta get
Promo Dashboard first to be a member.

But you can watch the video on it here:


REPRINT RIGHTS: You have permission to use the above
article without omission and including the resource box.
You have the right to insert your reseller URL for any
products I mention

D. “Services You Can Use”

If you do PPC, you gotta have Speed PPC.  I, Marlon Sanders,
100% endorse it:



Many people have copied my software.  But there really and
truly is only ONE original.



If you do ANY pay-per-click in Google, or if you are thinking
about it, there is ONLY one tool you absolutely, positively
must know about, live with, sleep with, and use.

Even PRO ppc people don't always use this tool. It gives you
the single biggest boost in quality score, lower click prices
and results I know of.

Instead of getting that next Adwords Ebook that tells you WHAT
to do, get a tool that DOES IT for you. This software has my
full endorsement.  I'm using it myself on my new ppc campaigns.

Marlon Sanders

Copyright 2008 Higher Response Marketing Inc.
All rights reserved.
