New 1.2 Gigabytes Per Second Internet Launches Today — How It - Online and Info Product Marketing

New 1.2 Gigabytes Per Second Internet Launches Today — How It


Marlon here.

Are you STILL trading your own personal time for dollars instead
of products?

If you are, then give this a listen to:

At 5:55 p.m. (0855 GMT) on Saturday, February 23, 2008 Japan
launched a satellite from the Yoshinobu Launch Complex at the
Tanegashima Space Center

The Associated Press said the satellite will offer speeds of up to
1.2 gigabytes per second.

That is many times the speed of DSL and cable Internet.  Initially,
the service will be offered in the Asia-Pacific area, according to
a Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) news release.

Good grief, I'm getting ahead of myself. It's all in the article
below. Here's the title of my main article today…

"New 1.2 Gigabytes Per Second Internet Launches Today —  How It
Will Rock Internet Marketing and Specifically Distance Education."

"What This Means To You Dumping That Ol' Job Of Yours, Creating
Products and Trading Products For Dollars Instead Of Your Time —
In The Next 21 Days, So You Can Do Your Survey And Sell What
You Know People Want To Buy"

Also, if you bought the "Secret Site" video and the webinar, I had a
really nifty download page created for you. See the announcement
below. I also added a BONUS 37 slide video that covered all the
bullets in the sales letter I promised for the webinar in depth.

In my excitement, I forgot to cover some of them. So I did a special
video. Oh, the cheat sheet is slick!

Marlon Sanders

Marlon's Marketing Minute
Vol. 3, #5, February 23, 2008

This issue contains:

A. Advertisement

B. Announcements from Marlon (Important)

C. Main Article: New 1.2 Gigabytes Per Second Internet Launches
Today —  How It Will Rock Internet Marketing and Specifically
Distance Education.

What This Means To You Dumping That Ol' Job Of Yours, Creating
Products and Trading Products For Dollars Instead Of Your Time —
In The Next 21 Days, So You Can Do Your Survey And Sell What
You Know People Want To Buy

D. Services You Can Use

Brought to you by: Marlon Sanders – Publisher


If you're ready to stop putting things off and get in gear and take
advantage of the Internet revolution that really did launch today,
then it's time you get:

1. — This is to create your own
info products.

2. — That is to get your web site
up and running.

3. — That is to start your own
affiliate program in order to get visitors to your web site.



One: Special Webinar update

If you bought my webinar last week, we made a very nice download
page that has the webinar, another special 37 slide video that
covers every single bullet I promised in the sales letter, your
nifty cheat sheet and then the Secret Site video.

If you haven't logged into and checked out the
new download page, do it! Danny did some killer graphics for it.

a.  Go to:

b.  Enter the user name and password you created when you
signed up

c.  Click the link in the left margin.  That takes you to
your download page for the webinar.

Two: Yanik's Underground Blowout

I'm telling you, it's gonna be a lot of fun there.

Three: Get Support In The Forum

I have a 60-day forum (meaning it will be live for the next
60 days) to help support Info Product Dashboard owners.  Go
there if you get stuck on anything and post. 

I encourage members to help each other.  My staff will also
do their best to help.

Four: Products I endorse — I have endorsed several products
to you guys and gals.  Remember, I do NOT have proof of income
claims in the letters.  But I feel the products are very good
or I wouldn't endorse them.

Please, do NOT buy one product thinking that you'll solve all
your problems and issues and be on easy street. It doesn't work
that way.  Success is the result of an accumulation of know
how and effort.

I WILL be endorsing more products.  I try hard to ONLY endorse
quality products.  But keep in mind my warning about income

C. New 1.2 Gigabytes Per Second Internet Launches Today — How It
Will Rock Internet Marketing and Specifically Distance Education.

What This Means To You Dumping That Ol' Job Of Yours, Creating
Products and Trading Products For Dollars Instead Of Your
Time — In The Next 21 Days



Are you STILL trading your own personal time for dollars instead
of products?

If you are, then give this a listen to:

At 5:55 p.m. (0855 GMT) on Saturday, February 23, 2008 Japan launched
a satellite from the Yoshinobu Launch Complex at the Tanegashima
Space Center

The Associated Press said the satellite will offer speeds of up to
1.2 gigabytes per second.

That is many times the speed of DSL and cable Internet.  Initially,
the service will be offered in the Asia-Pacific area, according to
a Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) news release.

Here's the stunning part. And I quote …

"Among other uses, this will make possible great advances in tele-
medicine, which will bring high-quality medical treatment to remote
areas, and in distance education, connecting students and teachers
separated by great distances," JAXA said. (See my blog for more

Did you read that LAST PART?

"Distant education."

That's US. That's me and you.  That's what we do. We sell distant
education. Information is educationl.  And whether it's ebooks,
videos, eclasses or whatever.

It's ALL distant education.  And that translates into a LOT more
people ready, able and willing to buy YOUR info products, your
ebooks, eclasses, videos and reports.

My LAST prediction in December 2006 heading into 2007 was that video
was going to change Internet marketing.  Since then YouTube sold for
1.65 billion dollars.

My new prediction is that this breakthrough in Internet speed based
on multiples of what we're experiencing right now is going to bring
large numbers of new people to the Internet.

Not JUST that. It means people will spend more time on the Internet.
And TV and the Internet really will merge.

There's a new Internet super highway blazing its way through the sky
at this very moment.  Are you gonna be in a position to get on it or
off it?

Listen:  If you're dilly dallying around and you "pooh-pooh" this
whole info product selling thing, then you better wake up. Because a
new Internet is about to bring in massive new numbers.

It's happening right now. The satellite was launched today.  I'm not
talking theory.  I'm not talking possibilities. I'm talking reality.

Now, you have 21 days.

Why 21 days?  Because it takes 21 days to form a new habit.  And
this new habit is called CREATING your own info products. 

If you'll focus on creating your own info products for the next 21
days, you'll develop a habit.

Decide right this minute to set aside 33 minutes every day to create
your own info products. Work 33 minutes. Then take a break.  Then,
if you want, work another 33 minutes.

Why 33?  That's a story I'll tell ya in another ezine issue. For
right now, just do it.

Trading time for dollars is a hard way to make a living.  Trading
products for dollars instead of time allows you live a leisurely
lifestyle like I do.

And let me say this:  I operated my business for 7+ years with
NO office and NO in-person employees.  I did it all virtually.
Today I have a small office with several people.  But I worked up
to this over the years — and STILL made 6 figures plus per year
without the office.

Here's what you need:

1.  33 minutes a day

2.  A computer

3.  A keyboard

4.  Focus

If you can do that, over the next 21 days, you can cash in on
this new Internet breakthrough.

Marlon Sanders

P.S. A link to the actual news article is on my blog:

Marlon Sanders is the one guy who can help you trade products
for dollars instead of your own personal time.


REPRINT RIGHTS: You have permission to use the above
article without omission and including the resource box.
You have the right to insert your reseller URL for
"Info Product Dashboard" in place of the existing URL>

D. "Services You Can Use"
If you're ready to stop putting things off and get in gear and take
advantage of the Internet revolution that really did launch today,
then it's time you get:

1. — This is to create your own
info products.

2. — That is to get your web site
up and running.

3. — That is to start your own
affiliate program in order to get visitors to your web site.


Copyright 2008 Higher Response Marketing Inc.
All rights reserved.
