My secret blog that gives me totally passive visitors - Online and Info Product Marketing

My secret blog that gives me totally passive visitors


Marlon here.

Most people don't know about this.

I have a blog here at sales letters.


Every day I get a steady stream of visitors to that blog and SOME make their way over to my Sales Letter Software.  The thing is, this is 100% totally passive traffic.

Several years back I had my virtual assistant Lorraine outsource  80 articles by a pretty good writer for  Then I had her research the keywords for the blog, hire out the articles and assemble the thing.  I had very little participation in it.

In spite of 1 billion updates of Google's algo, we STILL get very consistent traffic that I watch live in my traffic console (I explain HOW I do that in Traffic Dashboard).  This traffic is FREE and would be a pretty penny if I were getting it from virtually ANY pay-per-click platform.

What I realize NOW is there is a GREAT deal more I can do to monetize this traffic.  What I SHOULD be doing that I'm not is move those people into a webinar or extended sales video.  

Anyway, because of our success with this, I'm seriously considering having Lorraine focus on our blogs.  There is so much more we could do with them that we don't.

It's no secret really how to do this. I cover all the basics in WordPress Basics Training.

You need to understand the basics and do them consistently.  That's why I personally outsource things.  I'm  horrible at routine things.  It's a miracle of God I publish my ezine every Saturday.  My strengths are innovating, creating and marketing.  So I hire others to do the things I'm not good at and you should too.

Before you buy ANY WordPress training, consider these things:

1.  Are the videos done by a low-cost ourtsourcer?

Lisa did some of the icons in WP Leads and Sales Dashboard. I did most of them and went over the others very carefully. The thing is, Lisa and I worked together forever. She understood EXACTLY what I wanted on the icons she did. That's VERY different from just outsourcing general topics and not really caring that much about the content, which is how MANY WordPress products are created.

2.  Is it a PLR product?

There's NOTHING wrong with buying PLR products nor selling them. However, there IS a quality difference in content.  There just is.  

WP Leads and Sales Dashboard was hand-crafted by yours truly and we spent 6 months or a year on that product on and off.  A LOT of thought, training, study, experimentation and effort went into it. I can't even begin to tell you how many things I tested, themes we looked at, plugins we downloaded, security plugins we tried out, traffic methods we examined and  explored.

3. Did real research go into the product?

See my comments on #2. I personally spent a great deal of time researching every little tidbit in the product. 

4.  Does the product cover MULTIPLE types of blogs?

There is an affiliate blog, traffic blog, customer blog, new prospect blog. They are all very DIFFERENT types of blogs.  To my knowledge, ONLY WP LEADS and SALES DASHBOARD covers all these different types of blogs and what to do with them.

Did you know I have a blog SPECIFICALLY designed for my affiliates here:



5. Does the product lock you into ONE theme?

So many products come with a theme and if you don't use THAT theme, you are screwed.  While I demo one theme, I also show you how to find and customize ANY theme you want!

6.  Is it a compilation of long, boring, tedious videos you'd rather do almost anything else than have to listen to?

WP Leads and Sales Dashboard contains text and screen caps for speed of learning and use.

7.  Are the traffic methods ALL built around trying to seduce Google with highly questionable backlinking methods?

I bet 90% of WordPress products teach backlinking methods that don't have a snowball's chance in hell of working a year from now.  I teach multiple methods, most of which are ACTIVE and give you CONTROL over how much traffic you get.

8.  Is the product focused on using your blog for sales letter or for the real purpose — blogging?

You CAN use a blog for sales letters.  I find it overall more appealing to do html sales letters because, in general, it's simpler.  The MAIN focus of a product on blogging should be how do you blog!  Of course, there ARE plugins that make it pretty darned easy to do your sales letter in your blog if you want.  But what I personally would advise you is you use a proven sales letter structure such as in my sales letter creator software (push button letters) and then paste that into WordPress and format it using Tiny MCE as I show in  the Dashboard.  

A lot of people have COPIED Push Button Letters but it's a FACT: There IS only one original that I invented, innovated and created.  Do you want a cheap knockoff copy sold cheaper, or the real, original deal?

9.  Does it teach you how to GENERATE LEADS and opt ins?

That's one of the primary purposes of a NEW PROSPECTS blog, but obviously NOT your customer blog! That's why it's critical you understand clearly the different types of blogs and how to use them.

WordPress is like a Swiss Army Knife. It can do so MANY things and serve so many purposes.  Most importantly, it gives you SPEED. And with all the themes and plugins, you don't have to know any html or CSS to use it and have something that looks really spiffy! The question is, what's the best tool or procedure to use to learn it?  True, you can buy $7 outsourced videos with content done by someone with no passion who doesn't understand Internet marketing AT ALL, and has never gotten one optin on a blog in their life!

Or you can snag something for $10 that was banged out in a weekend. Nothing wrong with that at all.  But if you want something a cut above for a very, very reasonable price that is well-researched and has personal care and attention, you might want to consider upgrading a bit.

Best wishes,

Marlon Sanders
WordPress Training Here



  • William says:

    Hello Marlon, I would like to say that I “really love the WP leads and sales dashboard!”. I have been blogging with self hosted wordpress blogs for over 8 years and your product is the best that I have ever seen on the market.

    Many of the guides and products that I have received in the past, were mostly a bunch of rehashed junk compared to the WPL&S dash. Right now I am rebooting my main blog to capture leads and sales in a niche (highly competitive) that has consistently produced more than enough cash to keep me from having to wake up in the morning from the sound of an annoying alarm clock.

    Thanks Marlon


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