See The FULL Quickstart Video From My Round Table - Online and Info Product Marketing

See The FULL Quickstart Video From My Round Table

The free sneak peak at the Quick Start is over.  The early bird gets the worm!

But you can STILL get the recording by joining the Round Table. First session
starts this week:


  • maks_poya says:

    it was very interesting to read.

    I want to quote your post in my blog. It can?

    And you et an account on Twitter?

    [You can quote or republish as long as you link to my blog.]

  • Hey King!

    Sorry that I have to chip in here but I got at least 2 visits to one of my blogs with the keyphrase 'thewritersecrets pdf download'…


    I believe this guide is damn good that people are doing all they can to get it — albeit tad 'cheapskate'…

    Have a nice Day!

  • J. Anne says:

    Thanks Marlon – I can always count on your for inspiration when I fall into the sluump. You were the first internet marketer I ever read and you're still the best!

  • Usman Gulzari says:

    Marlon… I really like your presentation. I have not only learned Marketing Techniques from you, I have also learned the skills of presentation from your speeches 🙂

  • Hi Marlon,

    Great information. I am an up and coming internet marketer that you're going to be hearing about real soon. I have been studying IM for around 3 years now, however I have been in the learning mode instead of the doing mode. Until now. I have decided to do. I have decided that I am no longer going to live paycheck to paycheck. I have decided to no longer be poor. It all starts with a decision. I've made mine. The sky is the limit for me now. I'm thinking big.

    I like your business model. Create some great information products, build a big list, have the affiliates promote, outsource the routine tasks, then scale up. That's what I want to do.

    I have a wife I met on the internet from China. We have the dream of living in the US for 6 months and in China for 6 months. I want to provide for her the way she deserves. I am 53. I don't want to wait till I'm 65 to do it. I might be dead by then. Life is too short. I want to do it now. This year!

    With your help and your great information products,(I have the promo dashboard, info product dashboard, Social Networking supercharged, How I Got 1 in Every 102 English Speaking Internet Users In the WORLD To Visit My Web Sites!, Backlink Jackpot, Associate Program Marketing Handbook) and especially the Round Table, I can make my dream come true.

    Thanks for being the kind and caring person you are to create such good work to help people realize their dreams of a better life.



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