Top Ten Google Rankings: How to Really Get Top Ten Rankings IN Google In 37 Minutes, Really For Real - Online and Info Product Marketing

Top Ten Google Rankings: How to Really Get Top Ten Rankings IN Google In 37 Minutes, Really For Real




Marlon here.

Main Article:

Google Top Ten Rankings: How to Really Get
Top Ten Rankings In Google In 37 Minutes, Really, For Real!

Subtitle: Why Everyone Is Choosing The Keywords For Their
Articles, Blogs Web 2.0 Sites, and Videos In The Wrong Way
And The Only Way That Makes Sense.

Subtitle: Eleven easy steps to those top ten Google rankings

Last week I complained about Google, so this week I'm balancing
things out! This is a HOT, no b.s. article. Read it now or
you'll be sorry.

Winners of the Info-Product Dashboard from our blog posting

1. Avi Maor
2. Patricia Simoneau
3. CJ Hirano

GREAT job!

There's a NEW CONTEST posted somewhere in this issue!

PLEASE spread this article around on your blog or wherever.
Get the word out!

Marlon's Marketing Minute
Electronic Newsletter
Vol. 3, #14, April 26, 2008

This issue contains:

A. Announcements from Marlon

B. Main Article: Google Top Ten Rankings: How to Really Get
Top Ten Rankings In Google In 37 Minutes, Really, For Real!

Subtitle: Why Everyone Is Choosing The Keywords For Their
Articles, Blogs Web 2.0 Sites, and Videos In The Wrong Way
And The Only Way That Makes Sense.

Subtitle: Eleven easy steps to those top ten Google rankings

C. Services You Can Use

Brought to you by: Marlon Sanders – Publisher

Are You Gonna Trade Your Time For Dollars Or Products
For Dollars? The Choice Is Yours

If you're still trading time for dollars, maybe it's time
you get on the products for dollars train.

I've made it as step-by-step, A to Z and no-brainer as I
possibly could.

A. “Announcements from Marlon”

1. Customer Support Issues

Do NOT email us for support. We don't get the emails half
the time. Please use the live chat and support desk. Click
the support link at the top of any of our web sites.

2. Matt Bacak buyers — If you bought the $1.00 offer I
emailed you from Matt Bacak, be aware you WILL go into
monthly recurring billing for his newsletter in the amount
of $29.95 unless you cancel.

I think the newsletter is a solid value. Some of you don't
read. I explained the trial in my email and in the sales
letter. I just don't want you to be surprised.

4. Red Factor Conference Call — For all of you who bought
my special Red Factor re-launch, I will be announcing the
conference call. It'll likely be in 2 weeks.

5. Winners from the blog posting contest:

Winners of the Info-Product Dashboard:

1. Avi Maor
2. Patricia Simoneau
3. CJ Hirano

B. Google Top Ten Rankings: How to Really Get Top Ten Rankings
In Google In 37 Minutes, Really, For Real!

Subtitle: Why Everyone Is Choosing The Keywords For Their
Articles, Blogs Web 2.0 Sites, and Videos In The Wrong Way
And The Only Way That Makes Sense.

Subtitle: Eleven easy steps to those top ten Google rankings

By Marlon Sanders


I'm not a big seo person.

But, I'm working on a new product, so I have to get my ducks
in a row. I have a shocking SEO secret to share here I bet
you haven't heard before.

I'm gonna break this down for you really easy.

The first thing people do in search engine optimization, that
is creating pages to get ranked in the search engines is to
find key words to target with their pages.

This is the link to the easiest free tool I've found:

So you type in your topic and hit submit. What most people
then do is look for keywords that have a smaller number of
daily searches. So, for example, if you type in the key
word “dog training” you might select “dog training collars”
instead of dog training.

The wrong way to do it is to choose keywords by a low number
of daily or monthly searches, assuming that means low

Let me show you this:

You can have a word in Google that LOOKS like it has
two MILLION pages to compete against. Yet, in reality, there
are almost none.

Type this in Google: sales letters cold calls

When you type it without quotes, I use the pay per click
terminology and call it the “broad phrase.”

If you look at the number of search results Google returns,
it's in the range of 1,790,000. The ebooks you read will
telll you to choose keywords with under 1,000,000 results.

But that is WRONG. Check it out. Type this in:

“Sales Letters Cold Calls”

In other words, do it in quotation marks. That searches ONLY
sites with the exact phrase.

Now look at the results:

SEVEN! There are ONLY 7 basic sites to compete against.

Let me prove this works. Look at this:

sales letter cold calls

That's singular instead of plural “letter”. 239,000 results.

Now type it in in quotes — “sales letter cold calls”.
I call that the exact phrase.

There are FOUR results! And the first two are mine. I am
listed in page two. And I only submitted the page on
Apr 25, 2008 03:30:17 GMT

Here's another:

greatest direct mail sales letters

368,000 results.

The exact phrase in quotes? Only 1,760. And look at number

That would be MY page. And I only submitted it on
Apr 25, 2008 03:30:41 GMT.

Literally a few of these rankings I got in 30 minutes to one
hour! See, when you're really only competing against 4 sites
or 2,000 sites, it's NOT so hard!

NOTICE: Since I've publicly posted these results, I'm sure they'll get
zapped. That almost always happens when you make something like this
public. The sites you post publicly are sacrificial lambs to demonstrate
your point.

Here is how to get YOUR top ten rankings TODAY! Like in one
hour from now if you're lucky.

Step one: Go to:

I usually just go to and type my term in the box at the right.
You can also use or ANY other keyword tool.

Step two: Search your topic

Step three: Start selecting keyword phrases and type them into Google
with the exact phrase in quotes.

Step four: Find a phrase that has only a few search results. Preferably
under 10. But under 2,000 is good.

Let's say you bought the private label rights to an ebook on dog training.
You type in: training dog choke collars. You see 1,850,000 results. YUK.
But in quotes “training dog choke collars” you find only THREE stupid

This is taking top ten Google rankings like taking candy from a baby!

Step five: Build several web 2.0 sites on the exact phrase as the
title. Post an article to the site with the phrase in the title
and in in the article once in bold.

For example, a squidoo lens on “training dog choke collars”
would be

Blogger would be:

Write quality content that is unique and original if possible.

Try these properties:

Step six: Digg your new site at

Step seven: Submit a story on it to
(Just a few paragraphs with your URL.)

If it's a blog, you can submit the URL with or

Step eight: Put the URL in a Twitter.
(Sign up at This one I'm not sure works. I've
read it does.

Step nine: After one hour, paste the URL of the site into
Google and search for it. For example, if this was your blog,
you'd paste the whole URL into Google search:

Now, as you can SEE, it ain't in there. I don't know why!
I'm still learning nuances. I've only been at this four

Step ten: Add new posts to your site, new articles,
videos or content daily.

Step eleven: Every time you add new content, posts, videos or
articles to your site, bookmark it with a couple of the
bookmarking services like simpy, or furl.
You “might” use for this. I'm not sure on that

On most ALL the sites, there's a way to “insert video”
and you simply put in your youtube URL and BOOM! You have a
video on the site.

At the end of the day, you need content humans WANT to read.
You create sites for humans, NOT GOOGLE! At the end of the
day, you gotta have sites people want to read and that help
and benefit them.

Otherwise, your site won't be evergreen.

Oh, updating your site frequently is how you keep the Google
bot coming there and how you stay IN the rankings without
sliding down.

Now, if you're lucky, Google will spider and list the site in
under an hour. I got mine in there in 37 minutes. Thus, the
title of this article.

On the other hand, I have some Squidoo pages, a Blogger blog
and a WordPress blog that I can't even get Google to spider
yet. I'm trying to figure THAT one out!

If any of you are seo gurus and can tell me WHY these sites
get NO Google love, post on my blog:
It doesn't show up in Google at all.

OK. So you have to create sites in multiple web 2.0 properties.
Some will stick. Some won't. What Melvin Perry, an seo guru I
like told me is with different niches, different things work

In some niches a Blogger blog or WordPress blog does great.
In some, it's Squidoo. It depends on the niche.

If you do more than one of these sites a week, go to:

Download the Safari browser and do ALL your work in it vs.
Firefox or IE. Why? If you select “Edit, private browsing” it
turns off cookies and history.

If you're checking your sites all the time, I have a feeling
(but no proof) Google then thinks you're an seo king and
they penalize you. But don't quote me on that.

I think that is why several of my sites above aren't spidered.
I searched them too many times using Firefox and Google figured
I must be up to no good!

So, I'm NOT saying it's all gonna work 100% of the time. At
least, not until I figure some more things out.

Back to work.


For free podcasts, free videos, free articles, go to:

You can hit me with your comments and feedback on this issue.

“Marlon's Marketing Minute is copyright 2008, Higher Response
Marketing Inc. All rights reserved.

You have permission to reprint the above article without changes.
Visit my web sites at:


The FIRST person to figure out WHY these 3 sites are NOT
spidered by Google and who can tell me HOW to get them
in the index asap WINS a Product Dashboard or equivalent
product of mine with the same price.
It doesn't show up in Google at all.

I've tried Digg,On the blogs I tried pingomatic. I tried
a Propeller post. And Twitter. Not all on the same day.


Here are the products I have to help you in your quest:

1. Amazing Formula: That's the Formula. The big picture.
This is the foundation of everything else.

2. Gimme My Money Now: The simplest action plan to do the
Amazing Formula I could think of.

3. The Marketing Dashboard: Amazing Formula and Gimme
boiled down to icons and step-by-step. Doesn't replace AF
and Gimme but useful.

4. Be a fly on the wall as I
teach Matt daily all the secrets of the Amazing Formula
and Gimme system.

5. Push Button Letters: Software to help you follow the
12-step copywriting formula I teach in Gimme.

6. — Elaboration in detail of the 12-step
copywriting formula in Gimme (and Amazing Formula).

7. — Step-by-step to designing your
own web site and saving a bundle on crap you do NOT need.

8. — Step-by-step to creating your
own info product.

  • Desmond says:

    Have you tried doing an article on or and and linking to your sites Marlon? Great steps by the way


  • I thought Stephanie would be the first winner based on your criteria:

    The first, the 21st, and the 54th person who correctly posts the glaring difference between the 2 videos, wins a free copy of the Info-Product Dashboard.

    Wasn't the difference about the "Kndle Report"??? LOTS of people never even mentioned it.

    [Hi, I'll have Santos post an explanation to the blog]

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