Your Comments On Stop Over Complicating Ezine Article? - Online and Info Product Marketing

Your Comments On Stop Over Complicating Ezine Article?




If you got my ezine article on “stop overcomplicating” and wanna comment, this is the place to do it.



  • Robert Woodring says:

    Marlon there is an actual disconnect that's transferred from real world job experiences. In any business,the more you can break down an operation the less skill it takes, the quicker someone can be trained and replaced and the less that job pays. So there is two opposing views at play.

    The other deals with stories and drama. All good stories need a hero (heroine) and a villian to pit their will against. Think of Hercules and his 12 labours.

    Anyway a different view.


    [Hey Robert, those are good points. I didn't know Hercules had 12 laborers!]

  • Robert says:

    Marlon, You are right, you are beautiful, and I love you. I will do it. Thanks for the kick in the aaa. Robert

    [Robert, I hope these articles inspire you to take action. And I hope that you're able to focus that action into something that gets results. I'll be having a new product that helps quite a bit. But there is always a learning curve. If nothing else, just overcoming the fear of something unknown. Update us on your progress.]

  • David Frey says:


    I've always loved your "to-the-point" advice. Thanks for being a great mentor to me over the years.

    I'm writing this as I sit here on my veranda at my private home on the beach in Costa Rica that I've rented for me and my family over the summer.

    I living the "real" internet lifestyle as a result of your advice.

    Thanks Marlon for your friendship and continuing support and advice.

    David Frey

  • Dave says:

    Hi Marlon,

    You are, as usual, right on the money. We tend to want to make things difficult and complicated. Sometimes, they are not.

    Remember ( I think I got this from you)…

    You don't have to get it right… just get it going!

    Thanks for the reminder.

    Dave Cushion

  • Desmond says:

    Great Post Marlon…Im sure alot readers had their "Ah-ha" lights go off. I picked up soem great information that I cant wait to implement.


    [Desmond, update us and let us know how it goes. Let us know if mastering some basics helps you make more money or get things moving. Marlon]

  • Melvin Perry says:

    Hey Marlon!

    This is Melvin.

    Just came across your article and you just revealed the real key to generating profits as an internet marketer. I am a firm believer that there is "nothing new under the sun."

    What has worked for years will always work. The method you revealed in the article is simple, and it will always work regardless of how the internet evolves in the next hundred years!

    Here are the steps again for those who did not read the whole article:

    1. Offer something for free on webpage in exchange for email address.

    2. Send traffic to that webpage

    3. Collect the opt in email address from that webpage

    4. Send informative emails to the list

    5. Sell to them at the same time!

    It is just that simple…it is not rocket science.

    Just take action doing the steps above and you will do just fine as a marketer.

    Melvin Perry

  • OMIGOD!! I wish I had read this article three years ago. I'm so used to studying everything in-depth, and there's always so many new Internet Marketing stuff being launched all the time, that it's very easy to get confused in this industry, and dance around not making any progress. I'm now moving forward. THANK YOU!

    [Comment from Marlon: Dr. Colyer, thanks for your comment. If you're able to move forward, post your progress. Keep us in the loop. I really do believe it's about the basics of targeting a market, finding out what they want and giving it to 'em. Focus on THAT and you'll be successful.]

  • Max says:

    I want to learn to do the basic MUSt photoshop and dreamweaver stuff you taalked about. But htere are so many resources on these and so many things they teach, i dunno how to sort through all of this to only learn what i really need to learn.

    If only there were a set of video specifically and ONLY on what we need to learn with photoshop and dreamweaver.

    [Marlon's comment: Max, I'll be having a product that helps as you suspect. But really, Design Dashboard was my attempt to help at Photoshop Elements. The 20 minute bonus video is gold. On Dreamweaver….mmmmmm…don't really have anything great yet.]

  • keith debolt says:


    Holy crap, is that to the point! I have been trying to tell my subscribers this simple message for a while…

    If you really want to do this, JUST DO IT!

    Action IS the shortcut.

    It doesn't have to be perfect, it just have to be FINISHED!

    And, most of what you need to know is out there for the taking– FREE!

    Yes, it is a process.

    Yes, it has some nuances to it.

    Yes, it will take time to master ALL of it, or money to hire some help from people who already HAVE it mastered…


    No, you don't have to be brilliant.

    No, you don't need to spend boatloads of money.

    No, you don't need to be an amazing graphic artist or an accomplished web developer or a killer copywriter….

    That's what Marlon's (and others')products are for!

    It's that simple.

    They are that simple.

    ( I have used several of his dashboard products to get my business up and profiting.)

    Your biggest hurdle, nearly every time, is taking that first step:

    Stop thinking about it and studying it and spending money on stuff and hoping and dreaming and wishing…..


    You don't need everything right now. Get the basics done and start the ball rolling. Whatever you will need next will be more apparent to you if you are actually in the middle of the process, instead of reading and downloading and clicking on every dang thing that sounds like you won't have to do any work to get rich.

    Marlon is sooo right here.


    Keith deBolt

    [Comment from Marlon: Keith, THANK YOU for your comments here. Keep preaching the good message.]

  • James says:

    People do look for that magic bullet when simple steps if completed thoroughly will reap rewards they couldn't imagined.

    [Comment from Marlon: James, THANKS for your participation here. Keep posting and participating. I appreciate you here.]

  • K.I.S.S.- "Keep it simple, sweetheart!", or "stupid", whatever the case may be.

    Listen up: I do Not usually "blow smoke", but Marlon is the ONLY high level marketer who COMPLETELY "tells it like it is!" The others would not sell their 1997.00 products if they did!!

    Bravo Marlon!

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