Your Comments On My “Get More Sales Now” Ezine? - Online and Info Product Marketing

Your Comments On My “Get More Sales Now” Ezine?


Marlon here.

Let me hear YOUR comments on today's ezine format.

Just scroll down and post in the box below.

Here are some of the things I changed:

I took out some of the announcements.
I took out some of the announcements.
I shortened up the format.I added the picture.
I used even MORE examples from students and illustrations than normal
I omitted the normal introduction and masthead.
I put the subheads in a different font…much bolder.

I removed the top sponsorship ad.


  • Angela says:

    Hi Marlon,

    Are you OK? Is Oct 9th your last post here? Just wanted to thank you for your ezine updates.

    Your article a couple of days ago was particularly timely and came just in the nick of time.

    My email to you personally came back, but I love the new PDF viral brander (thanks).

    Also, thank you for the words of encouragement to market the heck out of my new product. As my way of paying it forward I've got a wonderful Thanksgiving Special Gift offer happening at . After Thanksgiving I'll be taking it down, putting it into a larger course.

    Just wondering … which do you prefer for managing your affiliates – CB or ShoppingCart1?

    Thanks again and have a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend,


    [Hey Angela, I've been sending out my Saturday ezine as a PDF instead of the html version because it allows me a LOT more flexibility. That kinda makes my blog suffer in terms of posts. I guess I can post the PDF's. That doesn't do much for me on an seo standpoint and my customers get it by email so I haven't particularly seen the purpose. I need to re-think my blog strategy actually. Thanks for posting your thoughts.]

  • Angela says:

    Hello Marlon,

    Love the new format – much easier to read and the flow is much better – at least for me.

    Thank you,


  • Roxie Boyd says:

    Hey Marlon, just now got a chance to review last week's ezine, was out of town for 4 days. I am starting to hate being out of town for any period of time because it messes up my schedule, it takes me a week to catch back up.

    Anyway, I love your new ezine format. Definitely like not having to scroll past all the beginning stuff you had in order to get to the main article. Thanks

  • Zama Zincume says:

    Hi Marlon,

    New to your fans, however, the way you brought forth the message is right on!

  • Freddy says:

    Useful and systemised information, liked alot. Already your subscriber. Thanks a lot, Marlon.

  • Wilma van Zwietering says:

    Hi Marlon,

    The new format is great. Only the blue sub-headings were a bit difficult to read.


    Wilma van Zwietering

  • Tim W says:

    Marlon, you hit it right on the head. I like this alot. you did a great job.

  • Rod Gagon says:

    Finally, you got rid of all the stuff at the beginning that readers had to fight through to get to the main article. I hate to think of how many readers you lost in the confusion…

    Picture at the beginning is brilliant. Especially one like this one. Who is she? Is she Marlons new girlfriend? Will we see more of her? Is it a photoshop job? All these questions raced through my mind when I first looked at it…and it left enough unanswered that I just had to start reading. Which, alas, is the point.

    The paragraph headers "Step one", "Step two", are hard to read (and lets face it, fancy shadow fonts are so 1990's).

    Otherwise, vastly cleaner and clearer, with excellent content told in a personal voice. Well done!

  • Claudia says:

    Hi Marlon,

    first: thanks a lot to you, I always appreciate your quality ezines!


    I like the shorter version as I was scrolling down the first third anyway to get to the main article!

    More illustrations and examples make it easier to follow. BTW, I like your logo for the Level One Coaching!!!

    Only thing I didn't like so much is the blue subheading, maybe the blue is a bit faint or the font is too complicated but it doesn't read so easily.

    Just my personal opinion.

    Take care, Claudia

    PS: I won your product dashboad about a year ago, did create a product that would really help people, but they don't look for this kind of a solution, so no sales! Never mind, will create another product that sells them what they want, and keep closer to what the product dashboard teaches. Giving up is not an option! Will report back next year 😉

  • It looks a lot better to me and easier to follow.

    I is smother and easier on the eyes.

    Keep up the good work.

    Bright Blessings

    Charles Ellibee

    [Hey Charles! How are you? Appreciate you expressing your feelings. It helps me know how to

    serve you better.]

  • John Schmidt says:

    Hi Marlon,

    This site clean up looks great. Keep on helping us in the internet marketing world so that we can be successful.

    Best regards,

    John Schmidt

    [Hey John, thanks for sharing and I appreciate having you as a reader.]

  • Peggy says:

    Hi Marlon,

    The format is great, and your last one was SO informative! I'm presently in brick and mortar retail but will soon be transferring out of it and into my online business. Your articles and info are just so valuable and I appreciate it more than you know. Thanks Marlon.


    [Hey Peggy thanks for taking the time to give me your feedback. Glad I'm serving you well.]

  • Mayur says:

    As usual, outstanding, insightful and practical info. New format is definitely much better.


    [Hey Mayur, appreciate the post. Most people are liking the new format although not everyone. it's a work in progress.]

  • Gary Moore says:

    Nice redo, less clutter,items easier to find.

  • tom says:

    Well Marlon. I resist change to things I enjoy like your weekly missive, but I must say the new format is pretty snazzy. Nice enough opening sequence but I really think you've hit it with the new look body of it all. Of course the info is dead on and it makes you pause and LOOK instead of skim. Excellent job and stuff all around! Thanks!

    [Hi Tom, wow, interesting. Overall people are liking it. I probably still have some tweaks. But thanks for giving me your feedback.]

  • Donna Maher says:

    Hola Marlon,

    Truly enjoyed the ezine – not too long & not too short. I got nailed on a few things I haven't been doing & should be!

    I agree that graphics should always be relevant to the subject at hand…

    Thanks for always sharing tips that work and giving live examples. 🙂

    Have a great Sunday,


    [Donna, the relevance of the graphics is two fold: One, the girl at the bottom is advertising Ateam. That is relevant. The girl at the top is for the beginning of videos. It's just a demo of outsourcing…a point which I made in the ezine. Hey, thanks for posting and glad the new format is easier to ready.]

  • Verne Kelley says:

    Hey Marlon,

    The ezine looks great and is a lot easier to follow.

    As usual the content is fantastic, and I could kick myself for not doing the one of the things that you cover, MAKE A PLAN, it is probably the item that has kept me from completing my website and ebook and getting it online, I am all over the place!!!

    Now I will be more focused and will let you know how it is going.

    Thanks Again.


    [Verne, at least you got it now! And yes, the goal ALIGNS you so you aren't all over the place. I'd love to have you join Level One Coaching, so I can support you in this. But if not, go gettem anyway! Thanks for posting.]

  • Romona Burns says:

    Hi Marlon,

    I really enjoyed the new format. I especially liked the way you brought your students in as examples. To me, this was inspiring.


  • Judith Chaffe says:

    Looks very good, saves time, full of very useful advice and hints as usual.

    One suggestion would be to make the new blue sub-headings darker so they are easier for anyone with vision problems to read, another (especially for your clients on slow dial-up) to make all the photos highly relevant to the subject matter. Even if the brunettes are beautiful!

  • Eric Voth says:

    Nice. Less "cluttered."

  • Kat says:

    It looks better,subject is very interesting to all of us. Ad is still ugly except for the picture 🙂 This things ////// you have under it but , you know, I am use to it by now. Promotion in the end which is better, examples are good but not detailed enough for those not on the A Team. I must say that I love this format better because it is concise and it has a lot of pictures that attract my attention.I read your emails for great content and because I always learn something so I will keep doing that no matter what.

    Thanks Marlon

    [Hi Kat, I'll try to give more details next time. Thanks.]

  • Chris King says:

    A big improvement, Marlon. Way to go. Clean and straight forward!


    [Chris, you think? Great! I've been TRYING to get it right!]

  • Rachel Webb says:

    Looks great, Marlon!

    [Rachel! How are you?]

  • Hi Marlon,

    I really like the new format. I think having the announcements at the end is better than at the beginning. Great content as usual. I love those beautiful brunettes too.

    Thanks and keep it coming.

    [Hi Steve, yes, they are beautiful. Thanks for sharing because it helps me with the formatting a ton.]

  • Faye says:

    I really like the changes you made. To me it made for better reading. Also liked the fact that you used more examples from your students.

    [Faye, thank you for sharing. It helps me know how to better serve you.]

  • Vert nice, I really liked it. I can't explain it but I actually felt like buying a product more than I usually do.

    Is there a list of products you recommend for the beginner? I'll be 54 next week and it's time for me to

    learn how to do this. My 20 year old son wants to learn too.

    Thank you, Marlon.

    [Michael, join us in Level One if you really wanna make some FAST progress. If you wanna do stuff the slower

    way then is a good place to start. I think is a great intro to online

    marketing. is good for beginners also.]

  • Marlon,

    I found you by accident and already I have received an insight into what I need to do.

    I have been suffering from overwhelm but your newsletter design eliminates that.

    The depth of information can be handled in small chunks. I am a fan!

    Thank you

    [Marilyn, set a goal for the next 30 days and focus only on that. Your overwhelm will vanish.]

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