Download my ezine containing 5 squeeze page examples - Online and Info Product Marketing

Download my ezine containing 5 squeeze page examples


Some time back I published one of my Marlon's Marketing Method ezines about different types of squeeze pages.

One I featured is quite interesting. It's by my hyper-talented friend Paul Myers and is called “The Wombat Report.”  I thought you'd get a kick out of it. And get great ideas about email capture pages.

Here's the ezine issue.

Post your thoughts in comments.  Keep in mind that while I published this ezine issue some time back, the article and squeeze pages are still current.  The reason I'm including this in my posts is that I know you may struggle with getting new subscribers to your email list. And a big part of that equation is your squeeze page.

In fact, in my Target-List-Offer formula, the second step, “list”, zeroes in on building your list using a squeeze page.  This particular issue has a few INTERESTING squeeze page examples. For example, here's a screen cap from part of one in the issue. This is from Paul Myers' Wombat squeeze:



  • The May 12th issue was AWESOME! Yes, there are 2 Camps about the subject and they are both passionate about their position! Your passion was the BEST I've ever read on the subject…and you're 100% right…people want tricks instead of the foundation. I'm with you…Foundation is how you're able to develop the tricks . Let's keep that our "secret".

    Always the best to you, Marlon…Cheryl (used to be in San Antonio…How's the hula girl?)

  • ed lynch says:

    Marlon…this weekend's e-zine was perfect! Most newbies are lost somewhere on the mental battlefield between "can I create a product that people will want to buy" .and "what can I give away to get a list". (myself as the prime example).The key is, to quote Nike, "Just Do It", and your list of squeeze page tactics is the smack between the eyes we need to get going. Thanks for all you do.

  • As the KING of step-by-step and the Dashboards to prove it, you consistently rank to me as the Most reliable of any on the net. Your consistency in providing value to your subscribers not only with content, but what I refer to as "inside content" is unmatched. I honestly wonder if anyone else besides YOU is actually doing and working what they sell or discuss. With you, Marlon, we ALL know. Thanks for BEing who you are and blessing those of us who are smart enough to learn from you.

  • Guy says:

    There comes a time in your life when that bright shinning light pops into your brain. I must have heard at least a dozem times, "don't think about it or don't talk about it, just do it".

    Somehow you managed to flip the switch with your ezine. since receiving it I have the set up almost completed for 2 websites. Today I set the autoresponder up and go live by tonight

    Thanks for flipping that switch.


  • Ally Woodrum says:

    This issue is definitely one to save and re-read several times, there is a lot of information to digest. Love the links to good examples of each type squeeze page, it gave me a lot to think about. Good stuff.

    I do a lot in the alternative cancer niche, and I have never built a list in this area because I can't really figure out what on earth you would recommend and sell to people who are desperate for help fighting cancer. And what type squeeze page would you use? (This post helps with that issue.) My plan is to continue building a general site on alternative medicine, and once I have a good giveaway ready, offer this to people on the cancer sites. Not sure it's a great idea, though.

    • marlon says:


      It takes maybe a day to get a squeeze page up.

      Instead of debating it, just do it. Give it a shot.
      Test it as fast as you can to validate or invalidate
      your idea.


  • Tim Wright says:

    Marlon your ezine is the highlight of my weekend, definitely my favorite read above all others. The thing I like most is that they focus on the nuts and bolts of taking action to generate cash. The core goal of us all.

    It's easy to get caught up with all the new shiny objects. You have a knack for bringing me face to face with the gritty end goal: Sales.

    I'm just starting out, but I have it as a goal to become an affiliate that pops up on your radar. When that day comes, you will deserve a piece of the credit. Wishing you continued success.


  • Steve Troutman says:

    Hi Marlon,

    Great ezine today as usual.

    Your suggestion of buying promo dashboard after purchasing traffic dashboard makes sense. I saw a webinar a few months ago where the guy said that most people get it wrong and get the product to promote and then drive the traffic to the offer.

    He said you should find the best traffic source of known buyers and then match the product offer to their geographical. Made sense to me.

    Starting with the end in mind is key to any success marketing campaign and I liked the way you touched on that by asking the question in the beginning of the ezine.

    Along us realize that the year is almost about a third of the way gone, what have we accomplished and what do we need to work on to move our business forward from this point is going to take some soul searching. Myself, I have hard time staying on task and planning far enough in advance to see the results I want.

    I'm sick of it. I'm going make it happen this year no matter what!

    You've taken away all my excuses in this MMM Marlon.

    I really especially like the fresh ideas on different way of getting opt ins. Freebie teleseminars, podcast interviews. Man that' s some tricked out marketing there.

    Looks like I'm going to be busy over the next few days and weeks putting all this business building, money making, "I can't believe this info is free" stuff to work.

    I'm writing this on my iPhone at work so I haven't seen the 94.7 conversion video yet, but I can't wait to see how this guy does it.

    Thanks for the info today Marlon.

    It's a classic.

    Take Care


  • Steve Lanning says:

    A friend and I were discussing what's been going on the past 30 years in the marketing of professional services. He said it's all Internet stuff now…if you don't know the Internet, you are out of the game. In looking at the terrific 'funnel five' you sent us, I thought if I had only started to learn back in 1995 when my dear friend Lew W 'introduced' me to a Marlon Sanders and you sent me your binder you were selling at that time. The lead funnels are my new urgency. With the C-Panel stuff and following, this old horse is going to do it.

    • marlon says:

      Steve, all you need to do is create products which you know how to do and put them out on an affiliate program. You might actually consider $7 wso's to start with because they are so easy. Post to for details. Oh, your account has some presents for sharing.

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