MMM: New 31-Point, In-Depth PPC Cheat Sheet - Online and Info Product Marketing

MMM: New 31-Point, In-Depth PPC Cheat Sheet


Marlon here.

This week's ARTICLE:

“New 31-Point, In-Depth PPC Cheat Sheet”

Subtitle: Get the best ppc forums, freebie pdf's and audio,
the best tips and the top info products.

One of the most important things you'll read this year.

— How to get 7 cents click on Google — freebie PDF
— The 3 best ppc forums on the Net
— Mind mapping your ppc keyword strategy
— The single most affordable ppc coaching
— The best info source on building a list using ppc
— Is your quality score getting killed by “stop” words?
— Freebie mp3 interview with PPC Ninja
— Great tips from a forum you've never heard of

This cheat sheet is jam-packed. Print. Save. Pass on
via your blog, Myspace, Facebook or Twitter. Spread the

Save this cheat sheet for reference


Take the article, change the URL in the resource box at the
end to a reseller ID and stick it on your web site, blog,
Facebook blog, Myspace blog, Hub Page, Squidoo lens, or Google

Put it up and announce it on Facebook, Twitter, your blog,
email, or whatever else you have.

This IS an article people will want to read. You WILL make
sales from the link in the resource box.

If you don't have a reseller ID, just go to: and sign up. It only takes
2 minutes.

There are 4 ADS at the end of this ezine. You can replace
all THOSE with reseller links if you want.


P.S. After you read today's article, please pass it along
on your blog, email or just to a few close friends.

Then hit me back on my blog.

I personally comment back. Let me hear from YOU!
Type your comment below.

PPS: Other marketers ONLY send you good content during their
product launch. I'm with you every week, motivating, inspiring,
educating. Where are THEY when a product launch isn't going

I'm here every week delivering rock solid content based on years
of experience.

Marlon's Marketing Minute
Electronic Newsletter
Vol. 4, #11, March 21, 2009

This issue contains:

A. Sponsor Advertisement: Killer PPC Course Shows You How
to Do PPC Even In Extremely Expensive Marketes

B. Announcements from Marlon (Important)

C. Main Article: “Marlon's New 31-Point, In-Depth PPC Cheat Sheet”

D. Services You Can Use

Brought to you by: Marlon Sanders – Publisher


A. Sponsor Advertisement

Killer PPC Course Shows You How to Do PPC Even In Extremely
Expensive Markets

This is a totally awesome PPC course. Most other courses focus
on stealing keywords from others using Keyword Spy. This course
shows you in depth how to pinpoint the buying stage of the
searcher and target them using keywords and ads.

This course blew open my ability to come up with killer ppc
keywords and ads. It's 500 bucks. But the videos are VERY
high quality, extremely well thought out and enormously insightful.
Seriously. I could have got comped this from Mike Dillard. But
I paid my own money for it and I'm 110% glad I did.


B. Announcements from Marlon

==> Grab this FREEBIE

a. I sent you a passionate email about a freebie being
offered by my long time friend Paul Myers. It's 100+ pages
of all content. Snag this puppy. Seriously.


Also, I sent you an email with a video about Affiliate

Follow me on Twitter

This way, if you don't get my emails, you get my Twitters.
You'll want to use to follow me. Just download
the freebie software there. Very easy to use.

==> Give Away “The Best Of Marlon Sanders” to your friends
or list and snag spending cash and prizes!

I've just released “The Best Of Marlon Sanders”

Give it away to your friends or list and snag affiliate
commissions as well as prizes.

==> Download your FREEBIE ebook now.

“The Best of Marlon Sanders”

There is a squeeze page. The idea is for you to enter
the email address you actually READ! I'll send out a version
later where you can bypass the squeeze if it bugs you.

==> Small Group Leaders

I have canceled the small groups.

If you are one of my small group leaders, you have the choice
of receiving my $1,000 Cash Like Clockwork system or getting
a refund.

We really had a lot of work to do on the CD's. We fixed all
broken links, put all the products into the same template,
fixed outdated info. I'm 100% expecting it to be shipped
this week. Also, you should ALREADY have received an email
from Tim giving you access to the Dashboards.

If you'd rather have a refund, you can go there.


New 31-Point, In-Depth PPC Cheat Sheet

Subtitle: Get the best ppc forums, freebie pdf's and audio,
the best tips and the top info products.

By Marlon Sanders


I've been doing intense research on pay-per-click
marketing the past few months.

A lot of times after I study a product topic, I create
a cheat sheet or videos (or both), so later I can go
back and remember everything I learned!

Here's my beta cheat sheet on ppc. For your benefit,
I make references to some products that go more in
depth on the point. I'm doing this because it's impossible
to cover many of these ideas in a cheat sheeet. So I think
the reference adds value because you know where to go for
more info on that topic.

1. This forum has a great reputation for delivering the
ppc goodies without hitting up your bank account:

2 The old posts by Ruck in the
blog are gold. Kris is making some very useful new posts.

3. Since the ppc Game changes constantly, you need to
be prepared for the learning curve. has AFFORDABLE coaching by
someone who keeps up to date. I've only read good things
about his coaching program. Ruck always sent people there
when he wrote the Cash Tactics blog. Kris does too. You
see a lot of “insider” type, serious ppc people send their
folks to ppc coach. That says a lot to me.

ppcclassroom is also making waves for sure. I don't know
if it's as personalized as ppc-coach. But I know the
content is top notch. I've personally reviewed it and there's
a lot of content and support.

Perry Marshall is an old friend. I got his newsletter in
the old days but it didn't really focus a lot on ppc. That
may be different now. I know Jim Yaghi is a member of some
club Perry has. I need to get the updated copy of Perry's

4. For the content network, keep your ad groups
50 kw or under because Google uses the first 50 keywords
to establish the theme. The BEST person I know on the
content network stuff is Kirt Christensen. He does webinars
on the topic here and there. It's a real treat if you can
get in on one of 'em.

5. PPC Ninja says to keep 'em even smaller. And Joel
Peterson has 1 kw (keyword) in each ad group, even for
content network (speed ppc does this).

Here's a link to an interview with PPC Ninja:

The web site is:

6. Right now, blogs are getting the highest quality
score. Affiliate Blackbook has a killer template for
building your email list using a blog.

Here's the video where I buy the Affiliate Blackbook while you
watch and I SHOW YOU what's in it:

7. One marketer feels that for Google Quality Score
all you need to do is make sure your keywords are on
the landing page. After that, you need to keep your
ctr (click through rate) above 1%.

8. Perry Belcher in Wholesale Traffic is a major
advocate of avoiding STOP words on your page like
“order”, “guarantee” and “testimonials.” Make those
words graphics.

9. Perry has the BEST strategy for using the names
of your images and your alt tags on pages to talk
to Google.

10. Grab keywords from web sites, books, forums
and Twitter. Always keep your eyes open. Don't just
rely on tools.

11. Jim Yaghi at ppcdomination has a killer way to
plan out your whole keywords strategy using a mindmap
program. The best keyword digging strategy I've
found. Jim is the most systematic ppc marketer I've

12. The more specific the keyword search, in general,
the higher the correlation to conversions.

13. After a week, Perry recommendings pruning keywords
that didn't get impressions.

14. The current vogue is to be HIGH at first then lower
your bid. Since everyone will start doing this, it's
either going to be standard practice or stop working.
Here's a link to a KILLER PDF that shows you how to get
7 clicks from Google doing this:

15. Kalita at has some good adwords
tricks, even though there are no new posts in awhile.
There are some street smart posts in there.

16. The whole concept behind Affiliate Blackbook is
to use affiliate products to build your list.

17. The best potential seems to be on the content

18. Jim Yaghi breaks down the ppc search process into
phases and targets different ads at each phase. Most
marketers just go for the “buy” phrases at the end
of the chain. This is something you have NOT seen in
any other ppc course to my knowledge:

19. The most profitable keywords should be “buy phrases.”
Those people use when they're looking to buy. They
will also likely be bid up.

20. Eventually, you probably need to go to pages that
dynamically change whole blocks of text on your landing
page according to the keyword searched to appease Google.
Google wants to see 100% relevance between the keyword
and the landing page. This is almost impossible at any
level of scale without a program that dynamically serves
up content. This is a forward-thinking comment. Off-the-
shelf programs all have footprints, so you best have this
custom written.

21. What you have to understand is that Google will always
be tightening the rules to squeeze out people who don't stay
up with the Game. This means that the value of big ticket
ppc products has a limit because the Game changes fairly
rapidly. And while some offer forums, the big guy doesn't
usually participate in the forum. So the value is limited.
Having said that, to get up to speed fast, one of the big
ppc courses that gets promoted widely is like a boot camp
to get you up to speed in a jiffy.

22. The 6-hour (or however long) audio interview Ryan did
with Perry Belcher in Wholesale Traffic System is priceless.
I liked it much better than the video tutorials.

23. Perry's 1-click upsell system for breaking even upfront
on ppc words is the single best monetization system I've
seen anywhere at any price.

24. If you want a world class example of 1-click upsells,
go here and then BUY. Mike Dillard gives you about 6 upsells
on video that are ALL flawless. The single best 1 click upsell
pitches I can personally recall because they seem helpful,
not hypey.

The product itself is an amazing demo of how to use Power Point
to keep things moving fast. That's no bull. Really, it's an
awesome presentation and great concepts. Mind expanding.

25. After you get your campaign up and running, use the various
reports on the report tab of Google PPC to see words your ad
is being displayed for. Any words that do NOT fit or match up
well should be added with a – sign so you make them a negative

26. When you search with Google's keyword tools, you'll find
a hundred keywords that are NOT related to your topic. In the
past I thought you just ignored those and didn't add them to
your basket. In reality, you need to add ALL of them as
negative keywords! But make them phrase or exact negative
matches, NOT broad. If you make them a negative on the broad
phrase, you risk eliminating good kewords.

27. Look up YOUR name in Google and the name of your products.
Is a competitor advertising a product for your name or keywords
that appears above YOUR ad? If so, you need to target this.

28. My single phrase that converts best is my own name.
Protect your name in Google!

29. A well thought out ppc campaign would have separate pages
set up and individual reports targeting info seekers vs. people
who are comparison shopping vs. people looking to snag the product
immediately. I really had my eyes opened by the way Jim Yaghi
explains it in so much depth and detail.

30. All the pros I know use Speed PPC
If you do ANY pay-per-click in Google, or if you are thinking
about it, there is ONLY one tool you absolutly, positively
must know about, live with, sleep with, and use.”>Marlon here.

This week's ARTICLE:

“New 31-Point, In-Depth PPC Cheat Sheet”

Subtitle: Get the best ppc forums, freebie pdf's and audio,
the best tips and the top info products.

One of the most important things you'll read this year.

— How to get 7 cents click on Google — freebie PDF
— The 3 best ppc forums on the Net
— Mind mapping your ppc keyword strategy
— The single most affordable ppc coaching
— The best info source on building a list using ppc
— Is your quality score getting killed by “stop” words?
— Freebie mp3 interview with PPC Ninja
— Great tips from a forum you've never heard of

This cheat sheet is jam-packed. Print. Save. Pass on
via your blog, Myspace, Facebook or Twitter. Spread the

Save this cheat sheet for reference


Take the article, change the URL in the resource box at the
end to a reseller ID and stick it on your web site, blog,
Facebook blog, Myspace blog, Hub Page, Squidoo lens, or Google

Put it up and announce it on Facebook, Twitter, your blog,
email, or whatever else you have.

This IS an article people will want to read. You WILL make
sales from the link in the resource box.

If you don't have a reseller ID, just go to: and sign up. It only takes
2 minutes.

There are 4 ADS at the end of this ezine. You can replace
all THOSE with reseller links if you want.


P.S. After you read today's article, please pass it along
on your blog, email or just to a few close friends.

Then hit me back on my blog.

I personally comment back. Let me hear from YOU!
Type your comment below.

PPS: Other marketers ONLY send you good content during their
product launch. I'm with you every week, motivating, inspiring,
educating. Where are THEY when a product launch isn't going

I'm here every week delivering rock solid content based on years
of experience.

Marlon's Marketing Minute
Electronic Newsletter
Vol. 4, #11, March 21, 2009

This issue contains:

A. Sponsor Advertisement: Killer PPC Course Shows You How
to Do PPC Even In Extremely Expensive Marketes

B. Announcements from Marlon (Important)

C. Main Article: “Marlon's New 31-Point, In-Depth PPC Cheat Sheet”

D. Services You Can Use

Brought to you by: Marlon Sanders – Publisher


A. Sponsor Advertisement

Killer PPC Course Shows You How to Do PPC Even In Extremely
Expensive Markets

This is a totally awesome PPC course. Most other courses focus
on stealing keywords from others using Keyword Spy. This course
shows you in depth how to pinpoint the buying stage of the
searcher and target them using keywords and ads.

This course blew open my ability to come up with killer ppc
keywords and ads. It's 500 bucks. But the videos are VERY
high quality, extremely well thought out and enormously insightful.
Seriously. I could have got comped this from Mike Dillard. But
I paid my own money for it and I'm 110% glad I did.


B. Announcements from Marlon

==> Grab this FREEBIE

a. I sent you a passionate email about a freebie being
offered by my long time friend Paul Myers. It's 100+ pages
of all content. Snag this puppy. Seriously.


Also, I sent you an email with a video about Affiliate

Follow me on Twitter

This way, if you don't get my emails, you get my Twitters.
You'll want to use to follow me. Just download
the freebie software there. Very easy to use.

==> Give Away “The Best Of Marlon Sanders” to your friends
or list and snag spending cash and prizes!

I've just released “The Best Of Marlon Sanders”

Give it away to your friends or list and snag affiliate
commissions as well as prizes.

==> Download your FREEBIE ebook now.

“The Best of Marlon Sanders”

There is a squeeze page. The idea is for you to enter
the email address you actually READ! I'll send out a version
later where you can bypass the squeeze if it bugs you.

==> Small Group Leaders

I have canceled the small groups.

If you are one of my small group leaders, you have the choice
of receiving my $1,000 Cash Like Clockwork system or getting
a refund.

We really had a lot of work to do on the CD's. We fixed all
broken links, put all the products into the same template,
fixed outdated info. I'm 100% expecting it to be shipped
this week. Also, you should ALREADY have received an email
from Tim giving you access to the Dashboards.

If you'd rather have a refund, you can go there.


New 31-Point, In-Depth PPC Cheat Sheet

Subtitle: Get the best ppc forums, freebie pdf's and audio,
the best tips and the top info products.

By Marlon Sanders


I've been doing intense research on pay-per-click
marketing the past few months.

A lot of times after I study a product topic, I create
a cheat sheet or videos (or both), so later I can go
back and remember everything I learned!

Here's my beta cheat sheet on ppc. For your benefit,
I make references to some products that go more in
depth on the point. I'm doing this because it's impossible
to cover many of these ideas in a cheat sheeet. So I think
the reference adds value because you know where to go for
more info on that topic.

1. This forum has a great reputation for delivering the
ppc goodies without hitting up your bank account:

2 The old posts by Ruck in the
blog are gold. Kris is making some very useful new posts.

3. Since the ppc Game changes constantly, you need to
be prepared for the learning curve. has AFFORDABLE coaching by
someone who keeps up to date. I've only read good things
about his coaching program. Ruck always sent people there
when he wrote the Cash Tactics blog. Kris does too. You
see a lot of “insider” type, serious ppc people send their
folks to ppc coach. That says a lot to me.

ppcclassroom is also making waves for sure. I don't know
if it's as personalized as ppc-coach. But I know the
content is top notch. I've personally reviewed it and there's
a lot of content and support.

Perry Marshall is an old friend. I got his newsletter in
the old days but it didn't really focus a lot on ppc. That
may be different now. I know Jim Yaghi is a member of some
club Perry has. I need to get the updated copy of Perry's

4. For the content network, keep your ad groups
50 kw or under because Google uses the first 50 keywords
to establish the theme. The BEST person I know on the
content network stuff is Kirt Christensen. He does webinars
on the topic here and there. It's a real treat if you can
get in on one of 'em.

5. PPC Ninja says to keep 'em even smaller. And Joel
Peterson has 1 kw (keyword) in each ad group, even for
content network (speed ppc does this).

Here's a link to an interview with PPC Ninja:

The web site is:

6. Right now, blogs are getting the highest quality
score. Affiliate Blackbook has a killer template for
building your email list using a blog.

Here's the video where I buy the Affiliate Blackbook while you
watch and I SHOW YOU what's in it:

7. One marketer feels that for Google Quality Score
all you need to do is make sure your keywords are on
the landing page. After that, you need to keep your
ctr (click through rate) above 1%.

8. Perry Belcher in Wholesale Traffic is a major
advocate of avoiding STOP words on your page like
“order”, “guarantee” and “testimonials.” Make those
words graphics.

9. Perry has the BEST strategy for using the names
of your images and your alt tags on pages to talk
to Google.

10. Grab keywords from web sites, books, forums
and Twitter. Always keep your eyes open. Don't just
rely on tools.

11. Jim Yaghi at ppcdomination has a killer way to
plan out your whole keywords strategy using a mindmap
program. The best keyword digging strategy I've
found. Jim is the most systematic ppc marketer I've

12. The more specific the keyword search, in general,
the higher the correlation to conversions.

13. After a week, Perry recommendings pruning keywords
that didn't get impressions.

14. The current vogue is to be HIGH at first then lower
your bid. Since everyone will start doing this, it's
either going to be standard practice or stop working.
Here's a link to a KILLER PDF that shows you how to get
7 clicks from Google doing this:

15. Kalita at has some good adwords
tricks, even though there are no new posts in awhile.
There are some street smart posts in there.

16. The whole concept behind Affiliate Blackbook is
to use affiliate products to build your list.

17. The best potential seems to be on the content

18. Jim Yaghi breaks down the ppc search process into
phases and targets different ads at each phase. Most
marketers just go for the “buy” phrases at the end
of the chain. This is something you have NOT seen in
any other ppc course to my knowledge:

19. The most profitable keywords should be “buy phrases.”
Those people use when they're looking to buy. They
will also likely be bid up.

20. Eventually, you probably need to go to pages that
dynamically change whole blocks of text on your landing
page according to the keyword searched to appease Google.
Google wants to see 100% relevance between the keyword
and the landing page. This is almost impossible at any
level of scale without a program that dynamically serves
up content. This is a forward-thinking comment. Off-the-
shelf programs all have footprints, so you best have this
custom written.

21. What you have to understand is that Google will always
be tightening the rules to squeeze out people who don't stay
up with the Game. This means that the value of big ticket
ppc products has a limit because the Game changes fairly
rapidly. And while some offer forums, the big guy doesn't
usually participate in the forum. So the value is limited.
Having said that, to get up to speed fast, one of the big
ppc courses that gets promoted widely is like a boot camp
to get you up to speed in a jiffy.

22. The 6-hour (or however long) audio interview Ryan did
with Perry Belcher in Wholesale Traffic System is priceless.
I liked it much better than the video tutorials.

23. Perry's 1-click upsell system for breaking even upfront
on ppc words is the single best monetization system I've
seen anywhere at any price.

24. If you want a world class example of 1-click upsells,
go here and then BUY. Mike Dillard gives you about 6 upsells
on video that are ALL flawless. The single best 1 click upsell
pitches I can personally recall because they seem helpful,
not hypey.

The product itself is an amazing demo of how to use Power Point
to keep things moving fast. That's no bull. Really, it's an
awesome presentation and great concepts. Mind expanding.

25. After you get your campaign up and running, use the various
reports on the report tab of Google PPC to see words your ad
is being displayed for. Any words that do NOT fit or match up
well should be added with a – sign so you make them a negative

26. When you search with Google's keyword tools, you'll find
a hundred keywords that are NOT related to your topic. In the
past I thought you just ignored those and didn't add them to
your basket. In reality, you need to add ALL of them as
negative keywords! But make them phrase or exact negative
matches, NOT broad. If you make them a negative on the broad
phrase, you risk eliminating good kewords.

27. Look up YOUR name in Google and the name of your products.
Is a competitor advertising a product for your name or keywords
that appears above YOUR ad? If so, you need to target this.

28. My single phrase that converts best is my own name.
Protect your name in Google!

29. A well thought out ppc campaign would have separate pages
set up and individual reports targeting info seekers vs. people
who are comparison shopping vs. people looking to snag the product
immediately. I really had my eyes opened by the way Jim Yaghi
explains it in so much depth and detail.

30. All the pros I know use Speed PPC
If you do ANY pay-per-click in Google, or if you are thinking
about it, there is ONLY one tool you absolutly, positively
must know about, live with, sleep with, and use.

31. Another great forum on PPC is:

Post your comments at the bottom of this blog.

Marlon Sanders is the author of “The Amazing Formula That
Sells Products Like Crazy.”

Check out all my products here:

(SIGN UP AS A RESELLER, put YOUR reseller URL and ID where
the above link is, post this on your web site and make some
dough for spreading a killer guide everyone will want to


REPRINT RIGHTS: You have permission to use the above
article without omission and including the resource box.
You have the right to insert your reseller URL for any
products I mention


D. “Services You Can Use

(If you want to post this ENTIRE ezine, you can replace the
following links with your RESELLER links)

Stop trading time for dollars and start trading products for

Save 100's on graphic design. FREEBIE report:

Need a Sales Letter? Fill in the blanks and click a button.

Many people have copied my software. But there really and
truly is only ONE original.

Grab The Best of This Ezine


E. My Special Thanks To The Following People:

A special thanks to those who have been instrumental in building
my business over the years.

Allan Gardyne: htttp://
Michael Merz
Bill Hibbler
Jim Edwards
Sasi Kumar
Ewen Chia Ti Wah
Michael Wong
David Vallieres
Titus Hoskins
Michael Paetzold
David DiPietro
Brian Terry
Dan Kelly
Michael Filsaime
Dave Lovelace
Derrick VanDyke
Matt Adler
Sean Mize
Gary Martin
Melanie Mendelson
Keith Wellman
Joshua Jenkins
Jeremy Burns
Sharlene Raven
Michael Nicholas
Anil Kumar
Joel Comm
Gabor Olah
Craig Haywood
Sterling Valentine
Frederic Patenaude
Jessica Clark
Liz Barton
Roger Hall
Marc Horne

Thank all of you. You have my gratitude forever.
Your contributions to my life and my business do
not go unnoticed nor unappreciated.

If we stand tall, it IS because we stand on the shoulders
of giants.

Copyright 2009 Higher Response Marketing Inc.
All rights reserved.

  • arsee says:

    give me translete you product in indonesian

    but in here don;t known your means an how to work

    matur nuwun


  • Chris Dawkins says:

    Marlon: You are the best I've seen online and I totally believe in your products and the support you give.

    I'm disappointed in myself because, I have not been able to assemble a "quick & dirty" site to begin to use until I completely develop one I like. I'VE GOT TO GET IN THE GAME! I can't WIN unless I'm on the field.

    I'm about to do something stupid, I can feel it! I want to make the income I know I'm capable of making but again, I've got to get in the game!

    [Chris, read this: It might encourage you. Chris, do NOT get down on yourself. Just focus, get rid of distractions, lay out what needs to be done and if you need help on technical issues, go to]

  • Ray Ross says:

    Marlon: Great stuff as usual. But I want to comment on your advice to Andrew because I learned the hard way that you must take action on the good stuff while spending a minimum PPC. All your stuff is good, but the mistake is we study too much and make no money because we are afraid to take action. I read and print all your " offerings" and put it in my "Marlon Sanders Notebook". That way I can focus on the really important advice NOW and reference the other material later. By the way, in your Item 30 above you reference a link to "Turbo Profits". Google says "OOPs", this " link is broken". Of all the links I thought this one was most important, and I would sure like to have it, if possible. But most of all I miss the Hill Country.


    [Hey Ray, post the turboprofits link and I'll fix it. Don't know which one it is.]

  • Hi Marlon,

    I also enjoy reading all your weekend newsletters.

    Thank you, Marlon, for the TIPS, IDEAS and INSPIRATION that I get in each email I receive from you.

    I must admit I know nothing about PPC stuff, but your ENTHUSIASM really affects me so much I just want to take the time and learn anything from the great knowledge you pass on every week.

    Where do you get all that energy to write such interesting and helpful information for helping newbies like me open our eyes?

    I guess that must come from the enjoyment you get from doing what you love best – helping other people succeed.

    Thanks a thousand times, brother.

    Warmest regards, always.


    [Andrew, remember that I have some staff to help with implementing. That makes a big difference. And I'm a very fast reader. But honestly Andrew, you do NOT need to learn at the rate I do. That's as much a weakness as it is a strength. What you need to do is be GREAT at focusing on a few things with high payoffs and implementing them or getting them implemented. The trick is to know what high value stuff to focus on. That kinda goes back to Steven Covey's 4 quadrants. You have to make time for the important but not urgent things.]

  • Wal Gifford says:

    Marlon, I look forward to all your emails that arrive in my inbox, and your New 31-Point, In-Depth PPC Cheat Sheet is another real gem of a resource.

    Compliments your products which I have purchased, and are all very well laid out, effective and easy to use.



    [Hey Wal, thanks and I hope it gave you some ideas.]

  • Tia Dobi says:

    HI Marlon,

    I have 2 ?? that are affiliate oriented rather than blog comments (and maybe I need to be calling a customer service person?) I dunno. (portion edited)

    First & foremost I have a producer mentality – it's gotta be straight up.

    1) How do you report affiliate earnings to IRS?

    [Tia, merchants send you a tax form that you report the earnings. will

    have more info on this.]

    2) How often – is it once a year at the end of the calendar year (12/31/xxxx) or ??.

    [I'm not a cpa. All I know is that as a merchant we issue a tax form to our affiliates

    once a year.]

    3) So if one of my list members clicks thru on my link and buys 1 of your products – the likelihood MS will upsell them (in a double-opt in of course) is 100%. So what's their incentive to be a repeat customer for me on Marlon Sander products? I'm not sure how it works and it seems that the only way I can make $$$ as an affiliate is to constantly get new first-time only customers – do I have this correct or am I missing something?

    Thanks for reading – my direct email is (omitted)

    Tia, never publicly print your email or it'll get spammed to death. Never say something bad about another marketer in public and preferably not behind closed doors either. Word travels faster than you can ever fathom. We pay out commissions on many of our back end sales not just first time sales. But Internet marketing products take skill as an affiliate to sell. If your goal is to make bank and not just learn, then ur better off following the methods in Affiliate Blackbook or the Ninja product I recommended in Sat. ezine.]

    Peace out.

  • Dennis says:

    As always you provide really great content, and I'm happy to see your emails.

    I got to say I miss seeing your video post you did before.

    I BELEIVE YOU OFFER YOUR FOLOWING customers or info. seekers a great amount of gratis content, and usefull content!

    I wish you and yours the best, today,tommorow and always.



    [Dennis, I hope my info serves you well and helps you focus on actions that make bank 4 u.]

  • Marijo says:

    No, I love Marlon Sanders, he's mine!))

    [Hi Marijo, you're funny. Thanks for putting a smile on my face today! Oh, you get HALF…:) It's a joke….]

  • Tia Dobi says:

    I love Marlon Sanders.

    [Tia, I'm gonna use your gift card today! Thanks. To be accurate, you love my pr campaign….something u can relate to.]

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