Design Dashboard Scores Big Success Story!” - Online and Info Product Marketing

Design Dashboard Scores Big Success Story!”


"My Husband, Children, Grandkids Were Impressed!"

Brennan | IP:

I would be happy to tell you how much I love Design Dashboard.

When I got the course I was a total "newbie", but Design Dashboard takes you by the hand, step-by-step, and SHOWS you how to do everything. Lisa’s videos were so clear and easy to understand, that I stopped being intimidated. When you’re new, you have no idea of what you don’t know. Design Dashboard takes you through each phase of setting-up a website, shows you where to get any necessary tools for free and(MOST IMPORTANTLY) SHOWS HOW TO USE THOSE TOOLS!

I had never even heard about PHOTOSHOP ELEMENTS, much less used it. All those intimidating buttons and icons become clear as day when someone shows you what they stand for and how to make them work.

I finished my first website, with the classiest-looking header you can imagine. My husband was impressed, my sister (an artist) was impressed, my adult children and their spouses were impressed, and miracle-of-miracles, my grandchildren were impressed. They think I can do anything now! Thank you, Marlon, for a terrific program that set me on the right path to building my own websites, rather than paying lots of money to someone else.

Just imagine, I’m a Webmaster, thanks to you!


  • Thank you, Glenn.

    I hope it works just the way you said.

    Have a wonderful day!


  • Glenn says:

    It's gorgeous and the music–and I may be wrong about this–but once the search engine spiders find you the music is seductive.

    I find it draws you to the video and projects the sense of "Relax. All is well with the world. Just give this a chance."


  • Dear Glenn,

    I forgot to add that the second site I created, which was the most beautiful thing I've ever made, with Pop-ups and everything, I developed for my ProStore on eBay. But ProStores uses SSML instead of xhtml, so the pop-up froze when I uploaded it. The pop-up, which featured the Statue of Liberty had the most attractive color scheme and I truly felt the site was a work of art.

    Because of the mess with the SSML code, I finally closed my ProStore, rather than show the butchered remains of the gorgeous site that Design Dashboard showed me how to build.

    I wish you could have seen it.

    See what a compliment does? TeeHee!


  • Well, Glenn, I created the video using ONLY the techniques I learned in Design Dashboard and the home Muvee program that came on my computer. Design Dashboard taught me how to use Photoshop Elements to make the slides and how to use different fonts, etc. for the video and the sales page. Depending on which one of my sites you are referring to, I learned how to do all the photos (like the Statue of Liberty and the footer and pictures for headers) PLUS colors and decorations with the videos Lisa shows in Design Dashboard. I learned about the difference between GIF and JPEG, and also backgrounds from the Design Dashboard videos PLUS I learned web preparation, FTP, and a whole bunch of other stuff that I use daily. I had never put a website together before Design Dashboard. Now that it has allowed me to build a strong knowledge base, I'm putting up blogs and websites everywhere, utilizing every tool and shortcut that I can discover. It is so liberating for someone that has trouble drawing stick figures.

    Now, the music "Chanson de Matin" by Edward Elgar comes from one of my favorite CDs. The melody is so evocative that I thought it would emphasize the importance of the message. As much as I love the impact of the music, that was actually the easiest part using my pc Muvee program.

    I'm very proud of how far I have come and I am so grateful to have Design Dashboard to go back to and check when I forget how to do a procedure. Yes, I was a 'newbie" with NO web experience.

    I can't tell you how much your compliments mean. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.



  • Glenn says:


    Forgive my incredulity: are you suggesting you created that gorgeous website with the video and lovely classic music as a "newbie" simply (well, not simply, but solely) with Designer Dashboard.

    I'm only asking because I've believed it was a super product but the website you've created is astonishing.

    G. Korbel

  • Marlon,

    What I am most proud of is that Design Dashboard has helped me develop new skills that I can use all over the internet.

    I used the skills I learned for PHOTOSHOP ELEMENTS to put together my very first video, and several more since then. And you know how important video is on the internet today!

    If you want to see my first video (it's FABULOUS, if I do say so myself) you can go to or and type in Set Our Teachers FREE!

    I can't thank you enough for Design Dashboard. It has made a whole new career possible for me.

    Thanks again,


  • Marlon, I own a copy as well and it is an awesome product/Tool. I use to make banners, headers, and anything that will help my sites look more professional. Thanks Greg

    [Hi Greg, we have some REAL naysayers on this one.  You know, skeptics.  So if you have any examples on URL's, share 'em.  Thanks for sharing.  Marlon]

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