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How To Win A Copy Of My NEW Info Product Dashboard

I'll shortly be launching my NEW Info Product Dashboard.

If you're sick and tired of trading your hard work for dollars and wanna get your own product launched in 6 weeks, so you can trade your product for money instead of your time, then lemme tell you how you can WIN a copy.

Just like my other Dashboards, this one will hold your hand step-by-step as I walk you A to Z through creating your FIRST info product — even if you don't have experience, even if you aren't an expert at anything, even if you can't write.

I'll be giving away 5 copies.

To win one, all you do is post to my blog and tell me why YOU deserve to win it and what it would do FOR you. Just post your comments on the entry right above this post that says POST YOUR COMMENTS HERE!


If you post a VIDEO on why you deserve to win or why it would help you, post the VIDEO on YouTube and put the link in my blog, I'll be giving away 5 ADDITIONAL copies AND also an extra special VERY valuable gift!

You have a very limited time span to do this in.  Probably 72 hours.  But I could cut it off before then.

Best wishes,

Marlon Sanders

P.S.  The Rules

1.  No purchase required for entry
2.  Void where prohibited
3.  Chances of winning depend on the number of entries.
4.  Additional rules and requirements may be posted on the blog
5.  Offer expires in around 72 hours. 

  • Gwenn Lund says:

    Hi Marlon,

    I would of made a video but my hair is not done.

    I read your blog, and referring to the post about what you think your purpose is in life and helping out people is the gift you want to leave; Well, I can help you out with this-you can help me.

    1. I know I need to develop an information product in a particular niche where I have my own hard product to use as a back end or even a front end product/sale to build a continuous and supportive relationship with my buyers.

    2.Who wouldn't want this product? Your products are well organized, visual and step by step which is the only way to assure that a task gets completed. Since this is the first time I will be developing a digital product, I need the clarification and focus of an organized, well thought out system/plan.

    3.You list of reasons on why people have not developed a digital product says it all. Every reason with your response is right on. I think your readers would wholeheartedly agree with me.

    4.It's time that my ship comes in, I am getting restless on the dock. Besides, i I have two kids in college who dial home for dollars.

    5. I am ready to be successful with my own digital product and I want to be an affiliate marketer for the product(s).

    I can sell this.

    I am listing to your preaching, one message, one theme, one concept to get up the food chain. Pick me,I will use the product step by step to build my product.

    Thank you

    Kind Regards

  • Hi Marlon:

    I'm sitting here holding the original manuscript to the movie "Rudy". It was a gift to my business partner Jim Connelly (www.jim-connelly.com) for helping to get the movie made.

    Just like Rudy never gave up on his dream to play for Notre Dame, I've never given up on my dream of putting together an information product. I have the "expert". I have a "story". I know the know the "market". And I'm motivated to take action and never give up until the product is a reality.

    All I need now is the step by step instructions.

    I should win your free copy because when I put together the product, I'll share how I did it in my ink and paper newsletter to my customers and promote more sales for you.

    Warm Regards,

    Nina Hershberger

  • Faith Marcil says:

    Having my own information product accomplished within a framework of easy to follow instructions is great for one as me who has so many ideas and even with having bought many ebooks, have never been able to follow thru to the end. I always start something and it is great in the beginning and then I get lost in between.

    Most ebooks tell you to do this or that and leave you to navigate alone with your own set of softwares, further guidelines and balancing your own timely management skills to create a product. For the weary, easily distracted & bright eyed impulsive buyer of anything packaged as ‘information’, it is not easy to isolate my focus and resources and direct them toward a maintainable goal and eventual finished product.

    I am hoping that Info Product Dashboard can change all that and more. I need the ability to see my work in its creation toward its final finished form, starting at one point and onward, overcoming small easily surmountable steps that when combined leads toward that achievable successful goal. This is what I have always wanted and have always hoped for. Minimizing distractions and information overload and allowing me the control of time and application while building my self confidence with small successes would create the ultimate safe area where I can work and enjoy the process while learning at the same time.

    I want to prove to myself that I can do it, succeed in creating an informational product of my own. And if I am blessed by utilizing Info Product Dashboard, I am hoping for the best and succeed where others have failed me. A superior model for a profound success in finally creating a product that I can be proud of would be a blessing.

    Thanks for this opportunity.

    Faith Marcil

  • Mark Potes says:

    HI Marlon,

    I am looking to help my wife out. She is a professional seamstress and does awesome embroidery too. I know there are many ladies (maybe some guys too) who could benefit from her expertise. We just need to put it in a marketable form. Starting out with giveaways leading up to advance courses in a membership style format. Your product sounds perfect for a beginner (in marketing that is) like my wife. Maybe we can surprise her with a cool new tool from the best Marlon Sanders!


    Mark Potes

  • Dear Marlon,

    I've been involved with MLM for over the past 8 years. I have researched every aspect of the businessed and always feel that I'm missing the major concept of the business. I would like to be able to just once succeed at my chosen business. financial freedom would greatly benefit me and my husband such that we can take the money earned from our business to open a youth center in our area. It's a little frustrating to spend all of one's energy to maintain another person's business and not to be able to work just as hard and smart to start and maintain a business for yourself. I really need to feel that I can be productive and take the learning to another level to sponsor someone else who might be experiencing the same blockages.

    Thank you for conducting this contest.


  • Tina Pelky says:

    Hi Marlon,

    Thanks for this opporunity! It is exciting to hear about your new product as I think you are one of the most authentic and reliable "voices" in this world of internet marketing. My biggest roadblock so far has been succumbing to that often-heard, but true phrase of "information overload." That one problem has really caused my inaction. I am convinced, after much reading and studying, that having your own product is without a doubt the best way to go (with a smart "system" in place…capturing emails, marketing a back-end, etc). Your Info Product Dashboard would give me what I NEED to move forward and find success…a step-by-step plan that takes the guesswork and fear out of "just doing it!" Thanks in advance. Will keep my fingers crossed to be picked a "WINNER!"

  • Rod Cook says:


    I need this new product to change the world! I know it will do it because all your other stuff is so fan – tasic!!! It takes me a year to write a book now and I know with the shear genius that you put into your products that the Info Product Dashboard will no doubt cut that time down to 1 hour and 10 minutes.

    Why have you waited so long to come out with a Mind missile like the Product Info DashBoard..! Whoops the Supersonic Info Product DashBoard Mind Mapper Rocket Ship?

    If you are open to Bribery (GASP) I will drive to your local Sonic drive in and buy you all the Steak and Bacon Burritos that you can eat! I will also throw in the 33…… 1/2 finished Ebooks that are on my hard drive.

    Just remember with all the money I make I will feed starving kids all over the world since I live a monkish life.

    More bribery – I'll put you on a 50,000 watt radio show and ask you NICELY about the Info Product Dashboard. You can give the URL that you want. In fact I will let you get away with murder promoting the Info Product Dashboard.

    More Bribery — I will hit my list of 50,000 devoted followers to buy the Info Product Dashboard.

    I will feed more starving kids!

    Anything Else?

    Rod Cook —

  • Hi Marlon,

    Don't know yet who deserves your product for free..I own many of your products and still struggle. Today, I do not look for anything free. I have bought thousands of dollars of products and my significant other thinks that I am out of my mind. I will no quit, I make six figures and I hate that I have been working at this for longer than I care to admit, but I will not go away.

    With or without you, I will make it and I will continue to learn daily and refer back to this email….when I have changed my actions enough to make your programs take care of my six kids.


  • Hi Marlin, Well its about time that I got around to putting out some products. Since you have exactly what I was looking for with your new system on launching a product in 6 wks with Info Product Dashboard.

    I am sick and tired of trading my hard work for dollars, I want trade my products for money instead of my time at the job I have currently.

    After studying marketing for some 5 yrs now, filling up my hard drive with ebooks etc I finally get it! Make your own products – get a system going. I want to spend my time at Starbucks with my own yellow legal pad working on ideas, while my staff works away.

    I'm so close I smell the coffee. Unfortunately finances stand in my way, so Marlin I'm crossing my fingers and holding my breath. Will I be the lucky winner of the Info Product Dashboard????

    Kathryn, thanks for your comments here!  And yes, you are right…trading hard work for dollars is hard!  And the Dashboard will get you taking ACTION instead of just reading.]

  • ….[part of post deleted]. I have followed your products and though I am not real computer savvy, your products are REALITIVELY easy to follow. While putting this together I realized that except for promoting your dashboard I really had no product of my own. I believe that if I were to be one of your fortunate winners, I can finally get my business off the ground, which I have wanted for so long, but really have not had anyone to guide me in to the know how. Even If I am not one of the winners I want to tell you that your emails, newletter/blogs help in so many ways for newbies trying to finally make it out there.

    Thanks Teresa Rothove <a href="http://getyourprofits.com/z/361/CD24055” target=”_blank”>http://getyourprofits.com/z/361/CD24055

  • Joey says:

    Good day Marlon…I have been waiting in the sidelines for more than 5 years now and have invested close to $20,000 in different info-products (internet, real estate and stock related…)and have not been succesful so far. The most I have earned is around $40, from 3 affiliate programs (all of them from membership sites and gotten from participating in forums) but were all cancelled when I stopped becoming a paid-member. I deserve to have a break from this "rot" and winning a copy of your Info Product Dashboard will give me this one-time opportunity(for FREE, without adding to my "losing investment"). I resolve to do all that is required to succeed, by following your step-by-step instructions. There are too many "gurus" peddling their own brand of success that finding the 1 true mentor to guide you is just next to impossible. You have been around for some time now…I even bought one of your products ( a collaboration with a new Asian sensation, before…) and then you sort of "vanished" and now you came back, with this new "dashboard". I plan to use this for creating products in (3) niches, which I truly love.

    And when everything is in place and I can let go of my 9-5 job(just-over-broke) then I plan to share my success with the public (at a very reasonable price + a commitment that they in turn share their monetary success with a charity of their choice). I truly believe that to sustain whatever success you may have (moneywise…) you must GIVE a part of what you have; to help others (who are less fortunate…) Joey R.

    [Yo Joey, ummm, we came out with Affiliate Dahboard 3 or 4 months ago. I was featured on Next Internet Millionaire. Spoke this year in London AND at Big Seminar.  So I haven't vanished!  I'm glad you're here and you're on target.]

  • Kymm Nelsen says:

    Hi Marlon, I deserve to win because I finally found the courage to take the leap and do my life's calling. I hid in my comfort zone for years. Now, it's do or die and I want to LIVE and THRIVE by sharing what I know about making life great. I want as many people as possible to THRIVE, too, by learning how to find their personal power and live their dreams. I'll use this tool to get my info products out there as quickly as possible. I have to get income coming in quickly so that I can do this business instead of having to retreat into the old comfort zone because of finances. Your Dashboard system will make that possible. I KNOW I can do this and I'm primed and ready to go! I thank you in advance for helping my dream become reality.

    [Kymm, that's awesome!  Yes, products sure do help the income.  If you have a service you provide, I recommend that for quick cash also.  But ultimately, you wanna stop trading time for dollars and start trading products for dollars.]

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