A Simple 6-Step Process For Creating Hot Product Ideas - Online and Info Product Marketing

A Simple 6-Step Process For Creating Hot Product Ideas

A Simple 6-Step Process For Creating Hot Product Ideas

Subtitle:  Why You Can't Create Ideas In A Vacuum and How To Get Unstuck and Make Those Juicy, Profitable Product Ideas Flow Like Water From a Fire hose

As you know, unlike most other teachers of marketing,
I teach and practice using a 12-product survey to select
the winning product idea you create.

Now, the mechanics of how to do this are in the Product
Dashboard.  But today I want to focus on how you come
up with 12 product ideas to begin with.

Most people make the mistake of trying to create from a
vacuum.  If you're stuck for good product ideas, this is
probably the reason.

Remember, you're only one good product idea and promotion
away from trading products for dollars instead of your time.

So take a few minutes, read this issue then go try it out.

Best wishes,

Marlon Sanders

Marlon's Marketing Minute
Vol. 3, #5, February 16, 2008

This issue contains:

A. Are You Struggling To Find Your Target Market Or Come
Up With 12 Hot New Product Ideas For Your Survey?

B. Announcements from Marlon (Important)

C. Main Article: A Simple 6-Step Process For Creating Hot
Product Ideas

D. Services You Can Use

Brought to you by: Marlon Sanders – Publisher

A. Are You Struggling To Find Your Target Market Or Come
Up With 12 Hot New Product Ideas For Your Survey?

If you are, then there's a new video I wanna give you FREE that
contains 20,139 target markets of actual cash-on-the-barrel head

These aren't searchers or clickers, these are buyers.

I wanna give you my video that shows you where this secret site
is, how to use and how to come up with tested, proven target
market ideas — FREE!

The whole scoop is at:


What's more, it's connected to a webinar I'm doing that'll show
you step-by-step how to come up with winning product ideas
using the one secret method I've ONLY taught before one time
at the Next Internet Millionaire Event.

This is new information and NOT something you have heard before.



One: Yanik's Underground Blowout


I'm telling you, it's gonna be a lot of fun there.

Two: How To ACCESS Your Product Dashboard

On the 6-week coaching program, I was shocked to hear some
people didn't know HOW to log into the Product Dashboard.

a.  Go to: http://www.productlogin.com

b.  Enter the user name and password you created when you
signed up

c.  Click the link in the left margin that says “Product
Dashboard.”  You'll see the bonuses right under it.

Three: Get Support In The Forum

I have a 60-day forum (meaning it will be live for the next
60 days) to help support Info Product Dashboard owners.  Go
there if you get stuck on anything and post.

I encourage members to help each other.  My staff will also
do their best to help.

Four:  We have the webinar on Tuesday as I recall.  Santos
will email out the access instructions on Monday.  We'll be
using Gotowebinar.com.  It's our first time to try it out.
Should be interesting!

Five: Products I endorse — I have endorsed several products
to you guys and gals.  Remember, I do NOT have proof of income
claims in the letters.  But I feel the products are very good
or I wouldn't endorse them.

Please, do NOT buy one product thinking that you'll solve all
your problems and issues and be on easy street. It doesn't work
that way.  Success is the result of an accumulation of know
how and effort.

I WILL be endorsing more products.  I try hard to ONLY endorse
quality products.  But keep in mind my warning about income

C. A Simple 6-Step Process For Creating Hot Product Ideas

Subtitle:  Why You Can't Create Ideas In A Vacuum and How
To Get Unstuck and Make Those Juicy, Profitable Product
Ideas Flow Like Water From a Fire hose


As you know, unlike most other teachers of marketing,
I teach and practice using a 12-product survey to select
the winning product idea you create.

Now, the mechanics of how to do this are in the Product
Dashboard.  But today I want to focus on how you come
up with 12 product ideas to begin with.

Step one: Gather raw materials for your idea generation

You can't create out of a vacuum.  You need stimuli to
jump start your creative juices.  Here are a few ideas:

a.  Surf your favorite topics on Amazon.com.

What I've found is you'll typically come across books with
great titles that no one knows about or aren't even
in stock.

Make a list of any such hot titles that you find in your

b.  Take a trip to the bookstore and buy magazines with
articles that have a relationship to your topic.

Even if your niche is very narrow, there are probably
magazines you can find with articles related to your

c.  Try a search on newslibrary.com

This is a spiffy online site that searches a large number
of newspapers and magazines.

Print out any articles that look interesting and are
somehow related to your topic.

d.  Keep a swipe file where you dump articles, notes
or tidbits that have the essence of a good idea in them.

e.  Search blog posts and ezine articles for juicy
tidbits that grab your attention.

Search your topic on technorati.com and print out any
blog posts that look intriguing.  Go to ezinearticles.com,
search your topic and look for articles with great titles
or meaty information inside.  Print those puppies out.

f.  Search prnewswire.com and businesswire.com for press
releases related to your topic or target audience.

Print 'em out and stick 'em in your swipe.

g.  Look for forum posts with high numbers of views.

When you see forum posts with high readership numbers,
print those out.

Step two: Review your S.E.T. trends

Last week I talked about identifying social, economic
and technology changes.

Before you start your idea generation, review whatever
you've come up with.  And as you look through magazines,
newspapers, articles, blogs and web sites, print out
any new S.E.T. factors that come to your attention.

Drop these into a S.E.T. swipe or research file.

Step three:  Spend an hour or two reading over all your
raw data … the blog posts, ezine articles, magazine
articles, forum posts, amazon book titles and S.E.T.

Let all those pieces of data collide in your little brain
all at once.

NOW you have the makings of good ideas.  You aren't
creating from a vacuum.  You are creating from the
contiguous association of materials and ideas.

That is, you're mixing that information in your head all
at once, letting your mental synapses fire, link up
connections and create ideas for you.

Step four:  Write out every possible product idea that
the information triggers in your thoughts.

Don't edit. Just get it all out on paper.

Step five;  Now go back to your ideas and look for your
best 12 golden nuggets you can spin into full-blown
product ideas for your survey.

Step six:  If you don't get 12 ideas, rinse and repeat
on another day.  Maybe add one or two other people to
your brainstorming session.

Happy idea creation.

Marlon Sanders

Marlon Sanders is the author of “The Info Product Dashboard.”
If you want to create your own info products, go to:


REPRINT RIGHTS: You have permission to use the above
article without omission and including the resource box.
You have the right to insert your reseller URL for
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D. “Services You Can Use”

New Video Unveils….

Secret Push Button Site That Contains 20,139 Target Markets
of Actual Cash-On-The-Barrelhead Buyers.


PUT UP YOUR WEB SITE? Discover how easy and simple it can
be to do your own graphic design (or at least some of it).
Plus, find out the exact resources I recommend to save a
bundle.  Avoid going down the wrong path.

NEED A SALES LETTER?  http://www.pushbuttonletters.com
Many people have copied my software.  But there really and
truly is only ONE original.


Copyright 2008 Higher Response Marketing Inc.
All rights reserved.

  • Hi Marlon,

    This a great post and amazing resources thank you Marlon.


    Albert Hallado

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