And The Winners Are… - Online and Info Product Marketing

And The Winners Are…




Here are the winners for the PromoDashboard contest:

Text Comment Winners:

1. Gerard LeBlond: He promoted us to his Twitter list! – 'nuff said.
2. Viv Deighton: Her comment sounded really sincere, also she referred to herself as a “screaming-newbie”
3. MJ (posted at 8/4/08 @ 12:08pm) – He hit the nail right on the head. He has the reason why I created promo-dashboard.
4. Joshua (posted 8/2/08 @ 6:56) – Simple and to the point.
5. Keith Debolt (posted 8/1/08) – Another Sincere Comment, thanks Keith!

Video Contest Winners:

1. Paul Flood -
2. Ranier -
3. Gail Morris -
4. Albert Grande -
5. Damon Nelson -
6. Desmond -

We will be announcing the winners of the other contest tomorrow.  I loved all of the entries. But I did have to choose winners.  I thought these videos and text posts best met the criteria of either creative, sincere or inspiring to others.  Marlon

  • keith debolt says:

    Oh, yeah, baby!

    Thanks, Marlon. I am lovin' your Design Dashboard and Affiliate Dashboard- and, like I said in my (winning-yay!) post, trying to get all my subscribers to subscribe to you and your no-nonsense approach, and really easy-to-understand and use tools.

    This whole thing doesn't have to be rocket science… and you prove it!

    Thanks for the chance to improve my business yet again with more of your magic software!

    I will let you know the results I get- I would love to give you a usable testimonial!

    Keith deBolt

  • Billy Davis says:

    Congratulations to everyone! This really has been a very exciting pre-launch and I can honestly say I've learned a lot from it. Can't wait till the release – gotta date yet, Marlon?

    [Billy, it should be Tuesday if all goes as planned. Affiliate tools will be at:

  • Rainer says:

    Thanks, Marlon. Like I said in my video, your products are great because they are simple to use yet backed up by years of experience.

    Your desire to help people comes through.

    I look forward to using Promo Dashboard.


    [Hi Rainer, you know, I'm HOPING people can really get a squeeze page up, get folks on their email list and send out emails and other tools that convert. I'm pretty sure we can pull this off together.]

  • MJ says:

    Thanks a million Marlon. I just thrilled that I won for basically voicing my frustrations about IM and where I stand right now. I excited about putting the product to use.

    I know from your design dashboard what great products you have and look forward to using your promo dashboard.

    Best Regards

    MJ Jensen

    [Hi, well, my whole team voted….so you impressed 'em.]

  • Desmond says:

    That was intresting doing the video..that was my first youtube video ever. Got out of my comfort zone and made it….next time around should be easier.


    [Desmond, wow! Congratulations for doing that. Doing videos is an easy way to get listed in Google. Just make your video title 3 or 4 keyword phrases you're targeting ala Evergreen system.]

  • Viv Deighton says:

    Marlon, thank you so, so much. I am just so thrilled to have had my comment selected as one of your winners.

    What can I say…I am actually speechless (or should that be 'wordless') right now…

    Some people make saying 'thank you' a pleasure, Marlon, you are one of them.

    Also congrats to all the other winners, I imagine you guys are as over the moon as I am. Now let get to it and make the most of this fabulous product.

    Many, many thanks

    Viv Deighton..('screaming newbiew')

    [Hi Viv, well thanks for your comments. And I hope the product serves you well.]

  • Paul Flood says:

    As Homer Simpson says so eloquently – WooHooo!!!

    Thank you Marlon. I am really jazzed about this and I'm real excited about using the dashboard to build my businesses. This will be a lot of fun.

    I also see this bringing a lot of value to my consulting business, Paul Flood Marketing, as my clients look to me to take their profits to the next level.

    Evergreen's getting me the traffic and this will help me reap the sales. (By the way, to Marlon's fans out there who see this and are looking for a traffic system, be sure to check out Evergreen. No games, no trying to "beat google," just a sound strategy to get the traffic. It takes some serious work but the end result is worth it.)

    [Paul, I have a killer mini dashboard that is going to make it 10x better. Soon as we get this product launch done, I'll finish it up. Keep targeting those 3 and 4 word phrases with your blog posts and articles.]

    To our success!


  • Gail Morris says:


    Wow! What can I say.

    Thank you, Thank you, Thank you 🙂

    I can't wait to learn even more from you. Thanks for being so gracious.



    [Gail you always make the best blog posts and just have wonderful energy.]

  • Thank you very much, Marlon. You are a great role model as well as one very classy guy.

    You said there would be 10 winners, and yet there are 11 winners.

    Talk about over-delivering…

    I am very honored, my friend.


    [Hi Albert, thanks. And thanks for your submission. Marlon]

  • Congrats to all the winners! Great contest, great prize. . .great Marlon! 🙂

    [Comment from Marlon: Hi Stephanie, I wish everyone who commented could've won. Thanks

    for commenting here and being a part.]

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