Article Marketing Step-By-Step Revealed! Comment on the PDF - Online and Info Product Marketing

Article Marketing Step-By-Step Revealed! Comment on the PDF


The PDF is in your Marlon's Marketing Minute this issue.  It's in your EMAIL. If you are on YAHOO, it's in your bulk email/junk/spam folder.

Thanks Yahoo!

If you're on AOL, your double opt-in to my list is in your SPAM/bulk. Find it and click  it to get on my list.

Everyone ADD ME to your address book to make sure I appear in your in box.

This PDF is $17.00 after this week. TODAY it's FREE.

Put your comments below.

  • Hey Marvin I really loved how you took a new internet marketing concept and simplified it. Find targeted people where they meet online, give them a freebee then launch by sending them an email and links to your aff program. AWESOME! I do receive your emails all the time I'm using an old email from a isp that I had when I lived in a little town in ky. SO thats really saying something since I've been with you since something like 1999. However I ALWAYS get emails from people when I use gmail thats a fact. Remember when it was struggle to get a good email address well just my opinion but gmail has changed the rules. Thanks again!

  • Vance Sova says:

    Hi Marlon,

    I use yahoo and I received your e-mail no problem.

    I commented on this already and somehow my comment disappeared.

    I can't believe that you'd censor it out as it was relevant and I'm your customer.

    For that reason I decided to leave a replacement comment.


    [Vance, I don't remember your post. Sometimes I accidentally delete stuff. I do blog stuff i a hurry.]

  • Chuck McLaughlin says:

    Hey Marlon,

    Your email ended up in my hotmail inbox just fine on Oct 31. I'm about a week behind reading my emails. Hotmail doesn't send you to my junk folder.

    Thanks for all your great info.

  • Carl says:

    I get your email no prob.

  • Paul says:

    I've got your message in my Inbox. So everything is all right, I believe.

    Just do not send too much Newsletters.One per week is OK for me.

  • Rinat says:

    Hi! I'm on yahoo and get your mails without any problems. Thank you for pdf

  • linda says:

    Got your email in my hotmail box

  • Treay Cohen says:

    Just a note, as per your request. I use Hotmail and receive your missives and those of others, with no problems at all.

  • Richard says:

    Yes, Marlon. I did get your message though my AOL mail. After following you for the past many years, your messages also appear in a few of my other mail services. I'm presently trying to eliminate duplicates, to save your bandwidth and my time. AOL is the first one that will be deleted.

  • Jean says:

    got your email on AOL no problem receiving your emails.

  • Eddie says:

    Hey Marlon,

    I get your emails.

  • steve mirkin says:

    Hi Marlon, I'm a AOL user and got your email with no problems, thanks for you help.

  • Don Raether says:

    For $87 I will tell you if your PDF came in my AOL mail box.

    Two can play this game as well as one.

    Ha Ha

  • thetomr says:

    Hello Mr. Sanders. I am a Ya-hell user and get all your stuff in my regular mail box. Now if i could just get all your stuff in ONE mail box lol! Thanks for the pdf…I think I'll go read it right now! Take care you guys.

  • Patricia M. says:

    I get your e-mail with no problems.

  • Robert Bossen says:


    I'm an AOL user and I got your message. Thanks for all the great advice!!!


  • Idaline Hall says:

    Marlon, I'm an AOL user, and I got your email.

  • andy says:

    I got your e-mail Just fine. Thanks for the help!

  • Rosa says:

    ok no problem in receiving your e.mails, I always check both incoming and spam e.mails. Thank you for all your good info and efforts.

  • LJ says:

    AOL delivers you to me, thanks!

  • Derek says:

    Yes Marlon, I get all your emails on aol.

  • Lamar says:

    AOL subscriber here. I get all your emails. Looking forward to applying the steps in the PDF. Thanks for all the info over the last few years !



  • Nancy G says:

    On Yahoo-got your mail just fine-have since the start of sign-up

  • Stephen Hall says:

    I am on Aol and receive all of your email Marlon.

  • Ronald says:

    I am an AOL guy who gets your emails

  • Thomas F says:

    Marlon, I am an aol user, at least for the subsctiption to your list and I got this message. Great article. Thanks. Tom

  • Roy says:

    On AOL, Received it just fine.

  • John Bandy says:

    Hi Marlon,

    Enjoy your articles and the e-mails. I received this one on my AOL account.

  • Cleanlee says:

    I always receive your emails and the valuable insights you share.

  • Myke says:

    As an AOL user I get all of your e-mails.

    Love and read them all.


  • jurgen says:

    On AOL–no problem, thanks.

  • Ted Gilbert says:

    Hi Marlon,

    I am on AOL and have always received your emails with no problem.

    Thank you,


  • Brenda says:

    I got it twice now Marlon.



  • be says:

    hey, Marlon

    just responding to your AOL request. I use it and I got your email just fine.

  • Susan Greene says:

    AOL user. Got it. Good stuff. Thanks.

  • Robert Bossen says:

    I got it.

  • Ferdinand says:

    Thanks for the info and everything. I always receive your messages in my Yahoo inbox. All of them.

  • Louis says:

    Hi Marlon! 🙂

    Great information. Thanks for putting this together. BTW, I received your email and I have AOL.

    Thanks again,


  • Mick says:

    Got the email.

  • Great information. And yes, I am a Hotmail user and I get your emails with no problem.

  • JR Trimble says:

    Marlon: the email arrived in my AOL account on 10/31 with no apparent

    difficulties …


  • Martha Dennison says:

    Yes, aol works.

  • Joe says:

    Hi Marlon, Rec'd the article with no problem on Yahoo. Your reputation for thoroughness precedes you. Good article short by today's standards and easy to comprehend. Good Luck. Joe Gum………..

  • Art Howard says:

    Hi Marlon,

    Yep, Yahoo subscriber here,got your email just fine as I do with 90% them, only a few make it to the spam folder.

    However, I'm curious who your hosting service is? All of your sites open extremely slow. Some as long as 2 minutes to open, but since I look forward to all your great stuff I hang in there until they finally open 🙂

    Then again, it could be a Windows Vista issue…I really hate Vista!


    Art Howard

    [Art, the problem isn't the hosting. We have 3 dedicated servers with a top notch host. Something went wrong in our mysql database. I have a programmer in Russia who is fixing it. But he had to get some sleep. I'm sure he'll have it running great tomorrow. So it wasn't your Vista! Hey, Windows 7 is out now. Upgrade!]

  • Bruce Lewis says:

    I am imdeed with Yahoo, and I got and often get all your emails.

    Keep up the good work MoneyMan.


  • Korby says:

    Hotmail … got it!

  • Steve says:

    Hi Marlon

    Enjoy your ezines very much, always great info.

    I use Yahoo as my main mail box and always get your mail.

    cheers Steve.

  • conrad says:

    Hotmail works well …. although I sometimes need to dig you out of the spam… lol

  • Ron says:

    On Yahoo, got the email


  • Richard says:

    Marlon, I get your emails to my yahoo account. Thanks and God bless you.

  • Roger W Norris says:

    Got your message telling me to see if your PDF came through on Hotmail. The good news is, it did, and not in the spam file! The bad news seems to be that, since you're going to make this into a paid product, if i try to access it in a couple of weeks, it won't be there. Is this true? Otherwise, it's OK.

    [Roger, I'll probably take it down today. It's a PDF. Just save it to your hard drive. Then you can access it at anytime. But you better hurry!]

  • Shakuntala says:

    I get all all your e-mails in my yahoo inbox without fail. Thank you. God Bless.

  • Azeem says:

    Hi Marlon

    No problem in receiving your e-mails in my Hotmail Inbox. After all it has been at least 3 years since I have been receiving your e-mails and very tempting DASHBOARDS.


    'Marlon, Marlon, Please forgive me for I have committed a cardinal sin.' I have NOT purchased any product from you!!!! REASON?



    Sadly. It has not happened and my suggestion has fallen on deaf ears. A newbie like me would have loved to develope an online business while 'playing' on your dashboards.



    [Azeem, you can only do one dashboard at a time anyway. You start with productdashboard. Create your product. Now go to and design your site. Now go to and get your list building set up. Now to to and get traffic.] But if you want to buy you get all the dashboards and more.]

  • I have yahoo, get your emails no problem.

    Love your work.

  • Ryan says:

    Hi Marlon I've been using Yahoo email for a very long time and also your long time subscriber and have no problem receiving your emails so far.

  • david rose says:

    Dear marlon:–I have been receiving your emails without a problem at my hotmail account.–David

  • Yuen says:

    Hi Marlon,

    I am a Hotmail user, I always receive

    your valuable info in my hotmail inbox.


    Yuen Yung David

  • Debbie says:

    Thanks for your emails.

    I don't have any problem getting your stuff sent directly to my Yahoo Inbox. It doesn't do to that forbidden place at all.

  • Mike says:

    This longtime hotmailer got ur message

  • Rangarajan says:


    I have been receiving your mails to my hotmail address regularly. I don't think I would have missed any mail from you. Hope this helps.

  • Virgil Morton, Jr says:

    I have no problem receiving your email newsletter.

  • Marie says:

    On yahoo. No problems

  • carl says:

    Recieved, thanks Marlon!

  • Matthew says:


    Got your message. I really enjoy your articles as well as your ability to break it down. It really helps me to understand the process involved.

    Thanks, Matt

  • Jean says:

    Thanks for the great info.

    Yes – it did get to my AOL mailbox.


  • Opus says:

    Got through my Yahoo account with no problem.

  • J says:

    Thankyou – an innovative way to get us answering ….

    and thankyou 'muchly'for your informative articles. so often we read, note, delete and don't say 'thanks'.

    Your material ranks as high quality and dwarfs many of the reiterative emails sent .. all with a different heading, but selling the same thing.

    I enjoy your uniqueness.

  • emanuel says:

    yes, Marlon, this went to my inbox.

    but you should know that 50% of what you're sending out is going to my spam.

    I dont know why. Yahoo sucks.

    their filtering system is sending out a whole bunch of categories into bulk spam, including lots of stuff that has keywords, like dating, make money, and Internet marketing.

  • jimmy says:

    Yes, I am getting all your emails on hot mail, looking forward to receiving more. Thanks

  • jimmy says:

    Hi Marlon,

    Sorry too late, I just got hooked up with some others guys who promise all sorts of things and I think this is another scam, I have put in nearly $1000 and they want me to put in some more.

    [Jimmy, I have no idea who you are hooked up with. They may be good. They may not. It sounds like to me you're thinking someone else is going to make things happen for you. You really need to get (free) and read it. And read all my past ezine issues on this blog. I think you need to get some basic marketing education before you spend much more money.]

  • Mano Rame says:

    This is secret agent M-R-A-5-7-0-1 your message was delivered..I repeat..your message was delivered..over and out.

  • Kelly-Anne says:

    Hotmail – yes I got your email no problem. I always get your emails and read them all. Take care.

  • Ellis says:

    Marlon,yes,you're always in my inbox at

    AOL.Thanks for all of the great information.

  • Christien says:

    Hey Marlon,

    Thanks for your consistently excellent material, and your commitment to quality.

    I'm a Hotmail user and I get your lesson every weekend.

  • Rita says:

    Receive emails most days from you. I am on yahoo

  • Kamila says:

    I always get your emails through Yahoo, even though you are not whitelisted. I have the SpamGuard filter off so everything can go to my Inbox.

  • Sarah says:

    Yahooer here and I got the email.

  • Valerie Lane says:

    Yes, Marlon I get every one of your spectacular emails. Now if I can just find the time to put it all to good use!

    Thanks Again!

  • Dennis says:

    I have hotmail. I received your e-mail.

  • R. Augustus King says:

    I receive your email at my yahoo account, no problem

  • Robin says:

    I have Yahoo with no problems.

  • Deb Williams says:

    Yes, I have a Yahoo account. Your emails all seem to get to me just fine, always in the Inbox.

  • Daphne says:

    I usually get your emails in my Yahoo spam folder, but today I got your MMM in my inbox. I check my spam folder frequently for your emails!

    [Hey Daphne, nice to hear you're doing that. I WISH I could stay in the in box, considering you double opted in to begin with.]

  • Fran says:

    Hi Marlon

    No problem, email comes through every week. Thanks.

  • Fran says:


    I'm with Yahoo. I seem to be getting everything fine. Thanks for all the info!

  • Mel Rose says:

    Got your email and I'm a yahoo subscriber.

    Thanks and don't eat too much Halloween candy! LOL!

  • Howard Morris says:

    Recieved your e-mail on Yahoo

  • Jim says:

    Hotmail user come thru to inbox just fine as always. Thanks Jim R.

  • Azad says:

    Yeah, Marlon…

    I'm yahoo reader and got your email, sir.

  • Bernard says:


    Hotmail delivered your email.

    Thanks, Bernard

  • Grahame B says:

    I'm a Yahoo subsriber and have subscribed to multiple lists for a few years now. All my email has been delivered without any problems.

  • Cathy says:

    I get every issue and look forward to it. You really do give awesome info.

  • Art says:

    Hi Marlon,

    I am a hotmail subscriber and I got your email just fine.



  • normz2 says:

    Thanks, I have been receiving your e-mails. My problem is that I receive over 200 e-mails a day. Most of them are worth while reading, but I am only able to spend an hour a day to read and skim through them. Your advice has been worth while.

  • Tim Wiesner says:

    I have a yahoo address, I never have any problem getting the newsletter. Thanks.

  • James Martin says:

    Great article.I love your in your face style of writing. No hype and that's the way I like it. Oh, by the way, I have an Yahoo account and I always get your emails and no I haven't white listed you.

  • Russell says:

    Using Yahoo for this sub..It is arriving ok..

  • Eric says:

    Getting ready to dig into the PDF now Marlon. Thanks very much. You continue to separate yourself from the others with the outstanding value of your information, consistently delivered. I've purchased many of your products over the years and all are top shelf ROI producers.

    I'm on Yahoo, have whitelisted your email, and they all come through.

    [Thanks Eric, appreciate the comment]

  • Richard says:

    Yahoo – no problem

  • Hey Marlon

    Thanks for the article marketing pdf. I use micro niche finder all the time and think its a great piece of software.

    Also I got your email through yahoo.

    Thanks again for the great information.

  • steve says:

    yes I recieved it

  • Bob Marconi says:

    I receive your emails on yahoo and by using a 'filter' they go directly to a specific Marlon box.

  • Victor says:

    I´m an Hotmail reader and Igot this.

  • Zara says:

    Hi Marlon, I use my hotmail account and you are delivering to my inbox fine.

  • Dot Santoro says:

    Hi Marlon,

    I do Yahoo also, and most of the time your emails land in the inbox.


  • Brenda says:

    I have AOL and I always get your Saturday newsletter.



  • Tom Cammack says:

    Hey Marlon,

    No problem here with my Yahoo account.

    Get your emails regularly.

  • jim cockrum says:

    good news buddy. I get your email in my yahoo account all the time and I don't even have you in my address book.

  • Ray says:

    Hi Marlon, "patchy" reception of your emails on AOL-even though I whitelisted you.Thank you for the pdf-there's a lot to be learnt from it.

  • Eusebio says:

    I'm a Yahoo subscriber. I got the PDF and have just read through it. Great content! Thanks a lot!

  • Joshua Hockaday says:

    Your e-mail is coming to my inbox. In the past I have found it in my spam box, but used the function to indicate that it is not spam, and afterward that I have had no problems getting it.

  • Marlon – I have Yahoo! and get all of your amazing stuff. Keep up the great work!

    Connie Ragen Green

  • Cynthia says:

    I am receiving your emails regularly and in my inbox, not junk folder.

  • Wayne says:

    On yahoo and get all your emails for 2 1/2 years

  • Patrisha says:

    Hi Marlon, I'm on AOL and I got it.

    Thanks sooooo much for all that you share.

    You are very knowledgeable and I for one appreciate your help.

  • H C Zaidan says:

    …on Yahoo, and I got the email in my inbox.

  • Wallace says:

    I got your email thru hotmail in the inbox no problem. Thanks for the newsletters.

  • Scott says:

    Yep! I got it. Great issue, Marlon.


  • Alan says:

    I'm a Hotmail subscriber and I received your email with no problem.

    Thanks for all the great marketing content.

  • Hey Marlon,

    Article Marketing isn't a method I want to use right now, but thank you for the offer of info anyway. To answer your question – You've been on my white list for quite some time now. Never had any probs with receiving your emails via my hotmail account.

    Keep on rockin m/

  • Kim Fleming says:

    Hi Marlon,

    FYI: In regards to your question, I have a Hotmail email address and your most recent email came to the inbox as usual.

    Thanks for the non-stop "take-action" content.



  • Jackie DelleGrazie says:

    Hi Marlon,

    Yes, I always get your email in my regular inbox not in the junk mailbox. And thanks for the ebook!


  • Gloria says:

    Hey Marlon,

    Yahoo, your in my inbox!

  • hal says:

    Hi Marlon, been a customer since your marketing dashboard days. As always, you provide GREAT info! Just replying back , i got your email to my Hotmail account.


  • Wes says:

    Hotmail user get your email each week, Look forward to see what you are up to.

  • I Got It!!!

    Yes it came through my Yahoo acct just fine this time. Yes I have been forced to pull you from the "forbidden Box"

    Marlon Thanks for all the great stuff you offer and the service you provide.

    Peace & Blessings,

    Billy Mitchell

  • Allen says:

    I have a Yahoo account and I got your recent email with no problems

  • es says:

    Hotmail user who gets your email. Look forward to it each week.

  • Norb Scchultz says:

    Hi Marlon!

    I'm a Yahoo user and I always receive your newsletters and thank you. They're

    always vauable info.

    Thanks again Norb

  • Lisa Simpkins says:

    I am receiving your emails just fine in my Hotmail inbox.

  • Willam says:

    Per your request I do receive your email in my inbox and it does come thru Hotmail. If you get the mail or not I beleive is determined on how you have hotmail setup.

    There are some things I would like to have blocked from being received. Messages that tell me I'm a benefactor of some unknown person or the FBI will hellp me recover my missing non existant

    milions of dollars. "My Dearest Friend", and or other such crap. How about I'm a lottory winner? I would be billionare by now is all this crap were real.

  • Doris says:

    Yes Marlon I do receive your emails and I am reading every one of them.

    I am a newbie and do not have a website yet but I am working on one using the Dashboard. The information that I receive from you is very helpful and I read every email that I get, learning a bit every time. You have very good content and good information that I use constantly.

    Thank you Doris

    [Hi Doris, glad to hear it. Good luck to you.]

  • Tom Browne says:

    Marlon…On Hotmail and received your email and PDF without problems.

  • I get your emails every week. I never miss a single issue in the past year.

    Thanks Hiram

  • Michael F. says:

    Your mail is coming through to my in-box just fine.

  • Tim says:

    I subscribe with a hotmail account and i got it fine

  • Cheri says:

    Thanks for query. I have no problem with hotmail but it's a pain when I'm not able to get past the sign-up screen when registering with some sites….

  • Jess says:

    Hi Marlon!

    I have a Yahoo! account and your email comes through just fine.

    No problems here.


  • Bruce says:

    I got it in Yahoo….all your stuff always comes thru Marlon. I love getting your newsletter!

  • Scott says:

    Hey Marlon and Staff –

    Yes, I get your newsletter and it arrives right into my MAIN inbox for YAHOO. Though, I think a while back; I whitelisted your emails.

    I assume further testing with YAHOO on your end will prove this.

    Oh, and here is a tip for EVERYONE – using URL Redirect. I am IS Specialist and sometimes I check my email at work and this has been the ONLY redirect (once you create one) that makes it thorugh our filters, all others like tinyurl will get blocked – i.e less traffic to your destination.

    I even noticed that John Reese has used this one a few times.

    Always learning something new.



  • Frankie says:

    Hey Marlon… I must say, this is a very

    innovative way of cross checking &

    verifying the serious subscribers from

    the time wasters. All my subscriptions come through to a specifically allocated email address (Hotmail) strictly for

    valued, opt-in memberships & subscriptions

    that I have agreed to accept…I believe

    your subscription was one of the first some

    years ago…keep up the good work!!

    Cheers Frankie

  • J.Ashley Neal (jan) says:

    1040 loud'n clutter this end;

    I'm still too much a novice 4-U !!

    Thanx any-hooo


  • Ed says:

    Your mail reached my hotmail account!

  • Terry Loving says:

    Hi Marlon – Thanks for the recent pdf's. I have been getting the email at HotMail just fine it appears. This one came through just fine. I do know that recently I signed up with a new hosting account with an auto responder that will NOT process my Hotmail subscribers and now I wonder if it is kicking out the Yahoo ones as well. … argh. This was not a problem with the autoresponder I used previously.

    Thanks for your good stuff!


  • Micki Davy says:

    I am a Hotmail reader, and I have had no problems getting your e-mails. Thanks for the information.

  • Scott Allan says:

    Hey Marlon,

    All your stuff is gold. I have several accounts but the emails I get to my hotmail address always arrive in my inbox.

    Thanks for everything and keep up the great work.

    Scott Allan

  • Muriel says:

    Hi, I get your ezine every week. You are on my safelist and have never found you bumped into my junk mail box. I keep it emptied just in case.

    PS. Love your stuff.

  • Norman Muir says:

    I am on Yahoo, have not had a problem getting your e-mails.

  • Peggy Loe says:

    Got through to me with AOL

  • Doug says:

    Hi Marlon,

    The pdf was great as always, I still have a lot to learn about keyword research.

    I am a yahoo user and did get your email, I don't use the spam filter though, if I did I would be whitelisting forever.

    A question for a possible future post. With the upcoming changes regarding testimonial and endorsements, will you still be posting testimonials and or endorsements on your sales pages in the future? As I know you provide many testimonials on your sales pages, what will you be doing to ensure you are in compliance with the new upcoming regulations.

    Keep up the great work Marlon, I always look forward to your emails. I have always enjoyed straight shooters.

    Best regards


    [Doug, I hope to get all testimonials with specific figures and numbers removed by Dec. 1. I hope! Lots to do before then because we are creating this new killer traffic product. Joel Comm has a good product coming out on complying with the new laws. I'll be promoting it when it's released and reading it also.]

  • Paula says:

    I'm on Yahoo, and often get emails from you put in either my inbox or my spam folder. I had to stop automatically deleting all the spam when I realized that's were some of your emails were going. Just added you to my contacts though, so maybe they'll go straight into the inbox now. Keep 'em coming!

  • Nina says:

    Your mail is coming through to my in-box just fine.

    Love your great insights – thanks.

  • Lafcadio says:

    Very good sequencing on the article marketing material. And yes it got thru to my "In Box" at Yahoo Mail.


  • Bruce says:

    Hi, Marlon,

    Just writing to say thank you for all the great Marlon Marketing Minutes that I receive weekly through my free Yahoo email account, with never any problems.

    Please keep up the good work!

  • Marilyn Doyle says:

    Just thought I'd let you know, I have an AOL email address and I always get the emails from you – they never go in the spam folder.

    Marilyn Doyle

  • David T. says:

    Hi Marlon,

    Yes, I faithfully receive your email in my Yahoo inbox ALL the time…. I've never once found one in the s*p*a*m box, so keep up the fantastic work and keep spreading your gospel of 'produce and promote!'

    All the best,


  • Bruce says:

    Hi, Marlon. I am a Yahoo email subscriber and I'm just writing to tell you that I receive your weekly Marketing Minutes with never any problem at all, and I love them.

    Please keep up the good work.

  • Brian says:

    I have aol email and i got your message in my inbox.

  • Mike says:

    Hi Marlon

    MMM great information and sharply to the point, as usual. Step by step clarity is brilliant.


    Mike Kingston

    ps Yes – aol lets you through OK

  • Jules says:


    Just to let you know I have been getting your correspondence ok via AOL in the UK for the past 3 -4 years.

    Thanks a bunch for all the good stuff you keep sending…I guess it's like the blueprint for much of what I do.

    I've got a couple of your dashboards…really good stuff, they taught me everything about website building, IM marketing and using autoresponders.

    I now provide a consultancy service for general business site owners in the UK, many of them are mom and pop style companies and I provide them with a few gizmo's…squeeze pages, landing pages, flyin's and bottom of page adds to build lists for them

    I then manage their lists and email campaigns…no adsense or adwords, just good old sshool simple stuff that works, lots of articles and newsletters all interspersed with well timed offers for their products and services.

    Sometimes we do a bit of simple camtasia and web audio, and have even compiled a few Podcast interviews…all real easy to do when we follow your lead.

    None of these folks are looking to set the world on fire, they just want a good source of local leads and conversions.

    And you know what?

    These little folks pay you on the nail and it don't get too much better than that does it?

    If I may say and I know this is in line with your recommendations…if you want to do stuff, you really do need to spend a while to learn the basics.

    Bottom line you simply have to do…






    None of it's rocket science…it just takes a little time. Otherwise you're gonna forever be paying outsourcing dudes gazillion's.

    That's why your dashboards are so good because they give the basic skinny on all theses programs and certainly enough to get yourself online.

    As for all the other stuff you give us every week….please, please just keep it coming, coz there's barely a week goes by when I don't pick up a nugget somewhere that I can interpret and use in what I'm doing.

    Kindest regards from the UK


    [Hi Jules, appreciate your post and thanks for taking the time to respond.]

  • Glenn Hughes says:


    You wanted feedback- I have an AOL account and got the email ok

    Thanks for the info by the way- very useful and relevant


  • Bill says:

    Hi Marlon,

    Just so you know, I got your email through AOL no problem.

  • Lynn says:

    On Yahoo- got e-zine.

  • Steve O'Brien says:

    I have a Yahoo account and recieved your recent email with no problems


  • David Canham says:

    Hey Marlon,

    I am a yahoo user and I got your email

  • Pete says:

    Hi Marlon,

    Just a quick note to let you know that I'm using my Yahoo! mail account and have no trouble at all getting your emails.


    PS: I enjoy, and devour every one of them!

  • Betty says:

    Hi Marlon,

    I am an aol subscriber and I have no problem receiving your newsletter. Occasionally even though I have you whitelisted you appear in my spam folder and I just hit "not spam". Thanks for all the information and straight talk


  • eddie says:


    Yes i did get your email in my yahoo account, however sometimes they do put it into my spam filter.

    Take care and God Bless Always !


  • Kevin says:

    Thanks for the article, and yes Marlon I do get all of your emails on AOL. 🙂

  • Mike says:

    Marlon, you are a genius, Mike

  • Vincent Dames says:

    Thanks for all the great mindset teaching and great strategies to use. Please keep

    them coming.

    I get all your emails in my in-box.

  • Kim says:


    I have both gmail and yahoo and they both come thru into my inbox….so your safe on this end….I always check my spam anyway, just in case, but yours has been coming thru fine 😉


    PS…always love your content, very informative!

  • andy says:

    I'm an aol subscriber who received your e-mails in my regular mailbox section. But, I've trained my mailbox to accept this kind of e-mail. Infact, IM and home business email related is all I receive in that e-mail account. Hope that helps!


  • Chris says:

    Just confirming (per your request) that your latest mailout reached my Yahoo account.

  • TatianaV says:

    Hi Marlon,

    I too use micronishefinder and it is a good app. And results are accurate since Google is not ALL there IS… 😉 The emails from yours I do receive with my yahoo account and no problem whatsoever with it.

  • Rich says:

    …on YAhoo, and I got the email.

  • joe says:

    By the way,

    I just tried to subscribe to your milcer's membership site but wasn't able to get past the sign-up screen.

    Just thought you should know 🙂


  • joe says:

    Hi Marlon,

    thanks for the very instructive article marketing blog.

    It seems to me that (I don't own it yet) Microniche finder is a great tool to find the right keywords, as it seems to be a lot more targeted. However, it does not seem to be very accurate as far as search results that include google.

    I checked two of the keywords and got far more results than what was shown on your article.

    By the way, I'm not criticizing your article's info, it's excellent and I will definitely be using the info.

    So, given that premise that google isn't included, would you still go ahead and create a niche marketing based on just the info that you got from microniche finder?

    I'm kind of confused about the keyword search results and am looking for a tool that would be more accurate than what I have looked at so far. (Samurai Market, SPYFU, and every website that flogs this option.)

    Thanks for the great material you provide and for the laughs in this troubled time.

    Joe Cepeda

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