Audio Update On Lead Magnets + Lead Magnet Planner Download - Online and Info Product Marketing

Audio Update On Lead Magnets + Lead Magnet Planner Download


Marlon here.

Here's an 8 minute audio update on today's ezine issue highlighting
some important points I maybe didn't emphasize enough and a
few new pieces of information.

Here is your Lead Magnet Planner.  Right Click and Save As:

If you LIKE either the audio or the Lead Magnet Planner and it's helpful to you. let me know in comments.

Best wishes,


PS:  If you didn't read the Lead Magnet ezine issue, it's here:

Do you want to see my MINDMAP on Lead Magnets?

If I get enough comments, I'll post it here.  Tell your friends to come comment.

  • Steve says:

    Hi Marlon,

    Mind Maps are awesome, great planning and production tools to keep you on track.

    I would greatly appreciate seeing any mind map you would be willing to share.

    All the Best,


    [Hi Steve, you were only the second person who asked for them so I really didn't get enough response to justify my time in doing them for free. But maybe I'll do some for a hotter topic in the future. Appreciate your feedback.]

  • […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by maryharris38, Faye Owens. Faye Owens said: Audio Update On Lead Magnets + Lead Magnet Planner Download […]

  • support says:


    Just leave a comment here if you want to see the Mind Map or hear more about how to use Lead Magnets, like my Lunch Time Cash Plan. Or, if conversely, you have questions about how Lead Magnets would or could work for you, post them here.


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