BlogTV — How To Promote With This Hot, New Way To Develop Incredible Bonding And Relationships With Your Niche Using Web Cam, Text And Screen Drawings - Online and Info Product Marketing

BlogTV — How To Promote With This Hot, New Way To Develop Incredible Bonding And Relationships With Your Niche Using Web Cam, Text And Screen Drawings




This is really cool.  

It's called Blog TV.  The url is:, 

And people do their own web cam shows…umm…..all legit, of course.  But, I see lots of possibilities here either with this service or another one along the same lines.  A good show to watch is by a girl named happyslip.  

She is one of the most viewed people on Youtube.  

The point is, it's a very intimate communication with an audience.  

There are several parts:

1.  The web cam

2.  Screen drawing…you can draw on the screen

3.  Chat where people can type questions

4.  Voice

5.  Music (possible as background)

This means you could develop a whole new intimacy with your niche.


  • Dfewta says:

    Hi Marlon…nice place to start my day…I have been following you around the net…and I am always comfortable reading whatever article you submit online…how do you do this…are you "wired" as they say? I mean…from the time you wake up…are you in front of a computer?Dont you suffer information overload…you must have a very large head to input ideas to your head…so that's why aliens have large heads…and they are advanced….joke joke…gosh…are you human too?

  • Hi Marlon,

    Just want to say that you have some extremely interesting and valuable posts.

    This looks like another great strategy.

    Thanks for sharing all the good content on your blog.



  • Gaj Subudhi says:

    I forgot to ask you..

    Is there anyway I can get auto matic notification of the posts you make in thsi blog so that I can come and check them often??

    Please let me know..



  • Gaj Subudhi says:

    Hi Marlon,

    It is an amazing blog.

    I had a chance to review some of the posts and let me tell you..

    You are giving some real and incredible value as well practical advices to prosper online..

    Thanks and Regards,


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