By Jan. 20, 2008, How To Be 100% On Track - Online and Info Product Marketing

By Jan. 20, 2008, How To Be 100% On Track



Memo From: Marlon Sanders
Re: November 24 article from Marlon

Hey Guys and Gals,

GREAT article in this issue:

Main Article: Will YOU Have Your Own Info Product Ready To Sell By
January 20, 2008? Or Will You Have What You Got Today?

Subtitle:  Here's How To Have Your OWN Info Product By Jan. 20, 2008

LIVE FORUM CHAT:  This Tuesday, for my Info Product Dashboard owners,
log into the forum and I'll be having a live chat where you can ask
questions and I'll give answers.

POST TO MY BLOG: I want to hear your feedback on the Info Product
Dashboard.  Hit me on my blog:

Let me hear from YOU!  If you aren't getting it, what can I DO to
help  you make that POSITIVE step to trading products for dollars
instead of time for dollars?

Do you like the video on the blog?  Lemme know if you like or hate it.

Let's say you're BROKE!  Why are you broke?  Because you are trading
your own personal time for dollars and you can't sell your time for
that much.

Let's say you had a product that ONLY sold for what you make per
hour.  And you sold 8 of those a day.  Now, what would your
financial situation look like?

You would DOUBLE your what you bank each week.  But what if you
could go back to those buyers and sell them something else?

This is how you get to be NOT BROKE!

Marlon's Marketing Minute
Vol. 2, #19, November 25, 2007

This issue contains:

A. Who Else Wants 98 Cents A Click?

B. Announcements from Marlon

C. Main Article: Will YOU Have Your Own Info Product Ready To Sell
By January 20, 2008? Or Will You Have What You Got Today?

Subtitle:  Here's How To Have Your OWN Info Product By Jan. 20, 2008

D. Services You Can Use

Brought to you by: Marlon Sanders – Publisher


Get Your Info Product Dashboard TODAY So You Can Be On The
Live Forum Chat This Tuesday And Ask Your Question. The chat
is THIS Tuesday for one hour:

It's the only step-by-step, A to Z system not JUST for
creating info products …. but that shows you HOW to select
product ideas using my “flanking move” I've built my business
on, HOW to do 12-product surveys with an actual example, that
gives you a tested, proven email & source with a 30% success
rate in getting interviews with experts — PLUS, templates
that would cost your more than the Dashboard to have custom

Not to mention that I've finally figured out how to do a
OTO using Amember and produced a video for you.

A. Who Else Wants 98 cents a click?

The Info Product Dashboard is producing 98 cents a CLICK
across ALL TRAFFIC currently coming to site. I pay 50%
on the 6-week coaching 1/2 priced OTO upsell.

If you got a list and you want a chance at 98 cents a click,
go to:



One: New Bonuses To Be Added For Info Product Dashboard Buyers

I have some new bonuses I'll be adding in December. Hot stuff!
So hang out and let me hit you with several more cool things,
including the live forum text chat this Tuesday.

Two: Get Support In The Forum

I have a 60-day forum (meaning it will be live for the next
60 days) to help support Info Product Dashboard owners.  Go
there if you get stuck on anything and post.

I encourage members to help each other.  My staff will also
do their best to help.

C. Will YOU Have Your Own Info Product Ready To Sell By January 20,

Or Will You Have What You Got Today?  Here's How To Make It Happen
So You Can Start Trading Products For Dollars Instead of Time For

Subtitle:  How to Escape The Time For Dollars Trap!

I want to talk to you about how you make products make you a living
so that you don't have to “work” for a living.

First, let me remind you of something in case you don't know.

I've been at this “Game” longer than just about anybody still active
and producing in our market.

Back BEFORE the Big Seminar, BEFORE Yanik's seminars, BEFORE about
anyone's seminars, Jonathan Mizel, Declan Dunn and yours truly
put on the shindig known as the “Boulder Seminar.”  For 4 years,
we put on the seminar everyone who was anyone attended to get the
real inside scoop on Internet marketing.

I've spoken around the world at over 120 seminars.

I've successfully produced and sold DOZENS of info products.  Yet,
NONE of those things matters that much.  What DOES matter is this:
In the last 7 years, I haven't “worked” much.

I read, hang out at bookstores and coffee shops.  And check in with
my staff daily, of course.

Now, for 7 years, I did NOT have an office outside of my home.
I had a few virtual assistants (mostly that was Lisa).  Today, I
have a small office with 2-3 employees, depending on the month.

My point is THIS:

My products make me my living, so I don't have to invest a great
deal of personal work and effort.  I've been doing it LONGER than
anybody and, frankly, have created the best step-by-step system
for teaching it.

The process is simple:

1.  Find a group of people with money to spend and the willingness
to spend it on a passion, hobby or compelling personal interest

2.  Come up with 12 product ideas

3.  Do your 12-product survey

4.  Find experts to provide content on that topic

5.  Create your info product

6.  Set up your download page

7.  Set up your order taking

That's basically my system.  Nearly everyone SKIPS the 12-product

Big mistake!  In the Info Product Dashboard, I show you actual
survey results, just so you can SEE with your own eyes how much of a
difference doing a 12-product survey makes.

See, if you choose the product to sell that gets the FEWEST votes
on a 12-product survey,  you're dead in the water before you begin.

Now, the next issue people have problems with is coming up with the
12 product ideas. What most people do WRONG here is they create
product ideas LIKE what is already selling.

That's dumb.

I show you how to use Marketing Warfare strategy to do what's called
a “flanking” move. My whole business is built on FLANKING product

In the Info Product Dashboard, I show you how to do these moves.

I talked much more in depth about that last year in “The Red Factor.”
So if you have that, you're ahead of the learning curve.

Most people have NO IDEA or clue how to select winning product

So if you HAVE produced a product in the past that did NOT sell,
THIS is likely the reason.

a.  You didn't use Marketing Warfare strategy

b.  You didn't do your 12-product survey

Now, in terms of finding experts, if you already have content, you
don't need experts. But if you don't have expertise on the topic,
you need to find and interview experts and spin this into an
attractive info product.

I give you the email template to send out and a resource that
together have a 30% success rate for one of my friends. Oh, he pays
ZERO for those interviews. And has $10,000 a month coming in from
doing them.

The logistics of creating and delivering the info product and
setting up the download page STOPS a lot of people. That is why I've
had professional graphics created for you. The graphics alone would
cost you more to get done than the cost of the Info Product

For the advanced people, I show you to use Amember to set up a back
end membership site system.  And I show you to do an OTO
using Amember.

To my knowledge, until this product, no one had EVER published how
to do that or figured it out.

If you're a newbie, I give you an alternative to using Amember.

The point is, I've figured out all the logistics of creating,
editing, packaging and delivering your product for you, so you don't
have to waste time figuring it out from scratch.

And for the next 60 days, I have a forum set up where you can ask
questions if you get stuck.

ALSO, I'll be holding a 6 week teleconference to reveal advanced

This is my OTO you'll receive at HALF PRICE when you snag it in the
next 72 hours.

Because I have to start those calls before long, you need to get in
NOW if you want the 1/2 priced coaching via my OTO.

Of course, the Info Product Dashboard by itself stands alone as a
super power house to get the job done.  The 6-week program is for
those of you who want ADVANCED help and training.

My question to you is this:  If you haven't produced your OWN INFO
PRODUCT yet, what's it gonna take for you to DO IT?  Seriously.
What will it take?

Nothing else anywhere at any price breaks it down into this step-by-
step of a system.

A new year is coming.  Why don't you get on the program and have a
product done by mid January to market?

Best wishes,

Marlon Sanders

Marlon Sanders is the author of “The Amazing Formula That
Sells Products Like Crazy.” If you'd like to get on his
mailing list and receive tips, articles and information
about online marketing, visit:


REPRINT RIGHTS: You have permission to use the above
article without omission and including the resource box.
You have the right to insert your reseller URL for
“Amazing Formula” in place of the existing URL>

D. “Services You Can Use”


PUT UP YOUR WEB SITE? Discover how easy and simple it can
be to do your own graphic design (or at least some of it).
Plus, find out the exact resources I recommend to save a
bundle.  Avoid going down the wrong path.

Many people have copied my software.  But there really and
truly is only ONE original.


Copyright 2007 Higher Response Marketing Inc.
All rights reserved.
