Did you have order problems in the past 2 months? - Online and Info Product Marketing

Did you have order problems in the past 2 months?


Marlon here.
I'm looking at Amember which is the software we use to track all

our orders.
I see some of my customers have gone to the trouble of filling

in the order form but then the order didn't complete.
If that was YOU, can you please tell me what happened?
1.  At the Paypal screen did you click to use your credit card

instead of logging into Paypal and then have Paypal zap your

2.  Did Paypal decline your order when you had funds in your

3.  Did something else funky happen when you tried to order?
POST below by clicking COMMENTS.

Best wishes,


PS:  If YOU aren't having a few ordering problems here or there,
you aren't SELLING enough.

PromoDashboard.com is a really great way just to get started
building your email list.  I break it down into bite-sized chunks
because I figure you might have a job and limited time every
night.  And it's as step-by-step as I could make it.

  • Marc Giles says:

    I made the order and received the confirmation. I ordered with my credit card. Strangely I received a response from paypay. As of today I have never received anything. I wasnt sure wether you were sending the product by USPS. How do I get my products? 917-721-5415

    [Hi Marc, you go to productlogin.com and enter the user name and password you selected when you ordred from us. When you order from Paypal there is a button that says "return to higher response marketing". When you click that it logs you into your product. If you have any other issues with this, just go to: http://www.getyoursupport.com and place your support request there. Sorry you had a problem on this. I've also emailed you this response.]

  • Ken Hansen says:

    Yes, I have contemplated purchasing several of your products in the past. I always seem to balk just before finishing the transactions. I have spent so much on E-training,CPC ads, and a variety of gimmicks that I am incapable of absorbing any more into my cranial abyss. Seriously though, I do need to get organized and really need some sort paper or digital tracking system for all of my affiliates, adverts, and logins. Geez I am so overwelmed I can hardly write a thing….HM I'm writing….Over my writers block, all's not a waste. Thank you for being here for us, I'm sure we'll be chatting more. Best wishes for 2010.

    [Ken, if you got Writer's Secret follow THAT product. For organizing, try the Time and Chaos software: http://www.chaossoftware.com]

  • Greg Goble says:

    On one order, Paypal didn't give me the option to use my approved credit card – only my checking account. I tried again a few days later and completed the purchase (using my credit card!) I have ordered 3 products from you and only had trouble with one purchase.

  • I got the dashboard instead of what I wanted. I emailed you twice but with no response I gave up.

    [Hi Cynthia, I think 90% of the time we don't get email. I recommend you NEVER email anyone for customer support! Instead, use their help desk and you'll get a ticket for a tracking number. Ours is at: http://www.getyoursupport.com. But since we are on the blog, tell me what you wanted and I'll fix you UP!]

  • Russell Stevenson says:

    Hi Marlon,

    I received your call!!! Thank you..

    Yes, I had some problems ordering..it's ok you are a genius at this stuff. My mentor Joe Cossman told me about you so I have some stories..I will connect with you soon to chat for a minute and buy..

    Thanks again,


  • Don't remembering abandoning an order, but I can tell you that some of the links you have sent me lately are dead. Like the one for the amazing formula. Seems also like you are transferring from one affiliate solution to another, with some links available and others not working?

    Hope this helps.

    [Hi, if you are an AFFILIATE and find a dead link, please report to getyoursupport.com.

    Or just post it to this thread. We've thought about changing affiliate software but have NOT at this point so all links SHOULD be good.

    We've also had some spikes on our server where web pages go down for say 30 or 60 seconds. Not a lot but it has happened some.

    I DO have an issue with a few $1 trial links we need to fix. I stopped most of the dollar trials until I see how they play out with

    Visa. I don't know the dead link on Amazing Formula. Please do tell. Marlon]

  • Morgana says:

    I did not have trouble with paypal, but I need to cancel just the same. I don't have the time to read the material much less DO anything you lay out. I only have an hour a night and there is just too much required to make this work.

    lI don't know if you are referring to us, Paypal or other things. For us, any support issues need to go to http://www.getyoursupport.com where they can

    be properly handled with a ticket number.'

  • Patricia says:

    Hi there. I did order the Opt-In Forms, and yes, I rec'd a email from you saying that my order was not completed, and this is not the first time over the months, but as far as i can tell from my bank account, everything went well.

  • John Wagner says:

    I don't know if it was me, because I think I got everything I ordered, but I do have problems with my new computer. You know fat fingering buttons.

  • Linda says:

    I can't remember for sure… but the usual reason I abort a purchase when I get to Paypal is if the person selling (like you) only allows one option for paying–the default with Paypal. I never pay with the default; I always put the payment on my credit card and Paypal won't allow any credit card but theirs for the default choice for payment. So it happens that only the default is accepted, I usually back out at that point. (I did log into Paypal when I was trying to pay.)

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