Evergreen Web Site Traffic — How To Win A Free Copy - Online and Info Product Marketing

Evergreen Web Site Traffic — How To Win A Free Copy




I'll be giving away 5 copies.

To win one, all you do is post here by clicking comments at the end of this post and tell me why you wanna learn how to get Evergreen Traffic from Tinu and I vs. everyone else teaching about getting traffic.


If you post a VIDEO on why you wanna learn about how to get evergreen traffic from Tinu and I vs. all the other “gurus”, post the VIDEO on YouTube and put the link in my blog, I'll be giving away 5 ADDITIONAL copies AND also an extra special VERY valuable gift!

You have a very limited time span to do this in.  Possibly 72 hours.  But I could cut it off before then.

By the way, since you're here anyway, LOOK OVER my blog.  This is one of the reasons I'm doing the contest. I want you to SEE the new types of meaty posts I'm doing.  Did you see the Skype phone? It's crazy cool.  Giving some of those away in our new affiliate contest and other trick stuff (promotemarlon.com/blog)

Oh, to follow me day-by-day join me on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/marlonsanders

Now, the rules:

1.  No purchase required for entry
2.  Void where prohibited
3.  Chances of winning depend on the number of entries. 
4.  Additional rules and requirements may be posted on the blog
5.  Offer expires in around 72 hours.  
6. My team and I will select the winners based on originality, sincerity, usefulness to others
7. Product delivery is digital
8. By publishing a comment or video, you give us the right to use your picture and likeness, sound of your voice (if there is video or audio content) and written comments in our advertising and marketing in perpetuity, world wide, without royalty or compensation. 


  • [Well, you're pretty much your own Easter Bunny and Santa Claus. So set up your own contest and win it! That contest is guessing what the public or target market will buy. If you win the guess, you get to make a whole lot of prize purchases…:)]


    As a loyal customer of yours, I want to win because as a kid I've never won anything at Coney – the amusement park.


    Hot Diggity Dog!

  • Ksenija says:

    Hi people,

    I just couldn't wait, I bought evergreen and started my new campaign.(05/08/2008)

    This is my result in just 2 weeks:

    Position on Google for kwywords:

    -"Best small business web hosting"

    I am 17 out of 3060.

    -"Canada business web site hosting"

    I am 5th out of 774

    -"Home business web site hosting"

    I am 15 and 16 out of 2160

    -"Quality web business hosting"

    I am 5th and 6th out of 781

    -"Small business web hosting intro"

    I am 5th and 6th out of 305 and so on.

    My new site has received 100 visitors in 2 weeks and it is getting better.Today, my first video is up and running and has 8 visitors already, in just few hours.

    I hope you can see potential in this method.

    Thank you Marlon and Tinu.

  • Dr. Sneh says:

    I love evergreen ideas. After all green is the colour life and life means movement. I am a newcomer and learning from the best can never be a mistake. i have never yet bought from the net and wish to learn what ticks the human brain to virtual shopping. I am noT a researching psychologist but donot believe in



  • Don Morris says:

    Marlon, I'd like a free copy to give away to one of my customers, perhaps one that purchases the Info-Product Dashboard. There. Simple as that.

  • Ellen Kong says:

    Hi Marlon –

    I'm a newbie and want to start out on the right foot. I'm a single mother of three teenagers (who are eating me out of house and home) and I was just bankrupted by the recent downturn in real estate. So, I need to get back up on that horse and building up from scratch. Can I be one of your testers?


  • Hi Marlon,

    I am a copywriter from India who is not interested in sacrificing my first born for a few dollars.

    If you are shocked to hear that, please

    watch my first video:



    I have created another video where I have shared how you can help me help you.


    I apologise for the poor sound quality in the second video.

    I will try to upload the good one tomorrow.

    Thanks & Regards,

    –Edward "The Apu"

    PS: Rufus wants to know why I created these videos. Will you let me tell him the reason I made it? 🙂

  • SACHI says:


    I bought so many guru products at costlier price than this ebook…..all of them turned out to be a dud…I have lost confidence in the guru products and dont want to buy out any more ebooks/software….If i get this free and if its really good my faith in the gurus will rise up again 🙂

  • Graham in U.K. says:

    Hi Marlon

    I remember when I first started in internet marketing – they said it was easy!! I've found it like trying to climb a mountain – then when you do get your site up – you have to start all over again in order to get traffic.

    Like climbing the mountain, thinking you've done it – got to the top – then seen all the other mountains you have to climb before you get your business under way. EVERGREEN TRAFFIC is a GREAT NAME for Tinu's traffic system and I'm sure with your backing Marlon- it will be a great success.


    Graham in U.K.

    P.S. This will be great to help to get traffic

  • not sure if my previous entry went through and so am resubmitting. Thank you.


    Dear Marlon :

    Hello. I want a free copy of "Evergreen Traffic System" because :

    1. I and my partners through our site http://www.theibstimes.com are trying to popularise natural low cost remedies for 'irritable bowel syndrome' and related digestive disorders. We want to save the people from the clutches of the pharma industry.

    2. I am also having medical prolems and cannot move out of house. If i want a copy of "evergreen traffic system" i will be able to become financially independent as well as help in a good cause.

    Thank you. God Bless.

    Shakuntala SB


  • Amir says:

    Hi Marlon,

    As newbies, we are bombarded by multitudes of product that promised us endless supply of traffic..the catch, only if I buy their product! Its all very confusing and too much at times. I don't want to feel confused, I want to learn the ropes from a good and solid system and build up my online business the right way.

    I just want and need 1 simple thing, teach me how to get traffic the real way. After reading about Evergreen Traffic System and researching on my own on Tinu, I believe this product can just be my very early x'mas gift…

    Best regards


  • Simon Hurst says:


    Why would I want to win the Evergreen Traffic System?

    Having read the above replies I feel humble in comparison. Sure I trust your judgement and hence believe this would be a truly great product. I know you can check the products I have bought and used in the past, let's face it your trackingwill tell you your buyers as opposed to your freebies.

    Can I make a convincing reason why I should win, not really as it comes down to a saving of $97 for me? As if I don't win I will buy a copy. So I would love to win just for the thrill and to brag about how I got my copy.

    Keep up the fight, you know it makes sense.

    regards from over the pond,


  • I have three websites that desperately need more traffic. I really don't know what else to say. I know a lot of people have put up better complaints, but I just feel I have been a newbie long enough. I would like to feel what it is like to be a "Guru"


    Rick Sullivan
    http://twitter.com/TazzzzMann http://millionairofthemonth.com/myblog http://forevermarketing.info/myblog http://tazzzzmannsaj.com

  • Breaking News Online:

    Talking Dog Helps Internet Marketer

    Make A Fortune

    A talking hound is helping its owner and now others make an utter fortune online etc etc.

    See it here:


    The Editor

    PS I didn't believe it either!


    Hey Marlon,

    It turns out the dog in the news is my loyal 'partner' The Hound.

    The report is true – you really should check it out!

    Oh, and about the competition. Yes please, we would love to win The Evergreen Traffic System competition for two reasons.

    1/ I love IM like no other and want to learn good systems from better teachers for the very best traffic building outcomes. I think between yourself and The Queen I will be in the best hands.

    2/ . . . and the number two reason. Well – The Hound told me he wants to sleep under that cosy looking green tree on the sales page of The Evergreen Traffic System at: http://www.marlonsanders/evergreen

    Who am I to argue with a talking dog?


    Michael Searles


  • Jim Vaughan says:

    Marlon, You claim to have the ultimate answer to "building traffic". I have ZERO traffic. Are you really good enough to take an apprentice from the back alleys of ingorance and stupidity (with no GPS) and show him where the Information Super Highway's on ramp is located? All I have to offer you in exchange is my word to do EXACTLY what you tell me to do. I have drive, ambition, guts and the only thing else I need is, "what you say you have". If you lead, I will follow. Based on everything I've read about you, I get the impression you are: psychologically 10' tall, bazooka proof and can walk on water, even if it's not frozen at the time. Are you really that good? Do you have the intellectual horse power to lead me from the AWeber Self-Help How-To Videos to the lobby of my bank with a cash deposit large enough to impress my banker…and every body else in my life that thinks I'm a bigger dreamer than Walt Disney?

    Jim Vaughan, Venice, Florida

  • Dean says:

    Hey Marlon,

    I dont know anything about evergreen except your promoting it and thats good enough for me.I'd do a video also but not that advanced yet.If i get the system, will definately put into action.



  • Carisa Hawkins says:

    I have been struggling with website traffic for years. I'd love to win Evergreen Traffic System to give me a little glimmer of hope.

  • Thomas Ukm says:

    Hi Marlon,

    Traffic is the life blood of any web business, and everybody needs traffic, and i want to learn any new way of getting traffic.

    And i wanted to drive more traffic to my blog at http://www.thomasukm.com

    I have been reading a lot of your articles on your blog and you are truly one of the marketer that has a "difference".

    So here's my "WHY"

    # I need long term and free traffic

    # I know you always teach things that most people – including newbie can apply and get results with.

    # I heard a lot of GOOD words for TINU in the forum and i have not been able to learn directly from her, so here's the perfect chance.

    # I like what Evergreen Traffic System is talking about and i wanted apply it in my own business.

    So, hope these would win me a copy of it.

    Thanks! Marlon.

    My twitter is at:

    To your success!


  • Scott says:

    Hello Marlon and Tinu,

    I have a bad back and neck and do most of my work on my laptop in bed.

    This would be great to implement and see if another bed internet marketer could do this too!


  • Mike Benoit says:

    Marlon …you're tenacious! Thanks for digging up this gem.

    If I win a copy, great! If not, I'm buying it.

    And now for my reasons I want to win a copy.

    1)Developing a site based around getting volunteers involved within the community.(Will need traffic)

    2)I built a website for close friend's offline business and they would love to have more people walk in the door because they were found on the internet.(Can I be a hero?)

    3)I have a few of my own sites. More traffic = more ca$h! (Well I'm being honest).

    PS. I learned something about copy writing from the story, Thanks

  • Marlon,

    Simply put – you folks know how to get traffic – I want traffic – you build no- nonsense, easy to use systems that even a technospaz like me can use.

    That I'm even writing here is testimony to your know-how.

    My hat's off to you.

  • Larry says:

    I would really like to have a copy of the “Evergreen Web Site Traffic” because it seems like it would really help me generate the traffic I need for my Internet endeavors.

    About a year ago I purchased a product from Marlon Sanders that has helped me in my Internet Marketing education. I believe Marlon is honest and sincere in trying to help the average person in Internet Marketing.

    I have spent countless hours on the Internet trying to find something

    that will work for me and make me some money. At times it gets so discouraging because so many “Internet Guru” are always coming out with the “Greatest Marketing Tool” ever! I have bought several of them and they are almost always to complicated and hard to put

    into practice for the average Internet Marketer. The person really making the money is the “Internet Guru” who is selling the tool.

    I am now starting to generate online leads for my network marketing opportunity and am seeing some good results. The biggest problem I have is that generating a lot of traffic is so time consuming.

    I would love to have a copy of the “Evergreen Web Site Traffic”. I

    would really love to win a copy, but if not, in the near future I will purchase a copy when I can afford it.

  • Riley West says:

    Why I'd Like to Win a Copy of "Evergreen Traffic"

    I've been looking into Internet Marketing for a year now and, in spite of the admonitions to NOT target the "Make Money Online" niche….. I still want to.

    You would think I'd know why I want to disregard that advice or that i could just ask myself! But I have to guess.

    It's my guess that I want to be an expert in Internet Marketing because IF I was an expert at the "Make Money Online" thing maybe, just maybe, I would actually know how to make money online myself.

    Do I sound confused?

    In reality I do know quite a bit about Internet Marketing but my weakest area of knowledge has to be Traffic Generation.

    I read a little about Tinu since you (Marlon) brought her to my attention. I found one of her articles on Ezine and, after reading half the article I ran straight over to the Google Webmaster Tools and, I think, I did two of my sites a lot of good.

    It just goes to show that I need this info. A few paragraphs back I had the gall to say I know quite a bit about Info Marketing. But I didn't know about Google webmaster Tools. Go figure.

    I got a lot to learn,

    Riley West

  • Hello Marlon,

    I make hand crafted Stainless Steel jewelry,I lost my traffic,and sales,sure would like to get it back,and sales going again.Tinu sure came up with a great program.Good for her,even in her condition with being bed ridden.Thanks for this chance for people to enter the contest,I'm sure the people you pick will really be grateful to win the program. Jim

  • Hi Marlon

    I have been your affiliate for couple of years and have been trying to get traffic to all kind of sites that I have started. It has been my the hardest part of my business and I also have so little time, working full time job. So I would love to win Evergreen Traffic System. I hope and dream.

    Best regards from Iceland

    Birgir Edvardsson

    P.S. My twitter is questnet

  • Carole W. says:

    Hey Marlon and Tinu,

    Make room for Evergreen Traffic! Move over Barbra Streisand (Evergreen song); move over a certain Evergreen environmentally friendly toilet paper; move over evergreen air freshener.

    A new kid is on the block.

    I hope to become acquainted soon and learn true, effective traffic techniques to save my eyes from weary-bleary reading so many others' tips on traffic.

    Please keep my evergreen eyes from turning blue!

    Thank you.

  • Paul Savchick says:

    Hi Marlon,

    I have no website, no product, no experience at IM…just a deep desire to get with it an overcome that "dazed like deer in headlights" feeling from information overload. I keep hearing about the importance of traffic and know that's where I have to concentrate. I've researched hundreds of traffic and list building products and was left dizzy from the hype and outrageous claims.

    But it wasn't until I read the Evergreen Traffic sales page that I got such a clear feeling that this program is where the rubber hits the road….where I didn't have to choke on the BS to sort out the facts….where there was a clear element of trust conveyed.

    After going back to see what I'd missed in your newsletters (that I'd virtually ignored) and reading Tinu's blog posts I know which roadmap I'm going to invest in. The Evergreen Traffic System will compliment my new venture into IM with your other products whether I'm blessed with winning a copy or not. Thanks for bringing her to us.


  • Ghazala says:

    Its all about traffic, traffic & traffic………. So who doesn't want it. And then for free. So one has to take chances in life. Lets go grab it!

  • Thomas Grow says:

    I debated on how exactly should I establish the reason why I'm hoping you'll allow me to have a copy of Evergreen Traffic.

    I could tell you how bad my life is and go the sympathy approach. I mean, every bit of it would true… We lost over $300,000 in an investment that had an excellent track record until I decided to go "all in". Because of that, we're going through foreclosure. As if the timing wasn't bad enough, my wife had to use Federal Medical Leave Act and cut her work down to a part basis to take care of her mom, who's in poor health. Yeah, that's just the beginning… but we don't need to go the sympathy route. Fact is, many of us are going through hard times.

    I could go the "I can't afford to buy it" route… which would be totally true as well. Don't believe me? Read my sympathy route above. 🙂

    I could go the "I know you, we met a long time ago" route… but the fact is, I don't personally know you (yet) and we've never met (yet). But I'd like the opportunity.

    I could go the butt-kiss route and tell you how awesome your products are… but honestly, I've never bought your products, and for the most part, I've never really bought much of this type of online marketing stuff. It's not that I don't believe it. But I've been burnt so many times and lost so much money, I'm very gunshy, as well as, honestly, burnt out.

    Another route I could take is to promise you that I will make you millions of dollars if you'd be so willing to teach me. But you probably hear that all the time and follow-through to such a promise is probably not as consistent as you'd like.

    Well, the route I'm going to take is this… I have a website that makes me a little money. But honestly, there is so much stinkin' potential with my domain, I'm very frustrated that I'm not tapping into it fully. Without trying or keeping my site update, I still hit the front page of Google pretty consistently… sometimes even #1 for a very good keyword. However, I know I could do so much more.

    I really need to maximize what I am making at this site, so that I can be free to do whatever I need to do to provide for my family. I'd really like to learn from you… but paying is out of the question since I don't have money to spare and I've been burnt enough to be hesitant to loosen my grip on any dollar bills in my hand.

    I know that your business sells more product when you have good success stories and testimonials. I can promise you that, if I do receive the opportunity, I will follow the course to the tee, and I will be happy to promote your product in any way I can.

    I hope that you will consider allowing me the opportunity to work with you using Evergreen Traffic.

    The best of success to you either way!



  • Tope says:

    Hi Marlon… Tope here again. I must say that for you to have sent out a second mail about getting a free copy of the evergreen traffic book, then it's something that should not be passed over.

    Once again, i am very much interested in this report. As a matter of fact, i would say i need this report the most…lol. I have been an affiliate marketer for years, tried so many means to generate traffic, but no result. How frustrating it can be having put up an affiliate website that took you months and at the end of the day, you're not getting people to see your offer. At this point, i knew something must be wrong. I must be doing something wrong and there is something i am not doing right.

    With this report in hand, i know i will be able to correct the wrongs and put up the rights.

    Now comparing your traffic report with those of other traffic gurus out there. I like to appreciate people for their piece of work. So i appreciate the works that some Internet Marketing gurus out ther have done to educate people on internet traffic. However, there's something that tells me deep down that the information and techniques contained in the evergreen traffic report is nothing to be compared with what i have read and seen about generating traffic from the desk of the gurus out there.

    Another point is that, every other search engine traffic tactics and methods taught out there like blogging and pinging, social bookmarking, web2.0 and many other have been laid emphasis on by some prominent internet marketing gurus out there, but the idea of having a traffic evergreen tree all directed towards one's website, i have not heard about. So, this is the SECOND POINT THAT MAKES YOU DIFFERENT FROM OTHER GURUS OUT THERE!

    Lastly for now, i know the report contains practical steps and techniques that can be taken immediately to begin ramping up traffic. So much of just words and theories…there has to be the practical application which i believe is laid out in your evergreen traffic report. I have subscribed to so many traffic reports before from some prominent internet marketers out there( won't mention names) but are just craps and theoretical mnemonics.

    For Tinu to have been able to put up such a traffic tree that sends her visitors from all the branches including the green leaves…lol, then it must have been a thorough practical application because it is a project that can be seen. I was baffled when i visited her site and checked the various keywords she has ranked for…it's really a traffic tree. And this is what we are saying. Being able to have a practical model set-up and following it through by working it. So, this is top-notch like i said in my first post. And i will do anything to have my hand on this report. Please, do not deny me this opportunity.



  • Joan Callaham says:

    Hello Marlon, I have been receiving your product information and newsletter for a number of years. I have never been in a financial position to purchase any of your products, but that has not stopped my interest in what you have to say.

    I have some experience with traffic generation because of my association with a young man who was teaching "Permission Email Marketing".

    It was a free program that anyone could join in order to learn how to start out on the internet with promoting a product or business, follow-up with customers and potential customers.

    It showed newbies how to do a lot of things on the internet and I was a newbie.

    I did learn the program rather well. So well in fact that the owner hired me to help with his affiliates. I was able to answer their questions and help instruct them through the program.

    Being paid to help others was a bonus for me. I have a very restricted income so was unable to make the on-line purchases that I would have liked to make; starting with your Amazing Formula.

    During the time that I was working for this man I had seven heart-attacks. My health has not been considered very good since that time.

    My eldest son has kind of looked at me as his personal internet guru because he knew nothing about it and needed someone to get him started. Now I have this voracious-lion-son who has passed me up with his internet knowledge except when it comes to generating traffic.

    He has paid thousands of dollars to try and make even a small part-time living on the internet. He is an over-the-road truck driver and has his lap-top connected to the internet so he can still try to generate an income and be able to get off the road.

    I would like to win a copy of yours and Tinu's " Evergreen Traffic " with the hope of helping my son in his goal to get off the road and make a full-time living on the internet.

    Thank you for givng this opportunity to those with good reasons to ask for your help. I would have put up a video, but can not afford the purchase of a web-cam.

    ps My son lives not to far from you, he is in China Grove, just outside of San Antonio.

  • Marlon, Marlon, Marlon.

    You don't remember me, I'm sure, because we only emailed personally about three times back in 2005 or 2006, I believe.

    I told you that I was a corporate marketing guy at the time and was making a fairly decent living, but wanted to work for myself. I asked you straight out if I could make as much in Internet marketing as I was making as a full-time employee at the software company where I was employed.

    In fact, I asked several other Internet marketing gurus the same question.

    You were the only one who gave it to me straight.

    Your first response, if I remember correctly, was that you wanted to better understand my situation and what I was looking to sell or promote online. I answered, then you answered, then I answered again.

    Finally, bottom line – "You're probably not going to reach that same level of income with Internet marketing for a long time, if ever."

    Man, I was not thrilled to hear that. But then you added something else –

    "…unless you find the right system, immerse yourself in it and really work hard at it. And even then…"

    You made it clear that "system-hopping" wasn't the answer. I was going to need to pick one and stick with it. You also made it clear that, no matter what, this wasn't going to be a get-rich-quick situation. In fact, you kind of steered me away from doing it at all, if I remember correctly.

    Well, you pissed me off, Marlon. I decided that you were wrong and that I was still going to make it work somehow. I didn't quit my dayjob, but I did pick a system and went with it. It took me awhile, but I finally finished writing an ebook called "How to Make a Fortune Writing for Fortune 500 Companies" and got it up online in February.

    Since then, I've sold 27 copies at $47.00 each. I'm convinced it's a good product that really can help people who want to get their foot inside the door of a big corporation. The only reason I haven't sold more is because I don't really know how to drive traffic to the site.

    Meanwhile though, you're right – I'm not anywhere close to the salary I make at my full-time gig. Obviously.

    But at least, darn it, I took some form of action and got the thing completed. I picked a system and stuck with it.

    Now I'm picking another system to drive traffic to it – Evergreen.

    But first, I'm asking YOU straight out – is it really the best traffic tool out there? Is it the one that I should be using for my website?

    You were honest with me before, Marlon, and I've bought other products (Design Dashboard, Marketing Dashboard) from you as a result.

    So level with me again, and please help me get one step closer to my goal by putting Evergreen into my hands. I really will "work it till it works!"

    Not pissed at you anymore – 😉



  • Donna Maher says:

    Hi Marlon,

    Everyone needs traffic, and having it 'evergreen' sounds so eco-friendly as well as lasting forever. Good concept!

    There is a couple I did a ton of gratis work for who are the most abject newbies I've EVER met… and they're broke. They are promoting her Christian book and not getting traffic. They are trying to pay their mortgage (he's temporarily disabled and she's a stay-at-home mom.) Neither of them have A SINGLE DROP of marketing savvy, HTML knowledge, etc… I had to teach her about hitting "Reply" to keep the subject in an email, instead of writing new ones to answer mine!

    I am struggling financially myself, so don't have the outlay to buy Evergreen Traffic, but I'd LOVE to have a copy. Tinu is an amazing lady that I think the world of, and you are over the top with marketing savvy and if you two each had a fan club, I'd be a proud member of both!

    Thank you for giving everyone a chance to win… and blessings to both of you, regardless.

    Kindest regards,


  • Hi, Marlon – Why would I like the Evergreen Traffic system? Very simply it would get the word out about the ONE opportunity online that ANYONE can do.

    They don't have to recruit and they start making money from the first day.

    This will very soon be THE buzz on the internet – http://www.wealthyfriendsclub.com

    All the best,

    Teresa Harris

  • Charles says:

    I have tried a lot of products and downloads. Maybe this will be the boost that I need.

  • cellfood man says:

    Hey Marlon,

    I have a wellness website and revolutionary products I would like to sell at http://www.top-wellness-products.com Mega-Traffic to this site would allow these products to get into the hands of people who need them – like Tinu.

    Her system generates traffic. She needs the products on my website as do many others who are struggling with the medical status quo.

    I'm on a mission. Tinu's on a mission. She needs help. She needs Cellfood, O2 Proformance and The New Patented Silver Solution to help her condition.

    She needs to know more about these products. Once she is better, she can use her own systems to generate even more traffic and money for herself.

    A program to generate a constant stream of traffic will get these products in front of more people interested in keeping their health. After being helped, she may want to give back by helping to bring them to the attention of others in need.

    I think it's a fair trade. I need more traffic. She needs better health. Let's split the difference.


    Cellfood man

  • Janice says:


    I would like to win a copy of the Evergreen Traffic system for a special reason.

    Tinu promised me a free copy of her next product – see the comments on this blog post http://www.freetraffictip.com/okay-so-apparently….

    way back in 2006 before she disappeared from the scene.

    I'm so sorry to hear that the reason was serious illness – but also nice to know (in a way) she didn't just go back on her promise.


  • Doug Fogel says:

    Hi Marlon,

    More traffic means helping more people. I help people get rid of chronic headaches, especially chronic tension headaches.

    So far, I've helped thousands of people worldwide – people from over 60 countries.

    Unlike conventional medical treatments, my approach is holistic. It gets rid of tight and spasmed neck, shoulder and muscle back muscles via a easy-to-learn muscle manipulation technique that's so simple it's silly.

    I'm in the process of promoting this approach in a BIG way, and increasing traffic in any way possible is obviously appealing.

    Since 40 million Americans suffer from repeated headaches (according to the National Headache Foundation) and headache-related issues costs US businesses about $50 billion annually, there's obviously a need for treatments that address the cause of chronic tension headaches.

    Marlon, I already get pretty good traffic via organic search terms. Learning how to add to that via RSS feeds, blogs and other means would mean a lot more people won't be suffering from chronic headaches.


    Doug Fogel

    VP, HMP

    PO Box 542

    Geyserville, CA 95441



  • To win one, all you do is post here by clicking comments at the end of this post and tell me why you wanna learn how to get Evergreen Traffic from Tinu and I vs. everyone else teaching about getting traffic.

    I took Tinu's and Antonio's blogging class last year. Tinu is a technical genius. Unfortunately, I am NOT and some of the material just left me in a technodaze and went over my technophobic head.

    I did get the blog up and running:
    but I have not made any money with it yet. Tinu said that most people give up after a few months but I have kept plugging away for over a year now with no payday in sight.

    I think I did something wrong (but don't know what). As you can see, I'm no quitter and welcome the opportunity to finally turn a profit for all my efforts and will gratefully give you guys props if you can help me.

    My other website: http://www.HughTraceyKalimba.com
    is dead in the water and is getting no traffic… HELP!

    Marlon, you're the best!

    Carl Willoughby

  • Bill Toebes says:

    Oh by the way a video will be made in two weeks to show he cleanest operating system in the world.I will be sending it to you.

  • Bill Toebes says:

    Why would I want a free copy of "EVERGREEN TRAFFIC"?Because I just earned a Masters degree.I am a Research Chemist Inventor I work with green technology.I just finished building a huge vortex.It earned me my Master Degree because I did seven years of research on my nickel.I figured out how make the tell tale plume of C02(Greenhouse House gas ) a thing of the past.Meaning having spent my last nickel( a Canadian one)The one with the beaver on it.Which I squeezed so hard it made the beaver scream before I let go of it.Along came a billionaire with his engineer offering to fund my invention.But you realize with it comes disclosure.Being honest and hoping others are the same you give up the hard won information.Except you have this twitch which raises its head so you withhold some tidbits of information.all of sudden out of nowhere it comes they want you to go to school.Unfortunately the course is not recommend.The graduate degree you been dreading is from Screw U University.You get the lesson of a lifetime to add to all the other lesson you already had.A Ph.d in screwing the Inventor without kissing him.Leaving him with some 30 thousand in debt.Sending the Inventor to the Internet to scramble around for a new source of Income.Testing his skills at learning a new trade "INTERNET ENTREPRENEUR" Oh i still have my toy and any one who wants to see it.I will be happy to send a picture.They tried to take it but I managed to keep it.Now well you ask what has his to do "EVERGREEN TRAFFIC" simple were in the keep the earth green business.Thus Evergreen Traffic would make a fine addition to raising money to continue my research.By the way I am 75 years young starting from scratch.I would buy EVERGREEN TRAFFIC but at this time have spent all my ready cash,credit cards as part of the graduate degree cost I am broke,tapped out.Trying to stay out a card board box for my new living quarters.I am willing to pay for the program in four month So there you have it Regards Bill the family moto "None illegitimy carborundum" don't let the bastards grind you down bastards get.

  • Britt Malka says:

    Almost 100% of my income come from the Internet (a small rest from the more than 25 books I'm the author of, and which are published in Denmark and elsewhere).

    So traffic is of the biggest importance for me. Targeted traffic that is, and I know you're an expert on that subject, because I've purchased several of your books, and they are among my absolute favourites.

    I've seen Michael Cheney's videos about traffic. They were good.

    I've followed Tellman's audio course about traffic. It was even better.

    I would love to get your Evergreen Web Site Traffic, because I know from experience that you are an expert at marketing. (Tinu, I don't know at all, but judging from the other comments, I certainly have to get to know her.)

    Even this contest is genious – to write WHY we would prefer your system over the other guru's. Nice 🙂

    Also, my time is limited. I will only use it to read and watch the best of the best – which is why I certainly would love to get a copy of your course.

  • Nathan Pennington says:

    I want to learn traffic from you and Tinu because . . .

    Traffic generation has always been the hardest for me (and most others). However, I have bought multiple products of yours in the past and really thought the quality was better than other IM products I've bought before.

    So, that's the reason I'd prefer to learn from you. The quality of product you put out is far better than the quality of others.

    I can trust what you market.



  • Susitha says:

    Hi Marlon

    I am new to Internet Marketing and the The Evergreen Traffic System sounds really efffective and I hope it will help me increase the traffic to my website. Thanks


  • Kevin says:

    I am writing to ask for your help with a large deposit – Kidding!

    I think Tammye Lott should win. My reasons are so much better than mine.

    By the way Tammye, one way to go evergreen is to do what your mentors do -Marlon writes his own stuff! You should, too. Find something you are good at and make it into a site.

    Following Tinu is a great example. Create a good wordpress blog, get it listed, claim it at Technorati, buzz it as much as you can. The problem with affiliate marketing is that if you are just slinging visitors to the seller, you may send 3 or 5 people, but the seller has 1000 affiliates, and so gets thousands of visitors!

    Good for seller, not so great for you. Go for your own content, your own products, then you'll own a real business instead of just referring and praying.

    (My own reasons are just to learn and earn. I'll give some to charity, and I'll teach others. But Tammye really needs help.)

  • Bob Marconi says:

    Every one needs traffic.

    When your just starting out and felling your way around all the obstacles, one needs all the helpone can get, whether it's traffic, list building, niche selection, or…

  • Zacky says:

    I am in need of a good traffic course to help me gets good evergreen traffic to my site. Why i should win this is because:

    #1 – I am determined to succeed in my marketing efforts and I think it will help me

    #2 – Everyone needs traffic. Yes, me too

    #3 – Not every method others teach is ‘evergreen’ – but everything you’ve taught me is

    #4 – Tinu is an uber-expert at traffic from blogging – so seeing her involved guarantees value

    hope this will help me to win.


  • Sue H says:

    Why do I want *your* guide, vs everyone else's? Well to start with I didn't know. But after reading all the comments here on people's reasons for wanting it, now I do know… You've done something really clever with this competition – getting your target customers to become your evangelists. And if the evergreen guide is that clever, then I'm interested. So there you have it. I want it because everyone else wants it, and because their reasons all make perfect sense to me, and because you've just demonstrated why it's probably so good!

  • Ron says:

    my you tube video is "the incomplete head 1. AVI"

  • Ron says:

    my you tube video says it all-

    The Incomplete Head 1.AVI

  • Faith Marcil says:

    Free Traffic is available if you know good SEO, submit lots of quality articles, know how to leverage other site’s traffic and have lots of cash to invest in courses/tutorials and etc… Oh yeah, free traffic is possible if you learn from a reliable source. Marlon Sanders is a reliable source of good and quality information/products that works and if he says Tinu’s Evergreen Traffic System works, then I believe him.

    Yes, I want to win a free copy of Evergreen Traffic System from Tinu and Marlon! I have been struggling with getting traffic to my sites in the past and with a limited budget could not afford to test other means of paid traffic like PPC and paid Ads. Also, so much information is out there and learning how to separate the good from the bad can be difficult and overwhelming as the Search Engines keep changing their rules and such. Following a proven strategy in getting Free Traffic from a reliable source cuts one’s time, energy and puts it all in into one workable process that has the best chance of proving itself worthy- that it works and that Free Traffic is achievable and can be done easily and in the shortest time possible!

    Thanks Marlon for this contest and the opportunity to win different great products from you for free. Thanks Tinu for sharing your traffic secrets and I hope to see other products/info that you have created come back again into the mainstream. Good luck to all who enter this contest and may those who win and those who buy this product put it to good +use.

  • Tammye Lott says:

    Hi Marlon, Tammye here. You said to be honest so, I, myself am a disabled person living on a fixed income. I signed up with Avon about a year ago and have an affilate website. I REALLY could use ALOT of traffic and I would love to have you and Tinu as mentors. So there it is!! Thank you for the opportunity and have a great day!!!

  • anni says:

    Hello Marlon

    When I got the first email from you about Evergreen Traffic, I rushed to search Tinu's name and ….stayed on her site for hours and hours and hours. I downloaded, opted in, listened, read (to what was still available). Since then I have devoured every word of her sign-up info, all the time wondering how I can manage to buy Evergreen Traffic. This comes at a time when I have some small test products, but am wondering how I am going to roll out my high ticket product – which is taking hours of creation time – if I do not have the time or the know-how or the ad funds to get more traffic. If I had the dough I would have bought Evergreen Traffic without batting an eyelid. So I would love to win Evergreen Traffic Marlon, but I am greatful that you introduced me to Tinu and that I at least have that resource – even if I cannot purchase her other great products or your joint product.



  • Marlon,

    It was so exciting and fulfilling when I acted on your advice to trade product for dollars instead of my time. My passion is teaching mothers how to successfully breastfeed their babies, so I created a video on breastfeeding.

    While I have been pleased to receive a number of orders so far, I have also been frustrated by not being able to reach more mothers, to help them. You may or may not realize that over 52% of mothers fail at breastfeeding, and as a result the consequences to their health and the health of their babies are catastrophic.

    I would like to learn from you and Tinu how to get Evergreen Traffic for one simple reason: I need to reach more women with this vital information! Since you were the one whose suggestion I acted on to trade my time for product creation, I blame YOU for the mess I'm in now. 🙂

    Let me be one of your Evergreen Traffic success stories. In the process, we can help each other, and we can potentially help thousands of women and their babies overcome a difficult challenge and improve their health.

    – Jessica Solomon

  • Michael LIedl says:

    Sorry the Twitter Name is "MikeLikeHiMike"

  • Michael LIedl says:

    I don't know Tinu, but I admire her courage. I don't know anything about getting traffic, thru RSS or otherwise …

    BUT …

    I have had the honor to have lunch with Marlon and to speak to him alone, while he was here in the UK and to people who have asked me about him I have said "Somewhat unsual or should I say Texan, but he has a razor sharp analytical mind, he can see things before and better than most everybody. I am following what he says!"

    In a posting to Twitter on the 5th of May (well before this contest) I put Marlon in company with Eben Pagan as people to listen to if you want to build a 'business'.

    So I will repeat it here: "Ehi guys and gals, Marlon is SHARP, he gets easily excited and when that happens maybe his message doen't come accross as good as it could, but listen to what he says, listen between the lines – you will find very precious gems."

    I would have already bought the EverGreen Traffic System, but 1. I am broke and 2. I am following Marlon's advice: "Do one thing at a time, get good at doing one thing and then move on to the next". Right now I am focusing on finding the correct market/product, so I got the Red Factor before thinking about the Evergreen Traffic.

    For sure I am terribly curious about it, but if Marlon says it is good, then it is good and it won't disappear from the market. I will get it in the future when I can afford it.

    Thanks for the advice Marlon.


    PS My Twitter name is "HiLikeHiMike"

  • Vaarman says:

    I want FREE that EVERGREEN TRAFFIC because:

    1)I'm running on a low budget,and it took me long time to fund my website.(currently building one).So i can't afford to buy one copy at $97

    2)If i got my website,i need quality lesson to get traffic.since YOU are part of promoting this EVERGREEN Traffic,I know that you can be trusted to deliver the stuff i need.

    3)i know that you won't simply promote a stuff if it's a lousy one.

  • Marlon,

    I've now returned with a video, which I've tried to keyword optimize for both ever green web site traffic and for your blog.

    Here it is:

    -Jason Fladlien

  • Anna says:

    Why I want to win:

    1. Marlon is highly regarded in IM and I trust his word.

    2. My traffic sucks.

    3. I want to make enough money to vacation in Helotes, TX.

    4. Casey isn't the only one who knows proper grammar, but pleazzzzz. That's like saying I won't wear the yellow life saving jacket because it clashes with my outfit. Well almost:-)

  • Leslie says:

    Hi there Marlon!

    Firstly, I like this competition. And that's not just kissin' ass. It's a good example of something simple you can do to increase traffic and to spread the word about your site virally.

    I've been doing something similar on a site of mine recently and although it got off to a slow start, I can see the momentum building every day!

    So, my answer: (I'm sorry if this has already been submitted; I'm in an internet cafe in Tokyo and I simply don't have the time to read through all the previous responses. But the reason I am even responding is because you have to take opportunities and run with them as they appear. Your email was in my inbox, I want to find out about evergreen traffic models.. et voila!)

    Evergreen, huh? I've followed your other advice about evergreen methods and found it to be true. (Yeah, I know, sounds like lips are limbering up again, but it's just not the case)

    There has been a great deal of hubbub over the last six months or more about social networking as a terrific traffic source. It's touted as FREE traffic, but none of the gurus preaching it seem to mention the huge amount of TIME that is required!

    My time is worth money.

    Just as theirs is. The problem seems to be that the social networking gurus all have tons of money to pay an assistant to do it. I don't yet have an assistant–just like many other readers of your blog. I know that I need to start farming out traffic generation gruntwork and other tasks, but this requires CONSISTENT cashflow.

    And the only way you get consistent cashflow (assuming you have a good product, of course! And that you have good follow up service and support), is to get consistent TRAFFIC.

    And I have no time to learn all the latest and greatest whiz-bang tricks. What I need are solid, foundational elements that will enable me to start generating that first bit of consistent income… which will then allow me to focus on other things… while ramping up the evergreen traffic methods so I can have systems in place that will last for the long-haul–when I've moved onto other more exciting and interesting projects, my current projects will still continue to bring in income with only "maintenance work", which my assistant can do at that time.

    Flash-in-the-Pan/Johnny-come-lately stuff doesn't necessarily NOT work. It's just that to get it right (like anything new you try) requires an investment of time. And most folks can't afford that time investment when they're starting out and haemorraging money. They need solid, proven systems to get them up and running (and that will, as I said, provide sustained revenue for many years). Once this is taken care of, and they have sufficient income to dispense with that albatross we call a dayjob, they can then start to focus on all the other facets of the puzzle/game.

    Ya can't do a triple bacward somersault pike with a half twist of lemon without first being able to not just do a belly-flop. And sometimes when ya try that pike, you'll belly-flop. That's okay. But ya simply can't do the complicated stuff without learning the fundamentals.

    (Pucker up, again…) You've been teaching this a long time, I think. I've learnt from it and taken it to heart not because I think you're some amazing guru, but because I apply it to every other area of my life and I know it works.

    So that's why I'd love a copy of the Evergreen Traffic System.



  • Alex says:

    Marlon, you products have really changed my life and the way I work, not only by making things so easy step by step but because the always create the product that are needed by so many of us to actually start and take action in our online businesses. With this new system if it’s as good as the others and always you to create masses of free traffic to you landing page, then I’m all for it. I’m sure we be creating you a meaty testimonial (audio or even video). Anyways thanks for the opportunity to win a copy hope to hear from you soon.

    Alex Maggs-Wellings

  • Cathy Deaton says:

    When I read your email I thought that this would be another of your great projects. I already own Marketing Dashboard and Design Dashboard. I spent hours watching the videos and reading instructions as to how to do a professional looking sales page. You explained everything so well. I know from experience with these to products that Evergreen would be just as great.

    I would like to own a copy because I am very new to internet marketing and want to find the best ways to drive organic traffic to my site. I feel that Tinu really knows her stuff, and I would love to have loads of people coming to my site and buying my ebook.

  • keith debolt says:


    I am just plain so sick of the "follow this and you will have traffic, success, all your steaks will be cooked medium rare, your bank will call you to alert you to the millions of deposits coming in…"

    You are constantly marketing in a very simple and straightforward manner that appeals to me, and is a part of why I am building an online presence.

    I am in this for the long haul, and have little interest in the 'tricks and schemes and scams' that might get you a ranking for a short time. I think that, in order to do this right, the Evergreen System sounds like the absolute answer for long term success. Can I have a copy of this so that I can market you and your amazing products to a larger audience for a longer period of time? I am a Design/Product/Affiliate Dashboard user, and really trying to spread the word about the Marlon Miracle!

    Keith deBolt

  • Naomi says:

    Reasons why I want to learn from you and Tinu about getting traffic, instead of all the rest.

    Because I've struggled to get traffic for a while, and am $*#(#) fustrated.

    I like your straight down the line approach, as well the the old-school direct marketing skills you bring to the table.

    Tinu sound like a very interesting lady, with amazing insight who I'd like to meet someday.

    In summary: after months of working long hours to generate income online, I've reached the point of either tonnes traffic or 9-5 dayjob, so I'm very motivated.

    Save me from the cubicle!



  • Learning how to drive traffic to your website can be more than an adventure and some folks never figure it out. You can spends thousands of dollars and still have not results. If Evergreen can help someone at least get started then whatever the price it's worth the purchase price but to win this would be a fantistic boast to my bottom line which is zero at this point.

    Thanks for a great opportunity

  • Hello Tinu and Marlon aka I, LOL

    Why do I deserve a copy of Evergreen Traffic System, Who doesn't.

    If I seriously deserve a copy for free I will get it. God always provides. I know that Tinus' system of traffic will complement the web 2.0 stratigies I am working to incorporate into my free traffic arsinal quite well.

    Thank You For Your Time Tinu and Marlon.



    P.S. Tinu, is your health the reason for not writing the traffic tips newsletter anymore? Do your best to keep a positive attitude and cheerful outlook and all will be fine.

    See Marlon my grammar is not the best either. Heck I had to look grammar. I thought it was er at the end. Who knew.

  • Keries says:

    I'm feed up with all the what seems like trickery in Internet Marketing which seems to work long enough to sell certain products but seems to just vanish when everyone buys the product and starts to use it. However on reading your Evergreen Traffic salesletter I've got a feeling that just maybe the drought after the flood may not happen this time with this product. Good on this lady for her success but unfortunately success and money can only make life a little more confortable for her and is certainly not the cure for good health and well being that we should all not take for granted.

    Yes I too love free traffic but I also think that it is important to look after that free traffic as The "Queen of Free Traffic" has mastered. Not only do I want free traffic but I want that traffic to benefit from what I have to offer them. I believe that if you look after people and give them what they want the money will follow.

    So I'd love a copy of The Evergreen Traffic System so that I can do more to help people to solve their problems.


  • marke says:

    Because you and your Evergreen Traffic System tell-it-like-it-is to get results.

    Plus you're using a traffic building strategy right now on your blog by getting people to mention your product.

    And your products aren't full of *$@% like so many of those that are hawked out there by so-called "experts" who like nothing better than to take your money without delivering the goods.

    Instead, your products have the "In Marlon We Trust" seal of approval.

    How do I know? Because I bought Design Dashboard and it works!

  • After being in show business for over thirty years, I want to teach others how to be a "Hometown Hero" by entertaining others.

    Most of the systems I've seen take an awful lot of tweaking.

    I need the Evergreen system because making others feel good about themselves through live entertainment never goes out of style. Live entertainment is EVERGREEN too!

    PS With America's Got Talent, Last Comic Standing, Nashville Star, and American Idol kicking up, Hometown Heroes are within anyone's grasp.


    Millard Grubb

  • Jason McCall says:

    Hey Marlon

    Here's my video. Now understand this is the first time I've done this. I bought this really cool Sony hard drive camcorder with the intent to use it for a business, but I haven't found out how to use it correctly to build that business… I think the lighting might be a bit off.


    If I'm selected I'm sure I'll get more than a couple tips on how to use it and other tools I have to create a great business for myself and family.

    Thank you


  • Tope says:

    I need the evergreen web site traffic book becos:

    1. I sense deep down within me that you don't give craps. I have been a subscriber to your list and what you have been sending and saying are top-notch. And moreso, when some gurus tell you they are releasing all the traffic secrets, they have only succeeded in telling you just 30% out of 100%. But with you and Tinu…i know it's 100% top-notch

    2. Since you said it's free…i know it's free cos i know of many gurus out there who would say a report is free and behind it..there's a catch. That i know you don't do. If you say it's free…it's free.

    3. My weblog and business has not been receiving good traffic at all…infact i would say nothing. I have used so many traffic tactics suggested by big names in the traffic industry…but after application..no significant result really. But i believe that with Marlon and Tinu i can't go wrong…not even to mention that Tinu is a woman. It's definite that when a woman tells you an information…she won't just give you a crap..because women are known to have good and tender hearts. So, this report is coming from a tender heart. So, i'm waiting to receive it, becuase i know it is the top notch in the industry.

    4. One other thing. Tinu's bacground is from the country where i am from and i have never seen anybody from my country write on getting traffic from search engines. I really anticipate reading this wonderful report from someone who originates from my country. It's great and excellent.

    In a nutshell, i am a dedicated student of traffic and i am very optimistic about getting my pages there in the search engines with massive traffic.

  • I need traffic and you should pick me because I'm the only person who knows it should be "from Tinu and me" instead of "from Tinu and I."

  • Hi Marlon,

    I made you a video – http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=A5ZAWPCg6L8

    Hope you like it!


  • Laurie says:


    I would *Love* to win your Evergreen Traffic product as I purchased a product from you previously on the recommendation of Jim Edwards and I cannot make heads or tails of it. I know that he swears by it (and you!)but I think it is way too left-brained for me.

    I have left-brain capabilities, but I'm operating more from my right brain these days in the creative end, so left-brained programs and plans just don't suit me so well and since this was conceived with your female friend, it might just be written from more of a right-brain perspective.

    I know you're good at what you do Marlon, but the formula stuff was way too confusing to me. I couldn't remember the ACRONYMS from one page to another as there were just too many. All I need is something that is easy to read, easy to apply, and easy to do and it sounds like this is the product.

    As an author, I want a simple system for getting my books before the public and selling them. I'm currently in the process of using Createspace and Kindle and am excited for these applications, but still would like to generate free traffic for my websites.

    I do sell when I get traffic – at about 1 in 100-200 visits – but I can't afford the traffic at Google's prices. I do currently use article marketing, but I don't think I've hit the 99th monkey number yet!

    Thanks, Marlon for the opportunity!

  • David A. says:

    Hi Marlon,

    You always seem to read my mind and anticipate my needs.

    I spend my time training and mentoring group leaders but I want to trade products for money and not my time. I believe I can do so much good to so many more if only they could find me.

    I am polishing up my first product by the end of this month and I am confident that the Evergreen Web Site Traffic product will be a great asset.

    I cannot afford to lose time, energy & money on poor methods of traffic generation and want to invest time, energy & money on highly effective and lasting methods of traffic generation.

    I have purchased your products before and know highly practical they are. You also won't put your name on substandard product. I respect that!

    I rely on you to create simple to use products. And you have always delivered.

    I look forward to putting the Evergreen into use.

    I paid for the Red (factor), now let me have the (Ever)Green free.

  • Dear Marlon:

    I would like to win the Evergreen Traffic System because I have been interested in business since Junior high school, and I actually deveolped a successful service business with a half dozen employees through Yellow page ads and local TV. However due to unfortunate circumstances, I lost business and almost all assets.

    Now I would like to build a business via affiliate marketing and then my own products and then analyze a practical review. For instance it took about $12,000 a year to advertise by yellow pages and a couple years to develop a substantial profitable service business.

    Please help me so I cn help others.

    Laurence Colbert

  • Rita Jones says:

    Hello Marlon

    Yes, please, I would love to win a copy of Evergreen Website Traffic.

    I have been a very happy, long term member, of your mailing list. Despite this, however, I have not been able to maintain a reasonable business, due to the fact that I too have a long term illness which strikes at intervals. My business would suffer from periods of the neglect, with predictable consequences.

    Having a copy of Evergreen would ensure that in future, not only can I build my business further in the good times, but also when illness decides to visit yet again, the consequences will not be quite so dire, either for my business, or my bank balance.

    At the moment my business is not producing sufficient surplus to allow many purchases, survival in the lean times has to take priority. Being long term ill is expensive!

    Should I win, the difference it would make to my life would be immense.

    I would like to send my sincere and heartfelt best wishes to yourself

    and Tuni in particular. Tuni, you are an inspiration to us all.



  • Jackie Beem says:

    Hi Marlon,

    I have one site with my own ebook product, a couple of affiliate sites and several adsense/kontera/amazon sites.

    I'm getting some fairly decent click through rates for the small amount of traffic that I have. I also have a number of keywords ranked on page 1,2 or 3 on Google/MSN.

    I have seen enough to know that if I could increase my targeted traffic I could make a fairly decent income from my internet business.

    I changed from my full time job to contract work (computer programming) several years ago because I needed more flexible hours in order to take care of my aging mother. Since she passed I have not been able to get back into a full time situation because of my age.

    I really need and want to make my internet business be successful.

    I think targeted traffic is my biggest hurdle right now.

    Thank you for your kindness in offering to help others with free copies of the Evergreen Website Traffic.


  • I would acquire traffic qualified. The ads in yahoo and google not generate traffic qualified. The versatility of the tools of Marlon remains the brain to detect niches interesting. The next step is qualified attend trades with permanent procedures, systematic and stable.

  • Mary Dunham says:

    Hello Marlon, I get emails constantly from online gurus wanting me to join as an affiliate to promoter their products. I am a newbie at online marketing. I don't even have my own website yet! I use a replicated one or two. I have a couple e books I can use for lead capture and have made some video ads on various video sites. Those work really great.

    I didn't hear of you on the internet however. I checked a book out of the library called "Success Secrets of the Online Marketing Superstars" by Mitch Meyerson. That's how I got your name and searched you out on google. I would like to win this evergreen product because I am not a superstar yet, but a superstar in training. I am willing to try almost anything at least once. If you select me, I thank you in advance.


    Mary Dunham

  • Joe Samudio says:


    There are a few reasons why I would like to win a free copy of the Evergreen Website Traffic.

    •First because I’m tired of trading dollars for hours and having my income dictated by someone else that really doesn’t know me.

    •I have been an affiliate of your programs

    •I have been a past customer as well and have been satisfied with my experience

    •You have been around the industry for sometime now and you have built up credibility in this industry

    •I trust you!

    •I am now really ready to learn and put into action the right steps

    •Not everybody and their grandmother is trying to promote this with all the hype you usually get from everyone else ( don’t mean to offend anyone)

    •You don’t have to get it right you just have to get it going

  • Mick says:

    Hi, Marlon,

    Just wanted you to know that I'd like to be considered. As with everyone else, I've tried many things to enhance my website and drive more traffice to it. I recently purchased your design dashboard and have been religiously working on it everyday. At least I can work on it and I like that. I would like to incorporate the Evergreen TRaffic system as well. I'm a slow learner and it's probably taking me longer than others to implement the design dashboard but I'm getting there with my new website just using your system. "Quietzonestoday.com". Not up and hosted yet.


    Mickey Worden

  • Art says:

    Hi Marlon,

    There are a few reasons why I would like to win it.

    First, it would be free to me and saving every dollar matters.

    Second, I believe you (and by association, Tinu) know what you're talking about and so I trust you and you're information.

    Third, I am determined to succeed in my marketing efforts and I think it will help me. One time I was watching 'The Big Idea' on CNBC, and the lady who started the Pussy Cat Dolls was being interviewed. She said something I'll never forget. She said she wasn't the best dancer by any stretch, but she 'wanted' it more than everybody else. Well, thats me when it comes to internet marketing.



  • Ron Hwller says:


    I have created a $3000/mo income by putting together content websites and web 2.0 pages that promote affiliate products.

    This is a good start, but the problem is my traffic fluctuates greatly and so does my income. To get to the next level I need to have the ability to create "evergreen" targeted traffic on demand so I can sell my own products as well as affiliate products from my websites.

    I will also be happy to serve as a "guinea pig" to the evergreen traffic system and share my results using it.

    best regards


  • Dhiraj says:

    Hi Marlon,

    The reason I want to get a free copy of evergreen traffic is to really understand how to really build a web business that will really help people in need of free information .I love anything that is health related and want to share my personal experience as a researcher.Unfortunately could not use paypal as payment processor.My country is not registered.


  • Marlon, Marlon, Marlon!

    Why would I want to learn from you and Tinu and not "the others"? Because each of you are un-arguable experts and I can only imagine how great this information is when the two of you combine your talents and knowledge!

    I mean, come on! Every Dashboard product you have released is solid gold content. You ebooks are content-rich info., not rehashed cr@pola like so many other "gurus" put out. Even your FREE content is better than many paid membership sites offer. Bottom line: your products and services are always meaty. I've never once gotten anything from you and had to ask, "Where's the Beef?"

    And Tinu — wow! I'm thrilled to see her back. I was disappointed when she just suddenly dropped out of sight.

    Before she "went dark," I used to look forward to any article she ever authored. In her sphere of generating traffic, she's a lot like you: plenty of meat and no empty-calorie filler!

    SO… when you tell me that both of you have combined your talents to produce not just a traffic generating system, but one that promises durability — I'm all ears. I'd love to get my hands on a copy of this. A free copy would be unbelievably sweet.

    Thanks for the great info. you provide, thanks for bringing Tinu out of mothballs and thanks for the chance to score a free copy of The Evergreen Traffic System.

    Your Admiring Fan,


  • Linda Napier says:

    I've followed Marlon for years and have worked tenaciously to build my affiliate program following Marlons Affiliate Dashboard.

    Marlon said that my product, MasterStream, was a "great body of work" and I would really like to get it in the hands of more people. My next step is to drive traffic to the site. I know I could buy a traffic system from one of the "gurus" but I just don't trust them. Marlons straight forward, tell you like it is style makes me want to work with him and once you've worked with any of his products you trust him.

    The product is in demand, the affiliate program is just getting started and going great but but I'm STUCK when it comes to traffic. I would love to be a testimonial for you on how "The Evergreen Traffic System" got me unstuck and helped me realize my goals! If I win a copy you can be assured I will tenaciously put it to work!!!

    Thank you!

    Linda Napier

  • Robert Kramkowski says:

    I'm new to the whole internet marketing thing and am trying to get up-to-speed quickly and traffic generation is certainly high up on my list!

    One thing I think I notice is that there are a lot of people maketing various techniques in any aspect of internet marketing, whether it is SEO, PPC,traffic, or any number of other things. Once something seems to hit the "market", if it starts gaining significant acceptance, it's widespread use seems to diminish its impact. Whether because the search engines modify their algorithims to take it into account, or that there's simply too much of the same thing being done, resulting in de-ranking, or some other reason relevant to the technique.

    So I visited Tinu's sites and did some reading and it appears that many of her techniques may be somewhat resistant to this acceptance thing. So based on that, her techniques definitely appear to be some of those that should be on my "short list".

    Given that I'm just starting out while holding down a full-time job, both time and money are too scarce these days. Winning a copy of Tinu's methods could help me with both of these scarce resources.

    I look forward to a time when I can get all the right pieces in place to create a recurring income so that I can do this full-time from home and spend more time with my family and help other people get started, too.

  • Chuck Abbott says:

    I have made it my mission over the past 6 months or so to help people become successful with their businesses. I have based this on the years of success I have had and the many contacts I have made over the years. I don't charge people to join my network.

    I am always looking for creative and effective ways to reach larger numbers of people that I can help. I have purchased numerous traffic programs and have found them to be either recycled garbage or so complicated that a normal person couldn't implement them. I am very technically savvy, but a lot of the people I help aren't.

    Tinu appears to have put together a program that is not only easy to use but also very effective and proven.

    I would love to have a free copy so I can test it out and then pass it on to the thousands of people that I help daily.

    The more I give the better the world becomes,


  • Scott Soloff says:

    Hey Marlon,

    I don't know where to begin. These are some

    very compelling entries that you have here

    already. But, here goes…

    The magic formula for making money online has two components.

    Product + Traffic = Money

    The first part of the equation is relatively simple. You need a product. You can create a product, use a PLR or MRR product or be an affiliate.

    In the half of the equation, it helps to have good copy that converts.

    The second half of the equation is a little more tricky. Traffic is the lifeblood of any enterprise, online or off.

    Most people do not understand online traffic. It is not something that you create. Traffic is something that you divert or get in front of.

    There are many ways to get traffic online. One obvious way is to buy traffic. And this works great for some marketers.

    You can also become an expert in the ephemeral world of SEO and become a slave

    to the ever changing algorithims.

    Or you can sit on your rear all day and grind out and submit articles (effective, but time consuming).

    Anyway, I have always believed that getting massive amounts of free, organic

    traffic is possible. To be honest, I have not figured out how to do it.

    I have one primary product that I sell. I

    get less than 100 uniques per day and I make about $700.00 per week. Shows you what good copy can accomplish.

    But Marlon, to tell you the truth, I dream about traffic. At this point in my

    life it is the Holy Grail of internet marketing.

    I may be shooting myself in the foot here, but even if I don't win a copy of Evergreen, I will still buy one for myself.

    Why? Because I have to solve this mystery. And, by judging from your copy, I believe that Tinu has cracked the code.

    That's it. Thank you for your consideration.



    p.s. I hope that Tinu's health improves.

  • Bill Walker says:

    The subject of getting traffic to my websites has been a mystery to me since I got on the web a couple of years ago. I can build sites; I can build blogs, but SEO and traffic seems to elude me. After looking at the Evergreen system I was intrigued. It looked to be something radically different. I've spent so much money and time without results that it's frustrating. I'd like to use Evergreen for myself and see if I can finally get some "eyes" on my sites.

  • D. Kibby says:

    I would appreciate a free copy because I am new to this business and have purchased your "Dashboard". I need all the assistance I can get and since you are offering this opportunity for free then please consider my request for a copy.Have a great day!

  • Marlon,

    I purchased the design dashboard and am happy to say that I got myself an education and universal tools for any market on the subject of website creation. I since created 2 websites fixyourblackberrypearl.com and desktopmanagervideo.com and I also have a 3rd one in progress. Anyway i am glad I got this creation tool from you and of course adding a good strategy for boosting traffic is the logical follow-up. So because I created these websites, I want to get all the traffic I can muster. Thanks Marlon

  • Dan Riffle says:


    I'm sure you don't know it, but we go way back. I purchased "The Amazing Formula", boy, probably in 1999. I promptly did *nothing* with it. I floundered for a few months and left IM dejected, confused and a little bitter. Not because of your product, I thought it truly was "Amazing," but because I couldn't get it to work for me.

    Flash forward to early 2007. I decided to give IM another try. I had grown, matured and became more personally accountable. Over the past year, things have really clicked for me. I went back to "The Amazing Formula" and put it to use. Now everything makes sense and I am truly dialed in to my business.

    This is why I'd love a copy of "Everygreen Traffic." I know you are a straight shooter and only provide solid, honest, workable content. Further, I am prepared to put it to use, rather than let it gather dust on my hard drive.

  • Donald Willis says:

    I have to pick a traffic system and I need to pick one person to follow because there are so many people selling so many systems. I purchased the Web Design Dashboard and liked it so I decided to hitch my wagon to Marlon and purchase the Product Design Dashboard and trust Marlon and his products. I'm loyal to those who help me.

  • Karma Singh says:

    Hi Marlon,

    I want this. I wanted it as soon as I'd read the sales page. I actually tried to purchase it straight away but:

    you are offering only paypal as a payment option. Having successfully sued paypal for fraud in the english courts last year they, for some inexplicable reason, won't let us have an account (not that we'd put any money into it, you understand.)

    I did email you asking for other payment options but there has been no response.

    A rethink on your part could increase sales – we're not the only company by a very long way who have blacklisted paypal.

    Blessed be

    Karma Singh

  • Derek says:

    Hi Marlon

    Although your original stuff was good, even excellent some could say – BUT now that you've teamed up with Tinu – it has just gotten that much better.

    This is because the previously untold story that you decided to write about her (the illnesses, lapsed sites etc) rings SO TRUE that no guru, even on acid, could have possibly made it up! Teaming up with her now and putting her totally original ideas out there adds tremendously to YOUR credit because you have openly (and bravely) admitted to all your visitors that she knows more amazing stuff about internet marketing that even "The Great Marloni" ever thought was possible.

    What an honest admission! And what a dream team you have now been able to create! Good on you mate! With your push-push site and her pull-pull ideas – this is one helluva story to tell the world! I cannot really see how this offer can fail to attract .

    Regular, stupid, and greedy gurus would have just ripped her stuff off and then re-peddled it as their own – because Tinu, with her illnesses etc)would never have found out in a million years. You never did that and that really adds to your credit.

    So joining this brand new and original dream team is one very good reason why I'd like to qualify for your fabulous freebie offer.

    The second good reason why I think I deserve a freebie is this; because now I'm gonna help YOU – so listen up Marloni.

    You made a fatal greenhorn error! You never did spell check this wonderful story of Tinu and that's a 100% fact!

    Let's face it. Anyone can make a sumpel mistook but in the English language there is no such word as LAYED. The past tense for LAY is LAID. Fancy you, of all pupple, making such a howler! Come on, hands up Marloni.

    Hey, please don't zap my entry from the freebie competition – I ain't trying to be a smart ass or anything like that – but intead look at it this way: your credibility is already 100% with most of your subscribers I'm sure of that – but you know as well as I do, that new visitors coming to your site, these pupple don't forgive human errors – these pupple punish them instead by clicking elsewhere. I don't want to see pupple punishing you – I want you to get a Pulitzer Prize for this great story – after all you were the first one with any guts to get it out there.

    The third reason why I need this freebie is; I really WANT to apply this amazing stuff to my website (www.onlyinsamui.com) – then once I see it working for me – I want to become a successful Affiliate – and tell pupple my actual down-to-earth real-life success story – and make lots of dosh while doing so. I want to be that most elusive of all things – actual living checkable proof – that The Great Marloni really did manage to help a simple minded cretin (like me) to succeed where other gurus have miserably failed.

    Have a good one, and give my sincere regards to Tinu.

    All the best

    Derek Taylor

  • Luke Brown says:

    To be honest…nothing much impresses me these days when it comes to "gurus".

    I sell my own info-products and have created a comfortable six-figure income for myself with them. I'm always open to new information, but there seems to be a real lack of it when it comes to $xxxx product launches.

    The one thing that has always impressed me with Marlon, is that he is REAL. In fact, Marlon was one of the first people I discovered online years ago and it's cool to see you still putting out quality stuff! (I remember "Amazing Formula" from what seems like ages ago)

    I don't have a sob story to tell you why you should give me a free copy…the truth is I could very comfortably purchase it.

    But when I read your little contest it intrigued me.

    You see I've sent millions of visitors to my sites. I've used everything from Google Adwords to press releases to do it…and my sites SELL. So I know what generates results when I see it in action.

    I have to admit that I'm curious if this traffic system could generate more bottom-line profitable traffic to my sites- and I'd be happy to report back my results if they were favorable. (and knowing Marlon, I'd expect them to be)

    So if you're looking to give away a copy to a struggling newbie that's great…but that's not me.

    But if you have a spot for someone who's been selling stuff online for about 10 years now…then count me in.

    I can tell you this…I will put your techniques to use…and if they work, I'll certainly report back cheerfully.

    Either way, "Evergreen Traffic" intrigues me…and I'd love to check it out personally.

  • Marion Visser says:

    Marlon, You and Tinu's Evergreen package seems like a faraway, unattainable dream to me.

    Although your product is reasonably priced in dollars, in my country the exchange rate is so vastly different to yours, that purchasing your product is the size of a level 2 secretary monthly salary, at conversion!

    Please consider me for the prize.

    I dream of having a successful internet business with loads of traffic and being able to purchase regular items without wondering if I would be able to put food on the table the end of the month.



  • Marion Visser says:

    I am a newbie to internet marketing and would like to set up a blog to promote my site better socially.

    My site is not yet up and running as I'm still researching the internet to see where the need gap is.

    Currently I'm a bit overwhelmed with all the info out there and one person contradicts the other- even if they say they are gurus.

    I stumbled upon marlon sanders and subscribed to your newsletter as it seemed that your message is somewhat different to the group.

    I would like to win the evergreen pack as I want to make the internet business and blogging my full time career.

    I think Tinu is a very brave woman and nothing, not even her sickness stops her to continue with what she believes in. I even checked her out as you suggested in a previous newsletter, and she really made a big impression on me.

    It is unfortunate that I am not financially able to pruchase her products (although very well priced.

    It is a dream to become as successful as Tinu and You, Marlon. I hope my plea will ualify me into the prize.

    Best regards

    Marion Visser

  • Steven Gibbs says:

    It is kind of obvious that you know what you're talking about. You have actually went out and found someone that has the kind of success other webmasters dream about.

    Most sites go stagnant after no activity. Yet she still manages to pull in traffic after months of inactivity.

    SEO guru's have not caught up to the web 2.0 so some of their tactics aren't as useful as back in the day.

    Plus with Blogs being more popular than a static site. There are other ways to get traffic that simply don't work for static sites.

    The SEO guru's push only what worked for them back then. They don't go "out on the street" and find the people that are actually doing it now.

    They are happy teaching the same ol' same ol' and don't see the need to bring it to the present.

    It just seems that Tinu and yourself are making more of an effort to help us with tactics that work now. Not in the past.

  • Joe Richey says:

    Marlon I have made the video for my entry please Marlon do the right thing 🙂

  • Joe Richey says:

    Marlon please I am delirious

    please look at me video


  • Hi Marlon, Jason Anderson here.

    Why would I want to learn these tactics from you and Tinu???

    One Word…


    As a prior customer, I already know that you deliver high quality (only). As an affiliate, I was impressed and surprised by your faster than fast commission payout. You paid me the VERY next day…even though there was a 60 day satisfaction guarantee. I know that you and your affiliate manager does this MANUALLY every day for all your affiliates, even though you aren't required to. Bottom line, you not only preach going "above & beyond", you act on it.

    It was YOUR product, Design Dashboard, that helped me make my first dollar online.

    I will tell you this though…

    If your name was NOT on this product, I would chalk it up to great copywriting but I would probably take a pass.

    The reason I'd like to learn from you more than any other marketer is because I know from first hand experience that your information always delivers.

  • Mike Ralph says:

    Ive gone or the comment writing entry because if my ugly mug was shown on video on any site it would immediately kill it ;o)

    Why do I want to learn how to get evergreen traffic?

    Because…I've got hairy balls not crystal ones and I have no idea how I can develop my traffic. If I win I am sure I will develop a slight sheen to them :o)

  • *** Not sure if my original post went through so I'm submitting again****


    Hi Marlon:

    The reason I want to get a copy of the Evergreen traffic system is because I give a damn about my web business.

    I have joined what a famous internet marketer called the 2% ers. That is, those who actually got off their bums and took action.

    For the the 1.5 years my site has been online it has grown in PR, traffic and income but I know it is still no where near its full potential.

    I believe the Evergreen system along with my other efforts will help me achieve my income target within 12 months, ie $100/day.

    I want to retire and spend most of the day doing what matters most – loving my family and doing the things that brings me the most fulfillment.

    That is what the Evergreen Traffic System would mean to me – FREEDOM.

    Marlon, put the Evergreen system in the hands of someone who is motivated and has clearly demonstrated through his actions, that he will actually put the system to use.

    That person would me me.

  • Damon says:

    I have always wondered what happened to Tinu. I read her traffic enewsletter and then to my understanding she sold the company. I still get periodic emails but figured she just retired. Had no clue she was sick. I support any and everyone but minorities are a minority in this industry and any time I see one I definately try and give my support. Being a minority myself it is just a good feeling to see another in the same industry doing well and giving back. That has always been my philosophy. As well as I have been reading your information for a while Marlon. Great copywriting (as I am sure you already know) tips. I lost track of you for a while when I switched email accounts but my partner forwarded me an email and I was right back on you list again. Anyway I've been a longtime follower of both of you and would love to get my hands on a copy of the system.

  • Hi Marlon:

    The reason I want to get a copy of the Evergreen traffic system is because I give a damn about my web business.

    I have joined what a famous internet marketer called the 2% ers. That is, those who actually got off their bums and took action.

    For the the 1.5 years my site has been online it has grown in PR, traffic and income but I know it is still no where near its full potential.

    I believe the Evergreen system along with my other efforts will help me achieve my income target within 12 months, ie $100/day.

    I want to retire and spend most of the day doing what matters most – loving my family and doing the things that brings me the most fulfillment.

    That is what the Evergreen Traffic System would mean to me – FREEDOM.

    Marlon, put the Evergreen system in the hands of someone who is motivated and has clearly demonstrated through his actions, that he will actually put the system to use.

    That person would me me.

  • Steve Pohlit says:

    Marlon – what a great headline…evidence of a master marketer at work. I noticed your display quote for your site that you are using "Prosperous Internet Business" You may enjoy http://www.prosperitytip.com I most certainly would welcome your comments.

    Follow me on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/stevepohlit


    Steve is the President of International Business Consulting Resources. His firm specializes in guiding companies to achieve their business profit potential and guiding employees to achieve their personal potential.

  • — "How to win a copy from Tinu

    and ME -"

    NOT "How to win a copy from Tinu

    and I!"

    Use this as a guide – if only YOU

    are involved, you would NOT say,

    "How to win a copy from I."

    Proper grammar IS IMPORTANT!

  • Marlon,

    3 reasons why I want to learn from you and Tinu about getting traffic, instead of all the rest.

    1st, I've met you personally in Austin at the warrior event, and I know you're just as crazy and rambunctious as me — so you're cooler than the others!

    2nd, you're straight off the cuff with no fluff. I like you openness about your numbers and your ability to try new stuff and continue your own learning. This is the anti-guru stance we all need to assume, and I appreciate it.

    3rd, I want to become your case study. I've already had some pretty decent successes, but I want to take it to the next level. I think it'd be sweet to be able to point to you and say — "That's the guy who helped me do it!"

    -Jason Fladlien

  • Dr.Mani says:

    Why do I want 'Evergreen Traffic System'?

    #1 – Everyone needs traffic. Yes, me too 🙂

    #2 – Not every method others teach is 'evergreen' – but everything you've taught me is 🙂

    #3 – Tinu is an uber-expert at traffic from blogging – so seeing her involved guarantees value 🙂

    #4 – No one else seems to have posted, giving me a higher chance at winning one! 🙂

    Let me know if this isn't enough to win my copy, and I'll add to the list! 😉

    All success


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