The 6 Parts Of A Sales Machine That Won’t Quit! - Online and Info Product Marketing

The 6 Parts Of A Sales Machine That Won’t Quit!




In this issue:

“The 6 Parts Of A Sales Machine That Won't Quit”

I know you're being hit UP for every offer in the world.  Keep in
mind that the ONLY way you get money for YOUR bills or escape YOUR
job is to make the transition from being a consumer only of info
products to a producer and a promoter.

Look at today's article as a check up from the neck up to see WHERE
you are at in the process and where you NEED to be.

The BONUSES for you Promo Dashboard buyers are on the bonus tabs.

The QUICK START call will be next week. I don't remember the day
but I'll send an email on Monday.

There is a 60-day FORUM to support you.  It's on the tabs when you
log in at:


Marlon's Marketing Minute
Electronic Newsletter
Vol. 3, #26, August 16, 2008

This issue contains:

A. Sponsor Advertisement:  A few bullet points from the
Product Dashboard sales letter.

B. Announcements from Marlon (Important)

C. Main Article: Here's How To Make Internet marketing Work For You!

D. Services You Can Use

Brought to you by: Marlon Sanders – Publisher



It is NOT about traffic. It picks up where traffic leaves off

In other words, once people hit your SQUEEZE page, this is
what Promo Dashboard is about:

==> Getting people onto your email list

==> Creating a highly attractive freebie that will COMPEL
people to join your email list

==> Exactly, specifically HOW to create screen capture videos,
PDF's, courses and other “freebies” that will GET people to join your list.

==> Getting people to CONFIRM their email (very important)

==> Sending out email promos to those folks

==> Taking them FROM emails to podcasts, videos, PDF's and
other tools to get 'em to BUY!

==> How do you REALLY get people to buy? I remove all the b.s.
and “guru speak.” It ain't that complicated! I show you how
you really do it.

==> I'm the ONE guy making things simple for you. Taking
away the smoke and mirrors instead of creating endlessly
complex charts, power points, systems. Sheez. No wonder you're
confused and overwhelmed!

==> How to pimp out your PDF's, do the right lighting for videos,
add cookie-based deadlines that vanish, add reflections to
your PDF call-out quotes, get people on your list, troubleshoot.


One: Do You Have Unresolved Customer Support Issues?

If you have a customer support issue of ANY type, whether it
may be a question on affiliate commissions, product not
received, problem logging in or just something you're confused
about, here is how to get help:

Two:  Joel Comm's book launches beginning of September

Joel Comm's revolutionary new book on the history of Internet
marketing coming soon. This book is gonna be big and it launches
on Tuesday.  It's much more than just “history.”  But that's in there.

You have a REAL treat coming.

Three: Did You Get Your Evergreen System Transcripts?

The link was sent by email. If you didn't get it, contact Tim,
I'm also doing a mini Dashboard for it that's be a freebie for ya.

Three:  If you're an affiliate, I NEED you to help us promote
Promo Dashboard.  With the massive amounts of launches I need YOU
to help us break through the noise!

C.  The 6 Parts Of A Sales Machine That Won't Quit

By Marlon Sanders

Let's talk about you and your sales machine.

You get people into your funnel.  You send 'em emails and sales
messages.  Take 'em FROM those emails to “conversion pieces” and
you sell 'em.  Or give 'em reasons to buy now.

Whatever you wanna call it.

I've tried hard over the past 6 months to convince you to create
your own products.  Whether you have or haven't, it's now time you
move on and learn to build your list and your sales machine.  If you
don't have your own product by now, just get started using affiliate products.

Here are the 6 steps to building your sales machine.

1.  Research your target market to know the blogs, forums, and web
sites your target audience visits.

You want to look at the signature lines in forums to find out who is
selling what to whom.

You want to find out WHO the list owners are because they're your
potential joint venture partners.  In other words, they're the ones
who might sell your product to their list for a commission on sales.

You want to look at the blogs and forums and find out if there are
Google Ads on the page (if so, you can buy an ad on that exact page
using Google's site targeting and pay ONLY when someone clicks).

You want to see if you can purchase banners there and so forth.  You
want to write up an in depth profile of your ideal buyer, including
their age, income, educational level and web sites they frequent.

2.  Create a hot freebie that'll compel 'em to join your email list.

In Internet marketing the past 6 months, highly sophisticated
product launches have taken over that involve videos or other things
being given away in exchange for an email address.

The formula is STILL the same:

Get people on your email list and sell 'em.  Only on product
launches, you do the selling part in a collapsed time frame like a
day or a week buttressed by the social support of all your buddies
(or allies) emailing the same offer at the same time.

The ART of the product launch that a few people have mastered is how
to get all their buddies and affiliates to email for THEM without
having to do reciprocal emails for all of them.

In most target markets, you won't have that problem.  In Internet
marketing it's an issue because everyone is obviously a marketer and
has their own thing to pitch.

Anyway, the point is, you wanna find something really hot that'll
make people WANT to join your email list and confirm their email.

3.  A Squeeze page and email thank you/confirmation process that is
a well-oiled machine.

Once people join your list, they go to a thank you page.  You
usually use that page to convince people to go to their email and
click the confirmation link.  Then after they click THAT link, you
take them to a special offer.

In modern terminology, it's an OTO.  In truth,  it's nothing
different than what has been done for 1,000 years.  A  special offer
with a time limit.

Don't you know that 1,000 years ago the big marketing trick was to
sell your camel by throwing in the mule but only if you bought that day?

One thing that HAS changed is the format of the pitch.  There is
some evidence things are going more to video pitches vs. text,
although I  haven't seen a lot of evidence of that with my target market.

I still like sales letters as the primary tool supported by audio and video.

4.  Email that gets delivered

You need a reliable email service and a way to monitor delivery.
I get stats on my email delivery.  I average about 75%. But
sometimes it'll go up to 95%.

The problem with cheaper services is you probably won't get as good
of delivery as you get with more expensive services.  But the
service itself costs quite a bit more.

5. Regular emails to your list that pitch and give value.

You need to have a ratio between pitches and content or value if
possible.  I didn't used to do this.  But in today's market, I feel
it's important, although debatable.

If you have a situation where tons of affiliates will go to bat for
your product launch, your own list doesn't matter much.

I'm doing this ezine because I feel the content  helps people stay
on my list and retains readership.  I'm one of the ONLY (if not the
only) major brand name teachers doing this.

6.  Send people to your blog, mp3 audios (podcasts), videos, live
video, recorded video, screen capture video and other sales tools.

If your people aren't BUYING, employ “The Full Arsenal.”  Send 'em
links to something that does a more in depth sales job than the
email can like audio or video.

You do NOT HAVE to use “The Full Arsenal.”  Some people don't like
audio or video.  I encourage you to use it.  But you can succeed
without it.

Here's a little mini checklist for implementing “The Full Arsenal.”

— How to record audio, edit it, add a nice little music track to
the beginning, sweeten the sound and turn it into nice flash buttons
for your web site, this is a skill worth learning.

— On video, you should know the basics of 3-point lighting.  And be
able to convert video to FLV.  That's a minimum skill.  Yes, you can
farm out some of it. But it isn't all that complicated to learn.

— You need to know how to use Camtasia or Camstudio to record
screen video and save it to a SMALL file size, so it'll stream right
on your web site.

— You need to know how to use Power Point or the Presentation
software in free Open Office to create slides you record with Camtasia.

— And I think knowing how to create cool backgrounds is a plus.

— You should be able to put audio and video on your blog.

On video, the LIGHTING makes ALL the difference in the world.
Knowing the basics of lighting really helps.  And on screen video,
having decent audio helps.

The minimum learning curve would be doing SCREEN video and audio
podcasts.  Those two are ESSENTIAL in this business.

I'll add that I teach everything above in the New Promo Dashboard,
although the part on lighting isn't complete.  I refer you to a
$30 DVD you really need to buy to learn to do lighting right,
although there  are some decent tutorials for it on Youtube.

But this isn't a pitch.  These are the things you need to know and
do. They aren't sexy but they ARE the guts of the business.

In 30 minutes to 2 hours a day, you can make a real dent in learning
these skills.

But the most crucial ones are everything down to row 6 “The Full
Arsenal.”  You can add those skills as you go along.

But you gotta know where and how to REACH your target audience,
how to put together a freebie that attracts 'em, how to put up the
Squeeze page and how to send out emails that get 'em to buy!

This is ALL the “gurus” do.  Except they get all their friends to
promote on the same day or week. But the process is exactly the same.

So let me ask you a question:  WHERE are you on these 6 steps?
Where are you STUCK at?

What will it take for you to get to the NEXT step?  To get unstuck?
Post that to my blog if you want a response from me.

Best wishes,

Marlon Sanders

Marlon Sanders is the author of “The Info Product Dashboard.”
If you want to create your own info products, go to:


REPRINT RIGHTS: You have permission to use the above
article without omission and including the resource box.
You have the right to insert your reseller URLs for MY
products into the article in place of MY links.

D. “Services You Can Use”

If you are SMART enough to have read this FAR, you'll recognize I'm
making a mistake below by NOT offering free reports and lead
generators.  It's on my to do list.


PUT UP YOUR WEB SITE? Discover how easy and simple it can
be to do your own graphic design (or at least some of it).
Plus, find out the exact resources I recommend to save a
bundle.  Avoid going down the wrong path.

Many people have copied my software.  But there really and
truly is only ONE original.



Copyright 2008 Higher Response Marketing Inc.
All rights reserved.
