Feast Your Eyes On THESE Lean, Mean Squeeze Machines - Online and Info Product Marketing

Feast Your Eyes On THESE Lean, Mean Squeeze Machines




Marlon here.  This issue:

Takes A Quick Tour Of Some Squeeze Pages That
Totally Rock — Gets NEW Ideas, Juices Start Flowing, And Things
Start Popping!”

Subtitle:  If you don't have a Squeeze yet or if you have
one and want hot, NEW ideas, then here are some web sites
to feast your eyes on

In this article, I want to take you on a quick tour
of a few Squeeze pages I think rock.

There is one very ADVANCED model from Joe Shroeder.
There's one from Daegan ANYONE can create.  There's
one that's as slick as you'll ever see.


1.  If you called the office for support in the past 2
weeks, please read announcements below.

2. BRIEF RANT about my outbound voice broadcast:

If you called bitching and whining about my voice
broadcast, CHILL!  Seriously guys and gals.

I sent out only a FEW voice broadcasts in a year.  And
it's always when I have something really IMPORTANT and

I send one broadcast and some of you were burning up my
phone like I was calling you every day.

You're a marketer. Screw your head on.  When I call which
is very rare it's either with something FREE or a very
good REASON.

I send you drop dead ezine issues NO other marketer does.
In return, I ask that you let me SELL something on occasion.
If that isn't too inconvenient for you.

If you don't like marketing, get OUT of the business.

3.  Blog

Please post your feedback on the Squeeze pages below to
my blog.


Please go participate in the social community I set up for
you.  If you don't have the login, contact Tim at:

NEW call next week. Thursday I think.

5.  If you don't have a Squeeze page or you aren't converting 10%
of your optiners to buyers, GET the Promo Dashboard.

Stop thinking about it and do it.

It has 100X more HELP than a lot of $3000-$15000 or MORE programs.
You read my ezine.  You like my ideas.  It's under $100.  Just trust
me on this one and DO it….EVEN if you didn't like one of the
other Dashboards or you found a fault with one of my other products.

I'm telling you.  It's killer.

Best wishes,


Marlon's Marketing Minute
Electronic Newsletter
Vol. 3, #27, August 23, 2008

This issue contains:

A. Sponsor Advertisement:  A few bullet points from the
Product Dashboard sales letter.

B. Announcements from Marlon (Important)

C. Main Article:
A Quick Tour Of Some Squeeze Pages That Totally Rock

D. Services You Can Use

Brought to you by: Marlon Sanders – Publisher



It is NOT about traffic. It picks up where traffic leaves off

In other words, once people hit your SQUEEZE page, this is
what Promo Dashboard is about:

==> Getting people onto your email list

==> Creating a highly attractive freebie that will COMPEL
people to join your email list

==> Exactly, specifically HOW to create screen capture videos,
PDF's, courses and other “freebies” that will GET people to
join your list.

==> Getting people to CONFIRM their email (very important)

==> Sending out email promos to those folks

==> Taking them FROM emails to podcasts, videos, PDF's and
other tools to get 'em to BUY!

==> How do you REALLY get people to buy? I remove all the b.s.
and “guru speak.” It ain't that complicated! I show you how
you really do it.

==> I'm the ONE guy making things simple for you. Taking
away the smoke and mirrors instead of creating endlessly
complex charts, power points, systems. Sheez. No wonder you're
confused and overwhelmed!

==> How to pimp out your PDF's, do the right lighting for videos,
add cookie-based deadlines that vanish, add reflections to
your PDF call-out quotes, get people on your list, troubleshoot.



One: If you called the office in the past 2 weeks:

I turned over a staff member and some phone calls weren't
returned till yesterday.

Please do NOT email support issues. Post to the supporst desk:

If you have a customer support issue of ANY type, whether it
may be a question on affiliate commissions, product not
received, problem logging in or just something you're confused
about, here is how to get help:


Two:  Joel Comm's book launches beginning of September

Joel Comm's revolutionary new book on the history of Internet
marketing coming soon. This book is gonna be big and it launches
on Tuesday.  It's much more than just “history.”  But that's in

You have a REAL treat coming.

Three: Did You Get Your Evergreen System Transcripts?

The link was sent by email. If you didn't get it, contact Tim,
I'm also doing a mini Dashboard for it that's be a freebie
for ya.

Four:  If you're an affiliate, I NEED you to help us promote
Promo Dashboard.  With the massive amounts of launches I need YOU
to help us break through the noise!


C.  A Quick Tour Of Some Squeeze Pages That Totally Rock

Subtitle:  If you don't have a Squeeze yet or if you have
one and want hot, NEW ideas, then here are some web sites
to feast your eyes on

By Marlon Sanders


In this article, I want to take you on a quick tour
of a few Squeeze pages I think rock.

There is one very ADVANCED model from Joe Shroeder.
There's one from Daegan ANYONE can create.  There's
one that's as slick as you'll ever see.

Let's dig in:

ONE: The Squeeze winner:


That is just an awesome page.  It's one of the best I've seen
recently.  Notice:

1.  The awesome use of the testimonial pictures
2.  The awesome photo on the right
3.  The big “click here” with the checkmark

Whoever did this page is a pro. I don't know how it converts
but I'm guessing very well.  THIS is a page to aspire to.

TWO:  My friend Ryan's awesome Squeeze


I interviewed Ryan for the Promo Dashboard bonus.  He's very
advanced at Squeezes.  Check out his totalaccessclub.com and
tell him Marlon sent you.

1.  Notice the arrows.
2.  Notice the video is all content
3.  Notice the arrows

THREE:  The big arrow

I talk about this one a lot in Promo Dashboard.  It's a great


Plus, if you need to learn Photoshop, they're doing something
right!  Very nice email follow ups.

FOUR: Daegan's Squeeze

My next Squeeze is from Daegan Smith:

I like this because YOU can do a page like this:


I'll be interviewing Daegan on all his numbers next week.

You need to:

1.  Be able to insert video (Definitely covered in Promo Dash).

2.  Be able to copy and paste your autoresponder code.

You just create a “web form” in Automateyourwebsite.com, Aweber
or Get Response.  And you copy and paste the code.

3.  Write a great headline.

Notice the use of numbers:  836% and $85,172.47.

Now, there are legal issues on using dollars.  But from a sales
aspect, they're good.

4.  Make a free offer.

This is a free CD for paying shipping. That's the TV Video Professor

FIVE:  The wave of the FUTURE super advanced Squeeze

Feast your eyes on this:


My friend Joe Shroeder is an amazing man and always a step or two
ahead of everyone else.

This is more a community than a Squeeze. But I'm BETTING it works
like gangbusters.

SIX:  The slick graphics Squeeze:

Here's another one from the same industry:


1.  Notice the nice product picture.
2.  Notice the drop shadow on the table
3.  Notice the Squeeze above the fold (no scrolling needed)
4.  Notice the newspaper for credibility

SEVEN:  The super duper freebie Squeeze


This is from Keith Baxter.  My killer interview with him is
in Promo Dash.

Hope this gets your creative juices going.


Marlon Sanders is the author of “The Info Product Dashboard.”
If you want to create your own info products, go to:


REPRINT RIGHTS: You have permission to use the above
article without omission and including the resource box.
You have the right to insert your reseller URLs for MY
products into the article in place of MY links.

D. “Services You Can Use”

If you are SMART enough to have read this FAR, you'll recognize I'm
making a mistake below by NOT offering free reports and lead
generators.  It's on my to do list.


PUT UP YOUR WEB SITE? Discover how easy and simple it can
be to do your own graphic design (or at least some of it).
Plus, find out the exact resources I recommend to save a
bundle.  Avoid going down the wrong path.

NEED A SALES LETTER?  http://www.pushbuttonletter.com
Many people have copied my software.  But there really and
truly is only ONE original.



Copyright 2008 Higher Response Marketing Inc.
All rights reserved.
