Your feedback on this week and last week’s ezines? - Online and Info Product Marketing

Your feedback on this week and last week’s ezines?


Marlon here.

I'm interested in your feedback on this week's ezine and last week's.

Last week:
Step-By-Step Through The 6-Point Sales Machine Process That Delivers Monthly Income, Big Paydays and Multiple Streams

This week: a Girl In Houston Uses Facebook Fan Pages To Spread Her Passion To a Huge Audience

1.  Was the information and content RELEVANT to you?

2.  Did you learn anything?

3.  Would you recommend either issue to a friend?

Just type in comments. It may take a bit before I approve the comment.

Best wishes,


  • Chad says:

    Thanks for the great info and action steps. The content is relavent while inspiring.

  • Stephen says:

    Hi Marlon,

    <Was the information and content RELEVANT to you?

    Very much so – I've hired a Facebook expert to set up something similar.

    <One of the problems I’ve had is low energy.

    In the meantime, although our marketing is largely non-existant, we may be able to help you with your energy – something we're much better at 🙂 Let me know if we can help


  • Gina Sinese says:

    The case study was interesting though I do not use Facebook. The previous issue was more useful to me because I’ve been putting off setting up a more effective system for my business. Thank you.

  • Great Content as always Marlon!
    You spell out and show how to do it so well
    that i am annoyed i just cant get going myself!

  • Vida Evelyn says:


    You out did yourself on this last issue — one of your all time best. Your detailed analysis of the raw foods website was very helpful, but when coupled with last week’s MMM, it was a roadmap for our work. Thank you for your generosity.


  • Herb says:

    Hi Marlon,

    This e-zine issue really illustrates the steps we need to take to have an appealing offering.
    – find the market that NEEDS something, and know them well
    – give them what they need
    – Know your market
    – know what makes you special
    – Stand out from the crowd


  • Doug Hansen says:

    Thanks Marlon, your content in always relevant and hits the nail on the head, so to speak. Keep the great content coming!

  • Luis says:

    Yup and here’s the main thing I learned: “Use your Facebook fan page and blog to speak DIRECTLY to the PROBLEMS people have.”

  • Thanks, Marlon, these last issues have been really helpful! The case study with Kristina’s raw foods site had a lot of great insight on how to present material in an appealing way, and the previous issue really got me thinking about how to better set up a system.

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