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Memo From: Marlon Sanders
Memo To: Marlon
Re: Your Easter Eggs


It's Marlon….

Remember when you were a kid. And you an Easter Egg hunt?

I remember vividly searching for those Easter Eggs hidden in our
yard. They were always dyed with nice colors.

Festive and fun.

Well, I have several Easter Eggs for you today. I hope you
enjoy or find value in them. These are freebies in exchange for
your email.

Blatant Commercial Plug

Get New Subscribers For Pennies Each?

Now, as you know, marketers are prone to send emails. But Gmail
accounts don't cost you a red cent, pound nor anything else.
So partake of them liberally.

Use a SEPARATE gmail unless you want quite a few emails in your
daily email account. Personally, I create separate gmails for
separate marketers so I can spy on ALL their emails in one
glance. But I also have several catch all emails I scan often.

1. Chapter from Justin Brooke's outstanding seo lies ebook

2. Paul Myers “Need to Know” manual

This is top notch:

3. Newbies Step-By-Step From Scratch Gameplan

4. Exit pop up for your blog

Haven't tried it out yet but it looks quite useful.

5. Terry Dean Internet Marketing Lifestyle Manifesto

Terry's an old bud of mmine. We had the best phone call the
other day where he REALLY gave me some cool seo tricks so I owe
him one.

6. Ryan Deiss 30 days to automated atm stream

Ryan is the webinar king and really rocks at that stuff. I
think he may be pitching something (imagine a marketer doing that)
but Ryan always has great content.

Best wishes,

Marlon Sanders

  • […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Marlon Sanders, Ion Baragan. Ion Baragan said: RT @marlonsanders: Grab these "Easter Egg" gifts from Ryan Deiss, Justin Brooke, Paul Myers, Bill McRea, Terry Dean, Marlon Sanders […]

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