Winners chosen and announced - Online and Info Product Marketing

Winners chosen and announced


Marlon here.

Just to update you…the contest is over and winners have been announced.  I have a new FREE PDF I sent to you via email.  Some good stuff in it so be sure to check your email or spam mailbox in case I got filtered there.


  • […] to you by Doug Champigny and Mike Paetzold – and I'm very thankful to them. …Marge Robertson on Winners chosen and announced30th Jan 10Hey Marlon… In defense of your promotion of "The Writer's Secret"…I actually liked […]

  • Marge Robertson says:

    Hey Marlon…

    In defense of your promotion of "The Writer's Secret"…I actually liked the title, although I admit I love to write too, and am very aware of the value of copywriting,plus I read everything you send out regardless–so I would have read it no matter what.

    However, for anyone on your list that KNOWS you at ALL…would KNOW what you meant; both with the "cookie cutter" phrase AND "The Writer's Secret"!

    We KNOW your success and what you have done to get there.

    I mean why would anyone (with a brain)repeat something 122 times if it wasn't producing the desired result!

    Yeah, it may have been a bit vague about what your "desired result" was…ie $$$$, but I still liked it and love the story telling style; even better because you have the actual true (successful)story to use!

    I plan to snag it if I can scrape up the pennies. I probably already have all the info I need in your other products, but time is valuable, and since you have condensed the vital info even more, that's the one we should use.

    Keep up the good work!


    [Hi Marge, I do think this product is very much worth the money. You know you can sell it as an affiliate beginning next week. I'll create a plan that allows you to raise the money for it as an affiliate.]

  • S. Griffin says:

    I'm gonna have to go with Art also .. very nice poem.

  • KarenKramer says:

    Wow! Thanks Marlon for the "honorable mention" (not sure I'm sooo but at least I'm now on my way to my 2010 goal of owning all your Dashboard products.



    [Karen, just post to Tim at and tell him which dashboard u want.]

  • sharon says:

    I think Art should win he had a good poem.

  • Art says:

    Hi Marlon,

    Thanks very much to you and all the others who liked my little poem! I was really surprised and it really made my day. But truthfully, keep pounding away on your message of simplicity, b/c its finally getting through my thick skull. It's beginning to get through to me why it will work instead of why it won't work. Like everybody always says, you're the real deal and thats why you have a following.

    Thanks again,


  • Nezine says:

    The winner should be someone who is sincere and is obviously in need of money for urgent needs.

    That would be me!

  • Dawn says:

    If you give it to the person that is the most computer illiterate, and thus actually NEEDS the money the most….then I should get it…without question!


  • Lou Serrano says:

    Hi Marlon,

    Is it even a competition? The most creative post was obviously Zach Waldman's MMA post. He sounds like someone that gets it.

  • Sneaky, Marlon!

    Of course I think Brennan Kingsland should win because she is such a nice person. Hee! Hee!

    No really, she is!

    Your friend,


  • John Ng says:


    Whom do I pick from?

    What I am suppose to judge?

    [John, sorry but you're late to this party. Stay on my list and read my emails and ezines and you can get in on the next party I have. Happy holidays.]

  • Wow… hard to choose. Maybe I can narrow it down to my favorites, anyway.

    , I almost didn't even enter after reading Art's parody of the Night Before Christmas. It's definitely one of the most creative… although Zach Waldman's MMA Fight Night, which came in a little later on, runs pretty close.

    Diana's "Once Upon a Time" and the idea that Marlon could be her "Fairy Godmother" was clever, too. Ray Sanders was drowning in a sea of Internet overwhelm and needed Marlon to save him (we can all relate!) Terry Loving did a great job, too… maybe even the best one.

    Bob Brooker and Kaye O'Dougherty hit the nail on the head about why people need info that works NOW, because we can't wait forever to succeed, especially those of us who are retired.

    Matthew Detrick painted an excellent picture of WHY we get stuck as a CONSUMER… it's like a drug fix, and it's our comfort zone.

    Many other comments were well-written and sincere. I think my favorite might be Karen Kramer… At least her video should be the winner in that category! Her comment was also quite creative, though she's up against all the others I just mentioned.

    So, Marlon, I hope that narrows it down for you. I really don't know which one of these I would choose for sure. In the end, you'll probably just have to go with your gut instinct… which one feels TO YOU like it has the most originality, sincerity and inspiration.

  • Ron Ott says:

    I think ART should be the Winner Nice poem

    Ron O

  • Well, of coarse I'd like to win, but I would also see these folks win!

    M. Vincent, Ray Sanders, Art, the Texan, Deb, and Bob.

    Abundant Blessings to You and Yours!!!

  • Chuck says:

    if your having trouble deciding just send it to me i'll put it to good use starting a internet busisness

  • Denise Jean says:

    HI,Mr.Sanders You need my help sa you say here to chouse witch one well in my thought there is you should chouse to give your money to the one needs of it ,not those ho want to send it somewhere else, in my beleive money is to hard to earn to just throught anyware.and to those that gives good explanation about your products and how it realy help them,,,,,good luck for finding them…………….

  • joe says:

    Hi Marlon,

    thanks a bunch for being such a soft-hearted santa claus. I'm sure one of your commenters is going to enjoy your gift tremendously.

    Here's my vote for the first prize:

    Karen Dries (PurplehoeWoman) who has the worst sob story I've read in many days. I should try that sometime when I am flat broke and can't come up with the money to pay my subscription to hostgator…I'm sure some kind soul will feel sorry for me and donate the fee without a qualm.

    For the second place, I think Art, with the night before … should be it, as it is the most creative way to pimp, oops, market, the desire for the prize.

    Thanks Marlon, for your generosity and creativity.

    May your days be very successful as we learn from your experience.


  • Amber Richardson says:

    Karen Kramer's one was awesome..Totally loved the pictures and the monster..LOL

  • OOps forgot to put the one I liked.. Karen Kramer's Ask Marlon.

  • Humor always works and I like the part where Marlon gets eaten by the monster.

  • Norm says:



    Blessings to You, Marlon and All

    Norm A

  • Susanne F says:

    Art is my favourite , he is so creative.

  • Rick Rose says:

    I think Rick Rose should be the winner, I believe he had the best post because he was so very sincere.

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