Here’s your chance to WIN a copy of Product Dashboard — FREE! - Online and Info Product Marketing

Here’s your chance to WIN a copy of Product Dashboard — FREE!


Here's your chance to WIN a copy of Product Dashboard — FREE!  But only if you ACT before September 25.

Here's how you do it:

1.  Follow the instructions in my ezine today to create a how to info product that contains at least 4 videos:

2.  Post the videos on a page on a free blog, Google Pages, or even just upload the videos to youtube and provide us the links.  

You can use HubPages or other web 2.0 sites if you want or even Squidoo.  If you have your own hosting, you can use that.

But NO expenditures are required to participate in this.  You can use the FREE Camstudio software or the 30 day free trial of Hypercam to produce your videos.  I believe Camtasia has a free trial also.

You CAN link to the videos on Youtube but it's better if you follow the instructions on embedding your videos in a web page.  You can host the videos on Viddler, Youtube or any other video site.  If you plan on selling the product, you can take the videos down after the deadline date.

These videos must be created by YOU and no one else.

3.  Post the link to your download page, HubPage, Squidoo Lens or wherver you've embedded your videos as a reply to the comments in this post.  

Do NOT use any copyrighted images or audio in your product that you don't own the rights to.  Content must be G rated.  No illegal topics are accepted.  No profanity.

4.  The person who does the best job of creating an info product by following the instructions in the ezine today as ranked by yours truly and my staff wins a Product Dashboard.

No purchase of anything required.  Void where prohibited.  Employees of HRMI not allowed.   The deadline for submission is September 25, 2009 at 5 p.m. CST.  Only 1 entry per family.  This contest is NOT open to people in my Whiteboard training because those people would have a HUGE unfair advantage over those NOT in the training.

To enter, post your download page with embedded videos or links to your videos in the comments of this post.

NOTE:  When I do contests like this there's often someone disapointed they didn't win or that sort of thing.  Realize, the PRIZE is YOU taking action and applying what you learn. THAT is the real reward.  The Product Dashboard is just a little thing to make it fun for everyone.

  • Also congrats to Britt and a big thank you to Marlon! Not only for "Product Dashboard" but also for continuously providing good, useful advice!

    I have done my 5th video and have now also added an intro, "Animoto" is really awesome for that.

    @Connor: I used Camstudio (not Camtasia)and the resulting avi files were quite big. However, as Camstudio's features are quite limited I loaded those files into Windows Moviemaker to do the cuts and transitions. The published files from Moviemaker were then smaller in size, wmv format and are not a problem to upload to YouTube. Maybe that also helps you.

  • Connor says:

    Hi Marlon

    Have tried uploading to youtube but it didnt like the format from Camtasia – it was in 'docuement' format [I did not specify]. Reg'd at hub pages but it wanted a url – this is not straightforward or maybe I am thick!

    [Hi Connor. The latest version of Camtasia has a preset for "save for youtube." If you're on 6.0+ then search your support files for save for youtube or look at your produce video as options. If you want to join our webinar, there's training on this.]

  • Tim Zager says:

    Congrats, Claudia. I missed the contest. You're going to love the Product Dashboard!

  • Britt Malka says:

    Congratulations to Claudia, who won this competition.

    I will say, though, that I won, too!

    Even though we were busy moving to another place, I did create the videos in English – my first! I did overcome this thanks to Marlon and this competition.

    I also learned about Animoto – without this competition, I might never have heard about it.

    And I also forced myself to learn Camtasia NOW instead of later – another win!

    So gratz, Claudia! and a big thanks to Marlon for making all this possible! I am grateful!

    Best wishes

    Britt Malka

    [Britt, I'm declaring you a winner also. Post to and tell Tim you won a Product Dashboard. Thank you for your great attitude.]

  • It looks like I really didn't get any competition, that is actually sad, especially as you put up such an awesome price!

    However, I am thrilled anyway to win the price and am looking forward to taking some more action by putting "Product Dashboard" into use :-)))))

    Thanks so much!

    [Hi Claudia, I'm proud of you for taking action.]

  • Regine says:

    Marlon, unfortunately, I don't qualify for the contest — I've only managed to finish one video by now (the other three still need work), and the videos are promotional and not content creation as (I think) you suggested. Plus, they are in German… But you, and everybody else of course, are very welcome to have a look at the first one:

    Although I'm not entirely happy with a few things in this video, and I haven't managed to finish all four of them, this has been a major step… I just hope the next ones will take less time… 🙂

    I wanted to post this comment even though I couldn't finish the videos in time, just to tell you that at least one other person has been taking action. 😉

    Marlon, I appreciate this contest and your emails very much. You really got me moving! Thanks,


    PS @Claudia: Great videos, they look very professional.

    [Hi Regine, you learned a lot taking action. Congratulations]

  • Britt Malka says:

    Hi Marlon (sending again, just in case – I didn't get a mention about awaiting moderation the first time)

    Thanks for making such a marvelous competition 🙂

    This is not my first info product. By far. But they are my first videos in English, so thanks for getting me started. I have hesitated a lot doing this.

    It's also a first time for me to use Camtasia on my Mac. I used to use either Snapz Pro X or iShowU, but both had given me problems with the syncronisation between sound and picture. Camtasia works like a dream, although it takes some learning, when you want to add zoom etc.

    And thanks for pointing me to Animoto – great product!

    Freshly created info product (I'll put it up on the main page later and I'm uploading to YouTube and Yahoo now, but I prefer the quality from Viddler) about Making Money Blogging:

    Video 1: Install WordPress

    Video 2: Install a WordPress Theme

    Video 3: Install a Plugin

    Video 4: AdSense on Your Blog

    I couldn't post the links, so I put them all on

    Britt Malka

    [Britt, great job. You took action and I salute you.]

  • Britt Malka says:

    Hi Marlon (sending again, just in case – I didn't get a mention about awaiting moderation the first time)

    Thanks for making such a marvelous competition 🙂

    This is not my first info product. By far. But they are my first videos in English, so thanks for getting me started. I have hesitated a lot doing this.

    It's also a first time for me to use Camtasia on my Mac. I used to use either Snapz Pro X or iShowU, but both had given me problems with the syncronisation between sound and picture. Camtasia works like a dream, although it takes some learning, when you want to add zoom etc.

    And thanks for pointing me to Animoto – great product!

    Freshly created info product (I'll put it up on the main page later and I'm uploading to YouTube and Yahoo now, but I prefer the quality from Viddler) about Making Money Blogging:

    Video 1: Install WordPress

    Video 2: Install a WordPress Theme

    Video 3: Install a Plugin

    Video 4: AdSense on Your Blog

    Britt Malka

  • Britt Malka says:

    Ahrem… just testing – I guess my comment was held for moderation?

  • Awww, shucks… I guess time's up! I was actually sitting down to get started and then realized the deadline was sooner than I thought.

    Well, I should probably still do the exercise… but it IS more fun when it's part of a contest. Perhaps you'll do a Part Two?

    Congratulations to Claudia for getting OFF her tush sooner than everyone.



  • Hi Marlon,

    Great contest. I do have a question though…

    Do you know of any decent screen capture software that works on a pre-intel Mac (i.e., no PC capabilities)? (ibook)

    The fact that there's this camtasia out there for PC that won't work for my Mac has been an ongoing frustration.

    I've been using some online software from but it isn't really well suited for instructional videos where you actually need to show something.

    And while I can create static screen shots, I can't show point and click stuff.

    Thanks for your feedback.


    P.S.: Wow Claudia! Great job!

    [Hi, I gave you links to resources for the Mac I think. They do exist. I know that. Keep looking.]

  • You really got me going, work wise! I have just created 4 videos and put them up on my blog. It took quite a bit longer than I thought, but I hope I might get some traffic from that, so I see it as an investment either way 😉

    I have used Camstudio and edited/ cut the videos in MovieMaker, then I uploaded them via TubeMogul to 7 video sites. Finally I put the video series onto my blog via embedding the YouTube videos.

    OK, they are not perfect (I have only done a few videos so far), but for one of the videos I got already a 5-star rating on YouTube, how cool is that?!

    Here are the links to my freshly created "Planning your diet" series on my blog:

    1)Determine your healthy body weight:

    2) How many calories should I eat:

    3) Calorie deficit calculator

    4) Track your calories

    Everybody is invited to check them out and let me know what you think!

    Claudia Ohst

    [Congratulations for taking action! That's awesome. So far, I think you're the ONLY one so unless someone else steps up to the plate, you have the pleasure of winning by default and REALLY standing out from the crowd and PROVING you're a doer and go getter. I salute you for your effort.]

  • Marlon – I enjoy your emails. They are informative, funny, and dead pan serious.

    The remarks above "30 minutes and your a success"… I have to agree. I believe we are conditioned after reading so much, from so many, about so little from so called 'gurus and not so gurus, that after awhile some begin to think that is all it takes. They fail to remember that those great looking webpages with the beautiful home and cars, maybe just that PICTURES of beautiful homes and cars. True there may be a few people out there who have attained those things, but those who have worked their butts off to attained them.

    We who are still learning have to understand that we may not get the mansion, but that 3 or 4 bedroom house we have had our eye on is perfect. We may not get that Mercedes Benz, but we have a special car in mind that we can get.

    I want to learn. I want to them teach what I have learned, because of how hard it has been for me – I know there are others out there. So in saying all that thanks Marlon for all that you are doing and all that you have done to help us little people out.

    [Hi, I don't personally know anyone who lies about those things. What I DO know is that in the beginning it takes a lot of stumbling and getting up again. LATER, the good things come. In the beginning, it's effort…but in the beginning I found that exciting. And really, the learning curve isn't all THAT bad. But it's still a learning curve and some trial and error. Yes, I think you SHOULD teach others what you have learned. Those can be your info products. Teaching newbies what you yourself have learned is a good thing.]

  • Philip says:

    What I really would like to know is what video software you used in your video re. producing videos?

    [Hi Philip, I do understand my friend. And since there is a considerable time and expense in the acquisition of know how, there ARE pieces of information I charge for. That is my business. I sell know how. So that is something the people in my Produce and Promote event are learning along with how to do amazing trick stuff in it and so many other things you won't believe it.]

  • Marlon you hit it right on the head. Many have the perception that they can push a button and make 6 figures in 30 minutes or less sometimes. It's brought on by good marketers promoting the hype and screwing the public out of their dollars.

    Sure you can make 6 figures in 30 minutes if you have a great product, great marketing, a great team, a sales process that works and around 3-6 months of prior planning as well as a flawless launch.

    But it's not as simple as just pushing the button. So many leave out the prep work, which makes it more difficult for people to get the word out there in a true fashion without having to blur the lines.

    Nice offering you have here though. You make good products, will be interesting to see the results of this giveaway.

    Michael Murdock, CEO

    [Michael, I agree. You know, I teach "the Internet lifestyle" and it's true. Once you have products, have a list, have the pieces of the puzzle in place, life is pretty good. But to start with for a year or two, you're going to work as hard or harder than you'd work at a real world job. I guess some people don't get that and prefer to buy into hype. I'm not sure what percent of people that is. I would HOPE it's a small percent.]

  • Byron says:

    A great and simple jig saw kick in the butt idea Marlon. It will be very interesting to just see how many move theirs…..with the intended reason, for that prize.

    [Byron, I don't know. At some level, you have to WANT IT. You have to be willing to work harder at this than at a job in order to some day not have a job. A lot of people buy into the hype and think they'll make six figures by working 30 minutes doing something mindless. That's a lie and it's wrong. All I can do is tell the truth, provide training and a forum for learning.]

  • I enjoy the read, and videos-I retweet.

    Here’s your chance to WIN a copy of Product Dashboard — FREE! But only if you ACT before September 25.

    Here’s how you do it:

    1. Follow the instructions in my ezine today to create a how to info product that contains at least 4 videos:

  • Junior says:

    gotcha marlon-0

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