How Simple Surveys Lead To Big Profits - Online and Info Product Marketing

How Simple Surveys Lead To Big Profits

Memo From: Marlon Sanders
Memo To: You!
Re: How Simple Surveys Turn You Onto Big Profits


Marlon here.

The other day you may have noticed that I sent out a survey for
you to take.

If you took it, I want to say thanks.

Here's why I did that…

Things change over time. What was true yesterday may not be true
today. So as soon as you get some folks on your list, do a survey.

Find out what their problems or wants are. Find out what products
they want to buy. Find out what format they want information in.

Don't have a list to survey?

Are you ready to build your email list and get some sales
in the door? Promo Dashboard has step-by-step screen caps
and also videos that show you what to do and how to do

There are many survey techniques. And they aren't always 100%
accurate. But over the years, surveys have served me well and
helped me do a better job of providing people with solutions they
want to pay for and are willing to do so.

You ALWAYS have a subset of customers who just don't want to pay
for anything. I understand that. I'd like to be able to walk into
a high end department store and not have to get out my wallet and
just take stuff off the shelves.

Or I'd like to drive a Ferrari for $50.

But there's a law of the Universe about exchange. And the Universe
is built around that Law.

Fortunately, when you do your surveys, you'll find an entire set
of customers who DO value and appreciate what you, say or offer.
They have money and are willing to spend it if you offer good value
to them.

Surveys help you find these people and serve them.

You'll want to keep your surveys fresh. If you have problems
getting people to fill out your survey, then do a freebie bonus for
taking the survey and put it on the thank you page.

Some customers might get peeved that you had a bonus there they
paid for. The flip side of that is that if they stay on your list,
they'll also get a freebie some time.

Plus, sometimes stores have sales. And customers who paid more
could be peeved. But you know, what do you do? You need a bit
of flexibility. I've found that customers who make a big deal out
of such things REALLY aren't the ones you want on your list.

Again, you're looking for people who SEE THE VALUE in what you do
and are willing to compensate you well for that value because they
“get it.”

The key points of this article are:

1. Get a list

Internet marketing isn't all that complicated. You build your list
and send out offers for your OWN products or those from other

The money really IS in the list and the relationship with your
list. I'm probably the person who made that statement famous from
Amazing Formula days. It's like Amazing Formula 101. Build list.
Mail list. Sell stuff.

And the TYPE of list you want to build are people who SEE THE VALUE
and are willing to compensate you well for that value. You trade
your time and life to get the information and knowledge you have.

Just a few pieces of information can change someone's business or
life. That info has a value.

So someone on my killer Ateam call the other day wasn't making money
yet. Come to find out, they weren't emailing their list because
they didn't have it in an autoresponder yet.

You gotta have an account at Aweber, Getresponse or ….

That way, you can get emails out, sell stuff and pay your bills.

If Internet marketing isn't paying your bills it's likely because:

1. You aren't building a list like Promo Dashboard teaches

2. You aren't sending “conversion” emails that sell stuff.
Again, that's in Promo Dash on rows 5 and 6.

3. You aren't selling your own products.

Affiliate products are OK to start with. But soon you need to get
your own.

But the BIGGEST point is obvious — DO SURVEYS to find out what
people want to buy then sell it to 'em.

You can use my software or there are many

Best wishes,

Marlon Sanders
