How To Market With Skype — New Skype Phone Makes Product And Testimonial Interviews A Piece Of Cake - Online and Info Product Marketing

How To Market With Skype — New Skype Phone Makes Product And Testimonial Interviews A Piece Of Cake




How To Market With Skype Out




This is the totally cool and trick IPEVO Skype phone.  It has a 1-click record feature so you can quickly and easily record an interview for a product, testimonial or blog post.

This is going to make it faster, simpler and easier for us to add testimonials, interviews and other content to our products and blog posts.  What's amazing is how good the sound quality is. Best of all, it plugs RIGHT into your LAPTOP USB without needing external power.

The PHOTO above was taken on my Macbook.  I'm a very hard core PC fan.  But I HATE Vista and when my laptop hard drive crashed, you know?  What's an aggressive online marketer to do?  One thing that's great about the Mac is the built in camera.

Have you seen a PC that can take that good a pix with the built-in camera?  I haven't.  Oh, it was in a hotel room with not-so-great lighting.



  • Derry Coker says:

    I am very keen to get hold of a copy of the ever green system as I have been on the Internet for over three years and apart from very poor results I have been mislead with regards to organic traffic .Pay per click is also very expensive .The Ever Green System seems like the logical solution to organic traffic which is free .I have also found that your products are excellent and after sales service second to none .I was surprised i could even pick up the phone to speak to an advisor who was very helpful at aiding me in selecting one of Marlon products .

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