How to Produce Your First Product — Step-By-Step In Detail With Complete Videos and Resources - Online and Info Product Marketing

How to Produce Your First Product — Step-By-Step In Detail With Complete Videos and Resources

Marlon's Marketing Minute
September 19, 2009

This is my best issue EVER


Marlon here.

This week's Marlon's Marketing Minute article:

How to Produce Your First Product — Step-By-Step In
Detail With Complete Videos and Resources

Subtitle: This is the whole ball of wax right here


— Videos on how to use Hypercam software
— Videos on how to ftp
— Software for the MAC and video tutorials!
— How to record audio
— How to create a killer video intro
— How to save for the web
— How to host your videos
— Many videos on using Dreamweaver

Facebook blog, Myspace blog, Hub Page, Squidoo lens, or Google

Put it up and announce it on Facebook, Twitter, your blog,
email, or whatever else you have.

This IS an article people will want to read.  You WILL make
sales from the link in the resource box.

If you don't have a reseller ID, just go to:
and sign up.  It only takes
2 minutes.

There are 4 ADS at the end of this ezine.  You can replace
all THOSE with reseller links if you want.

Marlon Sanders

PS #1:  The first CLASS begins on Tuesday. Tim is emailing
the details to you on Monday and we'll also do a voice
broadcast to buyers.

Just send people to my BLOG using THIS URL and your cookie
will get set.  There's a good video on that page with content and
no pitch.

Put YOUR affiliate ID where the X's are.  And if you don't know
your affiliate ID, Tim is off on Monday for labor day but if you post to
he can get it for you on Tuesday.

After you read today's article, please pass it along
on your blog, email or just to a few good friends.

Then hit me back on my blog.

I personally comment back. Let me hear from YOU!

Go there today to see what all the cool stuff looks like that I'm
showing you how to add today.

PPS:  Other marketers ONLY send you good content during their
product launch.  I'm with you every week, motivating, inspiring,
educating.  Where are THEY when a product launch isn't going

I'm here every week delivering rock solid content based on years
of experience.  If you like what you get here, and want more of
it, please pass the word along on forums, blogs and so forth…
that THIS is the ezine to come to for real world marketing help.

Marlon's Marketing Minute
Electronic Newsletter

Vol. 4, #33, September 19, 2009

This issue contains:

A. Sponsor Advertisement:  Still time to get in on the
whiteboard training

B. Announcements from Marlon (Important)

C. Main Article: How to produce your first product

D. Services You Can Use

Brought to you by: Marlon Sanders – Publisher


A. Sponsor Advertisement

Still time to get in on the Whiteboard Training where I
will guide you through producing and promoting

If you like today's article, you'll love the class.

Stop screwing around, get accountable, and get your produce
produced and promoted.  Otherwise, you're just dreaming.


B. Announcements from Marlon

==> Do NOT email us for customer support

Do NOT email us for customer support. We are anxious to
serve you at:

We have LIVE CHAT to serve you better.  Most people in this
business skimp on this.  I don't. Tim is an award winning
customer service person.

**** AFFILIATES — Send people to the video on my blog and get
your cookies set.  See the instructions in the PS of the intro.

==> Give Away “The Best Of Marlon Sanders” to your friends
or list and snag spending cash and prizes!

I've just released “The Best Of Marlon Sanders”

Give it away to your friends or list and snag affiliate
commissions as well as prizes.

==>  Download your FREEBIE ebook now.

“The Best of Marlon Sanders”

There is a squeeze page.  The idea is for you to enter
the email address you actually READ! I'll send out a version
later where you can bypass the squeeze if it bugs you.

C. “How to Produce Your First Product — Step-By-Step In
Detail With Complete Videos and Resources”
In my new “whiteboard training” event, I'm
going to lead people through creating their first product and promoting it.

But let's say you aren't in my class.  Are you totally screwed?


I'm gonna give you an awesome cheat sheet here to
get you going.  Last week I published an article
showing how a homeless person got off the streets
by blogging at an Internet cafe.

If they can do that, YOU can create your first product!

1.  Software


a.  Camstudio

It's here:

The price or lack of a price will fit EVERYONE'S pocketbook.

b.  Hypercam

Hypercam will produce HD quality video and it's only
$40 USD.  I like Camtasia better but this WILL do a
very fine job on tutorials.

Here's a video on how to create a video using Hypercam:

Here's how to get KILLER quality with hypercam:

How to use Hypercam properly:

Good video on hypercam sound:

c.  MAC users

Here's a program that's as cheap as $29.95 for the Mac,
with the pro version being about 60 bucks.

Now, there is a new camtasia version for the Mac for
around a hundred bucks.

You can just search Google for “Screenium” if the above link changes.

I couldn't find a price so I'm not sure if there's a charge for it.

Here's a video on how to use it:

There's also info there on how to get an unlock code for it
but I don't know if that's “kosher” or not.

d.  Camtasia

This is the tool most people use.  But it costs more.
There is a Mac version available now.

e.  The “do-it-all” program

I'm revealing this in my “Produce and Promote” class.
Not only does it do trick video editing but it'll also do
screen capture video AND audio editing.

All for 50 to 100 bucks.  Now, if you have the funds, I
DO recommend Camtasia since it's the most robust tool
for screen captures.

But if you're on a limited budget, there ARE plenty of alternatives.

2.  Set Up Your Audio

a.  USB headset

My friends Jason Fladlien and Robert Plank use the
Logitech USB Clearchat headset.  I think it costs 40 bucks
or something like that.

You plug this into your usb and you're recording. That
simple.  You may need to go into your control panel on
the audio icon and select the headset name.

b.  Pro mike and sound card

I use a pro mike and external sound card.  Mike Stewart
at can get you all set up with the
gear and training on how to use it.

In a pinch, you can use something cheaper.

I believe I have instructions on my gear in Promo Dashboard
or Product Dashboard.  I can't remember which one I put it
in.  But if you have those products, I have the set up I
use. It costs less than the one Mike sells BUT I don't
provide support and training like Mike does.

This set up works on both Macs and PCs.

c.  Sampson USB mike or Snowflake

These two run around $100.  I believe Ed Dale uses the Snowflake.
It's used more by Mac users I believe.

3.  Make your intro


You're going to need a trick little intro for your videos.

Here's a tutorial if you want the cheapo way to do it and
still get something cool:

4.  Research and Outline your videos


Research your video content.  Then make notes of
the topics for each video and bullet points for each topic.

5.  Record your video


You have your bullet points for each video. So
grab your first set of bullet points and fire away on your video.

If you have a 2-screen computer set up, you can put
a little text file with your bullet points on one
screen and record on the other.

6.  Add your intro, call outs and zooms


Add the intro you created in #3 above.  In Camtasia,
you just “import media” and then drag the intro down
to your timeline.


The call outs and zooms are also very easy in Camtasia.

7. Save for the web


In general, your videos as 5-10 frames per second.
Audio can go from 32 kbps up to 96.

If you're using hypercam, there are tons of tutorials on
youtube on how to best save it for the web.

There are also plenty of tutorials on the Camtasia website.

In the old days everything was saved as flv.  Now, everything
is going to mp4 since that is what Iphones and all the
appliances are using.

In Camtasia, I prefer the custom settings but if you're a
newbie, just use their default web settings.

8.  Upload to hosting


If you're using a screen capture tutorial, you should be able
to serve this off regular hosting fine.  I don't feel you need
Amazon Aws for it because the file sizes are small.

The program to use is FILEZILLA.  They have Mac and PC versions:

Just go to youtube and type in filezilla and you'll get plenty
of videos on how to FTP using it.

Here is one I grabbed fast:

For hosting, I recommend an inexpensive Hostgator account.

9.  Link to your video


The GREAT thing about Camtasia is it saves your video as an
html page if you want it to.

That way you just upload the whole little folder Camtasia gives
you and you're good to go.

Other than that, if you're a newbie, upload to or and they'll give you copy and paste code to “embed”
the video on your web site.

And if you don't know how to do THAT, there are plenty of videos
on that also.

Here's a slick video on how to do it using Dreamweaver:

Don't know HOW to use Dreamweaver?

The videos on that are here also:

Here's a good tutorial on embedding custom players for your
youtube videos:

wrap up

These are ALL the resources you need to produce your FIRST info
product consisting of 4-6 videos.

Now, in my Whiteboard training, I'll give some more advanced
resources. But seriously, this is ALL you need to get started.

When are you going to create your first product?

See, it's one thing to be an information junkie and glutton.
And quite another to set a goal to create your first 4 videos
in the next 7 days.

If you'll commit to doing that, go to my blog and tell me
so. Better yet, join me in my whiteboard training and have
accountability to get it done AND promote your product.

Is anyone else really teaching you this stuff and pushing
you to create and promote your own products?

Or are they just trying to suck you into their coaching
program with tidbits of information?

That's a good sales tactic on their part. And I probably shoot
myself in the foot by just GIVING you these resources without
even asking a penny.

But here's the thing:

I KNOW in my heart that if you start producing and promoting,
you'll realize you CAN do this and it isn't as hard or
complicated as your mind made it out to be.

And then you WILL join my Ateam or other training classes and
you will snag my other products.

Marlon Sanders
The King of Step-By-Step Internet Marketing and
“The Ambassador of Old School Marketing”

Marlon Sanders is the author of “The Amazing Formula That
Sells Products Like Crazy and the KING of Step-By-Step
Internet Marketing.”

To get on his killer ezine list, to get cheat sheets and all kinds
of other goodies every Saturday and during the week, to get simple,
to-the-point Internet marketing know that works real world without
all the hype, go to:
and subscribe

Check out all my products here:

(SIGN UP AS A RESELLER, put YOUR reseller URL and ID where
the above link is, post this on your web site and make some
dough for spreading a killer guide everyone will want to


REPRINT RIGHTS: You have permission to use the above
article without omission and including the resource box.
You have the right to insert your reseller URL for any
products I mention


D. Services You Can Use

(If you want to post this ENTIRE ezine, you can replace the
following links with your RESELLER links.  Get your links

1. The Marketing Dashboard: Amazing Formula and Gimme
boiled down to icons and step-by-step. Doesn't replace AF
and Gimme but useful. Basically, it spoon feeds all the
things in AF and Gimme.

2. The Marketing Diary: Me teaching Matt daily all the
details of the Amazing Formula and Gimme system. This
contains additional insights into The Amazing Formula and
Gimme that you won't find in those products. It's
literally what I taught to Matt in his first 90 days with

3. After 8 years, thousands of customer emails, thousands of
buyers in virtually every major city in the world (and
many you haven't heard of), 13 web site designs, 4 product
designs, after ebook and CD versions, after endorsements
from major marketers the world over, after hundreds of
marketers and products have come and gone, after attacks
by the world's most notorious criminals, after attempts to
put it under, there is ONE product that remains and stands
tall. There is one product that is stable.

4. Are You Paying Over $10.00 For Hosting?  If you are,
you may be getting ripped off.  Design Dashboard shows you
not only the basics of doing your own design but really
walks you step by step through setting up your hosting,
autoresponders and shopping cart.


Grab the brilliant video by Adeel Chowdhry on how to mash
together stock video, stock sounds and stock music to create
an attention-grabbing, compelling video you can put on your
sales page, Facebook, Squidoo lenses, Hub Pages, or even
Twitter out to your list.

6.  Your Own Products?

It's the only step-by-step, A to Z system not JUST for
creating info products …. but that shows you HOW to select
product ideas using my “flanking move” I've built my business
on, HOW to do 12-product surveys with an actual example, that
gives you a tested, proven email & source witha  30% success
rate in getting interviews with experts — PLUS, templates
that would cost your more than the Dashboard to have custom

E. Get the Evergreen Traffic System

Tinu emailed and says she has added new info on social media!

Most All Her Domains Got Shut Down, She Can't Get Out Of Bed Some
Days,  Her Hands Swell Up Like Balloons, Her Podcast and Video
Hosting Got Shut Down — And She STILL Snagged 3,579 Average
Visits  Per Day In April 2008!

Evergreen Traffic System is now sold and serviced directly by Tinu


Copyright 2009 Higher Response Marketing Inc.
All Rights Reserved

  • Luis Medrano says:

    Thanks Marlon. I just recently came across this MMM and no kidding it is great! Your stuff is inspiring.

    I picked up Ockham's Razor IS before I even had a full on webpage or even knew what direction I was going in. I can say that I am ready to re-read that book, tear it apart and create systems within the whole ORIS system.

    A lot of your words inspired me to push forward with one of the most important lessons being "just do the current step and nothing else, when thats done then move on to the next step. Do not try to see 3 or 4 steps ahead. (my paraphrasing)

    I used some of your ideas and now have two pages, one being a landing page (which I somewhat modeled after bestofm

    Thanks again! and keep doing what you do best.



    [Hi Luis, action is the great equalizer and the biggest secret of all.]

  • Tim Zager says:

    Thanks Marlon, This is awesome information. It helps reduce the initial overwhelm of how to get started. You are the master of "step-by-step". That's why I love your dashboard products. Have fun every day!

    [Tim, thanks and I hope I'm serving you well. Appreciate the comment.]

  • Anne says:

    Hi Marlon

    Oh, you're a gem. I'm already doing some ebook covers, web graphics and logos for some online small biz owners. So I think what I must do is to slowly develop that side more without stopping with my passion in life. The money is of course good on the commercial side, but I just got so tired of the constant deadlines and pressure. I think I can find a middle way with pre-designed stuff that people can change some info like titles and company names.

    Anyway, thanks a stack. Cleared my head.

    Bye for now


    [Hi Anne, that sounds great. Go do it.]

  • Perry says:

    Hi Marlon.

    My internet speed (104kbs) is to slow for me to get to fancy with the products. But what I can say is that your continual "nagging to produce" (Jeez you're like a dripping tap!)Has been the sole cause of me being on… CHAPTER FOUR of my new tutorial

    "How To Be Super Organized On A Bootstrap Budget".

    In fact, when I am finished maybe I could promote your "Overwhelm" course with my "Budget" version?

    All the best

    Perry Keenan

    [Hi Perry, do what you need to do to get a better Internet connection. But there is NOTHING that stops you from creating Camtasia videos. And instead of nagging, you might want to look at it as someone who gives a rip whether you dilly dally around online and make nothing then feel cheated and blame all the gurus for it….or you do the SIMPLE things that make success happen. YOu make money by creating and promoting products. So congratulations for DOING something. You ARE on the right path. Now stay there and keep producing and promoting.]

  • Anne says:

    Hi Marlon

    Thanks for these great articles about product creation. However, that's not my problem and new ideas are not my problem either.

    I create products easily and all the time. I'm a designer/illustrator and my products need an extraordinary amount of time to create (that's the easy part – no problem). However, I have no time left to market and my sales results are only so,so. I am scared stiff of pay per click and the whole social marketing scene freaks me out. It just looks like hours of idle surfing and vacuous chatting and I would rather be designing. I'm not a socialising type and it seems to be the only way to go these days. I want to run for the woods.

    I have masses of e.g. Tinu's info – it's a fulltime job. That's all I'll be doing.

    I love to write, but this is not really an article-reading niche.

    The other thing that has become apparent(especially after the crash) is that people in my niche want stuff for free from the big freebie authority sites that make their money elsewhere (or they buy but from the big online commercial sites with a huge choice of very cheap products.) I'm on page two for my keyword and don't think I can beat the biggies ahead of me. My research was correct at the time for numbers searching and competition – I did not storm into this. If Market Samurai was available back then I would have gotten better data and would probably have stayed out. I have new plans for a membership site and bigger priced products (but again masses of work with no idea if it will work).


    Do you think the time comes to abandon a niche even if one absolutely loves it and even if one is very good at creating the products?

    I have tried revving up marketing which eats up all my time and then I produce nothing for a niche that needs constant new products (and which I do with zest and with new ideas for years ahead). The commercial intent just seems to be lacking.

    Time to quit what I love and return to commisioned design which I did successfully for twenty years but hated? Which means starting over online because I have moved countries and no longer have my offline business?

    Should one rather face the music!



    Jeepers. Sorry for such a long post.Been wanting to write to you for the longest time.

    [Hi Anne, how are you? Only you can make the call on what you stick with and what you spend your life doing. I would do your research and see if anyone else has solved your problem of how to sell your type of art. Are any affiliates promoting it? Can you buy ads on any sites that target your audience?]

  • Dawn Hall says:

    I have been missing some issues as well.

    You always have very informative "stuff"

    and I enjoy reading about it, and going to

    all those sites. I am in the "research"

    phase of internet marketing; I like the

    way you present things…if and when I

    get my brain back from the cleaners, I

    may be able to actually DO something

    with what I learn.

  • Bobby Combs says:

    Hi Marlon,

    I am getting your ezine and absolutely love it. You give some of the best information I have anywhere on the internet.



  • Ray Ross says:

    I don't know what others are talking about 'They don't get the MMM'. I get them all, read them all, go to all links

    and enjoy all the great content and resources. The information and tutorials are to-the-point and easy to read. This FREE education can not be obtained anywhere else. Thanks Marlon

    [Ray, I just had someone today tell me they haven't gotten the last several issues of my ezine. So I'm trying to see if we have a problem or not. Thanks for letting me know YOU are getting them! That's good news]

  • Jim Fortune says:

    Marlon – IMHO, this was a GREAT post. Thank you for putting it all down and complete with videos. Fantastic!! Thank you! When I read, "Evergreen Traffic System is now sold and serviced directly by Tinu." I thought that meant that the Evergreen System was no longer available at your members site for people that bought it a few months ago. An e-mail to Tinu set me straight and told me that the product would be available from you if I bought it that way originally. I was in panic mode there for a second. She got me squared away.

    Thanks again for a great post.


  • Valerie Lane says:

    Okay, I have a stupid question! While going over this I am wondering what a "Call-out" is??? Please be patient! I am a newbie! Thanks in advance!

    [Hey Valerie, those are arrows, comments in bubbles, all those things. If you have Camtasia, they have a whole set you can add to your video.]

  • Jav says:

    It would be all well and good if you had content for the video. This is the huge step missing in all this.

    [Jav, it's not really a missing step. I just can't cover everything in 1 ezine article. I'll be talking about content creation in the whiteboard training.]

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