How To Promote On Youtube - Online and Info Product Marketing

How To Promote On Youtube


Daily Traffic From Youtube videos

This is a picture of the traffic I've received from Youtube since uploading only several videos.  It isn't like I've gone crazy on this or something.  You can see we started from scratch and climbed our way up to decent views.

And these are NOT views unobtainable by the average person.  One cool thing about Youtube is you can see stats on views right within it.  

The most important thing about Youtube is having a great title on a topic people actually search for.  The easiest way to get started marketing with Youtube videos is to use Power Point or the equivalent to make 6-10 slides.

You fire up a screen recording program like Screencast, Camtasia, Camstudio or one of the others, talk and record as you flip through the slides.  The next trick is to get your video in a format used by Youtube.  There are many tutorials on Youtube on how to do this, so I won't repeat those instructions here. 

Maybe on another day.

The key to marketing with videos on Youtube is to put something at the beginning and the end that sends people to an opt-in or squeeze page to get a freebie.



  • Valerie says:

    OOOOhhhh! I like this too! I can't wait for the whiteboard series to begin! I should be up and running by the middle of October with my project then.

    I think there's room on the internet for everyone that"produces and promtes, produces and promotes,produces and promotes" Just like the little red caboose….I know I can, I know I can, I know I can! 😉

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