How to Quickly, Simply and Easily Snipe Opportunities and Bank Bodacious Bills
Marlon's Marketing Minute Ezine
April 24, 2010
9:59 am CST
Marlon here.
Today's article:
“How to Quickly, Simply and Easily Snipe Opportunities and Bank
Bodacious Bills”
Last week's ezine article was about “fallen fruit.”
I'm following that up by showing you a whole entire mindset for your
NOTE to ALL customers — Do NOT email us for customer support. Do
NOT do it.
If you need support for ANYTHING or have any problem or issue,
ALWAYS to go our support desk:
PS: While others only give you good info during their product
launch only to disappear until the next launch, I'm here every week
delivering high quality content to you.
If you'd like to THANK me, the WAY you do that is by recording a
video testimonial on your web cam, uploading it to youtube then
posting the link on my blog at or telling Tim on
chat at
Be sure to give me permission to use it in my sales letters if you
don't mind. Some people just need to hear a REAL PERSON say it.
Marlon's Marketing Minute
Electronic Newsletter
Vol. 5, #17, April 24, 2010
This issue contains:
A. Sponsor advertisement
B. Announcements from Marlon
C. Main Article: How to Quickly, Simply and Easily
Snipe Opportunities and Bank Bodacious Bills
D. Resources
Brought to you by: Marlon Sanders, Publisher
A. Sponsor Advertisement
Facebook Made Easy for NEWBIES Only $7 This Weekend!
I bought reprint rights to offer you this.
How to Create Your Own “Facebook Action Plan”-
You will learn how to create your own action plan for
dominating your niche on Facebook.
Sale ends this weekend.
B. Announcements from Marlon
1. Do NOT email us for customer support
Do NOT email us for customer support. We are anxious to
serve you at:
We have LIVE CHAT to serve you better. Most people in this
business skimp on this. I don't. Tim is an award winning
customer service person.
2. Did you buy Big Course or Cash Like Clockwork?
These products are ONLY digitally delivered. Tim says I need
to make sure you know this. The tabbed interface to access the
products is quite elegant if you ask me and the ultimate in
3. Quick Start For Writer's Secret Implementation Videos
available for purchase SEPARATE from “The Writer's Secret”
Lisa put sweat, blood and tears into covering all the crucial
details in these videos. You can see the videos at:
4. Ateam webinars
Good things are coming. I've just been bogged down in this
darned Traffic Dashboard which is taking forever to research
and complete. But it'll be 100% worth it for you.
C. Main Article: How to Quickly, Simply and Easily
Snipe Opportunities and Bank Bodacious Bills
Boy, there's a lot of competition out there boys and
Every day you open your email and a thousand voices clamor
for your attention.
So is there room for YOU?
Is there opportunity? Or are all the opportunities gone?
I want to share with you a little concept called
“Opportunity Sniping.”
You can use this method with:
* Affiliate Programs
* Seo
* Your own products
And the answer is simple:
Opportunity exists.
And always.
There's a simple key to “Opportunity Sniping.” And it's
Find “underserved” people.
Now, it's ironic that in an ezine about marketing and other
nefarious things, I'd talk about serving people. So many
people think that somehow marketing is being crass or taking things
away from people (like money).
And indeed I like to use those metaphors. They're fun and appeal
to our reptillean brain.
Having said that, really, marketing is serving. We serve people.
And Opportunity Sniping is about serving a certain kind of person.
The person who is underserved.
What does THAT mean?
Can you think of an area or topic where you WANT information but
can't get it? I mean, you really, really want information in that
area but you just can't find it?
Or you want some resource or step-by-step guide but can't find
You read my “weeds” ezine a few weeks ago or should have. That's
a prime example. By the way, the dude I hired has made excuses
now for why he can't come do my weeds.
No joke.
Anyway, YOU become the person who produces the solution for that
thing you're desperate to buy or find the solution to. Because
you know and feel that pain. And as long as you aren't the only
one feeling that hunger, that drive, that pain, then you're
going to have something that will sell.
I'm assuming that you FIRST try hard to find the information,
resource or supply.
You search Google. You search forums. You maybe ask around.
Look hard.
And if after looking hard, you just can't find it then find out
if you're the only one or not.
I'd like to give you a rock hard scientific way to do that.
But it's more common sense and intuition.
Are there going to be a lot of others who really want this
thing, this supply, this product, this information, this
know how?
Or are YOU the only one.
You're looking for something that is UNDER served. A topic.
A group of people. A thing. A product.
And then you're looking to become the supply.
You're looking for pent-up demand.
Example: You may not remember Corey Rudl. But he was
probably the central impetus and figure in the rise of modern
day Internet marketing before he passed away in an untimely
racing accident.
Corey's first success was selling hood ornaments for
jaguar cars as I recall. These things were really expensive
to buy. And everyone in the car forum asked about where to buy
He imported them from Italy or some place like that and sold
That requires specialized knowledge of how to set up drop
shipping or find and import small quantities of an item.
Is information on how to do THAT readily available?
Andy Jenkins taught it in the old Stompernet stuff. But
that was ages ago. And not cheap. Not that you have to
sell your solution cheap.
The point: Corey found an UNDER served thing — being
able to buy expensive hood ornaments at a big discount.
And he supplied that demand.
Now, the PITFALL of doing this is taking something you
THINK people need and assuming others WANT it.
People often don't want what they need. You're looking
to satisfy unmet WANTS.
Did you know 13 people a day search for:
“tall womens leather jacket”?
There's VERY weak competition for the term with page rank
0 and page rank 1 results on the first page of Google for
the term.
This ezine article that is only 293 words and took maybe
10 minutes to write appears on page one for that term:
If you look at the END of the article in the resource box
you'll see it goes to:
That's a cool niche site someone created. Nice job of targeting
a niche that is under served.
All single guys wanting to date models should be running banners
on those web sites…
“New report shows how to meet a quality man”
My point is….
Under served.
Here's a link to some other articles by the same person targeting
under served topics, keyword phrases and so forth:
Now, do NOT go off competing against Krista. Sheez. Leave
Krista alone!
The point is, you can poke around in and look at
different categories where people are targeting long tail keywords
and probably find lots of cool, under served niches.
Now, sometimes under served means there's no money in it. This is
where the ART of it comes in.
On the one hand you want to find demand that is under served.
On the other hand, you want to make sure there IS demand to begin
Supplying a product or service that has no competition but almost
no demand won't do a lot for you either.
Even if you take a broad topic — it's BEST to then segment it for
a specific audience.
Now, another pitfall of slicing and dicing markets is that if you
keep dividing the market down at some point the topics, products
and “things” become so subdivided and specific that there isn't
enough demand to support it.
That's why it's ART. See marketing is one part science and one
part ART.
In the “real world” people perform all types of marketing research
to quantify demand.
As a shoestring marketer, most people use their best judgment.
Sometimes you guess right. Sometimes you guess wrong.
You can do surveys and other things to limit your risk. But it's
still not an exact science. For one thing, you're dealing with
the ultimate wild card — human emotions, reactions and behavior.
This is dynamic and ever changing.
At the same time, human emotions are the reason we can get people
to buy a one time offer! So they aren't a bad thing.
They just are.
I want to close out the article today encouraging you to look at
the things you personally are driven to find answers or solutions
And after trying really hard and struggling to find whatever it is,
you can't find it.
Look around to see if you're the only one or not.
If you're not, then do a little TEST marketing project to confirm
whether or not people will fill out an email capture page related
to that topic.
If they won't do THAT, they sure won't buy anything.
Then do a little one week test.
Start small. Confirm demand. Confirm your idea has a bit of merit.
Then let it grow.
Go to the Google external keyword tool. Find keywords that have to
do with the topic.
Stick 'em in MicroNiche Finder or Market Samurai.
Check out the competition.
Write 10 articles on a few keywords and throw them up on Bookmark your articles. Promote them
using your FACEBOOK status update. Send a note out about them
on Twitter.
Send the clicks to an email capture page like I
teach you how to create at
Just SEE if people get on your email list.
If they do, then write a few more articles and stick 'em on Link over to your articles on
Buy some really cheap clicks and send them to your
article to boost it up in the rankings.
This is just ONE method you can use to get a little traffic.
If you have a little change, you can get instant traffic by
running a Google Adwords CONTENT campaign. That's a lot easier
than a search campaign.
Another method is to start building a list using FACEBOOK.
Start a little Facebook group. Participate in some other groups.
Get your Facebook fan page up with an email capture page on it.
Do a few youtube videos and put them on your Facebook Fan Page.
Now, if people are on your email list, send something out to them
for an affiliate program that is related. Or do a quick 20
minute screen capture video or 10 page report and see if people
will spend 7 bucks for it.
Or sell a little initial trial of whatever it is.
Test the waters a little more.
If that works, start pumping out articles on all the keywords.
Put up a blog and put articles on it. Work your Facebook Fan
Page more.
Or expand your Google Adwords Content Campaign.
Or buy a few banner ads. Do an ezine solo mailing.
Just focus on it daily and it will expand and grow.
Next thing you know, you're banking bodacious bills.
And it's certainly a LOT more fun and exciting than a
Marlon Sanders helps people with hopes and dreams figure
out how to turn those into reality by selling stuff on
the Internet.
REPRINT RIGHTS: You have permission to use the above
article without omission and including the resource box.
You have the right to insert your reseller URL for any
products I mention
D. Resources you can use
(If you want to post this ENTIRE ezine, you can replace the
following links with your RESELLER links. Get your links
1. The Marketing Dashboard: Amazing Formula and Gimme
boiled down to icons and step-by-step. Doesn't replace AF
and Gimme but useful. Basically, it spoon feeds all the
things in AF and Gimme.
2. The Marketing Diary: Me teaching Matt daily all the
details of the Amazing Formula and Gimme system. This
contains additional insights into The Amazing Formula and
Gimme that you won't find in those products. It's
literally what I taught to Matt in his first 90 days with
This is an EVERGREEN product and if you're new to this business
you'll learn tons.
3. After 8 years, thousands of customer emails, thousands of
buyers in virtually every major city in the world (and
many you haven't heard of), 13 web site designs, 4 product
designs, after ebook and CD versions, after endorsements
from major marketers the world over, after hundreds of
marketers and products have come and gone, after attacks
by the world's most notorious criminals, after attempts to
put it under, there is ONE product that remains and stands
tall. There is one product that is stable.
4. Are You Paying Over $10.00 For Hosting?
If you are, you may be getting ripped off. Design Dashboard
shows you not only the basics of doing your own design but really
walks you step by step through setting up your hosting,
autoresponders and shopping cart.
5. Promote your own products made easy
Grab the brilliant video by Adeel Chowdhry on how to mash
together stock video, stock sounds and stock music to create
an attention-grabbing, compelling video you can put on your
sales page, Facebook, Squidoo lenses, Hub Pages, or even
Twitter out to your list.
6. Your Own Products?
It's the only step-by-step, A to Z system not JUST for
creating info products …. but that shows you HOW to select
product ideas using my “flanking move” I've built my business
on, HOW to do 12-product surveys with an actual example, that
gives you a tested, proven email & source with a 30% success
rate in getting interviews with experts — PLUS, templates
that would cost your more than the Dashboard to have custom
E. Get the Evergreen Traffic System
Tinu emailed and says she has added new info on social media!
Most All Her Domains Got Shut Down, She Can't Get Out Of Bed Some
Days, Her Hands Swell Up Like Balloons, Her Podcast and Video
Hosting Got Shut Down — And She STILL Snagged 3,579 Average
Visits Per Day In April 2008!
Evergreen Traffic System is now sold and serviced directly by Tinu.
That link there would be a tracking link and NOT an affiliate link.
Tinu's seo stuff is BRILLIANT and evergreen. It STILL works
May the road rise up to meet you
and the wind be always at your back
and until we meet again
may God hold you softly
in the palm of his hand
— Irish poem
Copyright 2010 Higher Response Marketing Inc.
All rights reserved.
Another great article Marlon with lots of useful tips. I'm beginning to think of you as "Marlon the Magician" because of your magical marketing advice.
Great One. I like the information and flow of the article.
I am writing on ezine articles. You can check out at
Keep up this good stuff.
Hi Marlon,
…it has been a while since I last commented on your ezine articles. For any newbie out there, myself included, Marlon Sanders, GIVES more free info, that any other marketer out there. I have been following Marlon for sometime, and I have never known him not to give valuable, priceless info to all of us in his ezines. I am sure we all will go far in IM if we implement just a portion of what he teaches, What would really happen..if we were to KICKBUTT ourselves into real action. Marlon, I loved this article on sniping for opportunities…and am really onboard with banking the bodacious $$$$ you speak of.
Hey folks if you wanna learn the secrets to IM stick with Marlon, and he will take you on a wild ride to get you where you wanna be.
Keep'em coming Uncle Marlon !
Hi Marlon
Your ezine is especially relevant this week. Thanks yet again.
On another note and possibly not for posting here, so forgive me: I so wanted to order the special offer for the Facebook videos in your other email this week. What made me change my mind? I had already proceeded to checkout to pay when I saw that for the videos (which I presume are online) one had to give full address, day phone, night phone and everything short of shoe size. The reason why I am posting this, is to IM marketers in general. Don't solicit information that is not relevant. Some people might not mind giving away scores of personal info, but others do. I know it is not your product, but an affiliate one and I would gladly have bought it via your link. You will not endorse a product unless you believe it to be good. Nonetheless I thought I would share with you why I didn't buy. I detest this milking of personal info not relevant to an online product. He has no business with the info required and as much as I really need that course, I shan't give personal info not needed by the seller as a matter of principle.
[Hi Anne, that is MY order form. The fax on t here says optional. We'lll try to remove that. We get 2 phone numbers because sometimes we do need to contact customers about customer service problems or issues with their ordres. I do see your point though.]
Another great post! I keep forgetting that I need to read everyone of your emails when I get them. There just never seems to be enough hours in the day. I just read the weeds article. I hope to put that on one of my blogs, right after I get my reseller links. 🙂
I am half way through the AF. I am taking notes so I could give you a great review – on one of my blogs – and link it to you??
Looking forward to starting the PromoDashboard. I know I know, should have started that over 3 weeks ago.
Love from the trenches.
Hey Marlon
Simple but not easy 😉 Great post! Basically you've laid out a blueprint that most likely many of us here have paid thousands for in failed attempts to find the Holy Grail of internet marketing…and it's not out there, believe me I've looked!
Follow this system and test as Marlon says. That's the only way to truly learn and be successful in this business.
Thanks Marlon for giving away the farm. Wish I followed you earlier in my career as it would have saved me a ton of money, haha.
Another meaty content with no fluff.
One can get a lot of great tips and good a kick – to do something, to see results just by reading Marlon's posts.
Thanks and keep up the good work!
I really like the way you write your articles because it delves into the sweet spot marketing successful experiences…
Hi Marlon,
Great article, and it proves the point that if you want to be different you have to think outside the box.
Glad the guy turned up to zap the weeds!
Keep educating us 🙂
OMG, If I could speak for the masses out there looking for opportunity or ways to make $$$ on the internet this would be a subject I hope you teach more and more on.
This has always been at the top of my list for getting myself on the Net. Finding a niche or multiple streams of income. I would put this comment in caps but I don't want to yell…lol! Please, please, please, cover more on this topic.
This subject is very important. Without the ability to find opportunities on the internet nothing else matters, in my humble opinion.
Thank you Marlon : )
thanks for an excellent article, Marlon.
I've been searching and researching for these underserved markets for a few years, and I'm curious …
Do you have a system for finding these markets, or is just raw brainstorming and keyword research to see if they qualify?
All I seem to be able to do is take a handful of keywords and run 'em through Google, and Google Keywords tool to see how they pan out.
I'd really like to read more about this and any ways to make it easier to find these markets – although I realize if it was easy, there wouldn't be many underserved markets to begin with!
[Michael there are ways of searching Google that you may or may not know. That helps to stimulate ideas. But the best ideas come from your OWN experience. Like how do you find underserved opportunities. That's a question you have, right? So if you HAVE the question and have looked HARD and can't find the solution then there's an underserved market or topic right there.]
Your information always seems to have depth to it Marlon.
Now that may seem woo woo but it seems as though there is thought behind the words.(obviously)
Which is a little rare these days.
I don't think it is about the quantity or even quality(not just) now days as both those are accessible online but about helping others consume the information through the marketing/persuasion abilities that we have.
You cannot make them(anyone for that matter) do anything they don't want to or if they have past patterns in place that have them move in the opposite direction,
but if you can offer a little nudge(with integrity) forward even if they kick a little it is great value in my opinion.
Marlon I thought this was another great article that once again provided some step-by-step information to think about that no one else is talking about.
Keep sending your great articles and info…that I look forward to receiving and reading!
Paul Gallion
Hi Marlon,
Your article is insightful and concise, as always! Lots of ideas to get people's creative juices flowing! I am going to do some research now in some underserved niches!! Thanks
Fantastic content as usual Marlon. I use a lot of linking strategies, but I've never thought about linking from Go Articles to Ezine Articles to boost rankings.
I'm working on a system for creating one info product per week on obscure, low-competition niches that I can drive a little traffic to practically on autopilot. I almost have the system ready. You've provided some great info here to help me in this endeavor. Thanks.
Hi! Marlon,
Thanks for the great information.I just love it.You always give your best thanks again.
Hi Marlon,
Wow! Thanks for that excellent article on opportunity sniping. This was extremely timely for me as I'm launching a new website soon – and it gave me tons of ideas on how to get started with my traffic generation. AWESOME!!!
Thank you VERY much!
I see a wealth of information in every enzine you publish, so please keep it up.
Thanks keep up the great work.
I think I'm going to have to start a new bookmark folder just for your blog posts Marlon… I am noticing I bookmark just about every newsletter you write. 🙂
This post along with your one about your weed problem are excellent!
Time for me to go create a product about weeds and tall clothing. 🙂 (joking)
[Hi Joel, no joke. That weed thing is serious! Sucks. The dude FINALLY made it out about an hour ago.]
Great article, Marlon. Thanks for the tips.