How to Start From Scratch And Grow Your Internet Business - Online and Info Product Marketing

How to Start From Scratch And Grow Your Internet Business




The ezine this week:

How to Start From Scratch And Grow Your Internet Business

Subtitle: “The 7 simple keys that make the big difference between
success and failure.”

I'm having an awesome webinar with Yanik this week:

“Double or triple the results of any email, sales letter or
web site.”


Marlon Sanders

P.S. Hit me with your feedback on my blog:

PPS: Other marketers ONLY send you good content during their
product launch. I'm with you every week, motivating, inspiring,

Marlon's Marketing Minute
Electronic Newsletter
Vol. 3, #35, October 18, 2008

This issue contains:

A. Sponsor Advertisement: Webinar with Yanik on doubling
results of emails, sales letters and web sites

B. Announcements from Marlon (Important)

C. Main Article: How to Start From Scratch And Grow Your Internet
Business Step-By-Step

D. Services You Can Use

Brought to you by: Marlon Sanders – Publisher



New webinar helps you double or triple the results of all
your emails, sales letters and web sites.

Yanik Silver unleashed:

I just persuaded my good friend, Yanik Silver, to reveal his sneaky
tricks, tactics, formulas, shortcuts, strategies and jealously-
guarded secrets he's personally used to create huge piles of cash
at will…simply using his keyboard.

Yes, you can look like you have the ‘Midas Touch' when you master
this ONE critical skill…

Marlon Sanders


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The mini Dashboard is in your

Just go to:

Click on Evergreen System.

===> FORUM for Promo Dashboard buyers is now LIVE!

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Click on the forum tab. There's some good discussion goin'

===> New Ateam Web Site:

C. “How to Start From Scratch And Grow Your Internet
Business Step-By-Step”

The 7 simple keys that make the big difference between
success and failure.

By Marlon Sanders


How to Start From Scratch And Grow Your Internet
Business Step-By-Step

I started my Internet business from scratch.

In the early days it was AOL and Compuserve

Later, the World Wide Web burst onto the scene.

If you're starting from scratch, I've been there.
If you're already got “something” going but you
wanna have multiples of that something going,
this article will help you.

Key #1: Build your lead generation

The heart and soul of your online business is lead

You've gotta have traffic to your site. And you've
gotta get people on your email list and make sales.

The most important skill you'll develop is the ability
to generate leads for your business. Never lose focus
on that fact.

If you haven't started a daily lead generation activity,
start today. Find something (anything) that generates
leads and get it running.

Even if it's only one lead a day. If you've heard the
Promo Dashboard interview with Daegan Smith, you know
he converts 3% leads off of Traffic Swarm.

He gets leads off of ezine ads. I personally am going
back to running ezine ads.

You can write articles, submit them, turn them into
videos, submit those, record an audio and submit it
to podcast directories.

You can post in forums 3X daily with a signature line
offering a freebie.

You can run a few pay-per-click ads or buy a banner

Just get started. It IS the engine of your business.
It's everything. Without it you are nothing.

Key #2: Add a new skill weekly or monthly

I believe that success in this business is built one
skill at a time.

You stack skill sets.

Maybe this week or this month you learn to do screen
capture video using Camstudio or Camtasia.

Next week or next month you learn to use Dreamweaver,
Sonic Memo or Photoshop Elements.

But you keep layering in skill sets.

In my Dashboard series, I try to turbocharge people's
skillset stacking. That's my objective. To put it
on fast forward.

You need to learn how to submit articles using article marketer or
submit your article. You need to learn how to use tracking links.

There are many skills to learn. Just add one a week and you'll be
rocking in no time.

Key #3: Outsource once you have a system

I really think some people are getting the cart before
the horse. Once you have something rolling, you outsource

It's difficult in my experience to get results by
outsourcing what you don't already have rolling.

First get it rolling.

Then outsource it.

Key #4: The hardest person you'll ever hire is person

You'll worry and fret about whether or not you can afford

If they have talent, you can afford them. If they have
mediocre talent, you can't afford them. If they have
a low level of talent, they'll suck money out of your

But once you have something coming in, don't be afraid to
pay for help.

If you don't, it'll cost you in the long run.

Key #5: Never take your eye off the ball

The ball is your lead generation. Whether you use an
affiliate program, article marketing, seo, ppc, paid
advertising or viral marketing, that is the engine of
your business.

Never take your eye off of it. In Key #1 I said you
build your business by lead generation.

Now I'm telling you the secret to staying in business
is to keep the pedal to the metal when it comes to
lead generation.

Key #6: The better you convert visitors to sales, the
easier your lead generation will come.

You'll find it's easier to afford media, outsourcing
and help the more visitors you convert to sales.

Key #7: A robust back end fuels the fire

The more you have rock solid upsells in place, the more
you have recurring billing or forced continuity, the
more you have big tickets, the more you sell on the back
end, the more lubrication your business has and the
easier it runs.

A skinny rabbit will lose a long race for lack of fuel.

Keep your back end (your repeat business) fat and happy.

Out of all these keys, the most important one is #2.
Because if you keep doing that, you'll eventually do all
the other keys.

Leaders are readers. Charlie Tremendous Jones said that
many years ago.

And it's true.

There's a niche market I'm involved in as a buyer, not
a seller.

And what I've noticed is that the people who succeed in
this field are ones who have an awesome skill set. While
some people complain about how hard it is to learn new
things and how tough it is, the winners just keep plowing

Some people succeed in business due to genius.

But the surest route to success is to keep plowing away.
Keep learning. Keep doing.

Balance your learning and your doing. If you spend 80% of
your time learning, that's likely too much unless you're a

If you spend 90% of your time doing, you probably aren't
building your skill set enough and sharpening your saw.

Have a great week,

Marlon Sanders

Marlon Sanders is the author of “The Amazing Formula That
Sells Products Like Crazy.”

I'm starting a new MasterMind so to speak. You gotta get
Promo Dashboard first to be a member.

But you can watch the video on it here:


REPRINT RIGHTS: You have permission to use the above
article without omission and including the resource box.
You have the right to insert your reseller URL for any
products I mention

D. “Services You Can Use”^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

If you do PPC, you gotta have Speed PPC. I, Marlon Sanders,
100% endorse it:



Many people have copied my software. But there really and
truly is only ONE original.



If you do ANY pay-per-click in Google, or if you are thinking
about it, there is ONLY one tool you absolutely, positively
must know about, live with, sleep with, and use.

Even PRO ppc people don't always use this tool. It gives you
the single biggest boost in quality score, lower click prices
and results I know of.

Instead of getting that next Adwords Ebook that tells you WHAT
to do, get a tool that DOES IT for you. This software has my
full endorsement. I'm using it myself on my new ppc campaigns.

Marlon Sanders

Copyright 2008 Higher Response Marketing Inc.
All rights reserved.

  • Hey Marlon, looks like you need to fix the link to Yanik's new blog on the right.

    Thanks for the info for starting up from scratch! I just tripled my productivity from each article I write if 1 script = article + podcast + video!


  • Trapper says:

    Hey Marlon,

    You asked in your ezine this week, what did we do to promote ourselves this week.

    Here's what I did.

    Because so many people are losing sleep with the economy woes, the election etc…I created a squeeze page and offered for free,(to help build my list) & to help them,a sleep resource, noticed I didn't say ebook, I picked that tidbit up from the webinar the other day with you and Yanik.

    I have a site that sells the sleep secret resource, but what a better way to build my list than to find this pain and it's cause and help relieve it.

    Plus the subdomain of this squeeze page is of another site I promote on personal safety.


    FYI…I blogged about it and even used myspace blogs, and also twitter.

    If people aren't using twitter, to promote themselves and their product,why not? I can be found at

    Thanks for all the GREAT content you deliver each and every week!



    [Trapper I love it. Great job. You are promoting. That's awesome.]

  • Lani says:

    Marlon, just watched “How to Start From Scratch And Grow Your Internet

    Business Step-By-Step” which is full of great information about lead generation.

    Like you say without lead generation you won't have a business.

    One of your previous email videos gave me an idea for a product which I am fast working on. It was when you were talking about Google and advertising.

    Needless to say I'll never miss one of your videos and an added bonus they're very entertaining.

    [Hi Lani, thanks for saying that….I almost didn't make it. I wasn't that much in the mood to do it. So thanks for sharing. Oh on your flying pig web site, the headline needs to be 3X more descriptive of the end benefit. No one knows what entering the global conversation is or what it will do for them. Spell it out in specifics and a time frame. What will the END RESULT be?]

  • Bill Knight says:

    Great stuff as usual Marlon. Lead generation and list building will always be the number one aspect, which will determine any Internet marketers success

    [Hey Bill, there's this balance between big picture and details. I try to cover both. But really, it's so easy to get caught up in shiny object thinking and forget the really important things.]

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